What More Could A Girl

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what more could a girl want

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/47705515.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Character: Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Gender
Changes, Female Huā Chéng/Female Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú),
Trans Female Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Bottom Huā Chéng (Tiān
Guān Cì Fú), Top Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Teasing, Established
Relationship, POV Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), joking mention of
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-07 Words: 1,293 Chapters: 1/1

what more could a girl want

by demihualian


"Over here, right?" Hua Cheng asks, moving to a cupboard. She reaches up,
knowing that her skirt is riding up, giving Xie Lian a glimpse of the little silver
butterfly nestled between her cheeks. She turns, holding the cinnamon -

And Xie Lian is facing the pot, stirring away.

Hua Cheng hands her the little bottle. "Careful," she warns. "Remember to hold
the lid on."

Xie Lian laughs, sounding a little flustered. "Right," she says, and fiddles with
it for a moment.

Hua Cheng is trying so, so hard to get her girlfriend to fuck her. Unfortunately, Xie Lian
seems to be oblivious.


Title is from "Daydream" by Ruelle.

See the end of the work for more notes

Hua Cheng readjusts the plug in her ass, her cock twitching at the stimulation - and the excitement.
Carefully, she allows her skirt to fall, covering just enough to be decent.

And she walks into the kitchen, where Xie Lian is preparing dinner.

"San Niang!" Xie Lian greets her, smiling with all the warmth of a summer sun. "You’re back! Can
you get me some cinnamon? I want to add it to this stew."

"Jiejie’s command of flavor profiles is unmatched," Hua Cheng praises, moving in for a kiss.
"What a unique addition."

Xie Lian leans up, and Hua Cheng presses their lips together. She moves to deepen the kiss -

And Xie Lian pulls back, brushing a little kiss over the tip of Hua Cheng’s nose. Hua Cheng
scrunches her face up in a smile, helpless under the overwhelming force of her girlfriend’s

"Over here, right?" Hua Cheng asks, moving to a cupboard. She reaches up, knowing that her skirt
is riding up, giving Xie Lian a glimpse of the little silver butterfly nestled between her cheeks. She
turns, holding the cinnamon -

And Xie Lian is facing the pot, stirring away.

Hua Cheng hands her the little bottle. "Careful," she warns. "Remember to hold the lid on." Last
time, it had fallen off into the dish Xie Lian was making, and Xie Lian had insisted on throwing it
out after researching the side effects of an overdose. Hua Cheng still maintains that she could have
eaten it just fine. Xie Lian’s cooking is magical.

Xie Lian laughs, sounding a little flustered. "Right," she says, and fiddles with the cinnamon for a

Hua Cheng waits until she’s finished, then surreptitiously tosses a potholder on the floor. "Oh no,"
she says, as if reading a line. "You dropped something."

She bends over, reaching slowly toward it.

One of the two most beautiful hands in existence snatches it up before she does.

"San Niang," Xie Lian chides, her other hand cradling Hua Cheng’s wrist. Hua Cheng looks up to
see her wonderful beloved frowning at her. "You don’t have to clean up after me. Why don’t you
go wait on the couch? I’ll have this stew started in no time, and then we can watch something

Hua Cheng accepts defeat.

"Okay, jiejie," she says, kissing Xie Lian’s cheek. "I’ll be right out there."

Obediently, she troops over to the couch.

And flops face-first onto it, muffling a groan in the stuffed fabric.

She’s so horny. Ever since she started estrogen, she’s been insatiable. Xie Lian has been doing her
best to keep up, but it’s nearly impossible, and Hua Cheng doesn’t want to push her. They’ve
already doubled the amount of time they spend having sex.

And it’s not enough. Hua Cheng wants more.

She muffles another groan into the fabric.

"San Niang," Xie Lian calls, moving into the room. "Are you okay?"

"I’m fine," Hua Cheng says as pathetically as possible, not moving.

"Aww," Xie Lian says, climbing onto the couch behind her. "Then you don’t need me to help you
with this?"

A familiar hand slides up the back of Hua Cheng’s thigh. Hua Cheng inhales sharply as the back of
her skirt is lifted, cool air brushing over her bare ass.

"I -" Hua Cheng starts, then gasps again as Xie Lian nudges the plug, sending sparks up her spine.

"I saw San Niang’s present for me right away," Xie Lian tells her, "but I wanted to tease you a
little. Was I too mean?"

She tugs at the plug, and Hua Cheng shivers, relaxing so Xie Lian can slide it out. It rubs over her
prostate, and her cock twitches.

"I like it when you’re mean," Hua Cheng says honestly. "You should do it more often."

Xie Lian pauses. "Like right now?" she asks, a grin in her voice. "Should I leave you like this and
go back to cooking?"

"Jiejie!" Hua Cheng objects, scandalized.

Xie Lian laughs, bright and happy. "You have such cute reactions to being teased," she says. A
silicone cockhead nudges at Hua Cheng’s hole. "I don’t think I could leave you right now if I tried.
You’re so pretty, San Niang, I want to touch you everywhere."

Hua Cheng moans in assent, shuddering as Xie Lian sinks into her. Gentle hands begin to explore
her skin, rucking her dress up to her shoulders, cupping her sensitive tits as her cock begins to fill

"I didn’t know what to do," Xie Lian tells her, "when I saw you showing off for me. I said I wanted
to tease you, but I also panicked a little. San Niang, you’re so good at this, how do you initiate
things so easily?"

She finds a particularly good angle, and Hua Cheng gasps, digging her fingers into the couch. It’s a
little while before she can answer - Xie Lian picks up on her reaction and focuses on that angle, and
for a moment Hua Cheng is reduced to friction and bliss.

"Jiejie never has to initiate," she manages after a moment. "I can do it. Just tell me how often you
want me."

Soft lips press against Hua Cheng’s shoulder. "As often as you want me," Xie Lian says.

Hua Cheng laughs, a breathy thing that turns into a moan on Xie Lian’s next thrust. Xie Lian
reaches down to wrap a hand around her cock, letting her fuck into it, and her arousal threatens to
spill over. She’s close. "Jiejie, that would be always," she says.

"Then I’ll stay inside you forever," Xie Lian says, punctuating her words with a particularly
pointed thrust. "We’ll have to go to the grocery store with you koala-hugging me. Everyone will
look at us weird, but at least I wouldn’t be neglecting my poor girlfriend."
Hua Cheng shudders. Xie Lian’s cock drives deep into her once more.

Her orgasm roars through her, wiping conscious thought from her mind.

For several moments, she floats on a sea of bliss.

"San Niang," Xie Lian says gently.

"Hm?" Hua Cheng says, feeling boneless. Her beloved’s hand is stroking up and down her spine,
and she couldn’t be happier.

And then Xie Lian laughs. It’s a beautiful thing, full of joy and sunshine. Hua Cheng’s entire being
turns toward it like a sunflower seeking the light.

"Did my - did my dirty talk about the grocery store make you come?" Xie Lian asks, and dissolves
into laughter again.

Hua Cheng is too happy to be embarrassed. "Yeah," she says, grinning into the couch. "We should
go do that. Terrorize the cashiers."

"San Niang," Xie Lian says reproachfully, but she’s still laughing. She slides herself out of Hua
Cheng’s ass, undoing the straps of her harness before tossing the entire thing haphazardly onto the

"Come here," Hua Cheng requests, flipping over.

Xie Lian snuggles into her arms, and Hua Cheng tips her head back, closing her eye. A smile tugs
at her lips.

"San Niang," Xie Lian says softly. "If you want to do this more often, you can ask."

"I don’t want to push you," Hua Cheng says just as softly. "I would be devastated if you ever did
anything you didn’t want to do, just because I wanted it."

Xie Lian pushes herself up. Startled, Hua Cheng snaps her eye open.

"I always want you," Xie Lian says firmly. "I just don’t know how to start things."

Hua Cheng’s breath catches in her throat.

Then - "That’s easy," she says, grinning. "Just shove me or something. I’ll get the message."

Wordlessly, Xie Lian puts her hand on Hua Cheng’s shoulder and pushes her into the couch.

Hua Cheng stares. Slowly, she grins.

"I have so many ideas," she says, and pulls her beloved down for a kiss.

End Notes

Thank you for reading! I appreciate comments very much.

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