Seasonal Adjustment Perspectives On Damping Seasonal Factors: Shrinkage Estimators For The X-12-ARIMA Program''

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International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551 – 556

Seasonal adjustment perspectives on ‘‘Damping seasonal factors:

shrinkage estimators for the X-12-ARIMA program’’
David F. Findley *, Kellie C. Wills, Brian C. Monsell
U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Research Division, Room 3000-4, Washington, DC 20233-9100,USA


We examined the shrinkage methods of Miller and William from the perspective of seasonal adjustment rather than
forecasting, restricting attention to their performance on the approximately 500 of the 1428 M3 series that are seasonal and have
multiplicative seasonality. Local shrinkage improved the quality of the seasonal adjustment of enough of these series that almost
50% have acceptable automatic X-12-ARIMA adjustments, instead of 40% with no shrinkage. For a few series, global
shrinkage produced demonstrably incorrect results, and for some of these series and also others improved by local shrinkage,
the SEATS seasonal adjustment provided by an experimental version of X-12-ARIMA offered still greater improvements. No
benefits were observed from global shrinkage.
D 2004 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Seasonal adjustment quality; Residual seasonality; Spectrum; SEATS

1. Seasonal adjustment diagnostics for the 283 series for which an additive adjustment is
M3 series indicated instead of a multiplicative adjustment
using X-12-ARIMA’s likelihood-based automatic
When we were presented with the initial version transformation selection procedure. We are pleased
of the paper, it seemed unlikely to us that all of the that Miller and Williams responded to these find-
1428 M3 series in Miller and Williams’ forecasting ings by reporting forecasting results separately for
experiment (section 5) could be suitable for multi- nonseasonal series and for series that should be
plicative seasonal adjustment. A first diagnostic additively adjusted.
pass through the M3 series showed that about For the remaining series, which are candidates for
46% of them lack well-defined seasonal peaks in multiplicative seasonal adjustment unless additional
their spectrum and are therefore unlikely candidates diagnostic statistics suggest otherwise, we examined
for seasonal adjustment of any kind. Among the the Q2 statistic and several M statistics (M7, M8,
series with seasonal spectral peaks, we identified M10, and M11) of X-12-ARIMA (and X-11-ARIMA).
These are described in Ladiray and Quenneville (2001)
and are commonly used by agencies, such as the
* Tel.: +1-301-457-4983; fax: +1-301-457-2299. Census Bureau, to detect seasonal adjustments of
E-mail address: (D.F. Findley). insufficient quality for publication. For the purposes

0169-2070/$ - see front matter D 2004 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
552 D.F. Findley et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551–556

of this study, we considered a seasonal adjustment to seasonal-factor-by-month plots in Fig. 1 show the 12
be tentatively acceptable if none of these statistics was time series of seasonal factors of the different calendar
greater than 1.1. Miller and Williams report forecasting months January,. . ., December. The horizontal line
results for the remaining series under the ‘‘Fail diag- through each series is the average value of that
nostics’’ category. calendar month’s seasonal factors. The adjustments
Failing diagnostics for a seasonal adjustment shown are from M3 series number 580. The first plot
indicates that there may be substantial uncertainty is for the X-12-ARIMA adjustment with no shrinkage;
associated with the adjustment. Adjustment uncer- the program selected a 3  5 seasonal filter for this
tainty becomes a component of the forecast uncer- series. The second shows dramatically smoothed
tainty for any method that forecasts and then factors from local shrinkage, with a much smaller
reseasonalizes the adjusted series. This suggests that range of seasonal factors in most months. This
a forecasting method should be sought for such improves the adjustment enough that it has acceptable
series that does not rely on its seasonal adjustment, M and Q2 statistics. The third shows the factors of the
if reliable forecasting of the original series is the SEATS seasonal adjustment, from the hybrid version
goal. of X-12-ARIMA and SEATS under development by
We chose the Q2 and M diagnostics mentioned for Brian Monsell with the aid of Agustin Maravall and
simplicity. The M diagnostics selected are those most Gianluca Caporello (Monsell, Aston, & Koopman,
likely to be improved by smoothing the seasonal 2003).
factors. Q2 is a weighted average of these and other The SEATS seasonal factors for this series are very
M statistics. Use of other kinds of diagnostics, such as smooth for each calendar month because the estimated
the spectrum or the sliding spans stability diagnostic seasonal moving average parameter, H, of the auto-
(Findley, Monsell, Shulman, & Pugh, 1990), would matically chosen seasonal ARIMA model is 0.854.
result in different decisions for some series. Further- The model is the Box –Jenkins airline model. For a
more, some nonautomatic choices of seasonal filters seasonal time series Zt with s z 2 observations per
or shortened data spans might result in acceptable year, this model has the form (1-B)(1-Bs)Zt=(1-hB)
diagnostics for series whose automatic adjustments (1-HBs)et with et purely random (independent with
have failing diagnostics. mean zero and constant variance). By contrast, X-12-
We found 40 series in the ‘‘Fail diagnostics’’ ARIMA automatically chooses a 3  5 seasonal filter
category for which local shrinkage improved the X- for this series, which results in seasonal adjustment
12-ARIMA adjustment to the extent that the local filters close to the SEATS filters for an airline model
shrinkage adjustments had passing Q2 and M statis- with H about 0.60 (Findley & Martin, 2003; Planas &
tics. (Miller and Williams report forecasting results for Depoutot, 2002). The SEATS filters associated with
these series in the ‘‘Local OK’’ category.) We did not the larger H of 0.854 have weights that decay much
find any series for which global shrinkage improved more slowly than those that occur with the 3  5
the adjustment enough to pass diagnostics. For this seasonal filter. Thus, shrinkage seems to have effec-
reason, we concentrated on the local shrinkage meth- tively lengthened the X-12-ARIMA filters so that they
od and on the series for which it produced passing Q2 more closely resemble the SEATS filters for this
and M statistics when X-12-ARIMA did not. We series.
expect that a study of the series that are candidates We saw this phenomenon repeatedly. When a
for additive seasonal adjustment would yield similar model had a H value greater than 0.73, which usually
results. led to SEATS seasonal factors that were smoother
than those of automatically chosen X-11 filters, Miller
and Williams’ shrinkage methods tended to substan-
2. Effects of local shrinkage on seasonal factors tially smooth the X-11 seasonals. (A range of H from
0.36 to 0.73 yields SEATS seasonal adjustment filters
When the local shrinkage procedure has a clearly close to X-11 filters that can be automatically chosen
visible impact on a calendar month’s seasonal factors, by X-12-ARIMA and X-11-ARIMA; see Planas &
it usually smoothes their year-to-year evolution. The Depoutot, 2002). We also found two series, 558 and
D.F. Findley et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551–556 553

Fig. 1. (a) X-12-ARIMA seasonal factors by month for series 580 (no shrinkage applied). (b) X-12-ARIMA seasonal factors by month for series
580 (local shrinkage applied). (c) SEATS (model-based) seasonal factors by month for series 580.
554 D.F. Findley et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551–556

1063, for which H was less than 0.3 and whose dar months of series 580 that are incorrectly centered;
SEATS factors were less smooth than X-12-ARIMA’s that is, the shrinkage has been toward incorrect mean
factors, whereas those from local shrinkage were values: compare the means of successive pairs of
smoother. calendar months in the two figures. The basic premise
of local shrinkage, that any similar seasonal factor
estimates from different calendar months within a year
3. Effects of local shrinkage on seasonal should be made more alike, is a device for dealing
adjustment diagnostics with high noise levels that is not intrinsically natural,
and in the case of series 580, clearly incorrect. (There
We examined additional diagnostics for the 40 is usually no reason to expect two different calendar
series for which local shrinkage produced passing months to have seasonal factors that are close.)
Q2 and M statistics when X-12-ARIMA did not. For the other three series, local shrinkage did
For four of these series (519, 580, 1063, and 1326), substantially more smoothing than SEATS, so the
the local shrinkage adjustment had a seasonal peak in residual seasonality indicates oversmoothing. For
the spectrum of either the seasonally adjusted series or most of the remaining 36 series, local shrinkage
the irregular component, but the X-12-ARIMA ad- provides useful benefits: After subtracting the eight
justment had no seasonal spectral peaks. This means series for which adjustments with (and without)
that the smoother adjustment resulting from local shrinkage are very unstable, according to the sliding
shrinkage has seasonality and is therefore unaccept- spans diagnostic, the final result is that local shrinkage
able as a seasonal adjustment. For example, in Fig. 2, increases the number of series with acceptable X-12-
the local shrinkage adjustment for series 519 has a ARIMA multiplicative seasonal adjustments by 24.
peak in the spectrum of the irregular component at 3 To put the preceding findings in perspective, we
cycles/year. (The irregular component is the detrended looked at the 195 series whose X-12-ARIMA multi-
seasonal adjustment.) The SEATS seasonal adjust- plicative adjustments had passing Q2 and M statistics.
ment did not exhibit residual seasonality for any of For 12 of these series, local shrinkage caused a
these four series. seasonal spectral peak to appear in the spectrum of
Comparison of Fig. 1b and c suggests that the local the seasonally adjusted series or the irregular compo-
shrinkage has led to seasonal factors for some calen- nent, where the X-12-ARIMA adjustment had none.

Fig. 2. Spectrum of irregular component for X-12-ARIMA adjustment (solid line) and local shrinkage adjustment (dotted line) of series 519.
D.F. Findley et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551–556 555

By contrast, there were only two whose X-12-ARIMA need further research concerns the ends of the series.
adjustments had seasonal spectral peaks and the local Calculation of the global and local shrinkage factors
shrinkage adjustments had none. There were three for a given month involves a 12-month rolling
series for which both adjustments had residual sea- window of X-12-ARIMA seasonal factors starting
sonal peaks. We conclude that the importance of 6 months before the month in question. Consequent-
examining spectra increases when local shrinkage is ly, for the first 6 months and last 5 months of a
used. series, some of the X-12-ARIMA seasonal factors
needed to calculate the shrinkage factors are missing.
For the beginning months of the series, Miller and
4. The simulation study Williams set the absent X-12-ARIMA seasonal fac-
tors equal to the factors of the corresponding months
An important flaw in Miller and Williams’ simu- in the first year of data. For example, if the series
lation study is its strong bias against the X-11 filters in begins in January 1984, X-12-ARIMA seasonal
favor of shrinkage, resulting from their use of constant factors are needed for July – December 1983 (as
seasonal factors for the majority of series. The longest well as February –June 1984) in order to calculate
filter available from the automatic procedure in X-12- the January 1984 shrinkage factor. In this case, the
ARIMA uses the 3  9 seasonal filter, which decays missing July –December 1983 X-12-ARIMA factors
very rapidly for use with a constant seasonal pattern. are set equal to the July – December 1984 X-12-
(For the constant case, the ‘‘stable’’ seasonal filter ARIMA factors.
option is available.) When such fixed seasonality is For the February 1984 factor, it seemed reasonable
present, it seems a foregone conclusion that an auto- to us to use the available January – July 1984 X-12-
matically chosen filter will be lengthened in a useful ARIMA factors, setting only the missing August –
way by shrinkage. The results for series with chang- December 1983 factors equal to the August – Decem-
ing seasonal patterns should have been presented ber 1984 factors. Examination of Miller and Williams’
separately. spreadsheet, however, shows that, in this case, they set
the August 1983 –January 1984 factors equal to the
August 1984– January 1985 factors, and so on for
5. Issues in the implementation of shrinkage each of the next five months of data. In the worst case,
for the June 1984 factor, five available X-12-ARIMA
We have shown that local shrinkage results in factors (January –May 1984) are not used; they are
meaningful improvements to some otherwise unac- replaced by the January – May 1985 factors. Miller
ceptable adjustments. However, theoretical and prac- and Williams agree with us (private communication)
tical questions about Miller and Williams’ procedures that it would be better to use all available data as we
remain. suggest, instead of replacing available observations
As Miller and Williams discuss in their Appendix, with later data.
samples of SI ratios will not be independent due to For the most recent 5 months of the series, Miller
autocorrelation in the trend-cycle and irregular com- and Williams use X-12-ARIMA forecasts of the
ponents. The effect of correlation deserves consider- missing factors, just as we would recommend. How-
ation: the motivation for shrinkage estimators in the ever, with local shrinkage, there was an implementa-
sense of James– Stein is their superior mean square tion issue. Miller and Williams’ calculations produce
accuracy over the unshrunk estimators. With correlat- preliminary damping weights W* [as defined in equa-
ed data, shrinkage estimators with this property need tion (10)] for 7 months following the data span,
not exist; see the discussion and references of Manton, representing forecasted values of the X-12-ARIMA
Krishnamurthy, and Poor, (1998). seasonal components. These preliminary weights were
There are also implementation issues. One that has then included in subsequent shrinkage weight calcu-
not been considered is how to implement shrinkage lations [see equation (11)]. Miller and Williams agree
for series that require different X-12-ARIMA filter with us (private communication) that there is no
lengths for different months. Another that might reason to use these seven damping weights.
556 D.F. Findley et al. / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 551–556

The results we reported in Section 3 were obtained investigate the potential of two shrinkage methods for
with a version of X-12-ARIMA that implements our improving X-12-ARIMA. We also thank them for
suggestions for factors at the beginning of a series and providing us with the Excel spreadsheet they used for
does not use preliminary damping weights represent- their calculations. This enabled us to produce an
ing forecasted seasonals at the end of the series. These experimental version of X-12-ARIMA implementing
changes had some impact on residual seasonality in their global and local shrinkage procedures, so that we
the shrinkage adjustments, as revealed by spectra. could examine the effects of the procedures in detail.
Even if all of the implementation issues are Our findings to date are summarized in the aforemen-
satisfactorily resolved, our results for the M3 series tioned comments.
suggest that the number of adjustments improved by
Miller and Williams’ shrinkage procedures may be
too small to justify the permanent incorporation of References
shrinkage into X-12-ARIMA, given the complexity
and somewhat unnatural character of the local proce- Findley, D. F., & Martin, D. E. K. (2003). Frequency domain anal-
yses of SEATS and X-11/12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment filters
dure. Furthermore, future versions of X-12-ARIMA
for short and moderate-length time series, Research Report
will offer the alternative of model-based adjustments 2003-02, Statistical Research Division, U. S. Census Bureau.
like those of SEATS, and we have demonstrated that
this option can offer improvements similar to those Findley, D. F., Monsell, B. C., Shulman, H. B., & Pugh, M. C. (1990).
from shrinkage for many series. However, before Sliding spans diagnostics for seasonal and related adjustments.
making a final decision about the utility of shrinkage Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 345 – 355.
Ladiray, D., & Quenneville, B. (2001). Seasonal adjustment with
for seasonal adjustment, we plan to investigate it the X-11 method. New York: Springer-Verlag.
further with both simulated and real series. Manton, J. H., Krishnamurthy, V., & Poor, H. V. (1998). James –
Stein state filtering algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, 46, 2431 – 2447.
Disclaimer. This article is provided to encourage Monsell, B. C., Aston, J. A. D., & Koopman, S.J., (2003). Toward
X-13? Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics
discussion of issues related to shrinkage and seasonal Section of the American Statistical Association (to appear)
adjustment. The views expressed are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the U. S. Census Planas, C., & Depoutot, R. (2002). Controlling revisions in
Bureau. ARIMA-model-based seasonal adjustment. Journal of Time Se-
ries Analysis, 23, 193 – 214.


We are grateful to Miller and Williams for the

considerable effort they have made to identify and

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