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What to do if your parents don’t approve your friends

Sometimes your parents don’t approve all of your friends, and that’s normal. They
usually don’t because they think that they’re not good for us, but if you really don’t
want to lose that friendship, you have to make your parents see how you see your
friends. Is definitely not easy, however there is always a way. That's why this
article is going to show you some ways to make your parents like your friends.

In these situations, what's best to do is have them to pass more time together, so
your parents get to know them. Your parents can ask them whatever they want.
Your friend will reply them what they like and they maybe have something in
common. Having good things in common will make your parents like your friends

You can tell you friends how they can act in front of your parents, for example:
they can laugh at their jokes, be chill around them and have good manners. Having
conversations about their life and talk about funny experiences. Express about their
opinions that are similar into the conversations. Also, your friend can try to go out
more with you and your parents.

Is good that your parents have a good relationship with your friends. This will
make your parents have trust in your friend. So, you and your friend can go out
more often, your parents would not hesitate about letting you hang out with them.
Besides, your parents would not worry about you, since they know you are going
to be alright with your friend.

Overall, this would be an important guidance to a better life. These tips will help
the relationship with your parents and friends. Following these advices will
guarantee a good improvement. Now, you know ways to have a great connection
between your parents and friends.

Lisbeth Bueno Miguel García

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