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Brady Smith

English 2010

Devon is Remembered

Sunsets in our place we call home were typically beautiful, but on that sad day, it

appeared as though the entire planet mourned. It was the day my good friend Devon died in the

quiet darkness of suicide. This is the story of a friendship that was cut short, of a lovely life that

was taken too soon.

Devon and I were like two notes in a well-balanced tune. We met in high school, both

misfits in a conformist culture. He has a compelling appeal and a brilliant smile that could

brighten even the darkest areas of our lives. We were inseparable soon, sharing secrets, hopes,

and laughing. Our friendship provided a safe haven from the storms that life threw at us. We

traversed the treacherous seas of adolescence together, supported each other through heartbreaks,

and celebrated our modest victories. Devon was my confidante, my companion in crime, and my

adopted brother.

Devon held a secret burden underneath his contagious smiles and friendliness. He battled

depression in a secret war with grace and tenacity. He never allowed his misery to define him,

and he avoided talking about it because he was afraid of the stigma that frequently surrounds

mental health concerns.


The day before it all happened, I remember Devon turning to me with a look of confusion

as we walked down the hall of the school saying, “Hey man, you know I love you right?”

I turned quickly and without hesitation I stated, ”Love you too bro.”

I knew Utah is known for young suicide rates being at an all time high but I didn’t realize

Devon was calling for help.

Devon wrote me a text message that still haunts my nightmares one freezing autumn

evening, as the leaves dropped like tear drops from the trees. It was a cryptic farewell, a

desperate plea for assistance.

The days that followed were a haze of sadness and shock. I couldn't believe someone so

full of life had died. Without him, the world seemed duller, as if his absence had sapped the color

from everything around me.

In the middle of my loss, I discovered the value of openly discussing mental health.

Devon's tragedy made me aware of the hidden challenges that so many people experience in

silence. I understood that we needed to break the quiet, smash the stigma, and help people in


Devon's memories became a motivator in my life. I began volunteering for mental health

groups, sharing his story to promote awareness, and assisting those in need. The agony of losing

him, though, never fully goes away. Every time I see a beautiful sunset, I feel him beaming down

on us from above. I can hear him laughing in the breeze and sense his presence in the calm.

Devon's life was a lovely symphony that ended in the middle of a gorgeous passage. His

absence serves as a reminder of the value of compassion, understanding, and reaching out to

people in need. We must treasure our loved ones and assure them that they are never alone.

In the end, Devon's narrative is one of love and the continuing influence of a relationship

that transcended the borders of time. He may be gone, but his memory lives on, like an

unfinished symphony in my heart, urging me to be there for others in their darkest hours.


Colby, J. (2022, November 4). State of suffering: Curbing the rise of Utah suicides. State
of Suffering: Curbing the Rise of Utah Suicides.

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