2105 Mock Test 2 - ANSWERS

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English II- FGRA 2105

Mock Test Answers

1. Listening comprehension
Listen and answer the questions in full.

1) Where did the speaker go 2) What did speaker’s 2 3) What happened to the
hiking? What happened mother give her? speaker 3 in his honeymoon?
He went hiking to Peru with a Her mom gave her a camera. She got sick.
friend and they got lost.
4) What was the speaker 4’s 5) Why did the speaker 5 go 6) What happened to the
problem with his trip? to Miami? speaker 6 when he was
He didn’t get along with his She went to a concert and met He got a bad sunburn.
friend. the singer.

2. Use of English
a) Was / Were
I. Where were these people at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

Mr and Mrs Hall were in a restaurant.

were in the cinema. Ben was in the beach.
was in the train station. was in the English class.
II. Write am/ is / are (present) or was/ were (past).




III. Write questions from these words + was/ were. Put the words in the right order.

r r

b) Regular and irregular verbs.

IV. Complete the chart with the past form of these verbs.
Infinitive Past Infinitive Past
1) Become Became 11) Organize Organized
2) Dance Danced 12) Do Did
3) Bring Brought 13) Go Went
4) Write Wrote 14) Protect Protected
5) Practice Practiced 15) Fall Fell
6) Teach Taught 16) Accept Accepted
7) Fix Fixed 17) Close Closed
8) Read Read 18) Know Knew
9) Forget Forgot 19)Build Built
10) Cook Cooked 20) Identify Identified

V. Choose verbs from the previous activity and write 3 complex negative sentences and 3
complex affirmative sentences. The verbs cannot be repeated.

You can use these connectors: and, but, also.

Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
1) I knew the answer but I forgot it. 1) Pamela didn’t close her book and someone
wrote on it.

c) Past simple
VI. Put the verb in the correct form – Positive, negative or question.
1) We went to the cinema, but the film wasn’t very good. We didn’t enjoy it. (enjoy)
2) Tom __bought ____ some new clothes yesterday – two shirts, a jacket and a
sweater. (buy)
3) ‘___Did it rain ____________ yesterday?’ ‘No, it was a nice day’. (rain)
4) We were tired, so we ___didn’t stay ___________ long at the party. (stay)
5) It was very warm in the room, so I _opened ____ a window. (open)
6) ‘Did you phone Chris this morning?’ ‘No, I _didn’t have _______ time’ (have)
7) ‘I cut my hand this morning’ ‘How__did you do ______ that? (do)
8) ‘Why weren’t you at the meeting yesterday?’ ‘I _didn’t know ___ about it’ (know)
9) ‘is Mary here?’ ‘Yes, _she arrived ____ five minutes ago’ (she / arrive)
10) ‘Did you phone Adam?’ ‘No, I’m afraid _I forgot ___ ’ ( I / forget)
d) Comparatives and superlatives
VII. Write the comparative and superlatives.
Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative

1. Old Older The oldest 16. Intelligent More intelligent The most intelligent

2. Strong Stronger than The strongest 17. Small Smaller than The smallest

3. Happy Happier than The happiest 18. Fast Faster than The fastest

4. Modern More modern The most 19. Cold Colder than The coldest


5. Important More important The most 20. Funny Funnier than The funniest


6. Good Better than The best 21. Boring More boring than The most boring

7. Bad Worse than The worst 22. Ugly Uglier than The ugliest

8. Young Younger than The youngest 23. Challenging More challenging The most

than challenging

9. Large Larger than The largest 24. Wet Wetter than The wettest

10. Serious More serious The most 25. Exciting More exciting The most exciting

serious than

11. Pretty Prettier than The prettiest 26. Dry Drier than The driest

12. Crowded More crowded The most 27. Cool Cooler than The coolest


13. Beautiful More beautiful The most 28. Sad Sadder than The saddest


14. Big Bigger than The biggest 29. New Newer than The newest

15. Easy Easier than The easiest 30. Weak Weaker than The weakest
VIII. Look at the pictures and make comparisons using the adjective given.
Two types of answers were given.

Weight House

Heavy Big Slow

The weight one is heavier  The house one isn’t  The tortoise isn’t as slow as
than the weight two. bigger than the house two. the snail.
 The house two is bigger  The snail is slower than
than the house one. the tortoise.
Camera Mountain Highway

High Dangerous
 The camera one  The mountain one isn’t  The highway one isn’t
isn’t more expensive higher than the more dangerous than the
than the camera mountain two. highway two.
 The camera two is  The mountain two is  The highway two is more
more expensive higher than the dangerous than the
than the camera mountain one. highway one.
IX. Complete the sentences using the superlatives.
1) This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
2) It was a very happy day. It was ___the happiest day ____ of my life.
3) It’s a very good film. It’s ___the best film ____ I’ve ever seen.
4) She’s a very popular singer. She’s ___the most popular singer __ in my
5) It was a very bad mistake. It was ___the worst mistake ___ I’ve ever made.
6) It’s a very pretty village. It’s __the prettiest village __I’ve seen.
7) It was a very cold day. It was ___the coldest day __ of the year.
8) He’s a very boring person. He’s ____the most boring person ____ I’ve ever

3) Reading comprehension.

X. Read the website. Write T for true statements and F for false statements. Correct the
wrong information.

Statement T/F Justification

1. The Louvre is a famous garden in Paris. F It’s a famous museum.

2. The Latin Quarter is a historic building. F It’s a historic neighborhood with a lot of
historic buildings.
3. The Metro is a museum in Paris. F It’s a subway system.

4. A bistro is a kind of restaurant. T

5. Cafés open late in Paris. F They open early in the morning.

6. Parisians like to wear casual clothes F They like to wear designer clothes.
when they go out.

XI. Write a short paragraph (40 words) describing a trip. You can talk about what to did
there, food, the people, etc.
You must include: The past simple, adjectives, comparatives.

Example:  In 2015, I went to the United States, specifically California, where I visited
Hollywood and Universal Studios, among other places. I ate delicious foods like
burritos. This burrito was spicier than the Chilean burritos but I loved it. This trip
was wonderful!

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