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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет

Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут
Кафедра іноземної філології та перекладу

(за професійним спрямуванням)


Освітній ступінь «бакалавр»

Галузь знань 05 «Соціальні та поведінкові науки»

Спеціальність 056«Міжнародні економічні відносини»

Спеціалізація «Міжнародний бізнес»

Вінниця 2017
Автор: Ткачук Т.І., к. філол. наук, доцент

Завдання до практичних занять обговорено та схвалено на засіданні

кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу 09.03.2017 р., протокол № 4, на
засіданні методичної комісії обліково-фінансового факультету 17.03. 2017 р.,
протокол № 3

Рецензент: Западинська І.Г., к. пед. наук, доцент


1. Мета і завдання дисципліни……………………………………………............ 4

2. Тематичний план дисципліни……………………………………………......... 5
3. Тематика та конкретний зміст практичних занять……………………..……. 10
Unit 1.Business and Entrepreneurship …………………………………………….. 10
Unit2.Business Organizations and Human Resources.……………………………… 15
Unit 3.Management and Leadership ……………………………………………….. 21
Unit 4.Economics. Key Economic Notions ………………………………………… 26
Unit 5.Product, Market and Market Relations …………………………………….. 32
Unit 6.Marketing and Advertising …………………………………………………. 38
Unit 7.Trade and Commerce……………………………………………................. 42
Unit 8.Money and Banking ……………………………………..…………………. 46
4. Тестові завдання для самоперевірки …………………………………………. 52
5. Критерії оцінювання знань…………………………………………………….. 55
6. Список рекомендованих джерел…………………………………………..…... 57

РОЗДІЛ 1. Мета і завдання дисципліни

Завдання до практичних занять є складовою навчально-методичного

комплексу дисципліни «Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» й
мають на меті сформувати у здобувачів вищої освіти англомовну
комунікативну компетенцію відповідно до кваліфікаційного рівня В2
(незалежний користувач) для забезпечення спілкування в професійному
Матеріал подано згідно з робочою програмою з іноземних мов та
тематичними планами для здобувачів освітнього ступеня «бакалавр» 1 курсу
Завдання до практичних занять містять 8 тематичних розділи, на основі
яких здобувачі мають змогу розширити іншомовну фахову компетенцію. У
межах кожної із тем запропоновано низку лексичних завдань,різноманітних
вправ, спрямованих на активізацію термінології сфери міжнародного бізнесу,
перенесенню її з пасивного до активного запасу. Основною частиною розділів є
базові тексти, тематичний словник, лексичні та лексико-синтаксичні вправи до
них, вправи на переклад професійних текстів чи термінів з англійської мови на
українську та навпаки. Подані вправи зорієнтовані на активне засвоєння та
використання в мовній практиці фахових лексичних одиниць, накопичення
термінологічного словника та розвиток навичок усного професійного мовлення.
В результаті засвоєння запропонованого матеріалу здобувачі вищої освіти
повинні вміти:
 володіти мовленнєвими навичками (усне діалогічне й монологічне
мовлення, читання, письмо);
 використовувати активний вокабуляр;
 володіти навичками функціонального читання, розуміти автентичні
професійно-спрямовані тексти з підручників, газет, журналів;
 розуміти ідею, сутність, деталі фахових текстів та розпізнавати
інформацію в ході обговорень, дебатів, бесід із загальних питань
професійного напряму.

РОЗДІЛ 2. Тематичний план дисципліни

З курсу «Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» для здобувачів
вищої освіти І курсу денної форми навчання
спеціальності 056 «Міжнародні економічні відносини»
на 2016-2017 н.р. (І-ІІ семестри)



Назва теми


І семестр
Unit 1. Business and Entrepreneurship. The 35 16 19
1. Key Notions of Formation of Nouns. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Business. Classification of ТЗ
2. Productive Resources: The Category of 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
natural resources, capital, Number. Countable and ІЗ, ТЗ,
labour, technology. uncountable Nouns. СУН
3. Profits and Profitability. Regular plurals. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Compounds. ІЗ, ТЗ,
4. Competition. Irregular plurals. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
5. Types of Business. Singularia tantum 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Manufacturing Businesses. nouns. ІЗ
Service Businesses.
6. Forms of Business. Sole Pluralia tantum Nouns. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Proprietorships. Invariable Nouns. ІЗ, ТЗ
7.Partnerships. The Category of Case. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Corporations. ІЗ, ТЗ,
8. Entrepreneurship. The Possessive Case, 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
of-phrases. ІЗ
Unit 2. Business organizations and Human 35 16 19
Resources. The Article.
9. Types of Companies. The Article. 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Privately-owned and ІЗ, ТЗ,
State-owned Companies. СУН

10. Relationships between Use of articles with 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Companies. Holding common nouns. ІЗ, ТЗ,
Company. Conglomerate. СУН
11. Joint Venture. Use of articles with 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Consortium. nouns of material and ІЗ, ТЗ,
abstract nouns. СУН
12. Shareholders, the Use of articles with 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т
Management and the proper nouns
Workforce of a Company. (geographical names,
names of places,
buildings, public
organizations, etc.,
names of persons).
13. The Management Special difficulties in 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Structure of a Typical the use of articles ІЗ, ТЗ
Company. (names of month and
days, seasons, meals,
14. Human Resources Special difficulties in 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
(HR). Human Resources the use of articles: the + ІЗ, ТЗ
Department. Human adjective
Resource Management.
15. Recruitment Special difficulties in 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т
Procedure. Executive Pay. the use of articles: the +
16. Leaving a Job. Use of articles with set 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т
Unit 3. Management and Leadership. The 32 14 18
17. Key Notions of Classification of 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ,
Management. pronouns. Personal and ІЗ, ТЗ,
possessive pronouns. СУН
18. Basic Management Reflexive pronouns. 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Functions. Planning. Reciprocal pronouns. ІЗ
Organizing. Directing.
19. Leadership. Interrogative pronouns. 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Leadership styles. ІЗ, ТЗ
20. Autocratic or Demonstrative 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Authoritarian style. pronouns. ІЗ, ТЗ
21. Participative, or Indefinite and negative 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Democratic Style. pronouns. Some, any, ІЗ, ТЗ,
all, most, no, none of. СУН
22. Laissez-faire, or Free Defining pronouns. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,

Rein Style. Both, either, neither; ІЗ, ТЗ
each, every.
23. Visionary, Coaching, Quantitative pronouns. 5 2 3 УО, СУН,
Narcissistic, Toxic and Much/ many, a lot of, Т, ІЗ
other Leadership Styles (a) little / (a) few.
Unit 4. Economics. Key economic notions. The 33 14 19
AdjectiveComparative and superlative forms of
24. Key Notions of Adjectives with nouns 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ,
Economics. Goods and and verbs; -ed and –ing ІЗ, ТЗ,
Services. forms. СУН
25. Production. Order of adjectives; 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Distribution. Sale. stronger and weaker ІЗ
26. Scarcity. Adjectives after verbs. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
27. Types of Economic Degrees of comparison 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
Systems. of adjectives. ІЗ, ТЗ
28. Microeconomics. Comparative and 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ, Т,
superlative forms of ІЗ, ТЗ
29. Macroeconomics. Comparative structures: 5 2 3 УО, ПЗ, Т,
as…as, not, the ІЗ, ТЗ,
more…the less, the СУН
same as with adjectives
30. Key Functions of Comparative structures: 5 2 3 УО, СУН,
Economists. the+ comparitive, so Т, ІЗ
and such, enough and
too with adjectives
Усього 135 60 75
Підсумковий контроль – залік
ІІ семестр
Unit 5. Product, Market and Market Relations. 22 12 10
The concept of product. The Adverb.
1. Tangible Products. Types of adverb. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Intangible Products Adverb and word order. ІЗ, ТЗ,
2. Core, Actual and Adverbs of frequency, 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Augmented Products. time, place and manner. Т, ІЗ,
3. The Concept of a Adverbs of probability, 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,
Market. degree, and Т, ІЗ,
completeness. ТЗ,

4. Demand and Supply. Connecting adverbs (so, 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,
Demanders and Suppliers. too, either, neither; ІЗ, ТЗ,
first, next, then, etc; СУН
actually, fortunately,
etc; only, even).
5. Types of Markets. Adverbs of degree: 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
quite – rather. Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
6. Target Market. Adverbs/ adjectives. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Unit 6. Marketing and Advertising. The 22 12 10
Preposition. The Numeral.
7.Marketing The Preposition. 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,
General form and use. ІЗ, ТЗ,
8. The four Ps: Product, Prepositions of place. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Price, Placement, and Prepositions of Т, ІЗ
Promotion. movement.
9. Common Channel of Prepositions of time. 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,
Distribution: Manufacturer Common prepositional Т, ІЗ,
– Wholesaler – Retailer – phrases. ТЗ,
Customer. СУН
10. Advertising. The Numeral. Cardinal 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
numerals. Ordinal ІЗ, ТЗ
11. Types of Advertising: Fractions. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Service, Product, and Т, ІЗ
Institutional Advertising.
12. Advertising Media. Expressing quantity, 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
reading figures. Telling Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
the time, dates,
telephone numbers,
Unit 7. Trade and Commerce. Word formation. 22 12 10
The Sentence. Questions, negatives and answers.
13. Key Notions of Trade. Word formation. 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Productive and ІЗ, ТЗ,
unproductive affixes. СУН

14. Producers and The Sentence. 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,

Consumers. Simple / compound/ Т, ІЗ
complex, extended/
unextended sentences.
15. Forms and Types of The Subject. The 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,

Trade: Wholesale Trade, Predicate. The Object. Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
Retail Trade. The Attribute. The
Adverbial Modifier.
16. E-commerce. Word order in 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
statements. Questions, Т, ІЗ
negatives and answers.
Yes/No questions. Wh-
17. International Trade. Prepositions in wh- 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
questions. Negative Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
18. International Trade Negative questions. 3 2 1 УО, ПЗ,
Organizations. Question tags. Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
Alternative Questions.
Disjunctive Questions.
Unit 8. Money and Banking. The Verb. Present 24 22 2
Tense Forms.
19. Concept of Money. Present Simple 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Functions of Money. (Indefinite) ІЗ, ТЗ,
20. Types of Money. Adverbs of frequency 4 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
21. Banking Sector. Present Continuous 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
(Progressive) Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
22. Types of Banks. State Verbs. 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
23. Types of Banks. State Verbs. 2 2
24. Personal Finance. Present Simple / Present 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Continuous ІЗ, ТЗ,
25. Corporate Finance. Present Perfect 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
26. Corporate Finance. Present Perfect 2 2
27. Bank Accounts. Present Perfect 2 2 УО, ПЗ,
Continuous Т, ІЗ, ТЗ
28. Bank Accounts. Present Perfect 2 2
29. Bank Accounts. Present Perfect 2 2
Усього 90/3 58 32
Підсумковий контроль - залік

РОЗДІЛ 3. Тематика та конкретний зміст практичних занять


Topic: Business and Entrepreneurship


to include – включати;
to range – стояти по порядку в ряд, класифікуватись;
to own– володіти;
stockholders– акціонери;
shares– акції;
profit– прибуток;
raw materials– сировина;
equipment – обладнання;
inventions– винаходи;
to earn- заробляти;
expenses– витрати;
competition– конкуренція;
to affect– впливати;
quality– якість;
customers– покупці;
to purchase– купувати;
discounts– знижки;
tangible products – матеріальні продукти
middleman– посередник;
sole proprietorship – індивідуальне приватне підприємство, одноосібна
partnership – товариство, партнерство;
corporation– корпорація;
owner – власник, господар;
entrepreneur– підприємець;
to allow– дозволяти;
innovations– інновації;
to consider – розглядати, вважати;
traits – риси характеру;
inspiration– натхнення;
sensibility– чутливість.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Business includes the activities of all commercial producers of goods and

services. These producers range from small shops owned by one person to huge
organizations owned by thousands of stockholders who have shares in the companies.
Business is a free enterprise system depending on the factors both in the
economy and within individual companies. The most important of these factors
include: 1) productive resources, 2) profits, 3) competition.
Productive resources enable business firms to produce goods and services.
They include natural resources - land and raw materials, such as minerals, water, and
sunlight; capital - a company's factories, suppliers, and equipment, and its money to
buy these things; labour - the work of a company's employees; and technology - a
firm's scientific and business research and inventions. The productive resources of a
business are also known as inputs. The kind and quality of inputs depend on the
goods and services (called outputs) that are produced.
Profits are the earnings of a firm that are left after all expenses have been paid.
These expenses include the cost of productive resources in the form of wages, rent,
and interest. The goal of nearly all business firms is to earn a maximum profit.
Competition among business firms affects the price and quality of goods and
services. Firms must maintain reasonable prices and standards to attract and keep
customers. People are not likely to buy from a company if they are dissatisfied with
its product, or if they can purchase the product for less money elsewhere. Firms
compete for sales by using such techniques as advertising and by offering special
discounts or bonuses.
Businesses are generally of three types. Manufacturing businesses (or
manufacturers) are organized to process various materials into tangible goods, such
as automobiles, delivery trucks, breakfast, cereals or towels. Service businesses
produce services such as insurance, car rentals, haircuts or lodging. And some firms -
called middlemen - are organized to buy the goods produced by manufacturers and
then resell them.
Business takes different forms. The three major forms of business are: sole
proprietorships, partnerships and corporations.
Anyone who owns and operates a business is often considered to be an
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs and small businesses owners are motivated by the
possibility of earning profits. They also accept the risk of losing money if their
businesses fail.
The word entrepreneur means “to undertake”. In a business context, it means to
start a business. The term was coined by a French economist Jean Baptiste Say in
1800. An entrepreneur is a person who is able to make decisions that allow more
efficient use of economic resources. An entrepreneur is willing and able to convert a
new idea or invention into a successful innovation. Entrepreneurs enter business
knowing that success is not guaranteed, and if plans fail, they could lose money.
Entrepreneurship is the engine of growth, jobs and opportunities.
Entrepreneurship forces “creative destruction” across markets and industries,
simultaneously creating new products and business models.
The essence of entrepreneurship is taking risk. Nevertheless, the concept of
entrepreneurship has a wide range of meanings. On the one hand, an entrepreneur is a
leader who pioneers change. On the other hand, anyone who wants to work for
himself or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects (even involving the
entrepreneur only part-time) to major undertakings creating many job opportunities.
Many real-life entrepreneurs operate in teams rather than as single individuals.
Entrepreneurs have many of the same character traits as leaders. They need
inspiration, motivation and sensibility. An entrepreneur is usually:
• a positive thinker and a decision maker;
• has an enthusiastic vision, the driving force of an enterprise;
• exhibits extreme optimism in the decision-making processes;
• is prone to overconfidence and overgeneralizations.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What does business include?
2. What does business depend on?
3. What do productive resources enable business firms to produce?
4. What are inputs and outputs?
5. What are profits?
6. What is the goal of nearly all business firms?
7. What does competition among business firms affect?
8. Why must firms maintain reasonable prices and standards?
9. How do firms compete for sale?
10. What are the types of business? Define them.
11. What forms does business take?
12. Why do entrepreneurs enter business?
13. What is the concept of entrepreneurship?
14. What traits do entrepreneurs have?

II. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If
they are false, give the correct statement:

1. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects to major undertakings

creating few job opportunities.
2. Entrepreneurs have many of the same character traits as leaders.
3. The word entrepreneur means “to decline.”
4. Anyone who owns and operates a business is often considered to be a
5. Entrepreneurs enter business knowing that success is not guaranteed, and if
plans fail, they could earn money.
6. The three major forms of business are: sole proprietorships, partnerships
and corporations.
7. The productive resources of a business are also known as outputs.
8. Competition among middlemen affects the price and quality of goods and
9. Productive resources include natural resources, capital, labour and
10. Entrepreneurship is the engine of growth, jobs and opportunities.
III.Read and translate the following definitions into Ukrainian. Study and
reproduce them from memory:

Business an organization or enterprising entity

engaged in commercial, industrial or
professional activities.
Sole proprietorship a business owned and run by one person,
in which all the profits belong to the
owner, who is fully responsible for the
success and the failure of the business.
Partnership an association of two or more persons
who have agreed to combine their
financial assets, labour, property, and
other resources as well as their abilities
and who carry on a business jointly for
the purpose of profit.
Partnership contract a written agreement the partners usually
sign to form an association including
general policies, distribution of profits,
Business ownership the number of people who own the
business, the source of funding used to
set up and run the business, the degree of
legal liability the owners face in the event
of company debts and who have the
opportunity to buy part ownership in the
General partnership a form of business consisting of general
partners, who are liable for all debts and
obligations of the firm.
Limited partnership a form of business consisting of limited
partners, who contribute a sum of money
as capital, or property valued at a stated
amount, and who are not liable for the
debts and obligations of the firm beyond
the amount contributed.
Silent (Sleeping) partner one who still shares in the profits and
losses of the business, but who is
uninvolved in its management, and/or
whose association with the business is
not publicly known; these partners
usually provide capital.

IV. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. entrepreneur
2. productive resources
3. business
4. sole proprietorship
5. shareholder
6. natural resources
7. profit
8. share
9. competition
10. partnership
11. corporation

a) any organization that seeks profit by providing goods and services to the
economic system;
b) a business which is owned and controlled by one person, although he or she
may employ others in the business;
c) one who owns shares of stock in a corporation and has the right to declare
dividends and the right to vote on certain company matters;
d) a financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a
business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain the activity;
e) a business owned and run by two or more persons who provide the capital
for the business and who share the profits, not necessarily equal;
f) a legal entity with authority to act and have liability separate from its
g) a single unit of ownership that represents an equal proportion of a
company’s capital;
h) the natural resources, human resources and capital resources used to
make goods and services.
i) rivalry in which every seller tries to get what other sellers are seeking at the
same time: sales, profit, market share by offering the best combination of price,
quality, and service;
j) industrial materials and capacities (as mineral deposits and waterpower)
supplied by nature.

V. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian. Fill in the gaps with the words
and phrases from the box. Make up 10 questions to the text:

profits, legal restrictions, limitations, numerous, opportunities, raise, to achieve,

associated with, efforts, liability.

A corporation is one kind of 1)…. organization. Other kinds of business

organizations are sole proprietorships and partnerships. Sole proprietorships are the

most 2)…kind of business organization, but most are very small. The reason for their
popularity is that they are the easiest and least costly to organize.
Sole proprietors own all the 3)… of their enterprises, and they are their «own
bosses», free to make whatever changes they please. They have minimal 4)…and do
not have to pay the special taxes placed on corporations. Sole proprietors also have
opportunity 5)… success and recognition through their individual 6)….
There are also disadvantages. A very serious one is the unlimited 7)… that
each proprietor faces. All debts and all problems 8)…the business belong to the
owner. A second disadvantage of the sole proprietorship is that it has limited capital.
The money that a proprietor can 9)… is limited by the amount of his or her savings
and ability to borrow. Also, when the owner dies, the business dies. Other
disadvantages may include lack of 10)… for employees, 11)…of size and lack of
management resources.

VI.Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Підприємці - це люди, які мають свій власний бізнес і керують ним,

сподіваючись одержати прибуток.
2. Тепер багато вищих навчальних закладів пропонують програми, які
вчать студентів, як розпочати бізнес і керувати ним.
3. Близько 50 відсотків підприємців розпочали свій бізнес у тих галузях
виробництва, в яких вони вже мали певний досвід.
4. Акціонерне товариство, одноосібне підприємництво – це різні види
бізнесових організацій.
5. Одноосібне підприємництво – це бізнес, яким керує одна особа.


Topic: Business Organizations and Human Resources


raw materials – сировина;

classify – класифікувати;
assemble – збирати;
finished products – готові продукти;
manufacturing sector – виробничий сектор;
retail trade – роздрібна торгівля;
service sector – сектор послуг;
to own – володіти;
private sector – приватний сектор;
enterprise – підприємство;
regulation – регулювання;
restriction – обмеження;
public sector – державний сектор;
utilities – комунальні послуги;
relationships – відносини;
subsidiary – дочірня компанія, філія;
parent company– компанія засновник;
holding company – холдингова компанія;
conglomerate – конгломерат;
joint venture – спільне підприємство;
consortium – консорціум;
legal entity – юридична особа;
to undertake a project – розпочинати, здійснювати проект;
shareholders – акціонери;
Board of Directors – рада директорів;
Chairperson – голова правління;
to be in charge of – керувати;
Managing Director – генеральний директор;
Senior managers – керівник вищого рангу;
on the payroll – в штатному складі;
to be self-employed – працювати самостійно, працювати не за наймом;
work freelance – працювати не за наймом;
permanent job – постійна робота;
temporary job – тимчасова робота;
perks – пільги;
supervisor – інспектор, контролер, керівник нижчої ланки;
job rotation- зміна робіт, ротація робочих завдань;
human resources department – відділ кадрів;
to promote– підвищувати на посаді.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Businesses may be classified in accordance with the industries that they work
in: e.g. banking, construction, agriculture, etc. All the companies that make goods
from raw materials or assemble components into finished products, work in the
manufacturing sector.
All the companies that provide services in such fields, as tourism, finance,
communications or retail trade, work in the service sector. Besides, a company may
be owned by the state, or individuals. Privately-owned and run companies work in the
private sector. Thus, a private enterprise is a system that allows individuals within a
society to pursue their own interests without governmental regulation or restriction.
State-owned and run organizations function in the public sector.
When a private company is bought by the state and brought into public sector,
the process is called nationalization. As a result the nationalized company is state-
owned. When the state returns a company to the private sector the process is known
as a sell-off, thus, the company becomes privatized. Usually the companies, that

supply services connected with utilities such as electricity, water and gas to
individuals, are privatized.
There are different relationships between companies. A group of a number of
subsidiary companies that operate under one leading company is known as the parent
company. A holding company, that is the leading company in a group, is the one that
holds all or more than half of the stakes in one or more subsidiaries that are sister
companies. A conglomerate is a group consisting of a lot of different companies in
different businesses that are run as one large company. When two or more companies
decide to work together, they form a joint venture. In this case the two companies
involved remain separate legal entities. A consortium is a group of companies which
come together to undertake a project which none of the members can carry out alone.
Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the shareholders (who
provide the capital), the management and the workforce. The management structure
of a typical company is hierarchical. At the top of the company ladder is the Board of
Directors, headed by the Chairperson or President. The Board is responsible for
policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director or Chief
Executive Officer, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business.
Senior managers or company officers head the various departments or functions
within the company, which may include the following: Marketing, Public Relations,
Information Technology or IT, Personnel or Human Resources , Finance, Production,
Research and Development or R and D.
People engaged in various economic activities are called businesspeople
(businessmen and businesswomen). The people who work for an individual or a
company (employer) are usually called its workforce, employees, staff, or personnel.
They are on the payroll, which is a list of those who work for the company. The
payroll traditionally includes monthly-paid staff, weekly-paid staff, and hourly-paid
Some people, however, choose to be self-employed or work freelance for
several employees. People who start their own companies are entrepreneurs.
The workers can have permanent or temporary jobs, and they may also work
full-time, part-time, flexi-time, or shifts. If a person gets higher salary or position, he
becomes promoted. Sometimes he/she gets perks – a personal office (with a
secretary), a personal company car (with a driver), etc. Someone, who is in charge of
several people’s work, is called a supervisor. Some companies move their workers
regularly between teams or departments, which means a job rotation.
People who perform office jobs are white-collar workers, while those working
at plants, building sites or factories are called blue-collar workers. A person who
works with you is your colleague or co-worker.
Human resources (HR) mean people, the skills and experience they bring to an
organization.Administration of people is done by the human resources department.
The objective of human resources is to maximize the return on investment from
the organization’s human capital and minimize financial risk. It is the responsibility
of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and
consistent manner.

I. Answer the following questions:
1. How may business be classified?
2. What companies work in the manufacturing sector?
3. What companies work in the service sector?
4. What process is called nationalization?
5. When does the company become privatized?
6. What do you know about different relationships that companies can have
with one another?
7. Is a subsidiary owned by another company?
8. What is conglomerate?
9. Under what circumstances is a joint venture formed?
10. Why do companies unite into a consortium?
11. What is the Board of Directors responsible for?
12. What departments do most companies have?
13. What three groups of people are most companies made up of?
14. What do we call people who work in business?
15. What is job rotation?
16. What is the objective of human resources?

II. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations :

be classified in accordance with; assemble components; provide services; privately-

owned; state-owned;governmental regulation or restriction; supply services; operate
under one leading company; remain separate legal entities; carry out alone; on the
payroll; monthly-paid staff; weekly-paid staff; hourly-paid staff; start own
companies; become promoted; white-collar workers; blue-collar workers; skills and
experience; maximize the return on investment; conduct activities.

III.Match the terms with their definitions:

1.manufacturing sector. a)the process of a government taking control of

a company or industry, which generally occurs
without compensation for the loss of the net
worth of seized assets and potential income.
2. service sector b)useful features, or something useful to the
home such as electricity, gas, water, cable and
3. private sector c)limitations which cannot be exceeded or rules
which cannot be broken.
4. public sector d)the sector of the economy that provides
services rather than products
5. nationalization e)the act of transferring ownership of specified
property or business operations from a
government organization to a privately
owned entity, as well as the transition of
ownership from a publicly traded, or owned,
company to a privately owned company.
6. utilities f) the part of national economy providing basic
goods or services that are either not, or cannot
be, provided by the private sector. It consists of
national and local governments, their agencies,
and their chartered bodies.
7.privatization g) agglomeration of industries engaged in
chemical, mechanical, or physical
transformation of materials, substances, or
components into consumer or industrial goods.
8. restriction h) the part of national economy made up of
private enterprises. It includes the personal
sector (households) and corporate sector
(companies), and is responsible for allocating
most of the resources within an economy.

IV.Fill in the gaps with the word(s) from the box:

Chairperson, management, managers, workforce, senior managers, employees, Vice-

Presidents, Managing Director, Board of Directors, shareholders, the chief executive
officer , policy decisions.

1. At the top of the company hierarchy is the ……, headed by the… (or
2. The Board is responsible for making… and for determining the company’s
3. It will usually appoint a … (or Chief Executive Officer) who has overall
responsibility for the running of the business.
4. … or line managers head the various departments or functions within the
5. … are in charge of departments that fulfill major corporate functions, such as
sales, human resources, marketing, production, legal, research and development, and
6. … is ultimately responsible for the success of a corporation, and is
accountable to the board of directors.
7. Below vice-presidents are one or more layers of … who are in charge of
smaller units of responsibility, such as specific geographic areas or product lines.
8. The lowest level of a corporate hierarchy belongs to, … which include the
administrative, technical and support personnel who perform the tasks that keep a
corporation running.
9. The people who are wealthy and invest their money in a company are
called… .
10. People running the company make up … .
11. The people who do the actual work are called … .
V. Choose the most suitable word from the words in brackets to complete
these sentences:
1. A person who works at the same place as you, especially in a profession or a
business is (a colleague, a friend, an employee).
2. Many businesses are having trouble (retiring, resigning, recruiting) workers
with adequate skills.
3. A (joint venture, subsidiary, group) is a company that is controlled by
another company, called a holding company or a parent company.
4. Companies that are subsidiaries of the same holding / parent company are
often called (parent company, sister companies, limited companies).
5. (Listed company, consortium, parent company) is more common when
referring to a company that is the main owner of a subsidiary and operates in the
same type of business.
6. (A conglomerate, holding company, sister company) often describes a
company that owns shares in different types of businesses and may or may not carry
out its own business activities.
7. Payroll is the list of all the people (fired, employed, dismissed) by a
company, and the amount of money paid to each of them.
8. A (conglomerate, consortium, subsidiary) is a corporation that is made up of
a number of different, seemingly unrelated businesses.
9. New firm formed to achieve specific objectives of a partnership like
temporary arrangement between two or more firms is (a group, a joint venture, a
limited company).
10. A (conglomerate, holding company, consortium) is an agreement,
combination, or group (as of companies) formed to undertake an enterprise beyond
the resources of any one member.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Для характеристики трудового потенціалу підприємства часто

використовують такі поняття, як «кадри», «робоча сила», «трудові ресурси»,
«людські ресурси», «персонал».
2. Працівники промислово-виробничого персоналу поділяються на дві
основні групи - робітники і службовці.
3. Професійно-кваліфікаційна структура службовців підприємства
знаходить відображення, в штатному розкладі.
4. За тривалістю найму на роботу найняті працівники поділяються на
підгрупи:постійні працівники; тимчасові працівники; сезонні працівники;
працівники, найняті на випадкові роботи.
5. Управління персоналом пов’язане з розробкою й реалізацією кадрової
політики, що включає планування, наймання та розміщення робочої сили;
навчання, підготовку і перепідготовку працівників; просування по службі й
організацію кар’єри; умови найму, праці та його оплату; забезпечення
формальних і неформальних зв’язків, створення комфортного психологічного
клімату в колективі.


Topic: Management and Leadership


to define –визначати;
activity –діяльність;
duties - обов’язки;
to perform– виконувати;
to determine– визначати;
to evaluate– оцінювати;
tactical planning – тактичне планування;
contingency planning – планування непередбачених витрат;
to allocate resources – розподіляти ресурси;
to assign– визначати;
influence– вплив;
to enlist – заносити в список;
accomplishment – виконання, завершення;
traits – риси характеру;
interaction– взаємодія;
autocratic – самодержавний;
authoritarian – авторитарний;
participative – управління підприємством за участю працівників;
laissez-fair- стиль невтручання;
free-rein – ліберальний стиль управління.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Management is defined as the art of getting things done through people.

Management plays a vital role in any business or organized activity. It is provided by
a team of managers who are in charge of the organization at all levels. Their duties
include making sure that company objectives are met and that the business operates
Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform four basic functions.
These management functions are planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how
these goals can be achieved best. Managers evaluate alternative plans before
choosing a specific course of action and then check to see that the chosen plan fits
into the objectives established at a higher organizational level. Planning is listed as
the first management function, because other business functions and activities depend
on it. However, even as managers move on to perform other managerial functions,
planning remains important as goals and alternatives are further evaluated and
revised. There are three types of planning – strategic planning, tactical planning and
contingency planning.
Organizing, regarded as the second management function, is the process of
putting the plan into action. This involves allocating resources, especially human
resources so that the overall objectives can be attained. In this phase managers decide
on the positions to be created and determine the associated duties and responsibilities.
Choosing the right person for the right job, that is recruiting staff, is part of the
organizing function.
The third essential function is the day-to-day direction and supervision of
employees. In directing, managers guide, teach and motivate workers so that they
develop their potential abilities and at the same time achieve the company goals that
were established in the planning process. Effective direction or supervision by
managers requires ongoing communication with employees.
Controlling managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. In
order to do it properly managers must look at the objectives established in the
planning phase and at how well the tasks assigned in the directing phase are being
completed. If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes
need to be made in the company's organizational or managerial structure. In making
changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize and redirect.
Although all four functions are managerial duties, the importance of each may
vary depending on the situation. Effective managers meet the objectives of the
company through a successful combination of planning, organizing, directing and
Over the years the philosophical terminology of "management" and
"leadership" have, in the organizational context, been used both as synonyms.
Leadership is usually described as the “process of social influence in which one
person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common
task". Leadership is also viewed as the process of "organizing a group of people to
achieve a common goal". Studies of leadership have produced theories involving
traits, situational interaction, function, behavior, power, vision and values, charisma,
and intelligence, among others.
Leadership style refers to a leader's behavior. It is the result of the philosophy,
personality, and experience of the leader. Different situations call for different
leadership styles There are many leadership styles autocratic or authoritarian style,
participative or democratic style, laissez-faire or free rein style, visionary, coaching,
narcissistic, toxic and other kinds that all differ in the ways they address the
objectives of the firm and the interests of employees.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. How is management defined?
2. What are the duties of managers?
3. What functions do managers perform?
4. Why is planning listed as the first management function?
5. What does organizing involve?
6. What does effective direction require?
7. When do changes need to be made?
8. How are the objectives of the company met?
9. How is leadership describe?
10. What leadership styles can you name?

ІІ. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. Planning a) the process of outlining business plans

for the coming year.
2. Organizing b) activity undertaken to ensure that
proper and immediate follow-up steps
will be taken by a management and
employees in an emergency.
3. Direction c) encompasses longer-term goals that
reflect the company’s direction and its
purpose outlined in its mission
4. Controlling d) involves determining overall company
objectives and deciding how these
goals can be achieved best.
5. Strategic planning e) requires ongoing communication with
6. Tactical planning f) the process of putting the plan into
7. Contingency planning g) ensures that there is effective and
efficient utilization of organizational
resources so as to achieve the planned

III.Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the box:

the right employee, disposal , resources, delegation, solve problems, to invest,

stimulate, management skills

The Meaning of Management

We need to understand the meaning of management in order to know what 1)

… to develop. Think of what it means to be an investor - someone with money 2)…
and wanting the best return. Such a person shifts his or her money around regularly to
improve return.
Similarly, managers have resources at their 3)… to invest - people, material
and a budget, in addition to their own time, talent and energy. Smart managers think
carefully on a regular basis about how to get the best return on these 4)… . When
managing people, it is not just a matter of having 5)… in the right place at the right
time, it is also about developing and improving that resource.

Effective managers know that 6)… is not enough in today's knowledge driven
world to get work done through people. This is because most of the critical work we
do today is to make decisions, 7)… and think creatively. This is mental work. Smart
managers get this kind of work done through people by asking them the sorts of
questions that 8)… people to think, to draw solutions out of people.

IV. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian:

Different Management Styles

Managers deal with their employees in different ways. Some are strict with
their staff and like to be in complete control, while others are more relaxed and allow
workers the freedom to run their own working lives (just like the different approaches
you may see in teachers!). Whatever approach is predominately used, it will be vital
to the success of the business. “An organization is only as good as the person running
There are four main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic,
democratic and laissez – faire.

Autocratic Style of Working

In such a style of working, the superiors do not take into consideration the
ideas and suggestions of the subordinates.
The managers, leaders and superiors have the sole responsibility of taking
decisions without bothering much about the subordinates.
The employees are totally dependent on their bosses and do not have the liberty
to take decisions on their own.
The subordinates in such a style of working simply do not have “a say” in
management’s decisions.
Whatever the superiors feel is right for the organization eventually becomes the
company’s policies.
Employees lack motivation in autocratic style of working.

Paternalistic Style of Working

In paternalistic style of working, the leaders decide what is best for the
employees as well as the organization.
Policies are devised to benefit the employees and the organization.
The suggestions and feedback of the subordinates are taken into consideration
before deciding something.
In such a style of working, employees feel attached and loyal towards their
Employees stay motivated and enjoy their work rather than treating it as a

Democratic Style of Working

In such a style of working, superiors welcome the feedback of the subordinates.

Employees are invited on an open forum to discuss the pros and cons of plans
and ideas.
Democratic style of working ensures effective and healthy communication
between the management and the employees.
The superiors listen to what the employees have to say before finalizing on

Laissez-Faire Style of Working

In such a style of working, managers are employed just for the sake of it and do
not contribute much to the organization.
The employees take decisions and manage work on their own.
Individuals who have the dream of “making it big” in the organization and
desire to do something innovative every time outshine others who attend office for
Employees are not dependent on the managers and know what is right or
wrong for them.

V. Complete the table with the information below:

Styles Description Advantages Disadvantages




a) Workers allowed to make own decisions. Some businesses run on the basis of
majority decisions.
b) Senior managers take all the important decisions with no involvement from
c) Managers make decisions in best interests of workers after consultation.
a) Authority is delegated to workers. Useful when complex decisions are required
that need specialist skills.
b) Quick decision making. Effective when employing many low-skilled workers.
c) More two-way communication. Workers feel their social needs are being met.


a) Mistakes or errors can be made if workers are not skilled or experienced
b) No two-way communication. Creates “them and us” attitude between managers
and workers.
c) Slows down decision making. Still quite a dictatorial or autocratic style of

VI. Read and translate the adjectives below. Which of them would you use to
describe an ideal leader? Give reasons for your choice. Think of adjectives with
opposite meanings:

decisive informal accessible impulsive

charismatic passionate thoughtful opportunistic
cautious adventurous flexible open
aggressive energetic persuasive
magnetic ruthless motivating


Topic: Economics. Key Economic Notions


to distribute –розподіляти;
scarcity - дефіцит,нестача;
to provide –забезпечувати;
supply –постачання;
demand– попит;
interrelationships - взаємозв’язок;
consumer– споживач;
income - прибуток, надходження;
resource endowments - вкладання ресурсів;
unemployment – безробіття;
living standards – життєві стандарти;
consumption– споживання;
expenses– витрати;
economy– економіка;
economics – економіка ( навчальна дисципліна);
economic – економічний;
economical– економний;
distinction– відмінність;
the basis for analysis – підґрунтя для аналізу;
efforts– зусилля;
scarce resources – мізерні ресурси.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Economics is a social science, like history, geography, politics, psychology and

sociology. It is the study of human efforts to satisfy unlimited and competing wants
through the careful use of relatively scarce resources. The subject matter of
economics is society itself. It studies the most important aspects of our life linked
with production, distribution, exchange and consumption of welfare; wages and
earnings, unemployment, inflation, government spending, taxation and regulation,
international trade, and the distribution of material wealth in the country and
throughout the world. Therefore we can define economics as «the study of mankind
in the everyday business life».
Economics is the study of how goods and services 'get produced and how they
are distributed. By goods and services economists mean everything that can be
bought and sold. By produced they mean the processing and making of goods and
services. By distributed they mean the way goods and services are divided among
All economic questions arise from the fundamental fact of scarcity. Nature
does not provide all of the things society wants. We must decide what, how and for
whom to produce. The ability of producers to provide goods and services to
individuals at various prices is broadly covered by the concept of supply. The desire
by individuals to consume goods and services at various prices is broadly covered by
the concept of demand. Thus, all areas of study in economics can be classified into
those under the heading of supply, those under the heading of demand and those
based on interrelationships between supply and demand.
There are two sides to the study of economics - microeconomics and
macroeconomics. Microeconomics is concerned with individual products and
decisions made by individual firms and consumers. Macroeconomics is concerned
with the functioning of the overall economy.
Microeconomics is divided into several categories of decision making.
Microeconomics is first concerned with the choices individuals make in determining
how to spend their income. Second, microeconomics deals with how individuals
decide on the quantity of the labour or other resource endowments, such as capital, or
land, that they wish to sell to firm in exchange for income.
Macroeconomics is concerned with the problems of economic growth,
unemployment and inflation. Each of these factors is an indication of the overall state
of the economy and how fully resources are utilized. Higher economic growth
generally implies higher living standards. Lower unemployment suggests that society
is making good use of its labour resource. Low rates of inflation reflect stable
valuations of goods and services in terms of money.
So, the major distinction between micro- and macroeconomics analysis is in the
groups that are the focus of study in each branch. In microeconomics, individuals and
firms are the main agents whose actions arc analyzed. In macroeconomics, the
actions of broad groupings such as all consumers, government, and all investors -
form the basis for analysis.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between economy and economics?
2. What do economists mean by goods and services?
3. What kind of science is economics?
4. What are two sides to the study of economics?
5. Why do economic questions arise?
6. What is microeconomics concerned with?
7. What is macroeconomics concerned with?
8. What does lower unemployment suggest?
9. What do low rates of inflation reflect?
10. What groups are the focus of study in microeconomics and

II. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they
are false, give the correct statement:
1. The subject matter of economics is unemployment.
2. Economics is the study of how goods and services 'get produced and sold.
3. All economical questions arise from the fundamental fact of scarcity
4. We can define economics as «the study of mankind in the everyday
business life».
5. Some areas of study in economics can be classified into those under the
heading of supply, those under the heading of demand and those based on
interrelationships between supply and demand.
6. Macroeconomics is concerned with the choices individuals make in
determining how to spend their income.
7. Low rates of inflation reflect stable valuations of goods and services in
terms of money.
8. Nature provides all of the things society wants.

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Бажання людини безмежні, а кошти, необхідні для здійснення цих
бажань, надто обмежені.
2. Перед кожним суспільством постає проблема нестатку.
3. Економічні чинники впливають на рішення у світі бізнесу.
4. Ресурси, необхідні для утворення товарів і послуг, називають
чинниками виробництва.
5. Заробітна плата — це та винагорода, яку отримують робітники за свою
6. Купуючи фабрики, машини та інші засоби виробництва, ділові люди
часто вживають термін «капітал».
7. Економіка — це наука, яка описує та аналізує вибір з-поміж
недостатніх ресурсів, які мають задовольнити потреби населення.
8. Кожний чинник виробництва має місце в нашій економічній системі і
кожний виконує відповідну функцію.

IV. Match the words with their definitions:

1.economics a)something in short supply; not enough to meet

2. production b)activity of buying and using goods;
3. distribution c)the creation of services or the changing of materials
into products;
4. exchange d)the activity of selling goods and services in order to
make a profit;
5. consumption e)the production, distribution and sale of goods and
services for a profit;
6. business f)the movement of finished products from the
manufacturing location to the market place;
7. trade g)the social science that describes and analyses how
society chooses from among scarce resources to satisfy
its wants;
8. scarce h)the process of trading or bartering one unit or set of
goods or services for another unit or set;
9. market i)one of many varieties of systems, institutions,
procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby
parties engage in exchange;
10.profit j)the difference between a firm's total revenue and all
11.resource k)the amount of goods and services, by a firm, industry,
or country;
12.output 1)a source or supply from which benefit is produced.

V. These pairs of words often cause problems. Choose the correct alternative
for each:
1. Economic / economics
a) She studied … at university and is now an economist with a big
international bank.
b) She analyses the general … problems faced by companies operating within
traditional industries like shipbuilding.
2. Economy /economies
a) Their government is trying to liberalize the … while keeping tight political
b) Overheads are getting out of control and we need to make major… right
across the business.
3. Economic / Economical

a) Prices are rising and the number of jobs is falling. It's not just a business
problem, it's general … problem.
b) This car uses less petrol than the other one so this one is the more … .
4. Production / Productivity
a) We'll increase pay if the employees raise their … .
b) If we don't get another order soon, we'll have to cut … and maybe close
the factory.
5. Expenses / Expenditure
a) We have to reduce our general … : we must cut costs wherever we can.
b) Andrew must cut his travel, accommodation and entertainment … : he'll
have to stay in cheaper hotels and take clients to cheaper restaurant.
6. Take over / overtake
a) They want to…our company but I don't think their offer is high enough for
our shareholders to sell.
b) They expect to_ … all their main competitors, in terms of sales, within a
year of the launch of their new product.
7. Basis / Basic
a) He only speaks … English: it's sometimes difficult to understand what he is
trying to say.
b) Well, I think we have a good … for discussion after lunch.
8. Raising / Rising
a) Prices are … at a rate of about 4% per year.
b) The company is … its prices by 5% this year.

VI. Put the right word from the box in the sentences. Use the same words
more than one time:

Economics, economic, economists, economists, economize, economical,

economy, economically.

1.The study of … is of great use even to those students who have no wish to
become professional.
2. … recommendations may be of high value to governments but governments
do not always rely on them.
3.You can_ … if you compare the prices of goods before buying them.
4._J.M. Keynes and K. Marx were two famous … .
5.If you've got a large family, it's more … to travel by car than by train.
6.The_system of country is usually called the national … .
7.The people in that town live very … .
8.An early definition of … was «an inquiry into nature and causes of the
wealth of nations».
9.The aim of that book is to form a theory of the role of government in … life.
10. The … are monitoring the prices and levels of consumption of different
goods and services.

VII. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box:

Scarcity, wages, interest, rent, choices, systems, resources

1.The price paid for the use of labor is called ... .

2.Traditional economic ... are usually found in the more remote areas of the
3.Payment for the use of someone else's money, or capital, is called ....
4.... exists because human wants are virtually unlimited, whereas the
necessaries to satisfy those wants are limited.
5.The ... or factors of production as they are called, are land, labor, capital and
6. Everyone goes through life having to make ... .
7. The price paid for the use of land is called …
VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:

P.; Hello, Bob!

S.: Oh, Peter, glad to see you. Haven't seen you for a long time. What have you
been busy with, and what are you doing now?
P.: I'm a student of the Kyiv University. And what about you?
S.: You know, when I received my school leaving certificate, I decided to
work at a plant and get a specialty.
P.: What specialty have you got?
S.: I'm a fitter now, I get good wages and I can support my mother. And now
that I have become a skilled worker I think already I can combine my job with
studies by taking correspondence courses or attending the evening faculty of an
P.: What institute do you want to enter?
S.: I have thought about the Cherkassy Engineering and Technological
Institute, but I haven't yet decided. I'd like to become an economist.
P.: Is it really interesting for you?
S.: Oh, yes, of course. I know that the studying of economics will help us to
understand the economic forces better and enable us to live a fuller life.
P.: Do you know what is the basic economic problem?
S.: I think I do. The central problem of economics is to determine the most
efficient ways to allocate the factors of scarcity created by society's unlimited wants
and limited resources.
P.: But in doing so, every society must provide answers to the following three
— What goods and services are to be produced and in what qualities are
they to be produced?
— How are those goods and services to be produced?
— Who will receive and consume (get to use) those goods and services?

S.: You are right. The way in which a society goes about answering these
fundamental questions is known as its economic system. I'd like to study the
economic system of our country.
P.: Now I understand you and I hope you will enter the institute and become a
very good economist.
S.: Well, I am a bit hungry, why don't we have a snack together?
P.: Good idea. Let's go and have a snack in the cafe.


Topic: Product, Market and Market Relations


entity - одиниця; річ; самостійна одиниця, самостійне утворення;

самостійна правова одиниця; особа; підприємство; організація; органзізація-
суб’єкт права;
core product - товар по задуму, узагальнений товар (продукт); базова ідея
товару (товар з позиції основної вигоди, заради якої споживач його купує;
наприклад, пральна машина як узагальнений товар буде представляти собою
чисту білизну, шампунь – чисте і здоров’я волосся);
actual product - товар у реальному виконанні, конкретний товар,
фактичний товар (фізична сутність товару або товар з точними якісними
характеристиками; до характеристик реального товару відносять:
функціональні властивості, якість, оформлення (дизайн), назву марки,
augmented product - товар з підкріпленням, розширений товар (товар з
комплексом додаткових послуг і переваг, які отримує покупець: особиста увага
до покупця, доставка на дім, гарантія повернення грошей, кредитування,
обслуговування після продажу і т.д.);
benefit - користь; вигода; прибуток;
valuable - цінний, коштовний, дорогий; корисний, важливий;
convenience - зручність; вигода, користь;
core benefit - основна користь (вигода);
to travel (around) - подорожувати (по);
vehicle - транспортний засіб, автомобіль; автотранспорт;
to test drive - здійснювати тест-драйв (пробну поїздку під час придбання
to collect (a car) - забирати (автомобіль);
added value - додана вартість;
to pay a premium - платити премію (нагороду, винагороду; надбавку до
винагороди; страхувальну премію);
warranty - гарантія;

customer service support - підтримка клієнтського обслуговування;
after-sales service - гарантійне обслуговування; сервісне обслуговування;
обслуговування після продажу;
branding - брендинг (процес створення бренду та керування ним; полягає
у формуванні в споживачів особливого враження про товар / послугу даного
виробника та підтриманні у споживачів довіри до якості товару); фірмове
installation - проведення, установлення, розміщення; монтаж; інсталяція;
delivery - доставка; поставка; передача; відправлення.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

The product is everything that one receives in an exchange. Some products are
tangible (material, palpable), such as clothing items, phones, computers, etc., while
others are intangible (impalpable – they cannot be touched). Products are divided into
two classes: goods and services. For example, a hamburger is an item, while a
doctor's examination is a service. When you buy an automobile, you are purchasing a
product. When you have someone adjust a carburetor, however, you are purchasing a
service. So a product is a real, physical, tangible thing that is produced and
consumed. A service is an intangible attribute that involves selling help and advice,
or delivering goods for customers.
For many people a product is simply a tangible, physical entity that may be
sold and bought. But the concept of product is more complex as there exist three
different products – the CORE product, the ACTUAL product, and the
AUGMENTED product. These are known as the “three levels of a product”.
The CORE product is NOT a tangible, physical product. You cannot touch it,
because the core product is the BENEFIT of the product that makes it valuable to
you. So with the car example, the benefit is convenience i.e. the ease at which you
can go where you like whenever you want to. Another core benefit is speed since you
can travel around relatively quickly.
The ACTUAL product is the tangible, physical product. You can get some use
out of it. Again with the car example, it is the vehicle that you test drive, buy and then
The AUGMENTED product is the non-physical part of the product. It usually
consists of lots of added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium. So
when you buy a car, part of the augmented product would be the warranty, the
customer service support offered by the car’s manufacture, and any after-sales
The definition of the term ‘product’ is based on the concept of a market. The
term ‘market’ is an extension of the ancient idea of a market as a place where people
gather to buy and sell goods. In former days some part of a town was kept as a market
or marketplace, and people would travel many kilometers on special market-days in
order to buy and sell various commodities. Today, however, markets such as the gold
market or cotton market do not need to have any fixed geographical location. Such a
market is a set of transactions in which a particular kind of commodity is exchanged
and in which the transactions for this commodity among different individuals and
firms are related.
Some people come to a market because they want to buy (demanders) others
come because they want to sell (suppliers). Thus, a market is created when those who
willingly supply a product or service exchange with those who desire to use, control,
or consume a product or service.
Supply and demand are the twin factors which determine the price in any
market. Supply is the quantity of goods or services sellers will offer for sale at
different prices at a particular time and place. Demand is the total amount of a type of
goods or services that people or companies buy at a particular time and place.
A market is equilibrium when the quantity that suppliers are willing to provide
to the market at a specific market price is exactly equal to the quantity that demanders
desire to purchase in the market at the same market price.
The importance of equilibrium is that the equilibrium relative price is the only
price at which the interests of demanders happen to coincide precisely with the
interests of the suppliers.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the product?
2. What products are tangible and intangible?
3. What is a service?
4. Why is the concept of product more complex?
5. What are the three levels of a product?
6. Is the core product a tangible, physical entity? Can you touch it? Why?
7. What is the core benefit of a car?
8. What is the actual product?
9. What does the augmented product usually consist of?
10. What is the term market ?
11. Why do people come to a market?
12. What is supply?
13. What is demand?
14. When is a market equilibrium?
15. What is the importance of equilibrium?

ІІ. Find in the text English equivalents to Ukrainian words and word
Товар по задуму, самостійна одиниця, матеріальні продукти, основна
користь, додана вартість, визначати ціну на ринку, точно співпадати з
інтересами, цінний продукт, доставка товарів покупцям, товар у реальному
виконанні, платити премію, товар з підкріпленням, постачальник, споживач,
підтримка клієнтського обслуговування.

ІІІ. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they
are false, give the correct statement:
1. All products are tangible.
2. A service is a tangible attribute that involves selling help and advice, or
delivering goods for customers.
3. For many people a product is simply a tangible, physical entity that may be
sold and bought.
4. The core product is a tangible, physical product.
5. The augmented product is the tangible, physical product.
6. The augmented product usually consists of lots of added value.
7. The definition of the term ‘product’ is based on the concept of a marketing.
8. Demanders are people who come to a market because they want to sell.
9. Supply determines the price in any market.
10. Demand is the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or
companies buy at a particular time and place.

ІV. Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the box. Translate the
text into Ukrainian:
leader, line, price, position, research, trend, decline, entered, take over,
withdraw from

We've spent the last month doing extensive market (l) … - talking to
customers in-store and asking them how we can improve our service. This research
shows that customers want two things: first, more ready-made food, and second,
better quality organic food. In relation to the first point, we know that the market for
ready-made food is growing rapidly. It already accounts for 8% of our total sales, up
from 5% just three years ago. This (2)… is likely to continue, as the pressures of
work mean that people have less and less time to cook meals for themselves. This
doesn't mean that sales of fresh fruit and vegetables will disappear; it just means that
they are likely to slowly (3) … . This leads to the second point: organic food. We (4)
… this market about ten years ago, and for a time sales were very strong. It even
looked as if organic food would (5)… the fruit and vegetable market. However sales
peaked and have now fallen to low levels. The problem is that organic food is
expensive – its(6)…will always be significantly higher than non-organic. This doesn't
fit well with our market (7)… as a value-for-money supermarket with lower prices
than our competitors. Given the low levels of sales, one option would be to (8)… the
organic food market completely. However, I think this would be a mistake. We are
the market (9) … and we can't simply stop selling this product (10)… .This matter
needs further discussion.

V. Match a word describing a market on the left with a word with a

similar meaning in the middle and their opposite on the right:
domestic open declining
existing expanding foreign
free current mass
growing home potential
huge specialist protected
niche enormous small

VI. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. Market segment a) a fundamental economic concept that
describes the total amount of a specific
good or service that is available to
2. Market niche b) the consumer's need or desire to own
the product or experience the service.
3. Supply c) the percentage of an industry or
market's total sales that is earned by a
particular company over a specified
time period.
4. Market share d) a small area of trade within the
economy, often involving specialized
5. Market research e) a group of people who share one or
more common characteristics, lumped
together for marketing purposes.
6. Financial market f) the process of gathering, analyzing
and interpreting information about a
market, about a product or service to be
offered for sale in that market, and
about the past, present and potential
customers for the product or service;
research into the characteristics,
spending habits, location and needs of
your business's target market, the
industry as a whole, and the particular
competitors you face .
7. Commodity market g) a broad term describing any
marketplace where trading of securities
including equities, bonds, currencies
and derivatives occurs.
8. Demand h) a physical or virtual marketplace
for buying, selling and trading raw or
primary products.

VII. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match the words with the
correct definition from the list below:
Core product, actual product, augmented product, fast moving consumer goods,
white goods, brown goods, perishable goods, durable/hard goods,
nondurable/soft goods
1. goods that are used up or last for less than three years – for example,
perishable goods, consumable suppliers such as CD ROMs, or ink for a printer.
2. major household electrical goods that are not usually white, such as
camcorders, televisions and DVD players.
3. goods that last for a long time-they cannot be easily worn out or used up,
such as cars, furniture and white goods.
4. not the actual product but can be defined as the benefit of the product that
makes it useful to the purchaser.
5. the physical parts of a product like brand name, design, features, quality,
and style.
6. a product that has extra features that make it better or more attractive than
the ordinary product.
7. major household electrical goods that are not usually white, such as
freezers, washing machines and dishwashers.
8. products with a high turnover and relatively low price, such as table salt or
9. goods that have a limited shelf life and must be consumed relatively
quickly, such as fresh fruit, fresh meat and eggs.

VIII. Put the words in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences:

1. It concerns the cycle life product.

2. A product with a market relative high share and market growth rate low is
a cash cow.
3. Cash cows can be used to fund development research and for new
4. Stars may cash high flows generate but are not always profitable.
5. Dogs may cash negative flow generate.
6. Supply and demand are the twin factors which any market the price in


Topic: Маrketing and Advertising


movement – рух;
objectives - завдання, цілі;
promotion - сприяння у продажу (товару);
to insure– забезпечувати;
to charge - призначати ціну, вимагати сплату;
distribution - розповсюдження, розподіл;
wholesaler - оптовий торговець;
retailer - роздрібний торговець;
advertising - рекламна справа, реклама, рекламування;
to achieve – досягати;
advertising media - засоби розповсюдження реклами;
to persuade – переконувати;
media - засоби масової інформації;
to advertise – рекламувати;
vital- життєво необхідний;
failure – помилка;
quality – якість;
quantity – кількість;
to establish – встановлювати;
communication - передача інформації.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Buying, selling, market research, transportation, storage, advertising are all part
of the complex area of business known as marketing. In simple terms, marketing
means the movement of goods and services from the manufacturer to the customer in
order to satisfy the customer and to achieve the company's objectives. Marketing can
be divided into four main elements that are popularly known as the four Ps: product,
price, placement, and promotion. Each element plays a vital role in the success or
failure of the marketing operation.
The product element of marketing refers to the goods or services that a
company wants to sell. This often involves research and development (R&D) of a
new product, research of the potential market, testing of the product to insure quality,
and then introduction to the market.
Next the company considers the price to charge for its product. There are three
pricing options the company may take: above, with, or below the prices that its
competitors are charging. For example, if the average price of a pair of women's
leather shoes is $27, a company that charges $23 has priced below the market; a
company that charges $27 has priced with the market; and a company that charges
$33 has priced above the market. Most companies price with the market and sell their
goods or services for average prices established by major producers in the industry.
The producers who establish these prices are known as price leaders.
The third element of the marketing process – placement - involves getting the
product to the customer. This takes place through the channels of distribution.
A common channel of distribution is: manufacturer – wholesaler – retailer –
Wholesalers generally sell large quantities of a product to retailers, and
retailers usually sell smaller quantities to customers.
Finally, communication about the product takes place between buyer and
seller. This communication between buyer and seller is known as promotion. There
are two major ways promotion occurs: through personal selling, as in a department
store; and through advertising, as in a newspaper or magazine.
The four elements of marketing - product, price, placement, and promotion -
work together to develop a successful marketing operation that satisfies customers
and achieves the company's objectives.
Marketing trends, activities and organizations are constantly changing and
developing. The majority of the labour force in many countries are involved in some
form of marketing. Those employees who are engaged in marketing activities
outnumber those engaged in manufacturing or production.
Marketing is closely connected with advertising. Advertising is a paid non-
person sales communication directed at a large number of potential buyers. For many
firms it is the most effective type of promotion.
The two basic types of advertising are product advertising and institutional
advertising. Product advertising involves selling goods and services. Institutional
advertising involves promoting a concept, idea or philosophy of an industry,
company, organization or government entity. The purpose of advertising is to inform,
persuade or remind effectively that is why the choice of the media is an important
consideration for marketers. Newspapers and magazines are the largest of the
advertising media. Television and radio rank second. The internet is getting more
important as a means of advertising. There are many other options that can be used to
advertise products – direct mail, outdoor advertising, public transportation etc.

I. Answer the questions:

1. What are the parts of marketing?
2. What main elements can marketing be divided into?
3. What does the product element involve?
4. What are three pricing options the company may take? Give an example.
5. How do most companies price?
6. What involves getting the product to the customer?
7. What does placement involve?
8. What is promotion? How does it occur?
9. Why should four elements of marketing work together?
10. What is advertising?
11. What are the two basic types of advertising?
12. What is the purpose of advertising?
13. What are the largest of the advertising media and why?

II. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations :
sell large quantities of a product to retailers, consider the price, complex area
of business, the movement of goods and services, failure of the marketing operation,
introduction to the market, the prices that the competitors are charging, price leaders,
communication between buyer and seller, achieve the company's objectives,
institutional advertising, persuade or remind effectively, wholesaler, retailer.

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following worlds and word
Рух товарів та послуг, досягати завдань компанії, головні виробники,
встановлювати ціну на продукт, забезпечувати якість, відігравати важливу
роль, реклама продукту, просування, впровадження продукту на ринок,
задовольняти потреби покупців.

IV. Using the information in the text say what is true and what is false.
Correct the false sentences:

1. Marketing means the movement of goods and services from the customer
to the manufacturer .
2. Only one element plays a vital role in the success or failure of the
marketing operation.
3. The product element of marketing refers to the goods or services that a
company wants to sell.
4. There are three pricing options the company may take: above, with, or
behind the prices that its competitors are charging.
5. Few companies price with the market and buy their goods or services for
average prices established by major producers in the industry.
6. Wholesalers generally sell large quantities of a product to retailers, and
retailers usually sell smaller quantities to customers.
7. Communication between buyer and producer is known as promotion.
8. Marketing trends, activities and organizations are constantly changing and
9. Marketing is closely connected with manufacturing.
10. Product advertising involves selling goods and services.
11. Television and radio are the largest of the advertising media.

V. Find proper definitions and study them:

Term Definition
Product a) how your staff (or employees), are different from those in a
competitor’s organization, and how your clients are different
from your competitor’s clients.
Price b) how your service becomes tangible. For example, tickets,
policies and brochures create something the customers can
touch and hold.
Place: c)how your product is built and delivered, or how your service
is sold, delivered and accessed.
Promotion d) how your shop or website looks.
People e) where you sell the product or service.
Physical f) what you sell, and the variety or range you sell.
Process g) how much the product or service costs.
h) how you tell consumers about the product or service.

IV. Which of the following words and expressions refer to product, price,
place, promotion, or people?
accessibility customers discounts location sales force
branding delivery distribution quality special deals
competitors direct launch reputation support

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Translate the sentences
into Ukrainian:
Advertising, mix, price, products, promotional

Marie Curie Cancer Care is reviewing its marketing strategy in an attempt to

attract a wider audience. It will stop using (1)….. techniques, such as mailings and
events. Television (2)….. and face-to-face marketing are both being tested in a bid to
supplement the charity’s typical over-60s donor base with younger supporters. If tests
prove successful, they will become part of Marie Curie’s marketing (3)….. .
In addition, Marie Curie Cancer Care is expanding its online shop. Stylish
handbags at a (4)….. of $10 are attractive to younger customers. Marie Curie Cancer
Care says it is responding to customers’ needs and wants by selling elegant fashion
wear (5)….. .
Price Place Promotion
VI. Choose the most suitable word from the words in brackets to complete
these sentences:
1. Viacom Outdoor is an advertising company that specialises in placing
adverts on (billboards / public transport / television) such as buses.
2. Some perfume companies provide (leaflets / commercials / free samples) so
that customers can try the perfume on their skin before they buy.
3. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever (slogans /
directories / mailshots) that are short and memorable such as the message for the
credit card, Access: "Your flexible friend".
4. Celebrity (exhibition / research / endorsement) is a technique that is very
popular in advertising at the moment.
5. If news about a product comes to you by (word of mouth / press / Internet),
someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.
6. If you have something to sell, you can (target / place / launch) an advert in
the local newspaper.

VII. Do you think that the advertising practices described below are
acceptable? Are any other types of advertisement offensive?
1. Using children in advertisements.
2. Using nudity in advertisements.
3. Promoting alcohol on TV.
4. Comparing your products to your competitors' products
5. An image flashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced
without noticing it (subliminal advertising).
6. Exploiting people's fears and worries

VIII.Which of the following statements do you agree with? Explain your

1. People remember advertisements not products.
2. Advertising raises prices.
3. Advertising has a bad influence on children.


Topic: Trade and Commerce


exchange and distribution of goods and services – обмін та розподіл товарів

та послуг;
medium of exchange – засіб обміну;
wholesale trade – оптова торгівля;
retail trade – роздрібна торгівля;
to acquire – купувати;
middlemen – посередник;
ultimate buyer – кінцевий покупець;
packing – пакування;
invoicing – виписування накладних;
dispatching – відправлення ( товарів);
link – сполучна ланка;
demand and supply – попит та пропозиція;
to estimate the quantity – визначати кількість;
increase – зростання;
decrease – зниження;
markup – націнка;
wholesaler's warehouse - оптовий склад;
to render a service – надати послугу;
intense – значний, напружений;
competition – конкуренція;
to promote – просувати, сприяти продажу;
to advertise – рекламувати;
tо encourage sale – сприяти продажу.

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Commerce is a moving of goods from the man who wants to sell, to the man
who is willing to buy. Commerce can also be defined as the exchange and
distribution of goods and services.
The original form of trade was barter, the direct exchange of goods and
services. Modern traders instead generally negotiate through a medium of exchange,
such as money.
There are different channels of distribution of goods and the most important
among them there are two aspects wholesale trade and retail trade. A business that
acquires goods to sell to the general public is called retail trade. Wholesalers or
middlemen help goods move from manufactures to consumers by selling them to the
retailer. A middleman is any person or firm that enters the distribution process
between the manufacturer and the ultimate buyer.
The wholesaler or middleman buys in large quantities from the producer or
manufacturer and sells in smaller quantities to the retailer who, in his turn, supplies
the individual customer, but not final consumers.
The manufacturer cannot, in most cases, undertake the handling of
innumerable small orders from retailers with all the attendant work of packing and
invoicing and dispatching.
Being the link between the producer and the retailer, the wholesaler knows the
demand and can estimate the quantities required. His commercial agents can advise
the manufacturer of changes in fashion, suggest an increase in production of certain
types, a decrease in others so, the wholesaler can help the retailer in many ways.
The most common channel of distribution runs from the manufacturer to
wholesaler to retailer to consumer. This is the longest channel and requires the most
markups. But it is often the most efficient, especially for dealing with small retailers.
Retailer is the final link from the producer to the consumer. He sells small quantities
to the customers, so he must be able to anticipate the customers' needs. The retailer
gets his stock from a wholesaler either by ordering his goods after examining samples
or patterns or by paying periodic visits to the wholesaler's warehouse where, from the
range of goods that the wholesaler has bought from various manufacturers, the retailer
can select those that he thinks will be most suited for the type of customer that buys
from the shop. He may also deal directly with a manufacturer. The retailers, however,

do more than merely supply a need. According to the type of goods that he sells, the
retailer may render certain services. He may sell you a car and service it.
The retailer's primary role is to provide consumers with the products they want
when and where they want them. That's why there are so many retail stores and why
retail competition is often so intense.
The retailer is the party that actually sells the consumer goods manufacturers
make. Manufacturers may advertise or otherwise promote their products. But the
goods must be present in retail stores, customers must be aware that the goods are
there, and the retailer must have a pricing policy that encourages their sale.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is commerce?
2. What is barter?
3. Are there different channels of distribution? Name the most important of
4. How do we call a person or firm that enters the distribution process between
the manufacturer and the ultimate buyer?
5. What are the functions of a middleman?
6. In what ways can the wholesaler help the retailer?
7. What are the functions of a retailer?
8. Define the most common channel of distribution.
9. What is the retailer’s primary role?
10.How does the retailer help to sell the consumer goods manufactures make?

II. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations
from the text:
the exchange and distribution of goods and services; channels of distribution; that
acquires goods to sell to the general public; middlemen; that enters the distribution
process; the ultimate buyer; in his turn; undertake the handling of innumerable small
orders; estimate the quantities; requires the most markups; to anticipate the
customers' needs; after examining samples or patterns; being the link between the
producer and the retailer; deal directly with a manufacturer; render certain services;
provide consumers with the products; customers must be aware; to advertise.

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following worlds and word
різні канали розподілу товарів та послуг; оптова торгівля; роздрібна торгівля; у
великій кількості; пакування; виписування накладних; відправлення товарів;
кінцева ланка від виробника до споживача; рекламувати товари; сприяти
продажу; виробник; цінова політика; передбачати потреби покупців; купувати;
оптові склади; конкуренція; пропонувати збільшення або зменшення
виробництва; магазини роздрібної торгівлі.

IV. Match the terms with their definitions:

Term Definition
1. middleman a) an individual who buys products or services for
personal use and not for manufacture or resale.
2. link b) a person or company that makes goods for sale.
3. mark-up c) an industry that sells primarily to individuals, not
4. retail trade d)a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by
a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc.; inventory.
5. wholesale trade e) the amount added by a seller to the cost of a
commodity to cover expenses and profit in fixing the
selling price.
6. consumer f) a person or firm that buys large quantity of goods from
various producers or vendors, warehouses them, and
resells to retailers.
7. manufacturer g)a person who plays an economic role intermediate
between producer and retailer or consumer.
8. stock h) one of the rings or separate pieces of which a chain is

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

large quantities, distribution channel, intermediaries, ultimate consumers, acquire,

directly, merchant, producer.

Middlemen are independent business concern standing between the producers

and the1) …as goods and services move from where they are produced to where they
are consumed. Middlemen also referred to as2)… play a vital part in ensuring that the
distribution channel between 3)… and the consumers is complete. The more the
intermediaries in the supply chain, the higher the4)… . Examples of middlemen
include: wholesalers, retailers, agents and brokers. Wholesalers and agents are closer
to the producers, wholesalers buy the goods in bulk and sell them to retailer in5)… .
Retailers and brokers 6)… the goods from the wholesalers and sell them in small
quantities to the consumers, consumers may also choose to bypass the intermediaries
and buy 7)… from the producers. This is referred to as dis-intermediation. Merchant
middlemen actually take title to the products they help to market. The two groups of
8) … middlemen are wholesalers and retailers.

VI. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Роздрібна торгівля - діяльність по перепродажі товарів від виробників

або посередників споживачеві для особистого некомерційного використання.
2. Незалежні оптові торговці - здобувають право власності на товар.
Живуть за рахунок різниці в покупній і продажній ціні.

3. Залежні оптові торговці - не здобувають право власності на товар,
зводять виробника й споживача й живуть за рахунок комісійної винагороди.
4. Рух товарів здійснюється через канали - сукупність фірм і фізичних
осіб, за допомогою яких відбувається передача продуктів і прав власності на
них від виробника до споживача.
5. За допомогою каналів руху товарів виконуються також функції
дослідження ринку, інформування контрагентів і споживачів, взаємодії з ними.
6. Канал розподілу товарів - сукупність взаємозалежних організацій або
фізичних осіб, включених у процес доставки товарів від виробників до кінцевих
споживачів у рамках збутового маршруту.


Topic: Money and Banking Sector


commodity – товар;
in exchange for - в обмін на;
intrinsic value - внутрішня вартість
to consist of - складатися з;
paper bills - паперові банкноти;
coins– монети;
medium of exchange - засіб обміну;
measure of value - мірило вартості;
store of value - засіб заощадження;
hard money - конвертована валюта;
soft money - банкноти, паперові гроші;
assets– активи;
fiat money - нерозмінні гроші (незабезпечені золотом);
currency – валюта;
authority– влада;
substitute money - замінники грошей;
current account - поточний рахунок;
salary - заробітна плата;
wage - заробітна плата( виплачується щоденно, раз на тиждень);
to withdraw - знімати гроші з рахунку;
bank statement - баланс банку, виписка з банківського рахунку;
savings account - ощадний рахунок;
interest– відсоток;
mortgage– застава;
income tax - податок на прибуток;
inheritance tax - податок на спадщину;
to accept deposits - приймати депозити;
loan– позика;
to arrange mergers - організовувати злиття;
acquisitions - поглинання ( компанії).

Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

Money is anything that is generally accepted by people in exchange for the

things they sell or the work they do. The first instances of money were objects with
intrinsic value. This is called commodity money. But today, money consists mainly
of paper bills, coins made of various metals, and checking account deposits.
Money is usually defined by its function when it serves as: 1) a medium of
exchange that functions as legal tender; 2) a measure of value; 3) a store of value. As
a medium of exchange money is something generally accepted as payment for goods
and services. As a measure of value money shows a particular denomination or form
of currency silver money, what something is worth. In terms of a store of value
money demonstrates the property or assets with reference to their realizable value in
the future.
People do distinguish between three types of money: hard money, soft money
and no-money. Hard money is a monetary standard such as gold, silver, or platinum
treated as hard assets with real universal value. Soft money is paper money backed by
hard money. No-money is paper money backed by nothing of value. It is also called
fiat money. The term ‘fiat’ means by government order. People are willing to accept
fiat money in exchange for the goods and services they sell only because they know it
will be honoured when they go to buy goods and services. The examples of fiat
money are bills and coins that we use today – collectively known as currency. So,
money is the official currency, in the form of banknotes, coins, etc., issued by a
government or other authority. Ever country has its own special currency. In the
United States of America, for example, the basic unit is the US dollar. Canada uses
the Canadian dollar, France uses the franc, in Great Britain the pound is the currency
in Japan – the yen, in Mexico – the peso, in Ukraine – the hrivnya. Every day the
rates of exchange are published.
There exist many forms of substitute money – bank accounts, credit cards,
plastic cards, traveller’s cheques. So, when people are asked how they want to pay,
they usually answer: ‘cash/ by cheque/ by credit card’. In a bank people usually have
a current account, which is one where they pay in their salary and then withdraw
money to pay their everyday bills. The bank sends their clients a regular bank
statement telling them how much money has gone in and out of their account. There
can also be a savings account where people deposit any extra money and take it out
when they want to spend it on something special. When people spend more than they
have in their account, they have an overdraft. Then the bank charges interest from an
overdrawn account. When the bank lends the money it is called a bank loan. The loan
for buying accommodation (a flat or a house) is called a mortgage. The personal
finance is connected with the public finance. By the latter is meant the money
collected by the government from citizens through taxes. Income tax is the tax
collected on wages and salaries. Inheritance tax is collected on what people inherit
from others. Value added tax (VAT) is a tax paid on most goods and services when
they are bought or purchased.
The banking sector in the United Kingdom, for example, is made up of a
variety of institutions supervised by the country’s central bank, The Bank of England.
This bank looks after the government’s finance and monetary policy and acts as
banker to other banks. However, for the general public and many businesses, banking
services are provided by commercial banks, or clearing banks, which have
branches throughout the country. These banks offer a wide range of services which
include accepting deposits, making loans and managing customers’ accounts.
Merchant banks, on the other hand, do not deal with the public but specialize in
services for companies or corporate customers. They are particularly active in
arranging mergers and acquisitions and in advising on aspects of corporate finance.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is money?
2. What is called commodity money?
3. What does money consist of?
4. What are the functions of money?
5. What types of money do you know? Define them.
6. What does term ‘fiat’ mean?
7. What are the examples of fiat money?
8. Does every county have its own special currency? Prove it.
9. What are forms of substitute money?
10. What accounts can people have in a bank? Define them.
11. What functions do central bank perform?
12. What do merchant banks specialize in?
13. What kind of institution is a commercial bank?

ІІ. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following words and word combinations
from the text:
In exchange for; checking account; a medium of exchange; denomination or
form of currency ; a measure of value; backed by; a current account; withdraw
money; extra money; have an overdraft; the bank charges interest; a bank loan; a
mortgage; inheritance tax; supervised by the country’s central bank; arranging
mergers and acquisitions; banking services; a store of value; real universal value.

ІІІ. Complete the following sentences using the information in the text:
1. Money is anything that….
2. Money is usually defined by….
3. As a medium of exchange money is…
4. As a measure of value money…
5. In terms of a store of value money…
6. Hard money is…
7. Soft money is…
8. No-money is…
9. In a bank people usually have…
10.Then the bank charges interest…
11.Income tax is…
12.Inheritance tax is…

IV. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are
false, give the correct statement:
1. The first instances of money were coins.
2. Money is usually defined by its value.
3. As a medium of exchange money demonstrates the property or assets with
reference to their realizable value in the future.
4. As a measure of value money is something generally accepted as payment
for goods and services.
5. Soft money is paper money backed by hard money.
6. Hard money is paper money backed by nothing of value.
7. The examples of fiat money are bills and coins that we use today –
collectively known as currency.
8. The bank never charges interest from an overdrawn account.
9. The loan for buying property is called a mortgage.
10. Inheritance tax is the tax collected on wages and salaries.
11.Income tax is collected on what people inherit from others.
12.Merchant banks deal with the public.
13.The banking sector in the United Kingdom is made up of a variety of
institutions supervised by the country’s central bank.
14.Commercial banks are particularly active in arranging mergers and
acquisitions and in advising on aspects of corporate finance.

V. Match the definitions with the terms:

Term Definition
1. gross margin a) money owed by one person or organization to another person or
2.recession b) a period of time when business activity decreases because the
economy is doing badly
3. shares c) difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of
producing it
4. debt d) a place where company shares are bought and sold
5. stock market e) money which people or organization put into a business to make
a profit
6. investment f) equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is

VI. Match the sentences halves:
1. Earnings per share are
2. A forecast is
3. Bankruptcy is
4. A dividend is
5. Pre-tax profits are
6. Revenues
a) a part of profits of a company paid to the owners of shares.
b) a company’s profits divided by the number of its shares.
c) a description of what is likely to happen.
d) money which businesses receive from selling goods or services.
e) when a person or organization is unable to pay their debts.
f) the money a business makes before payment to the government.

VII. Complete this report with the terms from Exercises V and VI:

In our home market it has been another excellent year. 1)….. are up by &23
million, and the 2)….. for the next quarter is equal good. Profits from abroad are
down because of a 3)…. In Japan. However, our performance overall has been good,
and the 4)….. have increased to 26.4 p and the 5)….. will be increased to 4.3p per
share, which will please our shareholders.
We plan to issue new 6)….. in order to finance expansion in Asia. We also plan
to increase our 7)….. in plant and equipment before entering the Chinese market. We
are particularly pleased with our performance in France and Germany where 8)…..
have increased of 40 percent on our main product line. We will use any extra cash to
reduce the level of our 10)….. . Our performance in Italy should improve
significantly following the 11)….. of our biggest competitor. However, we should not
become too satisfied with our share price as economic conditions remain uncertain
and the 12)….. will continue to reflect this. Share prices will not rise in the short

VIII. Fill in the gaps with a word or phrase from the box:
central bank, commercial banks, confident, credit, exchange rate, expand,
frequently, impact, mortgage, proportion, repayments

1. We have to pay our bills too… in my opinion!

2. A country’s ….. is the government bank.
3. The ….. are the highest street banks that everyone uses.
4. When a loan is taken out, usually each month ….. have to be made.
5. A…. is a special loan for people who want to buy a house.
6. When you feel….. you feel sure that what you are doing is safe.
7. Many people these days buy things on ….. instead of paying in cash.
8. A large ….. of people use banks to deposit their savings.
9. The ….. compares the values of different currencies.

10. If a company wants to ….., to move into new markets for example, it will
need to borrow money.
11.High interest rates have an on the consumer’s ability to buy a new home.

IX. Match up these terms with the definitions below:

1. cash card
2. cash dispenser (GB) or ATM (automated teller machine) (US)
3. credit card
4. home banking
5. loan
6. mortgage
7. overdraft
8. standing order or direct debit
9. current account (GB) or checking account (US)
10. deposit account (GB) or time or notice account (US)
a) an arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more from a bank account
than has been deposited in it, up to an agreed limit; interest on the debt is calculated
b)a card which guarantees payment for goods and services purchased by the
cardholder, who pays back the bank or finance company at a later date.
c) a computerized machine that allows bank customers to withdraw money, check
their balance, and so on.
d) a fixed sum of money on which interest is paid, lent for a fixed period, and
usually for a specific purpose.
e) an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to certain people or
organizations at stated times.
f)a loan, usually to buy property, which serves as a security for the loan.
g)a plastic card issued to bank customers for use in cash dispensers.
h) doing banking transactions by telephone or from one's own personal computer.
i) one that generally pays little or no interest, but allows the holder to withdraw
his or her cash without any restrictions.
j)one that pays interest, but usually cannot be used for paying cheques (GB) or
checks (US).

X. Match up the words and nouns to make collocations:

charge advice
do bonds
exchange business
issue currencies
make deposits
offer funds
pay interest
raise loans
receive profits
underwrite security issues
РОЗДІЛ 4.Тестові завдання для самоперевірки

Underline the correct word.

1. Mark is ( their, theirs) son.

2. This is our car. It is (our, ours).
3. These are Mary’s books. They are (her, hers).
4. Blue is (my mine) favourite colour.
5. You can’t have this book. It isn’t (your, yours).
6. (Her, hers) house is big.
7. Is this (your, yours) coat? No, it isn’t (my, mine).
8. Are these pens Liz and Bob’s? Yes, they are ( their, theirs).
9. This is father’s car. It is ( his, hers).
10. That is ( our, ours ) house. It is (our, ours).

Choose the right pronoun to correctly finish this sentence:

1._________ need to follow me closely.

A) You B) He C) She D) It
2. Lewis, Luke and Thomas were cross because ________ had waited ages for the
A) them B) he C) they D) it
3. Palvinder watched the children carefully as _________ crossed the road.
A) them B) him C) they D) us
4. Hold the bag please while I put the shopping in ________ .
A) him B) it C) she D) I
5. Melanie and I are going soon so you can come with _________ .
A) we B) them C) they D) us
6. Thank you for collecting ________ .
A) me B) he C) she D) they
7. I wonder why Geoff rushed off. Did you upset _______ ?
A) he B) him C) we D) they
8. _______ hope those flowers are for me.
A) We B) Them C) I D) Him
9. Open the door. It's ______ .
A) I B) they C) me D) she
10. Sarah wanted Lisa to follow ________.
A) she B) they C) I D) her


Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. It's better ____ I thought.

a) as
b) then
c) than
d) like
2. Brazil is _____ England.
a) biger than
b) bigger as
c) bigger than
d) biger as
3. She is _____ in the class
a) the best
b) best
c) better than
d) as good as
4. I'm not as successful ___ she is.
a) as
b) like
c) than
d) then
5. It was ______ expensive restaurant I've ever been to.
a) more
b) the more
c) most
d) the most
6. I'd like some ____ information.
a) farther
b) further
c) furthest
d) the furthest
7. It's ____ art collection in Europe.
a) finer
b) finest
c) the finer
d) the finest
8. It was ____ than I was expecting.
a) cheaper
b) cheapest
c) the cheapest
d) more cheap
9. This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen.
a) dirtiest
b) dirtiest
c) the dirtiest
d) dirtier
10. Which is ____ of the two?
a) more difficult
b) most difficult
c) much more difficult
d) the most difficult
11. She finished ____ than everyone else.
a) more quickly
b) quicker the most
c) quickly more
d) quick

Underline the correct item.

1. All of his belongings was/were in one small suitcase.

2. Soccer is/are a popular game in England.
3. Aerobics do/does you a lot of good.
4. Chocolate makes/make you put on weight.
5. Most people enjoy/enjoys Christmas.
6. The police is/are looking for him.
7. Fish is/are easy to look after as pets.
8. The economics I learnt at school is/are out of date now.
9. Measles is/are a children’s disease.
10. The information I got was/were very helpful.

Present Forms
Choose the correct item:

1. My sister’s hair … very long.

a) are b) is c) were
2. Jane … her hair at the moment.
a) is having b) has c) was having
3. My brother … for a large company.
a) is working b) works c) has worked
4. John … very polite to the people these days.
a) has been b) is being c) has been being
5. … the film?
a) Do you enjoy b) Have you enjoyed c) Are you enjoying
6. We usually … out on Saturdays evenings.
a) are going b) go c) have been going
7. ……….. to see that film that is on at the cinema next week?
a) Do you go b) Is you going c) Are you going
8. Later tonight I ……….. my uncle, who is ill in hospital.
a) visit b) am visiting c) are visiting
9. I …………… to remember your name but I am afraid I can’t remember it.
a) try b) am trying c) will trying
10. She … her homework right now.
a) is always doing b) is doing c) does


1. Where did you go … holiday last year?

a) in b) on c) at
2. The teacher told us a story … the end of the lessons.
a) in b) on c) at
3. We are going to the beach … the weekend.
a) in b) on c) at
4. We’re going to drive to the country … .
a) at b) in c) on
5. You must finish this work … 7 o’clock.
a) until b) on c) by
6. Betty taught English … she was in Turkey.
a) during b) while c) until
7. Susan wasn’t sure about taking the job, but … the end she accepted it.
a) in b) at c) on
8. I love going to the cinema … the winter.
a) in b) at c) on
9. … the beginning of the film there is a huge storm.
a) in b) on c) at
10. We have a lot of fun … Christmas Day.
a) on b) at c) in

РОЗДІЛ 5. Критерії оцінювання знань здобувачів

Підсумкова оцінка з курсу формується на підставі: результатів поточної

навчальної діяльності здобувачів і її відповідного оцінювання на практичних
заняттях, під час виконання СРС, або результатів підсумкової діагностики
Якщо результатом підсумкового контролю є залік, викладач оголошує
загальну кількість накопичених здобувачем балів. Якщо здобувач набрав 60 і
більше балів, то залік може бути виставлений за результатами підсумкового
контролю на момент проведення заліку. У разі, якщо здобувач бажає поліпшити
свою оцінку, він складає залік з усієї програми навчальної дисципліни. При
цьому в підсумковій оцінці не враховуються накопичені бали.
Результат виконання екзаменаційних завдань оцінюється з урахуванням
результатів у співвідношенні 80:20, де 80 – максимальна оцінка за виконання
екзаменаційного завдання, 20 – результат поточної успішності відповідно до
шкали переводу поточної роботи для врахування її при підсумковій оцінці.

Під час проведення поточного оцінювання результатів навчальної
діяльності здобувачів вищої освіти враховується: відвідування ними занять та
активність під час їх проведення, обсяг засвоєного матеріалу, а також здатність
використовувати набуті знання як засіб регуляції власної навчальної та
майбутньої професійної діяльності.
На практичному занятті оцінюються:
 рівень розвитку у здобувачів вищої освіти мовленнєвих навичок (усне
діалогічне й монологічне мовлення; читання; письмо); мовленнєва поведінка
під час роботи над змістовими модулями;
 володіння структурою мови (граматична компетенція в межах
окреслених тем з граматики);
 рівень засвоєння й використання активного вокабуляру; орфографічна
та орфоепічна компетенція в межах тематичних вокабулярів.
 навички функціонального читання, розуміння автентичних професійно-
спрямованих текстів з підручників, газет, журналів та Інтернет-джерел;
 реферативні навички, здатність розуміти ідею, сутність, деталі
відповідних фахових текстів та розпізнавати інформацію в ході обговорень,
дебатів, бесід із загальних питань професійного напряму; рівень володіння
відповідним фактичним матеріалом;
 виступи з підготовленими індивідуальними презентаціями щодо
широкого кола професійних тем.
Окремі бали нараховуються за виконання здобувачами самостійної
роботи, формами якої є участь у науковій діяльності, предметних олімпіадах і
конкурсах тощо.
Оцінювання самостійної роботи передбачає опрацювання оригінального
англомовного джерела для підготовки домашнього читання з обов’язковим
веденням тематичного словника економіки й бізнесу;ведення індивідуального
Залікові білети, екзаменаційні білети, а також критерії оцінювання знань
здобувачів вищої освіти за їх допомогою розглядаються і затверджуються на
засіданні кафедри. Для забезпечення транспарентності процесу педагогічної
діагностики критерії оцінювання знань здобувачів вищої освіти подаються
окремою таблицею у самому заліковому білеті.
Загальна максимальна кількість балів (100), яку здобувач вищої освіти
може набрати впродовж І семестру І курсу розподіляється таким чином:
За кожне практичне заняття максимальна кількість балів – 2(30 занять х 2
бали= 60 балів). Максимальна кількість балів за самостійну роботу – 40 балів
Разом за семестр – 60+40=100 балів

Відповідність балів накопичувальної системи національній шкалі

Оцінка Бали
занаціональною шкалою накопичувальної системи

Аудиторна робота (на практичному занятті)
«5» (відмінно) 2 бали
«4» (добре) 1,5 бали
«3» (задовільно) 1 бал
«2» (незадовільно) 0 балів
Самостійна робота здобувача вищої освіти
«5» (відмінно) 31-40 балів
«4» (добре) 16-30 балів
«3» (задовільно) 1-15 балів
«2» (незадовільно) 0 балів
Загальна максимальна кількість балів (100), яку здобувач вищої освіти
може набрати впродовж ІІ семестру ІІ курсу розподіляється таким чином:
За кожне практичне заняття максимальна кількість балів – 3(29 занять х 3
балів= 87 балів). Максимальна кількість балів за самостійну роботу – 13 балів
Разом за семестр – 87+13=100 балів

Відповідність балів накопичувальної системи національній шкалі

Оцінка Бали
за національною шкалою накопичувальної системи
Аудиторна робота (на практичному занятті)
«5» (відмінно) 3 бали
«4» (добре) 2 бали
«3» (задовільно) 1 бал
«2» (незадовільно) 0 балів
Самостійна робота здобувача вищої освіти
«5» (відмінно) 11-13 балів
«4» (добре) 7-10 балів
«3» (задовільно) 1-6 балів
«2» (незадовільно) 0 балів

РОЗДІЛ 6. Список рекомендованих джерел

Основні джерела:
1. Business English : універсальний англо-український бізнес-словник :
тематичний українсько-англійський бізнес-словник : практичний посібник
з ділової англійської / уклад. К. М. Заплішна. – Х. : Школа, 2010. – 544 с.
2. Cotton D. Market Leader:upper intermediate / D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent.–
Pearson Education Limited, 2006. – 173 p.
3. Emmerson E. Business Vocabulary Builder / E. Emmerson.– Macmillan
Publishers Limited, 2009. – 176 p.
4. Emmerson E. Essential Business Vocabulary Builder / E. Emmerson.–
Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011. – 176 p.

5. Farral C. Professional English in Use: Marketing / C. Farral, M. Lindsley . –
Cambridge University Press, 2008. – 144 p.
6. Gore S. Oxford English for Marketing and Advertising / S. Gore.– Oxford
University Press, 2007. – 72 p.
7. MacKenzie I. Professional English in Use: Finance / I.MacKenzie.– Cambridge
University Press, 2008. – 139 p.
8. MacKenzie I.English for Business Studies / I.MacKenzie.–Cambridge
University Press, 2010. – 191 p.
9. Trappe T. Intelligent English /T. Prappe, Tullis G – Pearson Education Limited,
2005. – 176 p.
10. Гужва, Т. М. The paths to university. Тести з англійської мови для студентів
університетів та абітурієнтів : навч. посібник / Т. М. Гужва, Т. М. Гусак. –
К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2008. – 416 с.
11. Гусак Т. М. Modern English Grammar in Practice. Cuide Book and
Workbook : навч. посібник. кн.1 / Т. М. Гусак. – 2-ге вид., допов. – К. :
Інкос, 2009. – 318 c.
12. Іщук Н. Ю. English for economist : навч. посібник з англійської мови за
проф. спрямуванням / Н. Ю. Іщук. – Вінниця : ТД Едельвейс і К, 2013. –
220 с.
13. Латигіна, А. Г. Basic English of Economics = базовий курс англійської
мови з економіки : підручник / А. Г. Латигіна. – К. : КНТЕУ, 2007. – 391с.
14. Латигіна А. Г. Mastering Business English for Customs Officers : навч.
посібник / А. Г. Латигіна, Л. І. Бербенець, Л. А. Зощенко ; 2-ге вид.,
переробл. та допов. – К. : КНТЕУ, 2014. – 320 c.
15. Орлик Л. С. English for Economists : For extra-mural students ; навч.
посібник / Л. С. Орлик, А. П. Розум. – К. : КНТЕУ, 2009. – 129 с.
16. Розум А. П. Англійська для економістів = English for economists : навч.
посібник / А. П. Розум. – К. : КНТЕУ, 2014. – 312 с.
17. Шпак В. К. Англійська для економістів і бізнесменів = English for
economists and business men : навч. Посібник / В. К. Шпак. – К. : Вища
школа, 2010. – 223 с.

Додаткові джерела:
18. Evans V. New Round Up 5 English Grammar Practice / V. Evans, J. Dooley. –
Person Education Limited, 2011. – 208 p.
19. Верба Г. В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови = Modern English
Grammar (reference book) : довідник / Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба. – К. : ВП
Логос-М, 2012. – 341 с. – (Учням та абітурієнтам).
20. Голіцинський Ю. Граматика : збірник вправ / Ю. Голіцинський,
Н. Голіцинська. – 7-ме вид., випр. та допов. – К. : Арій, 2013. – 544 с. –
(Англійська мова для школярів).
21. Мюллер В. Сучасний англо-український, україно-англійський словник =
English-ukrainian, ukrainian-english modern dictionari : 200 000 слів та
словосполучень : словник географічних назв : транскрипція світового

стандарту / В. Мюллер, М. Зубков, В. Федієнко. – 3-тє вид., випр. та
допов. – Х. : Видавничий дім "Школа", 2011. – 944 с.
22. Рябоконь О. В. Самонавчання інших мов = Self teaching other languages :
навч. посібник / О. В. Рябоконь. – Вінниця : Нова книга, 2010. – 160 с.
23. Хоменко Е. Г. Граматика англійської мови = Khomenko T.G.; A Grammar
of English Language : навч. посібник / Е. Г. Хоменко. – 2-ге вид., випр. –
К. : Знання-Прес, 2007. – 606с.

Інтернет ресурси:
28. www.


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