Corrosion MG Alloys Stent and Biomedical Applications

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Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Phase-field modeling of pitting and mechanically-assisted corrosion of

Mg alloys for biomedical applications
Sasa Kovacevic a,∗, Wahaaj Ali b,c, Emilio Martínez-Pañeda a,∗, Javier LLorca b,d,∗
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
IMDEA Materials Institute, C/Eric Kandel 2, Getafe 28906, Madrid, Spain
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganes 28911, Madrid, Spain
Department of Materials Science, Polytechnic University of Madrid, E. T. S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, 28040 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A phase-field model is developed to simulate the corrosion of Mg alloys in body fluids. The model in-
Received 24 December 2022 corporates both Mg dissolution and the transport of Mg ions in solution, naturally predicting the tran-
Revised 21 March 2023
sition from activation-controlled to diffusion-controlled bio-corrosion. In addition to uniform corrosion,
Accepted 7 April 2023
the presented framework captures pitting corrosion and accounts for the synergistic effect of aggressive
Available online xxx
environments and mechanical loading in accelerating corrosion kinetics. The model applies to arbitrary
Keywords: 2D and 3D geometries with no special treatment for the evolution of the corrosion front, which is de-
Diffuse interface scribed using a diffuse interface approach. Experiments are conducted to validate the model and a good
Localized corrosion agreement is attained against in vitro measurements on Mg wires. The potential of the model to capture
Stress-assisted corrosion mechano-chemical effects during corrosion is demonstrated in case studies considering Mg wires in ten-
Bioabsorbable Mg stent sion and bioabsorbable coronary Mg stents subjected to mechanical loading. The proposed methodology
Mg biodegradation
can be used to assess the in vitro and in vivo service life of Mg-based biomedical devices and optimize
the design taking into account the effect of mechanical deformation on the corrosion rate. The model
has the potential to advocate further development of Mg alloys as a biodegradable implant material for
biomedical applications.

Statement of significance

A physically-based model is developed to simulate the corrosion of bioabsorbable metals in environments

that resemble biological fluids. The model captures pitting corrosion and incorporates the role of mechan-
ical fields in enhancing the corrosion of bioabsorbable metals. Model predictions are validated against
dedicated in vitro corrosion experiments on Mg wires. The potential of the model to capture mechano-
chemical effects is demonstrated in representative examples. The simulations show that the presence of
mechanical fields leads to the formation of cracks accelerating the failure of Mg wires, whereas pitting
severely compromises the structural integrity of coronary Mg stents. This work extends phase-field mod-
eling to bioengineering and provides a mechanistic tool for assessing the service life of bioabsorbable
metallic biomedical devices.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction ability, and mechanical properties place Mg at an advantage over

traditional biodegradable polymers for load-bearing applications
Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys are highly attractive for tempo- [3]. Temporary Mg implants are intended to gradually dissolve in
rary biomedical implants [1,2]. Good biocompatibility, biodegrad- vivo at a synchronized rate with bone/tissue growth and safely ab-
sorb in the human body after healing with no implant residues,

thereby avoiding the need for a second operation for implant
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (S. Kovacevic),
removal. Those implants have shown promising results in sev- (E. Martínez-Pañeda), eral applications, including orthopedic surgery [4], cardiovascular, (J. LLorca).
1742-7061/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Please cite this article as: S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al., Phase-field modeling of pitting and mechanically-assisted
corrosion of Mg alloys for biomedical applications, Acta Biomaterialia,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 25, 2023;19:47]

S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al. Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the pitting corrosion (left) and stress corrosion cracking (right) mechanisms of Mg alloys during immersion in the physiological environment
(simplified representation). Pitting is caused by breakages in the passive film exposing the Mg alloy to the corrosive environment.

stents [5], and implants for oral and maxillofacial bones, three- tion can be used to calibrate numerical models to predict the in
dimensional scaffolds, soft tissue, and nerve regeneration [6]. vivo performance of implants and to guide design taking into ac-
Despite successful clinical studies, Mg-based implants have only count their progressive degradation. A wide variety of computa-
been approved for a limited number of applications. Rapid corro- tional tools have been developed to predict the corrosion behav-
sion in an aggressive chloride medium like human body fluids is ior of biodegradable Mg alloys. Phenomenological models based on
the main reason limiting the widespread use of Mg alloys as a the continuum damage (CD) theory [25] for uniform and localized
biodegradable material [7]. In vivo [8–10] and in vitro studies [11– corrosion [26,27] are based on a scalar damage parameter that re-
13] have reported that biodegradable Mg alloys (as well as indus- duces the mechanical properties of the corroded regions of the
trially used ones) generally corrode in a localized fashion (e.g., pit- material. The damage evolution law for stress corrosion depends
ting), Fig. 1. For instance, an in vivo study [14] has shown that Mg on threshold stress above which corrosion progresses [26] while
alloy plates and screws in the diaphyseal area of long bones in pigs pitting corrosion is introduced via a dimensionless pitting param-
were nearly completely degraded after 12 months of implantation. eter controlled by a distribution probability density function [27].
The screws showed a faster and nonhomogeneous degradation pro- The CD approach is further improved by including several different
file in the intramedullary cavity owing to enhanced exposure to features [28–32]. However, the diffusion process, as the underlying
interstitial fluids. Another study [15] has found that corrosion re- physical mechanism in the corrosion process, is not included. In
sistance is the major challenge for using Mg interference screws more advanced phenomenological models [33,34], the diffusion of
for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Moreover, regions of Mg ions and the evolution of other species have been incorporated
the interference screw exposed to synovial fluids in the knee joint through physicochemical interactions and diffusion equations.
cavity suffer accelerated degradation. Although phenomenological models have been typically used to
Different strategies, mainly based on surface modification, have simulate Mg corrosion, there is a growing interest in the devel-
been developed to mitigate these risks and improve the corro- opment of physically-based models that can resolve the physical
sion resistance and biocompatibility of Mg alloys [16,17]. Yet, pit- processes governing corrosion and thus provide mechanistic pre-
ting corrosion could only be diminished to a certain extent [18,19]. dictions and insight [35–41]. While the underlying physics is rel-
Moreover, load-bearing biomedical devices are continuously sub- atively well understood, there are significant theoretical and com-
jected to various loading conditions during service. In such an en- putational challenges intrinsic to the coupled nature of the prob-
vironment, biodegradable Mg alloys show sensitivity to stress cor- lem and the difficulty of tracking the evolution of complex corro-
rosion cracking (SCC) [19–22]. The synergistic effect of mechanical sion interfaces in arbitrary domains. Regarding the former, a mech-
loading and a corrosive environment significantly reduces the cor- anistic model of Mg corrosion must account for Mg dissolution
rosion resistance and mechanical integrity of Mg alloys. The con- at the corrosion front (short-range interactions), diffusion of Mg
currence of these two factors dramatically accelerates the corrosion ions in solution (long-range interactions) and the coupling with
rate and promotes crack propagation (Fig. 1), leading to the sud- other physical phenomena such as capturing the role of mechan-
den failure of implants [23]. A recent study [24] has reported that ics in enhancing corrosion rates and the electrochemistry-corrosion
elastic strains decrease the corrosion potential, increase corrosion interplay. Regarding the challenges associated with tracking an
current and accelerate the degradation of WE43 Mg wires, while evolving corrosion front computationally, a number of numeri-
plastic strains enhance localized corrosion. Hence, SCC is a severe cal techniques have been recently proposed, including Arbitrary
concern for thin implant applications like stents, membranes, and Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approaches [35–37], level set methods
wires. [38–40], and peridynamics [41]. However, these are mainly used
Before clinical trials, the corrosion performance of Mg alloys is in the context of uniform corrosion as they are still limited in cap-
usually determined in in vitro tests under various corrosive en- turing localized corrosion, coupling with other physicomechanical
vironments that resemble biological fluids. Ideally, this informa- phenomena, and handling geometric interactions in arbitrary di-

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 25, 2023;19:47]

S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al. Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Problem formulation and diffuse interface description of the liquid (physiological environment φ = 0) and solid (biodegradable Mg alloy φ = 1) phases.

mensions (2D/3D), such as the coalescence of corrosion pits. Phase- case studies: pitting corrosion associated with the local failure of a
field formulations have emerged as a promising approach for mod- protective layer and the nonhomogeneous stress state of a bioab-
eling moving interfaces and handling topological changes at dif- sorbable coronary stent. The potential of the model is discussed
ferent length scales [42]. In phase-field models, the interface be- in Section 5 along with recommendations for future work. Conclu-
tween two phases is smoothed over a thin diffuse region using a sions of the investigation are summarized in Section 6.
continuous auxiliary field variable (e.g., φ ), see Fig. 2. The phase-
field variable φ has a distinct value in each phase (e.g., 0 and 1), 2. The phase-field model for corrosion of Mg
while varying smoothly in between. The movement of the inter-
face is implicitly tracked without presumptions or prescribing the 2.1. Degradation mechanisms
interface velocity. Topological changes of arbitrary complexity (e.g.,
divisions or merging of interfaces) can be naturally captured in 2D Magnesium dissolution in aqueous environments, such as bio-
and 3D without requiring any special treatments or ad hoc crite- logical fluids, is governed by an electrochemical reaction and the
ria. The phase-field method has been recently extended to several corrosion process can be summarized as follows [3]
challenging interfacial phenomena relevant to corrosion in non-

biodegradable metallic materials [43–50] and to internal galvanic Mg(s ) → Mg2+
(aq ) + 2e (anodic reaction)
corrosion and damage localization induced by insoluble secondary 2H2 O(aq ) + 2e− → H2(g) ↑ +2OH−(aq) (cathodic reaction)
phases in Mg alloys [51]. This work aims to extend this success −
to biomaterial degradation, presenting the first phase-field model Mg2+
(aq ) + 2OH(aq ) → Mg(OH)2(s ) ↓ (product formation). (1)
for the surface-based localized (pitting) corrosion of biodegradable The last reaction in Eq. (1) is the precipitation reaction that
Mg alloys that incorporates material dissolution, Mg ionic trans- leads to the formation of a passive layer of magnesium hydroxide
port, and mechano-chemical interactions. (Mg(OH)2 ) on the Mg surface, Fig. 1. Chloride ions (Cl− ) present in
The outline of the paper is as follows. The degradation mecha- the physiological environment react with Mg(OH)2 and transform
nisms governing mechanically-assisted corrosion of biodegradable the protective film into highly soluble magnesium chloride (MgCl2 )
Mg alloys are presented in the following section and the phase-
field model is subsequently formulated. The interplay between Mg

dissolution, ionic transport in solution, and mechanical straining Mg(OH)2(s ) + 2Cl(aq ) → MgCl2(aq ) + 2OH−
(aq ) (layer dissolution),
is captured by defining a generalized thermodynamic free energy
functional that incorporates chemical, interfacial, and mechanical
terms. The impact of mechanical fields in accelerating corrosion undermining the integrity of the passive film. Fast corrosion rates
kinetics is integrated through a mechano-electrochemical mobil- and pitting corrosion are generally associated with aggressive chlo-
ity term that depends on local stress and strain distributions. The ride ions [52]. The presence of inorganic ions and organic com-
constructed model is calibrated and validated against in vitro cor- pounds in body fluids further increases the complexity of the
rosion data on WE43 Mg alloy wires immersed in simulated body degradation process [53]. While the effect of certain organic com-
fluid in Section 3. Dedicated experiments are conducted to vali- pounds [54] and inorganic ions [55,56] on the corrosion rate have
date the model, both qualitatively (pitting patterns) and quantita- been identified, the degradation mechanisms of Mg alloys in body
tively (hydrogen gas released), demonstrating as well its ability to fluids are not fully understood [57,58]. Therefore, it is assumed that
capture localized corrosion phenomena. After validation, the po- the primary degradation mechanism is driven by the bulk diffu-
tential of the model to handle mechano-chemical effects during sion of Mg ions in the physiological environment. The complex
corrosion is demonstrated in Section 4 through two representative composition of the porous protective layer, its negligible thickness

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 25, 2023;19:47]

S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al. Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

compared to the size of the surrounding body fluid, and the high and h(φ ) are the double-well potential energy and interpolation
solubility of MgCl2 in aqueous environments allow to neglect the functions commonly expressed as
product formation and layer dissolution reactions, an approach fre-
g(φ ) = 16φ 2 (1 − φ )
quently followed in the literature [26,27,32,34,35,41].  
The presence of mechanical stresses increases the corrosion h (φ ) = φ 6φ 2 − 15φ + 10 .
susceptibility of Mg alloys. In vitro studies [24,59] have indicated
ω in Eq. (5) is a constant that determines the energy barrier height
that mechanical fields decrease the corrosion potential of Mg al-
at φ = 1/2 between the two minima at φ = 0 and φ = 1.
loys, thereby increasing corrosion current densities and dissolution
The chemical free energy densities within each phase in
rates. Following Gutman’s theory of mechano-electrochemical in-
Eq. (5) are approximated by simple parabolic functions with the
teractions [60], the anodic dissolution kinetics is given as
same curvature parameter A as
 εp  σ V 
= + 1 exp h m
, (3)
i0 εy RT flchem cMg
l l,eq
A cMg − cMg
where i is the anodic dissolution current in the presence of me-  s
 1  s 
s,eq 2
chanical stresses, i0 the anodic dissolution current in the absence fschem cMg = A cMg − cMg , (7)
of mechanical stresses, ε p the effective plastic strain, εy the ini-
l,eq s l,eq s s,eq s,eq
tial yield strain, σh the hydrostatic stress, Vm the molar volume of where c̄Mg = cMg /cMg and c̄Mg = cMg /cMg are the normalized equi-
the metal, R the universal gas constant, and T the absolute tem- librium Mg concentrations in the liquid and solid phases (refer to
perature. After rupture of the passive film and pit nucleation, local Section 2.5 for dimensional analysis). Alternatively, the chemical
stress and plastic strain distributions intensify local material dis- free energy density can be approximated assuming a dilute solu-
solution in the vicinity of the pit, promoting pit-to-crack transi- tion [46–48]. Physically, the equilibrium concentration in the solid
tion and crack propagation, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. phase cMg represents the average concentration of Mg ions within
As shown below (Section 2.4), the amplification factor in Eq. (3) is the material. Since the product formation and protective layer dis-
embedded into the model kinetics parameter that characterizes solution are neglected in the current work (Section 2.1), cMg is
solid-liquid interface movement to incorporate the role of mechan- determined based on the mass density and molar mass of MgCl2
ical fields in accelerating corrosion. formed on the exposed Mg surface.
The interfacial region is defined as a mixture of both phases
2.2. Thermodynamics with different concentrations but with the same diffusion chemical
potential [61]
The problem formulation is depicted in Fig. 2 and could be
cMg = (1 − h(φ ) )cMg + h(φ )cMg
l s
summarized as follows. The system consists of a biodegradable Mg
alloy in contact with physiological environments that, by compo-
∂ flchem clMg  
sition, mimic body fluids. The system domain  includes both the ∂ fschem csMg
Mg alloy and the corrosive environment. A continuous phase-field = . (8)
∂ clMg ∂ csMg
parameter φ is introduced to distinguish different phases: φ = 1
represents the solid phase (Mg alloy), φ = 0 corresponds to the Using Eqs. (7) and (8) renders the following definition for the
liquid phase (physiological fluid), and 0 < φ < 1 indicates the thin chemical free energy density of the system
interfacial region between the phases (solid-liquid interface). With  2
vanishing normal fluxes (n · J = 0) on the domain boundary ∂ , 1
f chem (c̄Mg , φ ) = A c̄Mg − h(φ )(c̄Mg
s,eq l,eq
− c̄Mg ) − c̄Mg
+ ω g( φ ) .
the independent kinematic variables necessary for model descrip- 2
tion are the non-conserved phase-field parameter describing the (9)
evolution of the corroding interface φ (x, t ), the displacement vec-
tor to characterize deformation of the solid phase u(x, t ), and the
normalized concentration of Mg ions c̄Mg (x, t ) with respect to the 2.2.2. Gradient energy density
concentration in the solid phase (c̄Mg = cMg /cMgs ). More details re- The interfacial energy density is defined as
garding nondimensionalization are given in Section 2.5. 1
f grad (∇ φ ) = κ|∇ φ|2 , (10)
The free energy functional for a heterogeneous system such as 2
the one in Fig. 2 can be written as where κ is the isotropic gradient energy coefficient. The phase-
   field parameters ω and κ are connected to the physical quan-
F = f chem
(c̄Mg , φ ) + f grad
(∇φ ) + f mech
( ∇ u , φ ) d , (4)
tity (interfacial energy ) and computational parameter (interface

thickness ). For the accepted double well potential g(φ ) in Eq. (6),
where f chem , f grad , and f mech are the chemical, gradient, and me-
the following relations are obtained [62]
chanical energy densities defined below.
3 3
ω= κ= . (11)
2.2.1. Chemical free energy density 4 2
Following the phase-field model for phase transitions in binary
alloys [61], the chemical free energy density of a homogeneous 2.2.3. Strain energy density
system consisting of solid and liquid phases is decomposed into The mechanical behavior of the solid phase is assumed to fol-
the chemical energy density associated with material composition low the von Mises theory of plasticity [63]. Considering deformable
and double-well potential energy elasto-plastic solids, the mechanical free energy density f mech in
Eq. (4) is additively decomposed into elastic femech and plastic com-
f chem (c̄Mg , φ ) = (1 − h(φ )) flchem (c̄Mg
) + h(φ ) fschem (c̄Mg
) + ω g( φ ) ,
ponents f pmech
where flchem (c̄Mg
l )
and fschem (c̄Mg
s )
are the chemical free energy den-
f mech (∇ u, φ ) = h(φ )( femech + f pmech ), (12)
sities within the liquid and solid phases as a function of normal- where h(φ ) ensures the transition from the intact solid (uncor-
ized phase-concentrations c̄Mg s . In the above equation, g(φ )
and c̄Mg roded Mg alloy) to the completely corroded (liquid) phase. The

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 25, 2023;19:47]

S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al. Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

elastic strain energy density femech is a quadratic form of the elastic chanical contribution to interface kinetics, the interested reader is
strain referred to Refs. [46–48].

1 e
femech (∇ u ) = ε : C : εe εe = ε − ε p , (13) 2.4. Mechano-electrochemical coupling
where C is the rank-four elastic stiffness tensor and εe is the elastic The role of mechanical fields in enhancing corrosion kinetics
strain tensor obtained by subtracting the plastic strain tensor ε p is incorporated by following Gutman’s theory [60]. As shown in
from the total strain ε. For linearized kinematics, the total strain Eq. (3), the anodic dissolution can be amplified by an amplifica-
tensor is the symmetric part of the displacement gradient tion factor that depends on local stress and strain distributions. As
the anodic dissolution kinetics dictates interface motion, the inter-
1 facial mobility coefficient L is analogously connected to mechani-
ε = ( ∇ u + ( ∇ u )T ). (14)
2 cal fields. Using Eq. (3) and considering the linear relationship be-
tween L and ia (corrosion current density) [45] returns the follow-
The elastic deformation of the solid is described by the isotropic
ing expression for the kinetic coefficient in Eq. (17)
linear elasticity theory so that the rank-four elastic stiffness tensor  εp  σ V 
reads L h m
= + 1 exp , (20)
L0 εy RT
Ci jkl = λδi j δkl + μ(δik δ jl + δil δ jk ), (15)
where L0 is the interfacial mobility that physically corresponds
where λ and μ are the Lamé elastic constants. to the anodic dissolution current i0 in the absence of mechanical
The plastic strain energy density f pmech is incrementally com- stresses and plastic strains, Eq. (3). The interfacial mobility L0 is
puted from the plastic strain tensor ε p and the Cauchy stress ten- determined in Section 3 considering stress-free corrosion experi-
sor σ0 for the intact configuration as ments on Mg wires.
2.5. Dimensional analysis
f pmech = σ0 : ε˙ p dt. (16)
To facilitate numerical simulations and improve convergence,
the governing equations Eq. (17) are normalized using the inter-
face thickness as the characteristic length, Mg concentration in
2.3. Governing equations s , diffusion coefficients of Mg ions in the liquid
the solid phase cMg
phase DlcMg , and the energy barrier height ω as the energy normal-
Using the balance of power and the principle of virtual power
[64], the following time-dependent governing equations for the in- ization factor. Thus, the nondimensional time t̄ , nondimensional
dependent kinematic fields φ (x, t ), c̄Mg (x, t ), and u(x, t ) are de- space coordinates x̄, and nondimensional gradient ∇¯ are given as
rived (see details in the Supplementary Materials) tDlcMg x
⎧ ∂φ  chem  ⎫ t̄ = 2
x̄ = ∇¯ = ∇ . (21)

⎪ ∂ = −L ∂ ∂φ
− κ∇ 2 φ ⎪

⎪ t
⎨ ∂ cMg ⎪
⎬ Other dimensionless fields and parameters are
∂t = −∇ · J   in , (17) l,eq l,eq s
⎪ c̄Mg = cMg /cMg
c̄Mg = cMg /cMg
⎪J = −DcMg ∇ cMg − DcMg h (φ ) cMg − cMg ∇φ ⎪⎪
l,eq s,eq

⎩ ⎪
⎭ s,eq s,eq s
c̄Mg = cMg /cMg D̄cMg = DcMg /DlcMg (22)
∇ ·σ =0
f¯chem = f chem /ω σ̄ = σ /ω κ̄ = κ /(ω 2 ).
complemented with boundary conditions
  The above nondimensional variables return the following govern-
κ n · ∇φ = 0 and n · J=0 on ∂  ing equations
t = n · σ = t0 on ∂  and u = u0 on ∂ u
. (18) ⎧  ⎫ 
⎪ ⎪
chem 2
∂φ ∂f

⎨ = −τ − κ∇ φ⎪
 ∂t ∂φ
The resulting set of governing equations includes the Allen- ∂ cMg
= ∇ · DcMg ∇ cMg + DcMg h (φ ) cMg − cMg ∇ φ ⎪
l, eq s, eq in ,
Cahn equation [65] for the non-conserved phase-field parameter, ⎪
⎪ ∂t ⎪
⎩ ⎭
the diffusion equation for the Mg concentration in the liquid and ∇ ·σ =0
solid phases, and the linear momentum balance equation for quasi- (23)
static mechanical deformation. In the above equation, L is the ki-
netic coefficient that characterizes the interfacial mobility and DcMg along with the corresponding nondimensional boundary condi-
the effective diffusion coefficient interpolated with the phase-field tions. The details of the numerical implementation of Eq. (23) are
parameter between the phases given in Supplementary Materials.
The characteristic times for diffusion td and interface reaction
DcMg = DscMg h(φ ) + (1 − h(φ ))DlcMg , (19) tφ are then given by
where DlcMg and DscMg stand for the diffusion coefficients of Mg ions 1
td = tφ = , (24)
DlcMg Lω
in the liquid (corrosive environment) and solid phases. DscMg  DlcMg
is enforced to retard diffusion of Mg ions inside the solid phase. and their ratio
The role of mechanical fields on the interface kinetics is incorpo- td L
rated by modifying the interface mobility parameter L, which in- τ= = l 2
ω, (25)
tφ DcMg
cludes a mechano-electrochemical contribution that amplifies the
dissolution process, as shown in Section 2.4. Thus, the mechani- determines the rate-limiting process. For the case of τ 1 (i.e.,
cal term ∂ f mech /∂ φ = h (φ ) f mech is neglected in the phase-field td tφ ), diffusion is slower than interface reactions and the pro-
equation (Eq. (17)). For an alternative way of incorporating the me- cess is driven by bulk diffusion. This situation is denominated

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 25, 2023;19:47]

S. Kovacevic, W. Ali, E. Martínez-Pañeda et al. Acta Biomaterialia xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Schematic disposition of the experimental setup (left) and the corresponding nondimensional computational domain (right) for WE43 Mg alloy wires immersed in
SBF. The size of the nondimensional computational domain (w̄s = 37.5, w̄l = 362.50, and h̄ = 250) is normalized using the interface thickness = 4 μm as the characteristic

diffusion-controlled corrosion. On the contrary, diffusion is faster gen gas, the Mg wires were placed inside a glass burette, as illus-
if τ  1 (i.e., td  tφ ) so that there is no accumulation of Mg trated in Fig. 3. The burette was inserted into a sealed plastic bottle
ions at the metal-fluid interface. Under that condition, the rate filled with SBF. The released hydrogen gas was captured in the bu-
of material transport is interface reaction-controlled (commonly rette and tracked by a eudiometer. Twelve samples were used in
called activation-controlled corrosion). The criterion for the in- the immersion tests. After 24 h of immersion, four samples were
terfacial mobility coefficient for the two rate-limiting processes taken out of the SBF to assess the extent of pitting corrosion. To
reads this end, twenty random cross-sections of the corroded Mg wires
were mounted in an epoxy resin, grounded, polished, and images
L (diffusion-controlled) were taken in an optical microscope. These images were analyzed
2 ω using the PitScan Framework [68] to quantify the degree of pitting
DlcMg corrosion.
L (activation-controlled). (26)
2 ω
The effects of diffusion- and activation-controlled processes on the 3.1.2. Statistical analysis
corrosion behavior are discussed in Section 5. The experimental measurements and numerically obtained re-
sults in Section 3.2 are expressed as mean value ± standard devi-
ation. Microsoft Excel software was used for the statistical calcula-
3. Experiments and model validation

3.1. Experimental section

3.2. Model validation
3.1.1. Materials and experimental methods
An in vitro degradation study was carried out on WE43MEO Mg Two types of simulations are performed to validate the phase-
field model. First, experimental measurements of hydrogen release
alloy wires of 0.3 mm in diameter to validate the proposed phase-
over the immersion time are used to calibrate the model kine-
field model. The Mg wires were manufactured by cold drawing at
Meotec GmbH (Aachen, Germany) from WE43MEO Mg alloy with matic parameter L0 considering uniform corrosion. Second, the
wire cross-sections measured after 24 h of immersion in SBF are
a nominal composition of 1.4–4.2% Y, 2.5–3.5% Nd, <1% (Al, Fe, Cu,
compared with pitting corrosion predictions. In these simulations,
Ni, Mn, Zn, Zr) and balance Mg (in wt. %). The wires were annealed
the mechanical effect is not considered. The properties of the Mg
at 450 ° C for 5 s after cold drawing to reduce the dislocation den-
alloy used in the simulations are listed in Table 1. Due to the lack
sity induced during drawing and improve the ductility [66,67].
of experimental data on the diffusivity of Mg ions in biological flu-
Corrosion tests were carried out in wires of 120 mm in length
ids, the magnitude of DlcMg is estimated as the average value uti-
immersed in Simulated Body Fluid (c-SBF) at 37 ° C. The experi-
mental setup is schematically depicted in Fig. 3. The composition lized in various numerical studies [33–40]. Although the concen-
s ) could be evaluated us-
tration of Mg ions in the solid phase (cMg
(per liter) of the c-SBF was 8.035 g NaCl, 0.355 g NaHCO3 , 0.225 g
KCl, 0.176 g K2 HPO4 , 0.145 g MgCl2 , 0.292 g CaCl2 , 0.072 g Na2 SO4 , ing the material data for pure Mg and the mass fraction of alloying
and 50 mL of Tris buffer pH 7.5. The ratio of c-SBF volume to the elements and impurities, the value for pure Mg is used in this in-
wire surface area was > 0.5 mL/mm2 , according to the ASTM G31- vestigation for simplicity [69]. The physiological environment and
72 standard. the presence of chloride ions determine the equilibrium concen-
The degradation rate was assessed by measuring the amount tration of Mg ions in the liquid phase cMg (saturated concentra-
of hydrogen gas released which is, according to Eq. (1), equivalent tion). As the formation of the partly protective layer is neglected
to the mass loss of corroded Mg. To measure the evolved hydro- (Section 2.1), the saturated concentration of Mg ions in the cor-

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Table 1
Parameters common to all phase-field simulations.

Quantity Value Unit

Diffusion coefficient of Mg ions in the liquid phase DlcMg 10−10 m2 /s

Diffusion coefficient of Mg ions in the solid phase DscMg 10−13 m2 /s
Equilibrium concentration in the liquid phase cMg 0.57 mol/L
Equilibrium concentration in the solid phase cMg 71.44 mol/L [69]
Molar volume of Mg Vm 13.998 cm3 /mol [69]
Interfacial energy 0.5 J/m2
Interface thickness 4 μm
Chemical free energy density curvature parameter A 6.107 J/m3
Absolute temperature T 310.15 K

rosive environment is calculated based on the mass density and

molar mass of MgCl2 formed on the exposed Mg surface. Assum-
ing that the mass density of MgCl2 is 54.20 g/L and its molar mass
of 95.21 g/mol, the equilibrium concentration of Mg ions is cMg =
0.57 mol/L. The role of the saturated concentration in the degrada-
tion process is further addressed in Section 5.
The phase-field parameters, energy gradient coefficient κ and
energy barrier height ω, are connected to the interfacial energy
and the interface thickness , Eq. (11). While the interface thick-
ness is a purely computational parameter whose choice is based on
the scale of the problem, the interfacial energy is a physical quan-
tity that depends on crystallographic orientation. The average value
reported for pure Mg in Refs. [70,71] is used in this investigation.
Lastly, the chemical free energy density curvature parameter A in
Eq. (7) is assumed to have a similar value as in Refs. [43,45] for
corrosion in metallic materials.

3.2.1. Phase-field simulations of uniform corrosion

The phase-field simulations of uniform corrosion are performed
using an axisymmetric domain as illustrated in Fig. 3. The nondi-
mensional form of governing Eq. (23) is solved with accompanying
initial and boundary conditions. A smooth equilibrium phase-field
profile is prescribed as the initial solid-liquid interface. The inter-
face thickness is selected to be significantly smaller than the di- Fig. 4. Hydrogen gas evolution as a function of immersion time for Mg wires. Nu-
ameter of the Mg wire ( = 4 μm). No flux boundary conditions for merical results assuming uniform corrosion and experimental measurements. The
light blue area stands for the standard deviation of the experiments.
diffusion and phase-field are imposed at all the outer edges of the
domain to simulate an unbounded environment. These boundary
conditions preserve mass conservation and imply that no diffusion the experimental data for the hydrogen release using an interfa-
occurs across the domain boundary. The applied boundary condi- cial mobility parameter L0 = 2.3 · 10−10 m3 /(J·s) that corresponds to
tions and the large domain size of SBF in the horizontal direction the τ value of 3.45 · 10−6 , indicating an activation-controlled pro-
are selected to mimic the experimental setup and ensure that the cess. The decrease in corrosion rate was attributed experimentally
solution does not saturate with Mg ions. The solid material and to the reduction in surface area with the progress of corrosion due
the surroundings are isotropic. Thus, the vertical dimension of the to the circular shape of the wire and the formation of a protective
domain does not influence the results, and the analysis can be re- layer, mainly formed by magnesium hydroxide with precipitates of
duced to a one-dimensional axisymmetric problem. carbonates and phosphates, which hindered the diffusion of SBF
The volume of hydrogen released per unit of exposed area is solution toward the core of the uncorroded Mg wire [15,67,72,73].
calculated in the simulations from the ideal gas law The good agreement between experiments and simulations indi-
nMg RT cates that the first factor is dominant while the effect of the pro-
Hgas = , (27) tective layer (that is not considered in the phase-field simulations)
can be neglected in the presence of Cl− ions.
where P is the pressure (1 atm), A the exposed area, and nMg the
total amount of dissolved Mg in (mol) determined as
  3.2.2. Phase-field simulations of pitting corrosion
nMg = cMg d − cMg d. (28) A certain degree of randomness needs to be introduced in the
(t ) (t=0 ) system to simulate pitting corrosion. Even assuming uniform al-
The predicted hydrogen gas evolution per unit area of the Mg wire loy composition and surface properties, pitting may occur due to
is plotted as a function of the immersion time in Fig. 4, together nonuniform distributions of aggressive Cl− ions, as those ions un-
with the experimental data obtained from the corrosion tests in c- dermine the protective layer (Eq. (2)). Following that analogy, pit-
SBF. The experimental results show that the corrosion rate was ini- ting is introduced in the model through a spatially-dependent ki-
tially fast and approximately linear up to 24 h. The corrosion rate netic coefficient L0 , correlating it to a random nonuniform dis-
slowed down afterward to reach a plateau at 120 h. The phase- tribution of Cl− ions. Areas with higher values of L0 reflect the
field simulations return the same trends and accurately reproduce higher concentration of aggressive Cl− ions, thereby promoting pit-

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ting corrosion. Random distribution functions are used to define very similar to the phase-field simulations but quantitative com-
the nonuniform distribution of Cl− ions and to capture the stochas- parisons between experiments and simulations can be carried out
tic nature of pitting. through three different metrics parameters [68]. They are (i) the
Introducing randomness in terms of the nonuniform distribu- uniform corrosion radius in Fig. 6(a) (the radius of the circular sec-
tion of Cl− ions breaks the axial symmetry conditions and, conse- tion that has the same area as the corroded cross-section), (ii) the
quently, requires 3D simulations. Performing such simulations for average pit depth in Fig. 6(b) (average distance from the degraded
the geometry considered (very long and thin wires) is computa- cross-section to the uniform corrosion circle), and (iii) the maxi-
tionally expensive. Hence, without loss of generality, 3D simula- mum pit depth in Fig. 6(c) (maximum distance from the corroded
tions are replaced by multiple 2D simulations to provide statis- cross-section to the uniform corrosion circle). The experimental
tical information about the pitting corrosion metrics that can be uniform corrosion radius after 24 h of immersion in SBF was 108 ±
compared to the experimental data obtained from numerous cross- 21 μm, which corresponds to approximately 48% mass loss and is
sections examined in the optical microscope. Space-dependent 2D in agreement with hydrogen gas evolution tests. The higher stan-
data is constructed using a sum of trigonometric functions com- dard deviation indicates the variation of mass loss among different
bined with two uniform random distribution functions that intro- sections of wire. The experimental values of the average and max-
duce randomness in the system. The sum of trigonometric func- imum pit depth were 26 ± 12 μm and 56.62 ± 19.3 μm, which
tions can be seen as the assembly of many spatial waves whose shows the severity of pitting corrosion at particular cross sections.
amplitudes and phase angles are defined through the two random The average experimental values with standard deviations of these
distribution functions. Therefore, the spatially dependent interfa- three parameters obtained from the analysis of ten different cross-
cial mobility parameter L0 can be written as sections are shown in Fig. 6(a)–(c), together with corresponding re-


γ (m, n )  
L0 = L0 f (x̄, ȳ ) = L0 a0 cos 2π (mx̄ + nȳ ) + ϕ (m, n ) + a1 , (29)
m=−N n=−N
( m2 + n2 )β /2

where L0 is the interfacial mobility parameter determined for uni-

form corrosion and f (x̄, ȳ ) acts as a dimensionless pitting function.
This function is represented by the double summation term (i.e., sults obtained from the twenty-seven phase-field simulations. The
the sum of spacial waves in the x and y directions) and serves as a agreement between experiments and simulations in terms of the
stochastic function to introduce randomness in the system. In the uniform corrosion radius and the average pit depth is satisfac-
previous expression, x̄ and ȳ are normalized spatial coordinates, m tory, while the simulations slightly underestimate the maximum
and n are spatial waves in the x and y directions. The number of pit depth. Overall, the agreement between the experimental mea-
spatial waves in both directions is N. The first uniform random dis- surements and phase-field predictions for hydrogen gas evolution
tribution function γ (m, n ) is defined between zero and one and and pitting metrics indicates that the proposed model can be uti-
determines random amplitudes. High-frequency amplitudes are at- lized to simulate uniform and pitting corrosion of biodegradable
tenuated with the exponent β to generate smooth amplitude co- Mg alloys immersed in physiological environments. The model sat-
efficients. Higher β values return a smooth (more uniform) pitting isfactorily predicts hydrogen gas evolution and captures the exper-
function. The second uniform random distribution function, which imental trend for pitting corrosion. In the following section, the
controls the phase angle of each wave ϕ (m, n ), is defined between model is used to ascertain the role of mechanical fields in acceler-
−απ /2 and απ /2 and governs the spatial distribution of the data. ating the corrosion process.
Thus, different spatial distributions, periodicity, magnitudes, and
smoothness of random data are controlled with the number of spa- 4. Applications
tial frequencies N, exponent β , and the range of the distribution
function ϕ (m, n ) varying the α value. For the purpose of pitting The proposed framework to predict the degradation of Mg al-
corrosion, the coefficients a0 and a1 are included to preserve the loys in physiological environments is applied in this section to
non-negativity of the interfacial mobility parameter (L0 > 0 ) and assess the evolution of corrosion in the presence of mechanical
control the desired difference between the maximum and mini- stresses in two different scenarios. The first deals with a wire
mum amplitude to manage the pitting intensity. loaded in tension in which the protective layer is damaged, leading
Three pair sets of N and β are selected, such that the first pair to the formation of a pit. The second one analyzes the corrosion of
is N = 2 and β = 0.1, the second pair N = 2.5 and β = 1.5, and the a bioabsorbable Mg alloy coronary stent.
third pair N = 1.25 and β = 0.75. For each N − β pair set, three dif-
ferent values of the α parameter are considered, i.e., α = 1, α = 3, 4.1. Stress-assisted corrosion of Mg wires
and α = 5. For each of these nine combinations, three different
amplitudes are applied (by adjusting the coefficients a0 and a1 ) In this simulation, the Mg wire is simultaneously immersed in
such that the spatially dependent interfacial mobility parameter SBF and subjected to tensile deformation along the wire axis. It is
lies in between 0.5L0 ≤ L0 ≤ 2L0 , 0.2L0 ≤ L0 ≤ 5L0 , and 0.1L0 ≤ L0 ≤ further assumed that the wire surface is protected against corro-
10L0 . All the other model parameters are identical to those used in sion by a thin surface layer locally damaged in a small area. The
the uniform corrosion case. Hence, twenty-seven 2D pitting simu- initial breakdown of the protective layer enables the ingress of ag-
lations are carried out to analyze pitting corrosion. gressive Cl− ions leading to the nucleation of a pit that acts as a
The spatial distribution of the mobility parameter L0 for N = 2, stress concentrator. The initial pit has a semi-circular shape with a
β = 0.1, and three different α values (1, 3, and 5) is depicted in radius of 10 μm around the whole diameter of the wire to main-
Fig. 5(a)–(c). The corresponding 2D contour plots of the remain- tain axisymmetric boundary conditions, Fig. 7.
ing cross-section of Mg after 24 h of immersion in SBF are given Due to symmetry, only half of the axisymmetric domain is con-
in Fig. 5(d)–(f). Pitting corrosion initiates and follows regions with sidered in the simulation, as depicted in Fig. 7. Similarly to the
high L0 values (i.e., more Cl− ions). Three representative experi- previous case, to represent an unbounded domain, no flux (Neu-
mental cross-sections of the Mg wires after 24 h of immersion in mann) boundary conditions are enforced at all the outer bound-
SBF are plotted in Fig. 5(g)–(i) for the sake of comparison. They are aries of the computational domain for both the phase-field and the

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Fig. 5. (a–c) Spatial distribution of the mobility parameter L0 generated with N = 2 and β = 0.1 for three different α values. (d–f) Phase-field predictions of the cross-
section of the Mg wire after 24 h of immersion in SBF using L0 from (a–c). (g–i) Representative experimental cross-sections of the Mg wires after 24 h of immersion in SBF.
The grey points and grey lines indicate the center and initial cross-section of the Mg wire before degradation in both experiments and simulations. The red circle stands for
a uniform corrosion radius. The scale bar for all figures is 50 μm.

Mg concentration. The protective film is modeled as an imperme- The interfacial mobility coefficient L incorporates the role of me-
able layer with a thickness of 0.5 μm around the wire surface with chanical fields through Eq. (20), whereas L0 is previously deter-
the corresponding no flux boundary condition for both Mg concen- mined in the comparison with load-free experiments. The mechan-
tration and phase-field. To investigate the influence of the mechan- ical properties of an AZ31 Mg alloy from the literature are used
ical fields on corrosion kinetics, additional constraints are enforced for the simulations [27]. The Mg alloy is assumed to behave as an
for the mechanical equilibrium equation. The normal component of isotropic, elasto-plastic solid. The Lamé elastic constants are λ =
the displacement vector along the vertical and horizontal symme- 38 GPa and μ = 16.3 GPa. Plastic deformation is described using
try axes is constrained (n · ū = 0) while a non-zero remote tensile the J2 flow theory with non-linear isotropic hardening, with a yield
deformation ε ∞ is prescribed on the top surface, Fig. 7. The re- stress of 138 MPa and an ultimate tensile strength of 245 MPa at
mote deformation is prescribed at the beginning of the simulation an engineering strain of 17%.
and held fixed over a total simulation time. Its magnitude is var- The obtained results in terms of phase-field contours, Mg con-
ied to study the role of mechanical fields in enhancing corrosion centration distribution, and mechanical fields for various remote
kinetics and SCC behavior. deformations ε ∞ after 24 h of immersion in SBF are presented in
The material properties and the phase-field parameters used Fig. 8. In the absence of mechanical loading (ε ∞ = 0), the pit grows
are the same as in the previous case study of uniform corrosion. uniformly, keeping the initial circular shape with a low and uni-

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Fig. 6. Comparison between experimental and simulated values for the three pitting metrics parameters. (a) Uniform corrosion radius (the radius of the circular section that
has the same area as the corroded cross-section). (b) Average pit depth (average distance from the degraded cross-section to the uniform corrosion circle). (c) Maximum pit
depth (maximum distance from the corroded cross-section to the uniform corrosion circle).

Fig. 7. Simulation domain for the Mg alloy wire of 1 mm in length and 300 μm in diameter immersed in SBF and subjected to tensile deformation along the wire axis. The
semi-circular pit created by the rupture of the protective layer has a radius of 10 μm. The size of the nondimensional computational domain (w̄s = 37.5, w̄l = 362.50, and h̄
= 250) is normalized using the interface thickness = 4 μm as the characteristic length.

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Fig. 8. Contour plots of the phase-field variable, Mg concentration distribution in SBF, hydrostatic stress σh , and effective plastic strain ε p for various prescribed remote
deformations ε ∞ after 24 h of immersion in SBF. The initial surrounding corrosive environment is not shown in the plots.

form concentration of Mg ions within the pit. The application of a of pit depth and hydrogen gas evolution for the cases considered
relatively small axial deformation (e.g., ε ∞ = 0.096%) increases the are given in Fig. 9. Both pit kinetics and hydrogen gas production
magnitude of σh in a small localized area and produces negligible increase with an increase in applied strain. However, the pit ki-
plastic deformation. The hydrostatic stress distribution changes the netics is dramatically altered in the presence of mechanical load-
pit morphology initiating a pit-to-crack transition. The Mg concen- ing, leading to rapid crack growth and fracture of the wires after a
tration increases near the tip of the pit, indicating that corrosion short time in SBF.
of Mg is localized in this region because of the stress concentration
associated with the sharp tip. Further increase in the applied strain 4.2. Bioabsorbable coronary Mg stent
(ε ∞ = 0.1%) raises the stresses high enough to trigger noticeable
plastic deformations. The shape of the evolving defect is governed The potential of the model is demonstrated in predicting the
by both the hydrostatic stress and the plastic strain distribution. degradation of a bioabsorbable coronary Mg stent immersed in bi-
Longer and smoother cracks are observed compared to the previ- ological fluid. Mg alloy-based stents are attractive as temporary
ous case (ε ∞ = 0.096%), as the hydrostatic stress and plastic strain scaffolds to diseased blood vessels and exhibit good clinical perfor-
distributions engage a more extensive area. The Mg concentration mance [5]. However, premature failure due to fast corrosion rates
is significantly increased at the crack tip, but it is still well below limits their cardiovascular applications. A physically-based model
the equilibrium value in the liquid phase (cMg = 0.57 mol/L), indi- for uniform corrosion [35] and phenomenological approaches [74–
cating an activation-controlled process. Model predictions in terms 76] have been employed in simulating the degradation of Mg

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Fig. 9. Model predictions of (a) pit depth and (b) hydrogen release as a function of immersion time for different applied axial strains.

stents, considering various stent geometries and Mg alloys. The The results of the phase-field simulations for mechanically as-
present phase-field corrosion model is applied in this section to sisted and uniform corrosion are given in Fig. 11. In the former
simulate stent degradation taking into account both uniform and case, plastic strains are localized at the union between rings and
pitting corrosion. links (as shown in Fig. 10(c)), providing hot spots for pitting nu-
An idealized stent geometry that resembles different stent de- cleation. Mass loss ratio (computed using Eq. (28) as nMg /nt=0 Mg
signs frequently used in the literature [74–76] is considered in this in Fig. 11(a) shows that pitting corrosion is initiated immediately
work. The stent has an outer diameter of 2 mm and a total length after immersion in SBF due to the initial plastic strains, whereas
of 7.5 mm. The whole geometry comprises six rings interconnected uniform corrosion progresses more slowly. After 24 h of immersion
by a link with a length of 0.30 mm and a diameter of 0.125 mm. in SBF, pitting corrosion returns a slightly higher mass loss ratio
Each ring has six peak-to-valley struts with a total height of 1 mm than uniform corrosion. Although Fig. 11(a) indicates that the stent
and a diameter of 0.15 mm, Fig. 10(a). dissolves faster in the presence of mechanical fields, pitting cor-
The computational domain consists of the stent and the sur- rosion notably deteriorates the structural integrity of the stent, as
rounding corrosive environment. It is assumed that the stent is further elaborated. Phase-field isosurface plots after 24 h of immer-
immersed in a physiologically representative blood vessel environ- sion in solution for the first case study considered are presented in
ment such that the initial Mg concentration corresponds to human Fig. 11(b). A pitting zone is observed in the vicinity of the union
blood (0.875 mmol/L). As in the previous examples, no-flux bound- between rings and links. The dissolution rate within the pitting
ary conditions are imposed on all the external surfaces of the do- zone is much higher than in the remaining parts of the stent. This
main for phase-field and Mg concentration. The size of the cor- locally enhanced dissolution significantly reduces the thickness of
rosive environment is significantly larger than the stent geometry the strut, as shown in two characteristic cross-sections close to
to avoid saturation effects. The material properties, the phase-field the union point in Fig. 11(c), indicating hot spots for early stent
parameters, and the interfacial mobility parameter L0 follow those failure. The structural integrity of the stent at these locations is
used in the previous examples. severely undermined. In the case of uniform corrosion, the contour
Two different case studies are considered. In the first study, plots in Fig. 11(c) show that the stent gradually dissolves, covering
the stent is mechanically loaded before immersion in the corro- the whole sample with a constant dissolution rate. This example
sive environment. It is radially expanded to an outer diameter of demonstrates the importance of including mechanical fields in an-
2.25 mm, mimicking the balloon inflation stage during the deploy- alyzing the degradation of coronary Mg stents. These structures in-
ment process. The balloon is modeled as a rigid cylindrical body. evitably experience complex stress states during deployment and
This step is followed by the stent recoil, which corresponds to the service, and thus, uniform corrosion models would give overesti-
balloon deflation and extraction process. The final stent outer di- mated service life predictions.
ameter following the recoil is 2.168 mm. The stent deployment
process is summarized in Fig. 10(b). The stress state in terms of 5. Discussion
von Mises stresses and equivalent plastic strains for the represen-
tative ring element after stent recoil is shown in Fig. 10(c). The The present diffuse interface model for assessing the in vitro
plastic strains are then incorporated into the subsequent corrosion corrosion of biodegradable Mg-based alloys captures different cor-
simulation. In the second study, the as-manufactured stent is im- rosion mechanisms. Uniform corrosion is included through a con-
mersed in biological fluid in the absence of mechanical stresses. stant interfacial mobility parameter calibrated with in vitro cor-
This case corresponds to uniform corrosion and is a reference rosion data in terms of hydrogen gas evolution (or mass loss).
study for comparison. A spatially-dependent interfacial mobility parameter (Eq. (29)) is

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Fig. 10. Bioabsorbable coronary Mg stent. (a) Idealized stent geometry and representative ring element. (b) Stent deployment steps. (c) von Mises stresses σe and equivalent
plastic strains ε p after stent recoil.

introduced to simulate pitting corrosion. Its spatial dependence initiation, and faster crack propagation are noticed under external
is correlated to the nonuniform distribution of pitting (chloride) loads in Figs. 8 and 9. More importantly, the model shows that
ions in the corrosive environment. The model reproduces reason- once the pit-to-crack transition develops, it leads to rapid and un-
ably well pitting metrics experimentally observed in Mg wires, controllable crack growth. For practical purposes, the model can be
Figs. 5 and 6. As demonstrated in Fig. 5, the model readily cap- utilized in designing and estimating the service life of load-bearing
tures complex geometries and geometric interactions such as mul- biomedical devices from Mg alloys. Moreover, it can serve as an
tiple pits, pit coalescence, and pit growth. It should be emphasized effective tool to foresee the mechanical strength of body implants
that the present work represents the first physically-based model (i.e. scaffolds for bone tissue engineeringas well as fixation devices
to simulate pitting corrosion (surface-based localized corrosion) in for bone fracture) after a certain period of degradation depending
biodegradable Mg alloys. on their geometry and to preempt catastrophic implant failures.
The potential of the model for capturing the role of mechani- The proposed framework is also used to assess the effect of
cal fields in enhancing the corrosion of Mg alloys is demonstrated complex stress conditions, which arise during stent deployment
by modeling the behavior of a circumferential sample containing a and service, on the corrosion of bioabsorbable Mg stents. Pitting
notch and undergoing tensile testing (Section 4.1). The mechanical corrosion, initiated due to local plastic strains developed during
contribution is incorporated via a mechano-electrochemical effect stent deployment (Fig. 10(c)), proves to have more detrimental
that depends on local stress and strain distributions, Section 2.4. effects on stent degradation than uniform corrosion, Fig. 11. The
Mechanical stresses have deleterious influences on the corrosion model may serve as a cost-effective way of predicting the degra-
resistance of Mg alloys, as previously observed in several in vitro dation of Mg stents and assessing their residual strength during
studies [19–22], leading to the localization of damage and the for- the degradation process. The availability to foresee the locations
mation of sharp cracks that accelerate failure. Changes in pit mor- of early break points in the sample and determine scaffolding
phology, increased hydrogen gas production, pit-to-crack transition capabilities during degradation is appealing for practical applica-

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Fig. 11. Pitting and uniform corrosion of bioabsorbable coronary Mg stents. (a) Mass loss ratio as a function of immersion time. (b) Phase-field isosurface plots for pitting
corrosion after 24 h of immersion. The pitting zone is observed in the areas of high plastic strains. (c) Phase-field contour plots of two characteristic cross-sections after
24 h of immersion. The red line indicates the initial cross-section of the Mg stent before degradation.

tions in the design of biomedical devices such as bioabsorbable Mg concentration distributions for the final pit shape are shown in
stents. Obtaining an optimized stent design is beyond the scope of Fig. 12. As expected, the pit depth increases with the equilibrium
the current paper. However, integrating the proposed model with concentration in the liquid phase. Hence, the proposed framework
optimization analysis would return more sophisticated stent de- can be tweaked to capture the formation of the protective film or
signs with improved corrosion performance and help develop new other phenomena related to Mg surface modifications by varying
bioabsorbable metallic stents. cMg .
The model potential thus being discussed, it is important to ad- The rate-limiting process between diffusion- and activation-
dress the questions regarding the role of the equilibrium concen- controlled corrosion is defined in Eq. (25). Considering the geom-
tration in the liquid phase and the rate-limiting process on the cor- etry and material properties as in Section 4.1, two corrosion tests
rosion behavior, showing additional model capabilities. The forma- are conducted to illustrate the effect of the rate-limiting process on
tion of the partly protective layer is neglected in the present for- corrosion behavior. Phase-field contours for the final pit shape and
mulation. The saturated concentration of Mg ions in the corrosive Mg concentration distribution in the absence of mechanical load
environment is determined based on the mass density and molar are shown in Fig. 13 for both rate-limiting processes. In agreement
mass of MgCl2 formed on the exposed Mg surface (Section 2.1). with expectations for the diffusion-controlled process (τ 1), the
This yields the equilibrium concentration of Mg ions in the liquid pit growth is pronounced and Mg concentration around the inter-
l,eq l,eq
phase cMg = 0.57 mol/L. Taking a higher value for the saturated face is close to the equilibrium value in the liquid phase cMg . On
concentration would lead to difficulties in forming the protective the contrary, pit growth is slower and Mg concentration stays sig-
nificantly below cMg for the activation-controlled process (τ  1),
layer, thereby promoting corrosion. On the contrary, decreasing l,eq
cMg would physically represent easier precipitation of the protec- Fig. 13.
tive layer on the metal surface, increasing corrosion resistance and The present phase-field formulation overcomes the limitations
consequently decelerating the degradation process. To show the ef- in tracking the evolution of corrosion interfaces in arbitrary do-
fect of cMg on the corrosion process, two additional case studies mains under complex physics and handling complex topological
are considered with lower c = 0.5cMg and higher c = 2cMg equi- changes without requiring ad hoc criteria. The current paper fo-
l,eq l,eq

librium concentrations in the liquid phase while keeping all the cuses on biodegradable Mg alloys due to their high attractiveness
other parameters fixed as in Section 4.1. Phase-field contours and as biomaterials. However, the framework developed is general and

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Fig. 12. Contour plots of the phase-field variable and Mg concentration distribution in liquid for different equilibrium concentrations of Mg ions in the liquid phase (cMg )
after 24 h of immersion in SBF in the absence of mechanical loading. The simulation domain corresponds to Fig. 7. The surrounding corrosive environment is not shown in
the plots.

Fig. 13. (a) Contour plots of the phase-field variable and Mg concentration distribution in liquid for diffusion-controlled (τ = 106 ) and activation-controlled corrosion
(τ = 10−6 ) after 10 h of immersion in SBF. The simulation domain corresponds to Fig. 7. The surrounding corrosive environment is not shown in the plots. (b) Pit depth as
a function of immersion time for the two rate-limiting processes.

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easily extendable to other biodegradable metals, such as Fe and Zn- is initiated immediately after immersion in SBF due to the ini-
based alloys, using the corresponding material properties and the tial mechanical strains, whereas uniform corrosion progresses
composition of the corrosion layers. The advantages of the phase- more slowly, covering the whole sample with a constant disso-
field method can be further exploited by extending the present lution rate. In addition, pitting corrosion proves to have more
formulation and adding other physical phenomena, such as the detrimental effects on stent degradation than uniform corro-
electrochemistry-corrosion interplay. As emphasized in Section 2.1, sion and severely compromises the structural integrity of the
the reactions for product formation and layer dissolution (Eqs. (1) stent. This study reveals that neglecting the mechanical effects
and (2)) are neglected in the current model. Thus, the degrada- on stent degradation and considering uniform corrosion would
tion mechanism is based on the anodic reaction and diffusion of lead to unsafe design solutions and overestimated service life
Mg ions in the physiological environment. The contribution of the predictions of coronary Mg stents.
electric field to material dissolution and species diffusion is also The proposed framework can assist in designing and predict-
neglected in the present model, as the Mg ions are not considered ing the service life of biomedical devices after a certain period
as charged species. These limitations could be overcome by incor- of immersion. The model may serve as a complementary tool
porating the reactions for product formation and layer dissolution for planning in vitro, tests and as a cost-effective way of assess-
along with the transport of charged ions, their interactions, and ing the residual strength and scaffold capabilities of temporary
electric field distribution. This would make the model more advan- body implants such as bioabsorbable stents, bone implants or
tageous and enhance its versatility. Such a model would contribute porous scaffolds for tissue regeneration.
to understanding the underlying electrochemical process and dis-
close the effect of the composition of the environment on the cor- Declaration of Competing Interest
rosion process. The extension to incorporate the electrochemistry-
corrosion interplay will be addressed in future works. Incorporat- The authors declare that they do not have competing financial
ing the above-mentioned ingredients could potentially solve the interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the
long-term open question of the mismatch of corrosion rates be- work reported in this paper.
tween in vivo and in vitro tests. In addition, future work should
consider the effect of microstructural features, such as alloying el- Acknowledgments
ements, grain size/shape, grain boundaries, and interfacial energy
dependence on grain orientation, on Mg corrosion. These features W.A. and J.LL. acknowledge financial support from the
would deliver new scientific insight into other phenomena related BIOMET4D project (Smart 4D biodegradable metallic shape-shifting
to Mg corrosion, such as intra- and trans-granular corrosion. implants for dynamic tissue restoration) under the European Inno-
vation Council Pathfinder Open call, Horizon Europe Research and
6. Conclusions Innovation Program, grant agreement No. 101047008, and from the
Spanish Research Agency through the grant PID2021-124389OB-
A computational framework based on the phase-field method C21. S.K. and E.M.-P. acknowledge financial support from UKRI’s
has been presented for assessing the corrosion of biodegradable Future Leaders Fellowship program [Grant MR/V024124/1].
Mg alloys in physiological environments that resemble biological
media. Built upon thermodynamical principles, the model uses Supplementary material
an Allen-Cahn equation to capture Mg dissolution, a diffusion
equation to estimate the diffusion of Mg ions in solution, and a Supplementary material associated with this article can
mechano-chemical enhancement of the phase-field mobility co- be found, in the online version, at 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.04.
efficient to capture the interplay between corrosion kinetics and 011 The code developed is available at
mechanical fields. In addition to uniform corrosion, pitting cor- mechanics-materials/codes. The experimental data in Figures 4 and
rosion is introduced assuming nonuniform distributions of chlo- 6 are available at
ride ions in solution. The proposed framework applies to arbitrary
two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries with no spe- References
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