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Introduction:- Resource means an asset or wealth which can be utilised as and when
required. Every organisation consists of 5 m’s. They are man, money, machine, material and
market. Out of these five “m” s men is one of the crucial elements for the organisation.
These men can be considered as human resource for the organisation. Human Resources
are the wealth of a country to whom it can rely upon at any time. With the growth and
development of science and technology, with the introduction of liberalisation and
globalisation in India Human Resource are considered to be an important aspect for the
Organisation as well as for the country.

Industrial Revolution has brought a huge change in the industrial climate of the country.
More and more industries were set up and industrial production increases in due course of
time. It is only possible with the skill, knowledge, attitude, ability, competence, efficiency,
creativity of human beings. So Human Resource management not only for the growth and
development of the organisation but for the entire nation. Hence human resource is
considered as an asset for the organisation and for the country.

DEFINITION: - “Human Resource management is the planning, organising, directing,

controlling and separation of Human Resource to the end that individual, organisation and
social objectives can be accomplished.”

“Human Resource Management is managing i.e. planning, organising, directing, controlling,

the functions of employing, developing and compensating human resource resulting in
creating and developing human relation and utilisation of human resource to contribute for
the accomplishment of individual, organisation and social objectives.”

1. It is the activity of Planning, Organising, Directing and controlling of Human Resources.
2. It is concerned with procurement, Development, compensation and separation of Human
3. Meant for individual and organisational objective.
4. Social objectives can be accomplished.
0BJECTIVES—The primary objective of HRM is ensure the right people for right job so that
the objectives of the organisation can be effectively achieved. Accordingly the objectives of
HRM have been classified into following categories:


1. Training Development 1. HR Planning 1. Legal compliance
2. Placement 2. Selection 2. Benefits
3. Compensation 3. Inter personal Relation 3. Union management relation
4. Performance Appraisal 4. Assessment
5. Follow-up-action


1. Human Resource Planning.

2. Job Analysis
3. Acquisition of HR.
4. Training &Development.
5. Performance Evaluation and Review.
6. Compensation and other benefits.
7. Safety and Health provisions.
8. Organisation Development.

HRP Job Analysis Acquisition of


Organisation Training &

HRM Development

Compensation Performance
Safety and
Evaluation and
Health provisions & Benefits Review



1 .PLANNING:- It is the primary function. It involves:

 Determination of long term short term objectives

 Preparation of action plan
 Formulation of policy &procedures

2. ORGANISING: - Identify and grouping the work among the persons. It involves:

 Identification of activities.
 Grouping of activities.
 Assignment of authority &responsibility.
 Establish relationship.

3. STAFFING: - Having required number of qualified and experienced people to work in the
organisation at appropriate time. It involves:

 Manpower planning.
 Recruitment.
 Selection.
 Training.
 Placement.

4 .DIRECTING:- Refers to leading the employees to perform better and efficiently in the
organisation. It involves:-

 Communication.
 Motivation.
 Involvement.

5. COORDINATING: - Refers to establishment of relationship among various parts of the


 Clear cut authority and responsibility.

 Unity of direction.
 Unity of command.
6. CONTROLLING: - It refers to ensuring that all the individuals, departments are performing
their work as per rules & regulations. It involves:-

 Setting the standard of performance.

 Measuring actual performance.
 Compairing actual performance againest standards
 Find out deviation of performance.
 Take corrective action to ensure goal accomplishment.


1) Job analysis 2) HRP 3) Recruitment 4) Selection, 5) placement 6) Induction
& Orientation 7) Promotion 8) Transfer, 9) Punishment.

1) Training, 2) Performance Appraisal, 3) Career plan & development

1) Job Evaluation, 2) wage & salary administration, 3) Bonus and incentives.
4) Social security measures 5) Fringe benefits
1) Motivation 2) Job satisfaction 3) Grievance Redress 4) Collective Bargaining,
5) Conflict Management 6) Discipline.


1) Health, 2) Safety 3) Social securities 4) Welfare Schemes 5) Personnel

Records 5) Personnel Research 6) Personnel audit.




Personal qualities are those qualities which help the HR manager to understand human
behaviour some personal qualities must be there which can help the HR manager to fulfil
the desire and aspiration of the employees as well as the employer.
A) INTELLIGENCE: - Mental ability to deal the people. A HR manager should be an
intelligence person while communicating with others inside and outside of the
B) EDUCATIONAL: - Refers to learning and teaching skill. A HR manager should have the
quality of learning as well as teaching in the organisation . They should have
knowledge about employees skill desire, development and teach the employees
about the organisational growth, need and expectation.
C) DISCRIMINATING: - A HR manager should have the qualities of discrimination. Its can
well distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust, merit and
D) EXECUTING: - HR manager should have the quality of executing the decision of the
management. They have to streamline all the HR related work with in the
organisation with utmost sincerity and accuracy. Should have the quality of co-
ordination, control and guidance which leads to standard of performance.

Professional qualities are more important and necessary for a successful HR manager. This
quality refers to those which are required by the organisation. A HR manager should be
more professional in character .some of the professional qualities are:-

A) ABILITY TO LISTEN: - This quality helps the HR manager to be appreciated by

other employees. A HR manager should listen patience to the grievances of other
employees before arriving to any conclusion.
B) HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY: - HR manager should well-versed with human psychology.
he should understand other mentality, ability and integrity.
C) TECHNICAL & MANAGERIAL: - A HR manager should be technically sound person
and a professional manager. He should have the capacity to manage technically
and efficiently with in limitation.
D) SOCIAL JUSTICE: - A HR manager showed act with degree of common sense. He
should have interest to provide prefect social justice. he should be well versed in
law and judicious in decision making process.

The qualities and skill of a HR manager differ from organisation to organisation. The
qualities remain differ from time to time depending on the requirements of the organisation.
But in general it should be take into grant that the qualities of a HR manager must be
different from the qualities of other managers like marketing, production, operation,
finance etc.

All the operational functions of HRM system can be regarded as the duties and
responsibilities for total implementation of HR system and performance of each employee
in each level. The duties and responsibilities are as follows.

A) JOB ANAIYSIS: - This duty includes determines the nature of job and type of job in
each department in order to achieve the objective.
B) RECRUITMENT: - Find out suitable employees for the organisation so that there will
be no over staff or under staff problem. The number of employees should be
appropriate so that the day to day work of the organisation will not hamper.
C) PLACEMENT: - Right person should be in right job which leads to job specialization.
Only qualified, experienced and expert employees can found place in the
D) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: - After placement training is necessary to each and
every employee. Training is required to make an employee perfect. A perfect
employee can develop the organisation.
E) PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: - Evaluation of the employee during a particular time
period. The process of performance appraisal enables the HR manager to distinguish
between good employee and bad employee.
F) COMPENSATION: - The salary and other financial benefits applicable to the major
duty and responsibility of HR manager.
G) PROMOTION: - This is the responsibility of HR manager in the organisation. This
process ensures that the most efficient employees will be promoted.
H) TRANSFER: - Deployment of workers inside the organisation and outside of the
organisation .Transfer is made for effective control of the organisation and it is a
duty of the HR manager.
I) DEMOTION: - This is one form of punishment for inefficient employee. The HR
manager will demote to those employee who are proved to be inefficient in
performance appraisal process.
J) GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL: - This is one of the important duty of a HR manager. It is his
responsibility to see and act favorably for the employee grievance. He should
consider different grievances of different employee and take a judicious action.
K) CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: - Conflict management is an important duty and
responsibility of a HR manager .The misunderstanding in work place leads a situation
of conflict among the workers. The reasons of conflict and their solution is one of the
primary duty of HR manager.
L) EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE: - Maintenance of discipline inside the organisation is one of
the primary duty of HR manager. It is their responsibility to award, reward and
punish for discipline and indiscipline workers of the organisation.

The duty and responsibilities of a HR manager differ from organisation to organisation.

According to the need of the organisation these duties and responsibilities changes from
time to time.

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