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• Families, can I share a story with you? Let me tell you a story about a paralytic man and his friends. (Slide 2)

• This story is from the gospel of Mark. (slide 3) Jesus came home to Capernaum and everybody wanted to see Him and

listen to Him that there was no room for other people to see Him. (slide 4)But there was a group of friends who

wanted to bring a paralytic man closer to Jesus, but there was no room for the paralytic man to pass through.

• So, for them to bring their friend close to Jesus, (slide 5) they removed the roof above Jesus, created an opening, and

(Slide 6)lowered down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. (slide 7)Jesus seeing their faith said, (slide 8)“Son, your

sins are forgiven.” (Slide 9)Some people could not believe what Jesus was saying.

• (Slide 10)Jesus saw their doubt. (slide 11)He then said to them; “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are

forgiven’; or to say, ‘Get up, and pick up your mat and walk’?

• Jesus then continued, (Slide 12)“But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive

sins”—He *said to the paralytic, “I say to you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home.” (Slide 13)

• Families, all of us, in one way or another, have been in the situation of the paralytic: Sick, tired, facing many

problems, and other challenges in our lives that paralyze us, or keep us from moving and doing something

about it.

• And, just like the paralytic man, we also have experienced Jesus’ healing for ourselves, and for our families.

Truly, the Lord will never leave us. He will stay with us, be with us, and heal us. We might fail Him, commit sins,

and need healing again, but Jesus will do it all over again. He will Heal us, and accompany our family in this

journey of healing.

• (Slide 16)And for our Global Day of Service this year, we come and take a closer look at the friends who carried the

paralytic man to Jesus. The paralytic man must have been so grateful for the kindness that he received from them.

(Slide 17)In his time of weakness, they carried him. They did not leave him, they carried him closer to Jesus. And because

of their faith, He was forgiven and healed.

• After receiving God’s healing, receiving blessings from God, this should move us to want to share the same experience

with other families. As Saint Paul in his letter to the Corinthians said, “He helps us in all our troubles so that we can

help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we have received from God” (2 Corinthians 1:4


• Let us share God’s goodness and healing with other families. How do we do this? We can do this by journeying with

other families. Accompanying them in their journey of healing.

• To accompany other families do not have to be a grand gesture. It can be as simple as listening to them,

(Slide 20)walking with them, letting them know that they are not alone. We give them the gift of our presence and

simply listen to them; we talk with them, play with them, and pray with them.

• Families, today is the beginning of a mission that you and your family will embark on. It will require all of the members

of the family.

• Just like the four friends in the gospel, let us carry other families in times of their need. Let us accompany them, journey

with them, and walk with them, remembering all the moments when we as a family also needed help, and help and

grace were given to us.

• As Pope Francis said, “As a domestic church, through baptism, we are missionaries by nature. The very act of living

a life of communion as a family is the primary form of proclamation.”

• Families, are you ready to go on a mission? Are you ready to go on a mission with your family? Are you all ready for

Families on Mission?

(Invite families to stand up and dance “Family Healers”


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