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February 2015
EPL, 109 (2015) 30001
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/109/30001

Financial market images: A practical approach owing to the secret

quantum potential
F. Tahmasebi1 , S. Meskinimood1 , A. Namaki2 , S. Vasheghani Farahani3 , S. Jalalzadeh1 and G. R. Jafari1
Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University - G.C., Evin, Tehran 19839, Iran
Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran - Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Tafresh University - P.O. Box 39518-79611, Tafresh, Iran

received 24 October 2014; accepted in final form 16 January 2015

published online 12 February 2015

PACS 02.50.-r – Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics

PACS 02.50.Ey – Stochastic process
PACS 03.65.Ud – Entanglement and nonlocality (e.g. EPR paradox, Bell’s inequalities,
GHZ states, etc.)

Abstract – We unveil secrets of the financial markets that prove very effective on shaping their
future. The question to be answered is why instant high amplitude variations of price returns are
never experienced. We deduce that the key to shedding light on this issue is the quantum potential
whose existence is due to the entanglement between a price and its prior-day price. Implementing
the quantum potential would enable us to sketch a robust pattern for the price return fluctuations
of a financial market. As such, we model real markets by the Bohmian quantum approach bearing
a quantum potential that guides the price return fluctuations. Strictly speaking, we show that this
quantum potential confines the price returns of real markets in a scale-invariant manner, which
proves to be different for emerging and efficient markets. By modelling the oil and gold markets
we see that a 20 day time scale is enough to exhibit the class difference of the scaling behaviour.
The appearance of this characteristic time scale lies in the fact that oil and gold markets are
influenced by short- and long-term programs. This statement is supported by the fact that short-
term programs are due to the market supply and demand, while long-term programs are due to
political and natural factors. In short times the potential is very efficiently controlling the market
showing a big margin against a white noise, while in the long run the potential is not as efficient
as before tending to look more like a white noise. This is due to the widening of the boundaries
disabling the quantum potential efficiency on controlling the market, and hence justifying the

c EPLA, 2015

It is now very well understood that classical physics is space and time, loses some local information on space and
unable to address all aspects of the events in our sur- time. This means that two points in one wave function
roundings. This is because of the complexity possessed are entangled to each other in a way that their existence
by some events due to their time-correlated characteris- is due to one another. This convention of quantum me-
tics. To study the dynamics of time-dependent events, chanics provided its advantage over classical mechanics,
the implementation of evolutionary differential equations since it enabled the governing (Schrödinger) equations of
is essential, where in most cases it involves higher-order events to be linear and analytically solvable. Nonethe-
differential equations. However the events under consid- less, to comply with the aims of this work the quantum
eration in this study are time dependent where the time approach is essential due to the fact that all events are
steps might not possess equal weights. Hence, non-linear entangled to events prior to them. The entanglement in
differential equations are implemented, which usually do space and time means that future events inherit from the
not give out their solutions trivially. However it was quan- past; where there is a saying that history paves the way
tum mechanics that enabled the extraction of a solution for the future.
for such equations, which was done by just losing some To study the economical markets and their trends, im-
local information. The reason for this is that in quantum plementation of a quantum approach may prove conclu-
mechanics the implementation of a broad wave function in sive. As such a sensible tool is the Bohmian quantum

F. Tahmasebi et al.

mechanics, see, e.g., refs. [1] for a numerical and [2] for reason for this shortcoming of the classical approach which
an analytical illustration. This view was first presented has also been discussed with the use of the field of com-
by Louis de Broglie in 1927, and was later rediscovered by plexity by Khrennikov [9], is that in quantum mechanics
David Bohm in 1952 [3,4]. the look is non-local. Note that in quantum mechanics
To illustrate how Bohmian mechanics complies with our for dealing with events the working tool is the wave func-
understanding on correlated systems, e.g. financial mar- tion. Now the broadening of the wave packet would consist
kets, we must first express the two relations that provide of more and more points, having more entangled points.
its foundation: This means that as long as a point constitutes in a wave
  packet, it is effective on other events. Hence the term non-
2 ∂s
∂ R local is implemented. This is a domain where classical
∂R2 1 ∂q
+ = 0, mechanics lacks applicability. This causes the collective
∂t m ∂q characteristics of the system to emerge. The term local
∂S 1 ∂S in the context of the present study refers to the price re-
+ + (V − U ) = 0. (1)
∂t 2m ∂q turn per day. Now instead of a daily basis consideration
of the price return (a local viewpoint), consider the price
The first relation deals with the non-locality, while the return of a time period consisting of a number of days en-
second is a classical motion equation that determines the tangled to each other. Hence, a wave function must be
position of particles [3]. Note that in obtaining the first implemented. It is this entanglement [10] that creates the
relation, the particles that comprise the system are con- collective behaviour, that in this work is referred to as
sidered as a wave function. This Bohmian wave function the quantum potential. To give a flavour of what a clas-
is described as sic potential in application to the present study could be,
S(q, t) we believe that the classical potential corresponds to the
ψ(q, t) = R(q, t) exp i , (2)
h̄ financial conditions of markets such as natural resources
and tough relations between traders [5]. However models
which evolves according to Schrödinger’s equation, with developed for quantum finance [11–13] have been widely
R(q, t) and S(q, t) being the amplitude and phase of the implemented in application to, e.g., interest rates [14,15],
wave function, respectively. The second relation of eq. (1) uncertainty [16], option pricing [17,18], etc.
exhibits information on the scale in which particles are de- But what still lacks is implementing the developed tech-
pendent on one another through the wave function. This niques to model real financial markets in the context of
statement roots in the fact that expressions in eq. (1) are price returns. To state it clearer, the combined effects of
obtained by substituting the wave function (ψ(q, t)) in the the classical and quantum potentials foreseen in the model
Schrödinger equation before twice differentiating it. needs to be able to stand the test for real markets. Note
It could readily be noticed by looking at the second that all these mathematical models are founded on the
expression in eq. (1) that there exists an additional po- fact that the markets are efficient. In other words, the
tential, represented by U named as the Bohm quantum models are all based on the efficient market hypothesis
potential [3,5], defined as (EMH) [19,20], where the investors are considered ratio-
h̄2 ∂ 2 R nal, as most investors really are. The term efficient refers
U= , (3) to a market where all factors have already affected the
2mR ∂q 2
prices and any random information would randomly ef-
where in application to the markets, m would indicate the fect the prices of goods [20]. Note that empirical studies
volume of the market, and S(q, t)/h̄ the phase of the wave have put a question mark on the random behaviour of
function would correspond to the price return. The pa- real prices; saying that they do not completely follow a
rameters m and S(q, t)/h̄ only come into play when we random walk which is the criterion of EMH, see [21] and
talk of two or more wave functions, where each refers to a references therein. In this line we have implemented the
specific market. In other words studying their combined method proposed by Choustova in order to extract the in-
effects is only meaningful when two or more markets are formation content of financial return time series. We have
taken under consideration. used a range of data covering securities from the Tehran
In a series of studies Choustova used the quantum po- stock exchange (TSE) as an emergent market [22,23], Dow
tential as a method for describing the mental factors or Jones Industrial Average (DJIA30), Standard and Poor’s
psychological aspects of the markets, in order to study 500 (S&P500) indices from a mature market, and gold
the price trajectories of the market. Their reasoning is and West Texas intermediate oil prices as commodity mar-
based on the fact that traders in financial markets behave kets. The analysis has been carried out based on the daily
stochastically due to the free wills of individuals. This changes of these markets from the 1st of Jan. 1996 until
would lead to the conclusion that the combination of a 1st of Jan. 2011.
huge number of free wills involved in a market brings the In order to face the facts, the quantum potential
need for an additional stochastic term which rules out clas- is implemented for modelling real markets. The out-
sical physics for being able to describe it, see [6–8]. The come would provide information on the expectations

Financial market images: A practical approach owing to the secret quantum potential

and restrictions on the market under consideration. In 120 0.02

Day Week
this line, the probability distribution function of the 100
S&P 500

price return which is represented by R is extracted Gaussian 0.015

Quantum Potential
Quantum Potential

from the market and substituted in eq. (3), where 60 0.01

the quantum potential of that market in terms of its 40

price returns is obtained. However, the price return 20

q(t) = ln(price(t + τ )) − ln(price(t)) could vary with the 0

-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
q ( return) q ( return)
time scale τ . By having in hand information on the quan-
tum potential based on the desired time scales, valuable 0.02

information is obtained on the restrictions put on the price S&P500

0.005 S&P500

returns of that market. Hence, we carry out a case study

Quantum Potential
Quantum Potential

on a typical market. To name a very famous market to 0.01 0.003

be taken under consideration, one may say the S&P. In 0.005


fig. 1 the quantum potential is obtained for the S&P in 0.001

four time scales namely, daily, weekly, seasonally, yearly, 0

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
q ( return)
0.2 0.4
-0.5 0
q ( return)

shown in the four panels, where all four are plotted on

daily basis estimations. Owing to the educational aspect Fig. 1: (Colour on-line) The quantum potential of return time
of this study, we compare the quantum potential for S&P series of the S&P500 index (solid curves) together with the
with the quantum potential of a corresponding Gaussian quantum potential of a Gaussian white noise (dashed curve),
white noise with the same variance; where the white noise in daily, weekly, seasonally, and yearly time scales. Note that
concept corresponds to a community which is not biased the variance of the Gaussian white noise is the same as its
by the prices prior to its date. Mathematically speaking, corresponding quantum potential in each panel.
the function R for a white noise which is a Gaussian func-
tion represented by exp(−(q−q0 )2 )/2σ 2 ; when substituted to the Gaussian white noise. The results completely justify
in eq. (3) gives the quantum potential of the white noise the implemented methods, in a sense that if someone tells
  us that the gold price has doubled since yesterday, no one
4(q − q0 )2 2q
U= − 2 , (4) would believe. But if the same person gives the same state-
4σ 4 2σ ment this time comparing it with last year, many might
where q0 represents the average variations of the real mar- believe. This is exactly what the bottom right panel of
ket price returns under comparison, and σ is the variance. fig. 1 states. To be clearer, there exists a quantum po-
Note that q0 and σ take values from their corresponding tential for the financial markets which causes restrictions
real markets. for high amplitude changes with respect to time scales.
The quantum potential for a Gaussian white noise is in- This is exactly what we experience in every day life. It
dicated by the dashed curves in the four panels of fig. 1. It obviously shows the entanglement between prices of, e.g.,
could readily be noticed by looking at the dashed curves in today and of yesterday. It is this entanglement that de-
all four panels that since the white noise does not possess nies high amplitude variations of price returns in respect
infinitely high walls, any value even very small is probable to short time scales. This restriction on the prices makes
for it in all four time periods. It could also be noticed us believe that life is not that unfair.
by comparing the four panels of fig. 1 with each other This fairness is promoted by the presence of the quan-
that as the time scale grows, the Bohmian potential (solid tum potential that denies high amplitude variations of the
curves) against the price returns tends to the white noise price returns in short time periods, due to existence of the
(dashed curve). In a sense that the potential walls when infinitely high walls of the quantum potential. But recall-
plotted for a daily time scale (top left panel) only allows ing our obtained results that small amplitude variations
variations for the price return up to less than 10 percent. are permitted in short time scales, for instance, daily time
But when the potential is plotted for a weekly time scale scales, the question that arises is: how do they behave?
(top right panel), the variations are allowed up to a bit To clarify the question: in case that the quantum poten-
more then ten percent. Keeping its course, as the quan- tial allows the price return to vary (which could be about
tum potential is plotted for a seasonally time scale (bot- 10 percent in a few days), is there any sort of order in
tom left) the variations are tolerated up to around forty the price return variations? The answer would surly help
percent. Interestingly the quantum walls are tending to investors to sense their benefits and prevent any loss in a
the white noise by having a slope other than 90 percent, desired time scale. To find out how, the variation range
but still being similar to the daily and weekly time scales. of the price returns of efficient and emerging markets to-
In the fourth panel of fig. 1 (bottom right), the quantum gether with oil and gold prices are plotted in terms of time
potential looks quite similar to the Gaussian white noise. scales, see fig. 2. It could be deduced from both panels of
However, although the walls are high, they still allow large fig. 2 that all prices possess a scaling behaviour, this con-
amplitude variations. This means that as the time scale firms the results for various markets published by Zhang
increases, the quantum potential of the real markets tends et al. [24] obtained by other methods. Going deeper, it

F. Tahmasebi et al.

2.5 justify this break a good candidate could be either gov-

2 Dow
S&P500 ernmental influences or political issues. Although it has
1.5 TSE
been several years since quantum mechanics has stepped
1 into finance, still forward modellings based on quantum
mechanics for empirical market data lack.
0.5 In the present study being as practical as possible, em-

.4 1 pirical market data has been analysed and compared with

p e= the solutions extracted by our forward modelling based
9 0.
6 1 on the quantum Bohmian approach. We summarise our
0.3 e=
p e= o p finding as follows:
Slo Sl

– It is shown that the quantum potential provides

0 1 2
10 10 10 boundaries which confine the price return fluctuations
t (Daily) within their walls. In other words, by increasing the
potential, the possibility of a price return decreases.
2.5 These boundaries have a power law behaviour with
2 = 0 .1 8 time scale. The results are consistent with what
1.5 we really experience in our societies (fig. 1). These
0. boundaries are also estimated analytically (eq. (4)).
1 e=
S lop

0 .2
6 – These boundaries are created by the entanglement

0.5 S lo between price returns of consecutive days, in addition
to the their fat-tailed distributions. However, for the
0. Gaussian white noise, due to the fact that the walls
S lop Gold are non-vertical, any thing could happen, though with
West texas intermediate
low probability.
100 101 102
t (Daily) – The distance between the walls which depends on the
time scale is a measure for the amplitude variations of
Fig. 2: (Colour on-line) Top panel: the comparison of the the price return. This time scale causes a divergence
scaling behaviors of the quantum potential for emerging and between emerging and efficient markets, where the
mature markets. Bottom panel: the scaling behaviors of the efficiency is inversely proportional to the exponent.
quantum potential for commodity markets.
– A bi-scaling feature has been detected for the oil and
could be deduced from the top panel that efficient markets gold markets. This is very possibly due to political
have a smaller exponent compared to the emerging mar- issues and international considerations.
kets, where it is 0.4 and 0.6 for the efficient and emerging
In the end we state that although high amplitude price
markets, respectively. This behaviour reminds us of the
fluctuations are impossible in short time scales, as we have
Hurst exponent in emerging and efficient markets, where
all hardly experienced otherwise, forward modelling price
it has been shown that the Hurst values for emerging
fluctuations of various markets would prove adequate for
and efficient markets are greater and less than 0.5, re-
companies and individuals to act more rational on their
spectively, see [25,26]. But interestingly, the gold and oil
prices (bottom panel) possess a bi-scaling behaviour which
could readily be seen in the bottom panel of fig. 2. This
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