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2023 AP Seminar Stimulus Packet Analysis

Source 1: Urban evolution: How species adapt to Connections
survive in cities
1. Topic of Source Long Walk to Freedom, There is similarity in the theme of
Excerpt from Ch. 60 resilience in the face of hardship
The topic of this source is the adaptation of species in cities.
How to Build a Resilient Adaptation and resilience, and
Future Using Ancient
2. Arguments Made Wisdom
harmony with nature.
The authors argue that animals have been adapting to urban Migrant Mother. Surviving and adaptation in different
environments and studies on animals in urban environments will provide environments.
insight to how animals adapt to environmental changes such as pollution and
In their Own Words: Ability to adapt and thrive in the face
increased heat as well as having less water and food available.
Resilience among Haitian of adversity.
Survivors of the 2010
The Dark Side of Resilience helps species and living
Resilience things survive hardships.

3. Possible Themes: Adaptation, Resilience, Environment, Change The Meditations of the Concept of adaptation to your
Emperor Marcus environment to survive and thrive.
Aurelius Antoninus,
Book IV

Source 2: Long Walk to Freedom Connections

1. Topic of Source How to Build a ResilientThey both emphasize the importance
Future Using Ancient of resilience and personal growth in
The topic of the source is, the importance of education and learning, Wisdom
forgiveness, and reconciliation in sustaining Mandela and his fellow prisoners overcoming adversity and achieving
and eventually leading to a peaceful transition to a post-apartheid positive change.
government in South Africa. Migrant Mother. The difficulties and hardships that
people have to go through in order
to fit in and provide.
In their Own Words: They both talk about resilience in the
Resilience among Haitian face of adversity
2. Arguments Made
Survivors of the 2010
Nelson Mandela presents a few key arguments. Firstly, he emphasizes the
The Dark Side of They highlight the need to address the
importance of education and learning in maintaining hope and purpose Resilience systemic factors that contribute to
during times of adversity. Secondly, he argues for the power of forgiveness
adversity, rather than solely focusing
and reconciliation in overcoming systems of oppression. Thirdly, he highlights
on individual resilience.
the value of finding common ground with oppressors rather than seeking
The Meditations of the They both center around the themes of
revenge. Finally, he reflects on the impact of his imprisonment on his Emperor Marcus
personal life and political ideology, causing him to reevaluate his priorities personal growth and the cultivation of
Aurelius Antoninus,
and approach to the struggle against apartheid. Overall, Mandela argues that Book IV
virtues such as resilience, wisdom, and
education, forgiveness, and reconciliation are crucial in achieving peace and self-control.
Possible Research
Ideas 🡪

3. Possible Themes: transformative power of education, the significance

of forgiveness and reconciliation, the resilience of the human spirit in the
face of oppression, and the importance of finding common ground with
one's oppressors.

Source 3: How to Build a Resilient Future Using Ancient Wisdom Connections

1. Topic of Source Migrant Mother. The emphasis on resilience and
This source discusses how utilizing architectural knowledge from regions, adaptability.
such as India and Iraq, that have developed techniques to work in harmony In their Own Words: People adapting and overcoming
with nature, can greatly increase the productivity and efficiency of future Resilience among Haitian natural obstacles.
house building. Survivors of the 2010
2. Arguments Made
The Dark Side of Resilience and mental toughness.
The source argues that we should study the architectural knowledge Resilience
gathered over the past millennium and embrace the wisdom of indigenous
cultures in order to create a more sustainable and resilient future, and that by The Meditations of the Resilience and the role of ancient
integrating these traditions into our lifestyles, we can address the societal Emperor Marcus wisdom.
challenges of climate change, economic inequality, and mental health.
3. Possible Themes Aurelius Antoninus,
Book IV
A holistic vision of sustainability and human flourishing involves the
Possible Research
integration of cultural diversity, ecological awareness, and social justice. Ideas 🡪

Source 4: Migrant Mother Connections

1. Topic of Source In their Own Words: Resilience of individuals and
Resilience among Haitian communities in the face of adversity.
"Migrant Mother" portrays the Great Depression's effect on migrant farm Survivors of the 2010
workers in the United States by depicting a 32-year-old mother of seven who Earthquake
works as a pea picker to support her family, highlighting both the hardship The Dark Side of Challenges and limitations of
and resilience of this population. Resilience resilience.
2. Arguments Made The Meditations of the Resilience, importance of values and
Although "Migrant Mother" is a photograph and does not present a Emperor Marcus interconnectedness.
traditional argument, its composition conveys several messages and ideas, Aurelius Antoninus,
such as the poverty and hardships faced by migrant farm workers during the Book IV
Great Depression, as well as the strength and resilience exhibited by migrant Possible Research
Ideas 🡪
3. Possible Themes
Resilience, Motherhood, Social Justice, Poverty.

Source 5: In Their Own Words Connections

1. Topic of Source The Dark Side resilience and its complexities
of Resilience
This source discusses the perspectives and experiences of Haitian survivors of
the 2010 earthquake through a qualitative study based on interviews with 40 The Stoicism, Resilience, and human nature are
individuals, emphasizing the significance of understanding the voices and Meditations of emphasized.
agency of disaster-affected communities and the cultural and social factors the Emperor
that influence their coping strategies and resilience in times of crisis. Marcus
2. Arguments Made Antoninus,
The source argues that resilience is not solely based on individual traits or Book IV
characteristics, but is a context-specific concept that evolves as an ongoing Possible
process, emphasizing the dynamic nature of resilience. Research
Ideas 🡪
3. Possible Themes
Resilience, and Strength of Survivors.

Source 6: The Dark Side of Resilience Connections

1. Topic of Source: The They both emphasize the need to balance
Meditations of resilience with an acceptance of the limits
The topic of "The Dark Side of Resilience" is the potential negative the Emperor
consequences of an overemphasis on resilience in individuals and society. Marcus
of control and the importance of
Aurelius community in building resilience.
2. Arguments Made Book IV
In "The Dark Side of Resilience," the author argues that while resilience can Research
be an important trait for individuals to have, an excessive focus on resilience Ideas 🡪
can lead to a neglect of the societal and structural factors that contribute to
adversity, and can also place an unfair burden on individuals to constantly
adapt and endure in the face of challenging circumstances.
3. Possible Themes

Some possible themes in "The Dark Side of Resilience" could include the
limitations of individualistic approaches to addressing systemic issues, the
importance of acknowledging and addressing root causes of adversity, and
the need for a more holistic and community-oriented approach to building

Source 7: The Meditations of the Emperor

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Book IV
1. Topic of Source
The topic of the source was self-examination and

2. Arguments Made

The source argues for the importance of self-examination and

self-improvement. He stresses the need to cultivate personal virtues
such as wisdom, justice, and self-control while avoiding vanity and
excessive desires. He also emphasizes the importance of using reason
to guide one's thoughts and actions, and how this can lead to a more
fulfilling and virtuous life.

3. Possible Themes
Possible themes in this source include the importance of
self-reflection and self-improvement, the cultivation of personal
virtues and self-control, and the role of reason in guiding one's
thoughts and actions. Other themes may include the pursuit of
wisdom and the avoidance of vanity and excessive desires, as well as
the benefits of a virtuous life.

Interesting Thoughts & Ideas

From the Stimuli (Possible Research)

The most common point between most of the articles is

resilience and how people struggled to attain something
that they wanted.

How does resilience differ in different ethical communities?

What factors contribute to resilience in specific contexts,
such as natural disasters, pandemics, or other crises?

How can resilience be effectively integrated into public

health and community intervention?

How can resilience be used to promote positive outcomes

in mental health,education and other areas?

Highlight/circle any real contenders

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