List of Soil Tests

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B) List of soil tests

1) Moisture Content Test

Standard used: ASTM D4643 / BS 1377: 1990

Description: Determine the natural content of the given soil sample. In almost all soil tests natural
moisture content of the soil is to be determined. The knowledge of the natural moisture content is
essential in all studies of soil mechanics

Apparatus needed:

- Bowl
- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)
- Thermostatically controlled oven


2) Specific Gravity Test

Standard used: ASTM D854-02 / BS 1377:1990

Description: The specific gravity of soil solid is used in calculating the phase relationships of soils,
such as the void ratio and the degree of saturation. The specific gravity of soil solids is used to
calculate the density of the soil solids.

Apparatus needed:

- Pycnometers

- Thermometer

- Heating plate

- Desiccator plate

- Insulated Container
- Soil dispersion mixer

- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)

- Drying Oven

- Sieve size 4.75mm


3) Dry Density Test

Standard used: ASTM D7263-09 / BS 1377-2:2022

Description: The dry density increases as the added moisture lubricate the soil particles and enable
greater compaction from the same applied energy. Once the optimum moisture content is exceeded,
the water starts to displace the soil in a given volume, and the dry density decreases.

Apparatus needed:

- Pycnometers

- Thermometer

- Heating plate

- Desiccator plate
- Insulated Container

- Soil dispersion mixer

- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)

- Drying Oven

- Sieve size 4.75mm

4) Atterberg Limits Test

Standard used: ASTM D 4318 / BS EN 17892-12:2018

Description: The Atterberg limits can be used to distinguish between silt and clay and to distinguish
between different types of silts and clays. The water content at which soil changes from one state to
the other is known as consistency limits, or Atterberg's limit.


- 0.425mm sieve

- Liquid Limit Machine

- Drying Oven

- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)

- Aluminum Containers

- Spatula

- Evaporating Dishes


5) Plastic Limit Test (PL)

Standard used: ASTM D 4318 / BS EN 17892-12:2018

Description: The Plastic Limit (PL or wPL), also known as the lower plastic limit, is the water content
at which a soil changes from the plastic state to a semisolid state. The Plastic limit test is performed
by repeated rolling of an ellipsoidal-sized soil mass by hand on a non-porous surface.

- Glass Plate, Palette knives, Air Tight Containers, Spatula, Brass Rod & Porcelain Evaporating Dish

- Drying oven

- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)

- 0.425mm sieve


6) Proctor’s Compaction Test

Standard used: ASTM D698/ BS EN 1377

Description: The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory geotechnical testing method used to
determine the soil compaction properties, specifically, to determine the optimal water content at
which soil can reach its maximum dry density.


- 4-inch mold with a volume of 1/30 of a cubic foot and a 2-inch-high removable collar and base

5.5-pound standard Proctor compaction hammer that can drop 12 inches

- Two moisture content cans

- Weighing Balance (with 0.01 accuracy)

- Spray bottle

- Metal spoon

- Knife

- Steel straightedge

- Large mixing pan

- Graduated cylinder (250 mL)

- Sample extractor

- Drying oven


7) California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR test)

Standard used: ASTM D1883 / BS 1377-9

Description: CBR Testing (California Bearing Ratio) is primarily undertaken to provide data for road
pavement design. It was first developed by the California State Highway Department. It is a
penetration test which is used to evaluate the subgrade strength primarily of roads, pavements and


- Loading Machine
- Penetration Piston
- Sieves
- Mold
- Spacer Disk
- Mixing Tools

8) Consolidation test

Standard used: ASTM D1883 / BS 1377-9

Description: Consolidation test is used to determine the rate and magnitude of soil consolidation
when the soil is restrained laterally and loaded axially. The Consolidation test is also referred to as
Standard Oedometer test or One-dimensional compression test.


- Consolidometer or oedometer
- Consolidation ring
- Two porous stones
- Two filter papers
- Loading pad
- Dial gauge (accuracy of 0.002mm)
- Stop watch
- Knife or spatula or fine metal wires
- Weighing balance (accuracy of 0.01g)
- Vernier calipers
- Drying Oven
- Water reservoir


9) Standard Penetration test (SPT)

Standard used: ASTM D1586/D1586M-18e1 / BS 1377-7:1990

Description: The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a common in situ dynamic testing method used to
determine the geotechnical engineering properties of subsurface soils. It is a simple and inexpensive
test to estimate the relative density of soils and approximate shear strength parameters.


- Drilling Rig.
- -Split spoon (tube).
- drop hammer 65 kg (140 lbs.).
- Driving head (anvil).
- Guiding rod.
- Tripod.
- Extension rods.


10) Permeability test

Standard used: ASTM D 2434 / BS EN ISO 17892-11:2019

Description: The permeability test is conducted on soils to determine the rate at which the soil
allows water to flow through it. Soil permeability depends on the grain structure of the soil and the
void spaces in the soil.


- Permeameter mold – of 1,000 ml capacity, 100 mm diameter, and 12.73 mm in height.

- Compaction equipment
- Drainage base
- Drainage cap
- Set of standpipes
- eves, mixing tray, graduated cylinder, metric scale, stopwatch, 75-gauge wire, thermometer,
and source of water.


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