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Aubergine /ˈəʊbəʒiːn/ You need an aubergine for this pasta dish. (баклажан)
Baked /beɪkt/ I had a baked potato with tuna for my lunch. (печений)
Beans /biːnz/ These beans are overcooked. (боби)
Beef /biːf/ We always eat roast beef on Sundays. (яловичина)
Beetroot /ˈbiːtruːt/ I always put beetroot in my salads. (буряк)
Boiled /bɔɪld/ I like to have boiled eggs for breakfast. (варений)
Cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ I don’t like the taste of cabbage. (капуста)
Cherries /ˈtʃeriːz/ Cherries are really delicious. (вишні)
Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ Chicken is a low-fat meat. (курка)
Courgette /kɔːˈʒet/ I used a courgette in this recipe. (кабачок)
Crab /kræb/ Can I have a crab sandwich, please? (краб)
Cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbə/ I don’t like the taste of cucumber. (огірок)
Duck /dʌk/ I love duck with orange sauce. (качка)
Egg /eɡ/ I had a fried egg for breakfast. (яйце)
fish /fɪʃ/ I love oily fish like salmon. (риба)
Fried /fraɪd/ Fried bread is too oily for me. (смажений)
Grapes /ɡreɪps/ Do you prefer red or green grapes? (виноград)
Grilled /ɡrɪld/ I would like the grilled steak, please. (приготований на грилі)
Lamb /læm/ I always order a lamb curry at that Indian restaurant. (баранина)
Mango /ˈmæŋɡəʊ/ Is there any mango in this fruit salad? (манго)
Meat /miːt/ My sister doesn’t eat meat because she’s a vegetarian. (м’ясо)
melon /ˈmelən/ This melon isn’t sweet enough. (диня)
Mussels /ˈmʌslz/ We had some delicious mussels and chips in Belgium. (мідії)
Peach /piːtʃ/ I would like a peach for dessert, please. (персик)
Pear /peə/ Would you like a pear or an apple? (груша)
Pepper /ˈpepə/ We need one red pepper and one onion. (перець)
Pork /pɔːk/ Many people do not eat pork in Morocco. (свинина)
Prawns /prɔːnz/ We had prawns with lemon juice and garlic. (креветки)
Raspberries /ˈrɑːzbəriːz/ We had raspberries and ice cream. (малина)
Roast /rəʊst/ We always have roast potatoes on Sundays. (запечений)
Salmon /ˈsæmən/ Oily fish like salmon is very good for you. (лосось)
Seafood /ˈsiːfuːd/ My mum loves seafood, especially prawns and mussels.
Squid /skwɪd/ I ordered fried squid for my starter. (кальмар)
Steamed /stiːmd/ Steamed vegetables are very healthy. (приготований на пару)
Tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ I made a tuna salad for my dinner. (тунець)

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