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5, MAY 2020

Guided Soft Attention Network for Classification

of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
Heechan Yang, Ji-Ye Kim, Hyongsuk Kim , Senior Member, IEEE, and Shyam P. Adhikari

Abstract — An attention guided convolutional neural other types of cancer. Though different imaging techniques
network (CNN) for the classification of breast cancer like diagnostic mammograms, magnetic resonance imaging,
histopathology images is proposed. Neural networks are sonography etc. are used to detect and diagnose breast cancer,
generally applied as black box models and often the net-
work’s decisions are difficult to interpret. Making the deci- histopathological analysis of breast tissue by pathologists is
sion process transparent, and hence reliable is important for the only way to diagnose breast cancer with confidence.
a computer-assisteddiagnosis (CAD) system. Moreover, it is Histopathological analysis is a highly time-consuming spe-
crucial that the network’s decision be based on histopatho- cialized task which depends on the skill and experience of
logical features that are in agreement with a human expert. the pathologist. The diagnosis is at times subjective and can
To this end, we propose to use additional region-level super-
vision for the classification of breast cancer histopathology be affected by several human factors such as fatigue and loss
images using CNN, where the regions of interest (RoI) are of attention. In addition there is often a lack of consensus
localized and used to guide the attention of the classification among the experts regarding the diagnosis. Considering these
network simultaneously. The proposed supervised attention facts, there is a pressing need for a computer-assisted diagno-
mechanism specifically activates neurons in diagnostically sis (CAD) system that can automatically detect and categorize
relevant regions while suppressing activations in irrelevant
and noisy areas. The class activation maps generated by the pathology present in histopathological images with high
the proposed method correlate well with the expectations reproducibility and accuracy.
of an expert pathologist. Moreover, the proposed method Researchers have devoted a considerable amount of effort
surpasses the state-of-the-art on the BACH microscopy test and there is a large body of work on automatic classification
dataset (part A) with a significant margin. of histopathological images [1]–[4]. Most of these works
Index Terms — Breast cancer, microscopy image, convo- use handcrafted features like color and texture descriptors
lutional neural network, guided attention, pattern recogni- with classifiers like support vector machine (SVM), random
tion and classification. forest (RF) and multilayer perceptron (MLP). However, hand-
crafted features are not generalizable and often fail to capture
I. I NTRODUCTION the extensive structural diversity found in microscopy and

B REAST cancer is one of the most commonly occurring

cancer in women affecting more than 10% of women
worldwide. Its mortality rate is very high when compared to
whole slide images (WSI). Recent advances in computer vision
and neural networks have demonstrated that automatic feature
learning using deep neural networks are more successful than
hand-engineered features. Specifically, convolutional neural
Manuscript received August 29, 2019; revised October 9, 2019;
accepted October 13, 2019. Date of publication October 17, 2019; network (CNN) has been extensively used to produce state-of-
date of current version April 30, 2020. This work was supported in the-art results in different computer vision and pattern recogni-
part by the Korea Research Fellowship Program through the National tion problems [5]–[10]. CNNs have also been used extensively
Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Science and
ICT under Grant NRF-2015H1D3A1062316 and in part by the Basic in breast histopathology [11]–[18] and have produced state-
Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of-the-art results in the breast cancer histology images
of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education under Grant NRF- (BACH) [15], [16], [19] challenge. However, the (excessive)
2019R1A6A1A09031717. (H. Yang and J. Y. Kim contributed equally to
this work.) (Corresponding author: Shyam P. Adhikari.) irrelevant noisy areas present in the global image [15] and
H. Yang is with the Division of Electronics and Information Engineering, the local patches [16] affect the decision of neural networks.
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 567-54896, South Korea (e-mail: Moreover, CNNs are generally applied as opaque black box
J.-Y. Kim is with the Department of Pathology, Ilsan Paik Hospital, models where the results are difficult to interpret.
Inje University College of Medicine, Goyang 10380, South Korea, and Activation maps have been investigated by many researchers
also with the Department of Pathology, Severance Hospital, Yonsei for interpreting the decision of neural networks [20]–[26].
University College of Medicine, Seoul 03722, South Korea (e-mail: In [20]–[22] error back propagation based methods are applied
H. Kim and S. P. Adhikari are with the Division of Electronics Engi- to visualize regions that are helpful for predicting a class. Class
neering, Intelligent Robots Research Center (IRRC), Chonbuk National activation map (CAM) [23] shows that the average pooling
University, Jeonju 567-54896, South Korea (e-mail:, layer can help to generate activation maps representing task
This article has supplementary downloadable material available at relevant regions than fully-connected layers. Grad-CAM [24], provided by the authors. extended CAM to explain the model decisions. Training CNNs
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at using global image or random image patches like [15], [16]
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2019.2948026 are typically affected by the irrelevant noisy areas. There

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See for more information.

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may be bias towards a noisy distractor with high correlation supervision of [29] provides an alternative for supervising
and generalization performance may suffer when the test attention with reduced human labor and cost. Li et al. [26]
data does not exhibit the same correlation as the training also supported the integration of external supervision in
data. A method which can exploit the subtle differences in addition to the trainable self-attention mechanism. And,
local structures by highlighting the object of interest and it was shown that additional external supervision always
suppressing the irrelevant areas is required to improve the leads to increased performance than using the self-attention
performance of the learning system. Networks with attention mechanism alone.
mechanism can help to suppress the noisy areas from the In this work we propose to include additional region
final decision making process. Attention mechanism makes level coarse annotation to guide the attention of CNN for
the decision process of the neural network more transparent the classification of breast cancer microscopy images. The
and explainable, thus making neural networks more reliable additional supervision consist of region level labels where
and trustworthy. Attention in CNNs is implemented as a post- only the diagnostically relevant regions are annotated without
processing step in [20]–[23] in order to understand the decision considering the detailed pixel wise contents inside the region.
process of neural network for visual object recognition. This annotation can be carried out by novice pathologists with
Some researchers have applied unsupervised attention minimal labor under the supervision of expert pathologists,
mechanisms in analyzing medical images. Guan et al. [27], thus significantly reducing the cost and time of annotation.
used a three-branch attention guided convolution neural net- Using a multi-task learning framework, we design a CNN
work (AG-CNN) to learn from disease-specific regions to that simultaneously localizes RoIs from the global image,
avoid noisy areas on the task of thorax disease classifi- and guides the classification network to make decisions based
cation on chest X-ray images. A multistage training was only on the diagnostically relevant regions. Unlike [29] where
utilized with unsupervised extraction of salient regions. How- the region based attention is implicit, we propose to learn
ever, only a single prominent lesion or region of inter- the RoI mask and explicitly use the RoI based soft attention
est (RoI) was extracted and the method has limitations for mechanism to guide the focus of the classification network.
applications where multiple disjoint RoIs may be present. The soft mask is applied directly to the penultimate activation
Schlemper et al. [28], proposed an attention gate (AG) model maps of the classification branch, unlike [26] where it was
which learns to focus on target structures in an unsupervised applied to the input. This explicit attention mechanism is
manner, and applied for fetal ultrasound scan plane detection shown to be more effective than the implicit assumption, and
and pancreas segmentation. The AG-CNN also learns to guide the proposed network is shown to produce state-of-the-art
the network on target structures of varying shapes and sizes accuracy on the BACH microscopy image classification task.
by suppressing irrelevant regions in the input image. However, In summary the contributions of this work are as follows:
no marked improvement in performance accuracy of AG-CNN 1) We propose a guided soft attention network (GuSA)
over the vanilla network without attention mechanism is which explicitly guides the focus of the network on
reported. Unsupervised attention mechanisms of [27], [28] diagnostically relevant regions. We evaluate GuSA on
are derived from the global images, and the attention map BACH microscopy images, where it surpasses the state-
in the first place may be affected by the irrelevant noisy areas of-the-art by a significant margin.
resulting in incorrect attention. 2) We visualize the proposed method applied to breast
End-to-end trainable attention mechanisms to focus the gaze cancer classification task. GuSA generates activation
of the network on salient regions for image classification maps that can be directly used for visual explanation
and weakly supervised segmentation have also been studied without need for any post-processing. On the BACH
in the literature [25], [26]. Li et al. [26] used two streams microscopy dataset, GuSA activates neurons in diag-
of network; classification stream and attention mining stream nostically relevant regions while suppressing in noisy
with parameters shared between them to model the attention and irrelevant regions, thus making the neural network
mechanism explicitly as part of the training. The attention decision transparent and reliable.
map was generated from the classification branch using the Rest of the paper is organized as follows. The dataset used in
gradient based Grad-CAM [24]. Motivated by computing more this study is described in Section II, followed by the proposed
complete and accurate attention maps, the resultant attention region guided soft attention network in Section III. Experiment
map was then used to generate a soft mask. A complement and results are presented in Section IV.
of the mask was then applied to the original input image and Detailed class-wise performance of the proposed system is
used to learn the attention mining branch. discussed in Section V. The visualization of activation maps
Apart from the unsupervised attention mechanisms highlighting the diagnostically relevant regions produced by
of [27], [28], which are guided by the target category labels the proposed method is presented in Section VI followed by
only, researchers have also explored the use of additional concluding remarks.
supervision for guiding the attention of CNN [17], [18], [29].
Including additional supervision labels for attention can
mitigate the problem of incorrect attention map. However, II. DATASET
manual annotation of relevant areas required for supervised A subset of the breast cancer histology images (BACH)
attention is labor-intensive and highly expensive as it has to challenge [19] was used in this study. The BACH challenge
be carried out only by trained pathologists. The region based is divided into two parts A and B. Part A is related to

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Fig. 1. Train dataset: Breast cancer microscopy images labeled with the four classes; normal, benign, In situ carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma,
and the corresponding annotated regions of interest.

the automatic classification of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) cases with no ductal proliferations, cellular aggregations with
stained breast histology microscopy image in four classes: atypical nuclear morphology were selected as RoI. Atypical
normal, benign, in-situ carcinoma and invasive carcinoma. Part nuclear morphology, in brief, was defined as follows; increased
B of the dataset is related to the pixel-wise segmentation of nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, hyperchromatic nucleus and
whole-slide breast histology images into the same four classes. irregular nuclear membrane contour. Some examples of the
The challenge provides two labeled training datasets; one each labeled microscopy images along with their region wise labels
for part A and part B. Only the dataset corresponding to part are shown in Fig. 1. The annotation of regions is less labor
A of the challenge was used in this study. The microscopy intensive than detailed pixel level detailed annotation.
dataset consists of 400 labeled training image and 100 test
images (labels are hidden) distributed evenly among the four
classes. The images were captured using a Leica DM 200)
LED microscope and a Leica ICC50 HD camera and all the Since the labeled RoIs denote the areas in the microscopy
patients were from Portugal. The microscopy images were images which consist of diagnostically relevant regions,
annotated image wise by experts from the Institute of Mole- we propose a Guided Soft Attention (GuSA) network which
cular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto aims at localizing these RoIs, and simultaneously use them
and from the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health. to guide the classification network. In this way the prediction
The microscopy images are RGB images with 2048 × 1536 of the network is based on the regions which a pathologist
pixels each and a pixel scale of 0.42um × 0.42 um. expects the network to focus on. The architecture of GuSA is
In addition to the image wise labels provided by the chal- presented in Fig. 2.
lenge, the training images were marked for regions of interest The network consists of two branches; (a) a RoI prediction
by an expert pathologist specializing in breast pathology. branch to localize the diagnostically relevant regions, and
RoIs were primarily centered on ductal proliferative regions. (b) a classification branch to identify the type of breast
This was done because most of breast pathology, including histology image. The backbone of the network is a CNN based
carcinomas, originates from the ductal epithelium. In those feature extraction network. The features at different layers of

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Fig. 2. The proposed explicitly guided attention network for classification of breast cancer microscopy images. Only the spatial dimensions of the
feature maps are indicated.

the feature extraction network are aggregated, reduced and probability of that pixel belonging to a RoI. The values
then fed to the RoI prediction branch and the classification in ỹ directly indicate the relevance of the spatial location
branch. Given a breast microscopy image, the network is for diagnosis. This output map can be used to locate the
trained to simultaneously (a) predict the region of interest in diagnostically relevant regions and guide the attention of the
the image, (b) use the predicted RoI to guide the activation network for classification of microscopy images.
maps for classification, and (c) classify the image into the four Given an input image, let Ak (i, j ) represent the activation
target categories. at the spatial location (i, j) in the kth channel of the output
of bp layer, where i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , M}, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N}, k ∈
A. Region Supervised RoI Prediction Network
{1, 2, . . . , K }, MxN is the spatial size of the feature map and
Given a microscopy image as input, the RoI prediction K is the number of channels ( M = 24, N = 32, K = 512).
branch outputs a map indicating the diagnostically relevant The attention of the classification branch is then guided by the
regions in the image. This branch is trained with the coarse soft attention mechanism [26] whereby the activations Ak (i, j )
region level labels, described in Section II, where the regions are weighed with ỹ(i, j ) along the channels. Hence, the guided
are annotated without considering the detailed pixel wise activations AkG (i, j ) are obtained as,
class contents inside the region. Branching from the backbone
network at bp (bifurcation point), as shown in Fig 2, this AkG (i, j ) = Ak (i, j ) ∗ ỹ(i, j ) (3)
branch consists of an additional 1 × 1 convolutional layer.
Finally, a sigmoid layer is added to normalize the output The activations belonging to the diagnostically irrelevant
feature map by regions are suppressed whereas (3) has little effect on the
activations belonging to the relevant regions.
ỹi j = p(c|x i j ) = (1) Some examples of the guided activations are shown in
(1 + exp(−x i j )) Fig. 3. A binary mask ỹ B with ỹiBj ∈ {0, 1} can also be
where x i j , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , M}, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N} are the pixels generated from ỹ, after thresholding with an appropriate τ ,
of the output with size M x N and p(c|x i j ) represents the to locate the regions of interest and hard attention can be
probability score of x i j belonging to the cth class, c ∈ {0, 1}. used to guide the classification network. However, the value
c = 1 indicates diagnostically relevant pixels whereas other of τ controls the shape and size of the resultant RoI and
pixels are marked zero. The RoI prediction branch is trained selecting optimal τ is not a trivial task. Hence, a soft attention
with the region level masks by minimizing the dice loss [30] mechanism is used in this study.
between the predicted output map ỹ and the ground truth mask
y given as
  C. Classification Network

M  N
For a microscopy input image, the classification branch pre-
2× yi j ỹi j + ε
i=1 j =1 dicts a category for the input image among the four different
L dice =   (2) target classes; normal, benign, in-situ carcinoma and invasive

( ỹi j +yi j + ε) carcinoma. Bifurcating from the backbone network at bp,
i=1 j =1 activations of the bp layer are guided using RoI as explained
in Section III (B). The guided activations are further reduced
B. Guided Soft Attention using 1 × 1 convolutional filters to output four feature maps.
The output of the RoI prediction branch is an output map Global average pooling (GAP) is then used to further reduce
ỹ where the value of each pixel ỹi j ∈ [0, 1] indicates the the dimensionality of the feature maps, followed by softmax

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Fig. 3. Guided activations. (a) Source image, (b) ground truth RoI, (c) the predicted RoI map ỹ, (d) The activations Ak of bp layer. For visualization
k where the irrelevant regions (marked using red
purpose the mean of the activations across all the channels is computed. (e) Guided activations AG
arrows in (d)) are suppressed.

to normalize the output GAP values Z = {z 1 , . . . , z C }, C = 4, A. Dataset Preparation

where C is the number of target classes. The proposed approach was evaluated on the BACH dataset.
In addition to the image wise labels provided by the challenge
ez j
so f tmax(Z ) j = , j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , C} (4) for the training images, additional region-wise annotation1

z of diagnostically relevant regions were prepared by our in-
e c
c=1 house expert as described in Section II. The original RGB
microscopy images were down-sampled to 512 × 384 pixels
The output of softmax is a probability distribution over the to reduce the memory and computation overhead. The images
C different possible classes and the final outcome y pred (pre- were color normalized using the normalization technique
dicted class) of classification is the class with the maximum described in [31]. Extensive data augmentation was performed
probability, using vertical and horizontal mirroring, random rotations,
addition of random noise, and random change in intensity
y pred = arg max(so f tmax(Z )j ) (5)
j of the images. The images were finally normalized using the
mean and standard deviation computed from ImageNet [32].
The classification branch is trained with training images A k-fold (k = 4) cross validation was used to evaluate the
labeled with the four classes by minimizing the cross entropy proposed method. The training dataset was divided into four
loss defined as folds with each fold containing 25% of the overall training

C samples. The number of samples from each class were equally
LC E = − 1 y (c) log(so f tmax(Z ) j ) (6) distributed among all the folds. During training three of the
c=1 folds were used as train set whereas the remaining set was
used for validation.
where 1 y (c) is a binary indicator function indicating if the
class label c is the correct classification for that image. The B. Network Architecture and Training
overall classification loss is the mean of the cross entropy loss DenseNet-169 [7] network pre-trained on ImageNet was
computed over the training batch used as the backbone network. Only the layers up to Dense
Block (DB_3) of the original DenseNet were retained in the
1 i
L C E_t ot al = LC E (7) experiments. The details of the inputs, outputs and the size
L of the convolutional filters used in each layer of the proposed
network are given in the supplementary material.2 The layers
where L is the batch size. retained from DenseNet are shaded in gray.
The proposed network was trained to simultaneously pre- The network was optimized using Adam [33] with a
dict the RoIs and classify the microscopy images into four mini-batch size of 5. All the layers of the network were
categories. Hence, the total loss for training the network is fine-tuned with a learning rate starting form 5e−5 . The learning
rate was reduced by 10% after every 10 epochs and all the lay-
L t ot al = L C E_t ot al + λL dice (8) ers were batch normalized and L2 regularized (λ L2 = 1e−5 ).
The proposed network was implemented with the Tensorflow
where λ is a weighting parameter to balance the two different
framework [34] using NVIDIA Titan X GPU.
objectives. Both the components to the left of (8) are at the
same numerical level, hence λ = 1 is used in our experiments. C. Evaluation Protocol
The performance of the RoI detection branch was evaluated
IV. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS using the mean intersection over union metric given as
The performance of the proposed guided soft attention y ∩ ỹ B
I oU = (9)
network is evaluated in this section. The experimental dataset y ∪ ỹ B
preparation, evaluation metrics and the experimental settings 1 The mask labels are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
are introduced followed by the performance evaluation of request.
classification and RoI localization. 2 Details of the network are given in Table I of the supporting document.

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where y is the ground-truth mask and ỹ B is the binarized

version (τ = 0.5) of the predicted output map ỹ. As region
wise annotation were obtained only for the training set, the IoU
metric is reported for the validation data set.
The performance of the classification branch was computed
using the overall prediction accuracy, i.e., the ratio between the
correctly classified samples and the total number of evaluated Fig. 4. The final inference was obtained from the ensemble of models
trained on different folds.
samples. The classification accuracy, area under the curve
(AUC) and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is
reported for the validation set whereas only the classification 2) Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation: The microscopy image
accuracy is reported for the test set. As four-fold cross valida- consists of different diagnostic features such as cellular
tion was used to evaluate the model, the final inference on the proliferation, architectural complexity of the proliferation,
test set was obtained from the ensemble of networks trained cellular atypia (increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, hyper-
and validated on the different folds, as shown in Fig. 4. chromatic nucleus, irregular nuclear membrane contour and
The final probability distribution over the four classes was prominent nucleoli), presence or absence of necrosis etc.
obtained as the average of the probability distribution predicted at different scales. To capture these features at different scales,
by the individual models of the ensemble. the activation maps at different depths of the Baseline network
are aggregated and reduced for final classification in the
Feature Aggregation (FA) network. Aggregation of features
sot f max test(Z ) j = so f tmax(Z )lj (10)
L from different depths of the network improves the accuracy of
the baseline model by 2%.
where, l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , L}, L = 4. As the test set labels are not 3) Region Guided Soft Attention (Proposed): In addition
made public (are hidden), the final classification accuracy was to the classification branch of Baseline and FA, a region
obtained by uploading the predictions y pred of the ensemble supervised RoI prediction branch is included in the Guided
model to the challenge server. Results of single model are also RoI (GuRoI) network and trained in a multi-task learning
reported on the test set. framework. The addition of the RoI prediction branch to
localize the diagnostically relevant regions further achieves 3%
D. Results and 1% improvement over Baseline and FA, respectively. In the
The classification accuracy of different networks on the proposed Guided Soft Attention (GuSA) network, the predicted
validation and test set are presented in Table I and the details RoI is explicitly used as a soft attention mechanism for
of the networks can be found in the supplementary material. classification as explained in Section III. B+GuSA leads to
1) Baseline Network: One of the top performing networks an improvement of 1% over B+GuRoI, and B+FA+GuSA
on the BACH challenge 2018 is the network of Chennam- achieves 3% improvement in accuracy over B+FA+GuRoI.
setty et al. [15], where an ensemble of DenseNet-based We see that the explicit guidance mechanism in GuSA leads to
networks achieved an accuracy of 87% on the test set. The higher accuracy than the simple multi-task learning of GuRoI.
implementation of the Baseline network is similar to [15] From Table I, we see that the proposed B+FA+GuSA network
except for the image normalization scheme and the ensemble achieves a 6% improvement over the previous state-of-the-
formation method. A single image normalization scheme is art [15].
used and the ensemble consists of networks with the same In Table I, we also report the results of the best performing
architecture but trained on different folds of the training data, single models on the test set to decouple the improvement gain
as shown in Fig. 4, instead of using different networks. As seen attained due to GuSA and the ensemble. As expected, we see
from Table I the accuracy of the baseline implementation on that the performance of all the networks is improved by ensem-
the test dataset is equal to the performance reported in [15]. bling. The Baseline model benefits the most from ensembling

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Fig. 5. Class wise ROC curves computed on the validation dataset.



whereas the benefit for FA is marginal. From the single model

results, we see that multi-task learning of GuRoI and the
guided attention of GuSA, both lead to significantly higher
AUC shows that it is comparatively easier for the network
accuracy than the single model result of Baseline. Moreover,
to discriminate between the classes at the extremes of the
the single model performance of B+GuRoI, B+GuSA, and
diagnostic category than the intermediate classes.
B+FA+GuSA is comparable to that of Baseline ensemble.
Moreover, from the confusion matrices presented in
The performance of the RoI prediction branch of the GuRoI
Table IV, we see that the network has difficulty in discrim-
and GuSA networks are also presented in Table II.
inating between nearby categories, and the network is less
4) Other Attention Mechanism: In Table I we also present a
confused while discriminating well separated classes. This
comparison of the proposed region supervised attention with
is similar to the difficulty experienced by pathologists in
the unsupervised attention mechanism of [28] and the implicit
actual practice, where the ambiguity of overlapping features of
region guided attention of [29]. The performance of the
nearby categories often calls for consultations among pathol-
unsupervised attention mechanism of [28] when implemented
ogists and extensive auxiliary studies such as immunohisto-
for the BACH dataset produces a performance that is similar to
chemistry and molecular studies. As seen from Table IV,
the Baseline network. This is due to the fact that this attention
the proposed soft attention network has improved performance
mechanism depends on the last convolutional layer of the net-
in discriminating the nearby categories over the baseline
work which still locates the most discriminative regions only.
These regions are not necessarily the diagnostically relevant
regions required for improved generalization performance.
The network [29] with additional region guidance mecha-
nism of diagnostically relevant regions shows an improvement The generated activation (attention) maps for different meth-
of 1% over the Baseline network on the test set. This attention ods are presented in Fig. 6. The attention maps for the Baseline
mechanism is implicit and does not fully utilize the additional network are generated using Grad-CAM [24], whereas the
guidance. However, our proposed method explicitly utilizes attention maps for the Attention gate, RGA, and the proposed
the external region guidance to suppress the activations of method are generated directly from the network. The attention
diagnostically irrelevant regions which results in a marked map of RGA, and the proposed method are generated from the
improvement in performance over the implicit region guidance C6 and RoI_mask layers of their respective networks.
as evident in Table I. From Fig. 6, we can see that the Baseline network has
high activations in diagnostically irrelevant regions of non-
V. A LL C LASSES ARE N OT E QUAL proliferative mammary stroma. The attention map of the AG
As the ground truth labels for test data is not public, network shows high activations in both irrelevant and relevant
we analyze the class-wise performance of the proposed method areas alike. This is because the self-attention mechanism in
on the validation dataset. The class-wise receiver operating AG selects the most discriminative regions which may not
characteristic (ROC) curves, and area under the curve (AUC) necessarily be diagnostically relevant. The region guidance of
are presented in Fig. 5 and Table III, respectively. RGA [29] shows high activations in relevant regions and com-
From the ROC curve and AUC table, we see that the paratively fewer activations in irrelevant areas. However, sig-
performance of the network is better for normal and invasive nificantly improved from other models, our proposed method
carcinoma than for benign and in-situ carcinoma. The higher of explicit attention mechanism specifically activates neurons

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Fig. 6. Visualization of the activation maps for the Baseline, GuRoI, GuSA (proposed), Attention gated network [28], Region guided network [29],
and the ground truth RoI. Starting from the top two examples are shown for each of the normal, benign, insitu carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma
class. The activation maps are superimposed on the source image taken from validation dataset.

in diagnostically relevant areas guided by the predicted RoI annotated as RoI in Fig. 6 (e) & (f), instead of finely annotating
mask. only the ductal epithelium as RoI. As seen from Fig. 6 (e),
The RoIs are annotated on diagnostically relevant regions RGA demonstrates nonspecific high activations in the stroma,
without considering the exact pixel-wise class labels inside the a region of insignificance in addition to the epithelial cells.
region or the precise boundary of the region. This method is However, the proposed method produces high activations only
less labor intensive and cost effective than detailed pixel level in the epithelial cells. Some of the failure cases of the proposed
detailed annotation, and the RoI based attention mechanism method are as shown in Fig. 7.
improves the accuracy of classification. However, this region Figure 7 (a) & (b) show that the proposed method incor-
level supervision may lead to activations in irrelevant features rectly activates diagnostically irrelevant luminal spaces within
present inside the RoIs. For example, the entire duct is the duct. Detailed pixel level annotations may be used to

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Fig. 7. Some failure cases of the proposed RoI-based guidance: (top) source image, (middle) ground truth RoI, and (bottom) predicted RoI.

rectify this problem however significant time and cost is maps for the classification of breast cancer histopathological
incurred in obtaining these annotations. Moreover, CNNs have images was proposed in this study. The proposed method
shown good segmentation performance on larger objects and simultaneously localized the diagnostically relevant regions
the performance degrades for small and thin objects [35]. of interest (RoI) in the microscopy images, and used the
As seen in Fig. 7(c), in the absence of ductal structures, a predicted RoI to guide the attention of the classification
single nucleus present within the parenchymal stroma was branch. Experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of the
annotated, however due to the scant number of nucleated cells proposed method were presented whereby the RoI guided
present, the predicted mask is imprecise as higher activations soft attention mechanism specifically activated neurons in the
highlight the stroma instead of the target nuclei. This problem diagnostically relevant areas while suppressing neurons in
can be mitigated by training on larger dataset with thousands noisy and irrelevant areas. Moreover, the proposed method
of labeled microscopy images. In Fig. 7(d) higher activations surpassed the state-of-the art on the BACH microscopy test
is produced from areas of necrosis rather than viable cells. set (part A) by a significant margin.
As the dataset consists of limited number of training samples The activations produced by the proposed method can be
featuring necrosis, hence training on a larger dataset with directly applied to interpret the decision of the neural network
various scenarios can mitigate this problem as well. without the need of post processing steps like CAM or
Grad-CAM. The proposed method makes the neural network
VII. C ONCLUSION decisions transparent and reliable as the produced feature
A convolutional neural network with additional region-level activations are in agreement with the findings that would be
supervision which provides explicit guidance on the attention expected by a human expert.

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