Book Report #2!

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Book report number two.

Isla J. Bick

Sullivan Eurich PD 1
I rated this book 5 stars because it was action packed and exciting. It made you want to read
more. I like how it had a little bit of the environment in it.

This is where Alex ran away to go to the mountains.

This is what Rule looked like as a small town

This is where Alex spent most of her time on the road

Important characters
Alex:She ran away from her incurable brain tumor and the death of her dead parents.Alex helps
the people in Rule. At the end she tries to find Tom and Elie.

Tom: He is an army soldier and is stationed in the woods where are Alex ran away to. He also
helped Alex get away from a wild pack of dogs. He teaches Elie and Alex about survival skills
that they need.

Elie:She is an angry eight-year-old that wants her regular life back. In addition, the owner of
Mina the dog. She learns the basic survival skills to live from Tom.

Conflict and resolution

When Alex and Elie went to the lake they got surrounded by wild dogs and Mina tried to defend
them but failed. But then Tom pulled out his gun and shot them so Alex and Elie were saved.

Important events
❖ Alex has super powers after the electric magnetic pulse(E.M.P) goes off. She has
super smell and can zombies are near.
❖ There are zombies after the E.M.P and there are smart like the humans
❖ While at Rule, Alex goes to the courtroom and spots that the judge is a criminal
❖ Tom was fighting a war inAfghanistan and he was a bomb detector in the army.
❖ Toms friend Jim was turned into a zombie when the E.M.P happened.

It all started when Alex ran away from her home and her incurable tumor into the
woods where she met Elie, Mina the dog and her grandfather share their past stories when a
massive E.M.P goes off and all of the birds fall out of the sky, Elie’s grandfather falls to the floor
and dies. Then suddenly she falls to the floor and now bleeding. She notices that her watch is
not working and either does Elie, so they figure that all electronics do not work. Eventually they
get up and Elie now is crying because of her dead grandfather. Alex is trying to get a hold of
Elie but can’t, so the heads down a lake thirty miles away and so does Elie and Mina. Once they
made a shelter they get cornered by wild dogs but Mina tries to defend them but does not suc-
ceed then they heard gun shots then all of the wild dogs drop on the floor one by one. Once all
of the wild dogs are gone they saw what it looks like a young soldier who shot all of the dogs
they come to talk to him and they learn that his name is Tom and he is an army soldier that
came back from a war. He also has a lot of survival skills that they need.
He helps them build a shelter and make a plan to go to the ranger station to get help. The next
day they hike all the way up to the ranger station and hear a continuous noise. After a long time,
they get to see the ranger station and what the noise was coming from. It was coming from a
generator to power the ranger station. Once they got in it was an amazing shelter. It had food,
water, power and guns. They stayed there a while until they decided to go to Rule not far north.
But there were driving too long so they decided to sleep in an open farm. But when Alex woke
up Elie was not there and the truck was stolen. They decided to move on and go to the gas sta-
tion. But some other people needed supplies and stole Tom. Once she got to rule they accepted
her as a citizen and worked in a hospital. She decided to run away because she not getting paid
well. Once she got into the Canadian border and they took her.

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