IPIO, Jhayvee Christian I. (Activity 2)

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IPIO, Jhayvee Christian I.

BSME 2B Activity No. 3

What is the difference between Responsibility and Obligation?

Obligation and responsibility are two terms that are often confused. An act to
which a person is ethically or legally obligated is referred to as an obligation. A job or
task that you are needed or expected to do is referred to as a responsibility.
Obligation relates to activities that must be met or done, while responsibility refers to
an activity for which you are responsible.
An act or course of conduct to which a person is ethically or legally obligated
is referred to as an obligation. It forces a person to do or not take a certain course of
action. This individual, on the other hand, is obligated to fulfil this commitment by
virtue of an agreement, contract, or set of rules and regulations, rather than by
choice. When someone claims, he was forced to do something, we assume he did it
because he didn't have any other option.
Responsibility, in general, refers to that for which one is accountable. It's
something you have to deal with since it's your job or responsibility: you're in charge
of these chores. Parents, for example, are accountable for their children's well-being.
If anything bad occurs to the kid, the parents are deemed responsible.

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