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FORMAT for Term Paper

I. Cover Page
Center align the text with bold title. Include the names of the respondent/researchers
(must be inverted pyramid-longest name first), subject, course, your professor’s name and the
month of the deadline in the center of the page.
II. Abstract
At least 250 words. The abstract describes your work. It lets readers know where the term
paper is headed, the issue at hand, and why the subject was necessary or important enough that
you decided to write about it.
III. Introduction
The introduction will tell the significant insights what made you decide to write
something about the topic. It should contain the statement of the topic to be discussed. Explain
the significance of the topic or problem at hand and write about how you plan to discuss or
resolve the issue.
IV. Body
The body of your text should contain the main points from your research. It must provide
information about the topic so that the readers can further understand what is being discussed.
Don’t forget certain positions pertaining to the issue and the analysis of the research you have
V. Results
Explain why your research has led you to believe certain things about your subject. How
has your view changed from when you began the project? Has it stayed the same and why? Tie
up everything you’ve been explaining into what you had stated in the introduction.
VI. Discussion
End with a summary and conclusion about the topic in question. Finish by stating an
opening question or by prompting the readers to continue his or her own research on the subject
through a discussion.
VII. References/Bibliography
Write all the sources of your references (Books, magazines, journals, on-line sources,
etc.) using the APA format.


(Pressing Issues/Problems in Environmental Science)
1. global climate change
2. water and air pollution
3. Food scarcity & Famine
4. depleting earth’s resources
5. deforestation
6. spread of infectious diseases
7. habitat destruction
8. extinction

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