4-Sampling Gas-Condensate Wells

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W.O. McCa In Jr.,· SPE. 2nd R .A . Alexan d er , SPE. Cawley. Gillespie & Assocs. Inc.

S :.:m r.-o .. ry . Th e induotry h~' : l prcc::d;Hc ror stabilizing and ~ampling retrogradc-g:1s (gas-condenslte) wells; ho w'!'l u. no :r.'1eslig2­
tion of the qual if)' of th~ samples resulting from this procedure h3..S been published. During sampling. bottomhol~ ,lowing pressure
(BHFP) f)'pioJly is less t~lJn tr.e dewpoint pressu re of the origin.:li res~rv oir gas. This ClUS<!S conde:nsJte lic;uid to build up in the: res<!r­
voir around the wellbore. This paper pr~senlS the re sults of a study of the sa.r.1pling pro cedure and or the Duildup and sDbiliry of th<!
con de:1sJte ring Jrou:Jd the wellbore. A proc::dure designed to give l~e best chlnc:: of obl.1ining a re?r~ser.r2.li v<! s:ur:pk is presenred .

In tr oduct io n
A' gJS sample from a relrograd::'g2s (gas·condensate) r<!savoir Agreem~~t betwe!:~ the r~suhs of lhe luned EDS and the: bbora­
all7l0S1 always is obl.1i~~ by s"-.."l1pling the ga s and liquid rrom tho: . lOry d:l.l.a "":IS acdle:1l. tbe reservoir condilions curing sil7lulaliof1
Sepa rJIOr and recombi ning the samples al the producing g~slliquid were well within the limils of the d3ta used in luning. and reSer­
r~lio. I·J II is imponanl lI;at the w:llhe1d pressure and lhe: g~s and voir condilions were. '-"<!II r::mo vcd [rom lh" Cil;C11 poi~l of lh~
l:ouid product jon rJles be stabk before and during s.:l.I7!pling ..-\Iso. mixture. Thus. lhe chJrJcerizJlion of l~e r.::ser/oi~ iluid ·...·as ad~·
lhe g:!s production DI:: during lhis lime mUSI be broe enouQh to q'-l2le ror L~e purpose of this Stucy.
r~rr.ove all liquid continuously from tho: produclion =-string. =­ Dewpoir.t pressure oi the origir. JI res =rvoir glS 'NJ ; 5 .170 ps:~.
During sampli:J s. it is li~d :, tnal th::3f-iF? 'AliII ~ less than lil~ and the initiJ.! reser;oir ?rcssl!re Jt u'-:~ ;::;::: oi ;;~ ~ ,~~;--.oi, .....~ 5.135
d~·.v;>o inl pressure of UJ~ originll res<!r:oir gas. If so. lha: will psil.
Dc J pr:::ssur:: grJditn: in the: reservoir rielr the wt~1 whc:r!: arcs- Th~ e:lCaOi"l of lh~ l~r:~·?hJsc r~!ll;vc: pe:-;;-:::loiiicy to li ct;;d
sure is less than dewpoint pressur:. . conde.nsat:: o;:curred al J condc:nSJle s2t:.trJ.tion oc 3.5% a~d l ~ps
r!ow can J r::cor:Jbir.~d sun-Jc~ sampk represer.l.1tive of lhe ori!?,i. sJtur:uion of 75 ,O<;l,. [rreducibk wJte, sJtur:J:ion WJ.S 16.5 %.
r.JI r~servoir g"S be oOIJined unda lhese conditions: Tnis paper The reservoir discusse:d in lhis ?2pcr was;] rodic..! 160 1C~~S m2C~
up of iive layers of var.ous "'Uclcn~sses. Vertic:ll :l..d horuonw pc;.

---- answers th~l queslion. S:tmpling probkms. such as humln !:r~or.

measurement bi~s. and i~corucl !JOOrllOry recombin1tion. Jr~ nOl
consider!:d h<!re. RJth~r. this p~pcr Jdd resse s lhe: c~ndilions neC­
csso.ri for lhe: ::lrodUClion Slre:llT1 to be of tr.c: correct cor.:c-osilion
rr:eJbililics were equ:ll. The pcrme:lbil iry'lh:ck:'.ess pcoeuct ""lS
high. aboul 7c{) md-f1. S~~sicivilY rur.s indi c21e:d. howe·.-::r. ,,'121
\.I.·hen :he gJS production rll C WJS <lor.r.Jlized to :x;c~r.t 01 clp:!ci ­
so .lhJl oOIJini'ng J goed sample is ?Ossioic. . ty. the va!u: orthe permeJbilirY-lhickness procuc : W:lS ir;;r.l:ll~:i:o..!
to lhe' conclusions Dt (he sludy.
RadiJI composi tion~1 simu/Jtion was us-:d to eumine: the pres­
The gr:d pJltem was r~diJI 5 byers by 12 scgr.:cr.ls. Th~ sol~­
sur:: and saturJtion d:s:rioulions in the reservoir. tbe: prodClcing
GOR. lnd the CO [;1p<Js;l,on ortn:: tad p,oduction strCJr.l at the sur­
tion WJS i:<:plicil wilh Do! GJUS;i2r1 ~!imiil:!t:0~ .
The resultS pres~nt.:d in this pJCX; ar::: [or:! w~'-I ;xrior3t::d JC,O S;
{'"ce: during sl.mpling. ("GOR" is used in this paper beClus~ of
L'le: e:nlir: ir.rer,,;Jj. Wells wit.'1 p2rti::.! cOr.lpieticr.s 2c[~d !i..'.;'! !ly'!~d
us commOf1 uS:lge if1 l~e p"'lroicl!m inel!s:.;.: lhe liquid :s ac:-.JlII>·
r~servoirs 2nd should be consid~r~d :IS such ;-0r l~.'! pu;-po;"s 0;
(onUensalc.) T::c <qt;21;on 01 ;'-1I~ (EOS) was lu~::d ·...·;th !abora·
pbnning a Ouid s:J:nplin~ prog;l~.
lor; C.JI1.
Tnree: r~lrogrJ;:'e g~;e; (glS co nde"sll~s) with C!i :'{~r~~l compo·
Silio~s w~re usd in l~~ stud\', T~c ric~e:s[ ,!JS c:Juscd t~~ b'\1::Sl
buildup o(condcslt:: Jrou~d't:Ce wel!b o,e:. T;~~ conclusions oi~his fig. 1 shows th~ lotJI prod~ci:1g GOR. (;q2rJlc' r ~ Ius ;,;)d:-l:!~.:'
~; ud:/ :lrL ind~~c:1~::lIi o{ 6JS corr.position. r.O\\,·~\.-cr. :;0 ~h~ r::sel(s £Js) J~d Cu:!nl:l' of h"0l2neS :.Jlus iillt-:'! rcco",2:~.Cc.! Sw,;'2C'! 52::-.'
pr~se;1led Jre: b"~d 0~ or.l\' o~:: ot' , :,~;..: ~J;es. ~ks'for J. :...:,:11 ?~0~UC:~g 2[ :! ~O:1s \ .)nl rJ.tc vi 22(""':;: ~ 5 ~ (,;' CJ!J2'::"
SC'/e,;Jj dil'iC:::::I SC:S oc ,,'lllI ';:: pe:-::,.c2oil-it:, .:'2l.1 "'C~ used ..-\11 ty. Ahhoug;, th~ proJuCti0r. rJ,~ is 10',1..' .J;;J "':-';:1S~,)\:l. .! S']2"~~~
r::pr~.scr.~J;:;\.·~ Of the or:gj~JI r:::s;!;-·:oi~ gJS C~i: ~<: Ob{2i~~J ot..!:;
\\.t:.: :: for W)(::;r'\\'~: s;'.i;cns. Tr.:: po:)i~ion:; Of the C~C;H.)i:1{5 2nd
during {h~ first ~O dJ~' > of ?rocJuc:icn . .-\i1~r :;) ~2:: 5, l:-:~ 105s .:::"
S~J.~ S o{ t~c: ,:,::!.1{i " r! .xn7h~JD il:t~ CL!r'-':":S ~i· :-:.: ::;:~d th~ Q'J.1r.l:ry v(
conGC::l:5J[;! :'roCil (n:! :;J.s ir. tr.~ r:=SC:r-'-'Qlr r~sc!~ s in J C~'::-~l$~ ..) !.
cor.J~ns~l[-;: Jrou.-.~ :~~ ·.\"-;:~lc0r:: but ~;d r.o~ .}(re:Ct (he: conc!es;onj
surr:)c~ ti~iJid . Th~s C.:lU$~S ~h:: proC~c : :lg. GO~ ~o i:lC;-~:!:i~ i; c ~
0:' this SfUCy. Tr.us. lh: n: sul,s r~?or:~~ hcr~ :lr~ OJsd on or.~ sel
~hc ini(i~! v:!lu;! oro,63} $c:"."STtl.):-.d (:::: C;'J2~~:{:: 0(h~?12r.:;:s ~:-"':5
oi ,d:.llj \":; p<:!";r:~;1bil;~ :: J.)tJ .
iil (he rc-:::c:7ibin~d sur:".)c:: s~r.-:pk s iO ~::;;r. ~ S~::~'::I C~::~:~~ 3·~\."2 ::
SC 'i::r:l1 (OmC)lilllio~5 oi in"iJI rest:"'Ot; pr::ssur~ "rid de·'.-;;oi:1t
cro[;1 lhe V:!llle of 7 .O.!;:;' in l~'! orig:r. c!\ ps .
i'r~ssure of origi:-:il r~se;-;oir gJ5 ·.v~;~ ~ ,tj(:lir.~d. Or.I:: l~~ ·.... orsl
Th~ (Ol7.~(Jsilion oi h-..!?~2i1~) p;us :s sd::(;:~·~ .!s ~i":~ ·::-:\-::r:o;, .: :'
":~:5:: of Ln~ti2i r~s;,!;-','Olj" ~r~~:)~:-~ :)iig.~l::: ~r::!:!l;:!r {l:5 psi) t~.1.~ :'::~\:"­
.) good SJi7:?I~ for (""""0 rC:.)5.::!1. :i. :=::-5L i1~?{Jr.~s ~i'''!5 IS ~;-:~ ':0i1:;---::­
701;L, prc::;sur~ is ;:,r~s:::::-:t;::J"
r:~nt mO$; 2((~Ci~d oy Iv~5 0:' ;,:or.\.!~~:i')~~ in t!"-.~ ;~se:;-.. oi;. sc ::o ;!~"
t~~ .cOrr:90silion ::Ind pfo~c:1i~s O{;;<:?i2ilC:) ?ic:i ) : :-~:1~!:'" .:!~·i"~Ct ;:-.::
Slmul;:Jt l o n Proced u r o
p(o~~ic:~ vi th~ r~ ~o rr.c :~e:d )u~ :".)L.:': 52r.l;:>:::: .
Th,; SO:lv::·Redl;.::~-;..:·.\· o."!g is;::'''') EelS 'X~S l:;~G in IC:~ (o:-::::"<)si, At J)O~,)ys. (h~ gJ) prccuc\:,~~ r:.::.: \""' 2~ :-:::~~("~J!O S':~ (I(::J'
I:O;121 simuIJtio:1.' Cor..OO$;I:Or.:!! :!'-:!;\'$~S l~'OU'?~ (,.j :'\'~;'; p.)cil; :n 2:1 .)n;!iTl?1 iO gct ::I gQc-...J :i~f;":~:<~ . Tr.:5 .:::!~:)~d In ir.slJ.:'.~':!­
~ ·::!:bbk. :'or ~I ~::!.sc.:s :.!s~:'::·. C0rt:;vnc.::-.l~ ~<':~""'C;'!:l C-:- -~.~ C;o .)..~:-~ r.~ous C:;.1;l~"! i:l tJroducir.g. Gi)~" :-:O'.\.'::':~:- . GO~ dit! j'O( :ilJoii!:!.~:
~ ~ oIJP~d i:1!o (0\.:.r PSL·~~OLO~~');;~i1IS. iso- ::!r:~ il·b ·.; t?:l~$ ~."1J p~!1­ rJi.r.t:r. :l ~~r1tinut!d (0 ii'lC:::!2St: 5:~~ ci:::. The q·.;~;:{i{:' of hC?{2;-'.~5
t:.!~;;$ '.\·~.L CCf71~:;'~<.!. :!r.J t~:: j:-:l.)!! :!::-:OL!~{S ,) ~" nunh::~ic('::-cvn ~I!J; in lr.~ .ocombinoc s;!..~::-i~s dod ~0t ~~;:O\'C :-':- :.;,~ -:or.e:t ·,:!!c:o.
ccr.~~~Jn~r. LS ...... -:::;-~ corr.~:~~J ,.... ·I~.h L~~ ~:--:';I)C'.::!L; h\"crc"':3:-~)r.). T:-.i$ Obviousiy. lh<: cu,b:lc~ did ::O{ i:;:;!.:!: :n .1 £ccJ S;J;llFi::.
~~sul{ c J ;~\ J. iO-("om;;.c r.C::H ;:--,i.'~iur·,;·. ·· ' Onc~ l;;~ opronuni~:: 0" ()t.-(.:!; :; I:1~ J ;Ot)C 5,)~::,1~ is !os:. r~c~ ..>
Tn'..! EOS \\"2$ :u;:::J [C) ":Qr.S:.:!~ i · .:0r.:::" J)iiion" ..;..,::;:!;)sic n .)nd ir.g th~ :)~:! Dr even s~uttji:? :n '.\.' ~:: .It..::: :r.?ro·;-: ::-..: :r..:!.:-:.:::: 0;- g-:!i"
(O~;I=I·'· 01"1I1e·J~pk:;on ,h!J. Th~ r.. J:1cJ r, O( ~c :·:'2.'~ .:'.!'.J Lf-)~ li,,~:t g<.v~
;:lmpk (J~ ShO"'ill:ll~~I. T:,i:; ;~O'x; :~~ l ~:l..':l?ling ~ C:;:
lour :--:::.:1"-:: P~L;.~,--...::)r;--:~r.-:::-:t.s J.nU (he.: bi:':Jr:: ::;;~r.Jct~on .:c~:~r:.:i:::'11.S tJ;;~ pbc ~2"i' in tn~ prc~u~tiofl 0; 1 ""'!!1. T~~ .~m1i:1~~r of .:: i,
t:·.:~\\" t:::n ;Tlt:t~l:lr. ::: ,;r..t! :.:.)c;, eq" i~'c.: (0~r ;":":J" ':: ps(uueCOi7"!;:)C.;;-:;::('I.ts p:!~r to.::..!:i e.:S o"n tht.: ~.)rI:: ;:-r0ticc:u:. f!(~;o~.
\-"·-.:r:: .:!(lj:Js!:.:L1 ::: ;:-::~ :--;-.J:1nc.:;- S~~3:':~::':~ '-:.~: C,),I{S :!.:ld S:7'.:lf: . 5
COndCn::i3h! Rin~ " Fig . .: s;;o'.I.·"J Ir.( bci~Ju? 0:" :~t.: C0~J~:~ ) J(e r:::=,­
~round t~: ·.\"dlbor~ ~S pr:::S~l!r~ :"~~!.i be::o\\.· ~~~ l3:':',"'·;::'VI;1{. Tn.; ~~::­
C;'::1~J.l~ i:;~~rJljon n":J r l:~~ ·,'-·c!I~~:--.: ~~::.:~J:-' t-:.:!:':~ :0.) j.~;:!.':.!;.; !~'. ' -::
...• 10':'""
k - 0..70 ~
lJO<l L
B !( - 4.ro rod
noa o
, IQ O E
o TOea
a 10.5 la.S
:z: '900
iJ RAO "'­ C<STANCE FrtO-I ""'lJl.3C"E I~
3o U<JO
t: 'leo

66ao~----~-- __ ~ ____L-____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ w ~
,00 ,oa JOO
"," I!I 11-[2

nM£ (OAYS) .

1.' ;-----~----~--~r_----------------~----------,
B •• 11 ­ "


f\.AO: AL. OtSTA..' K:E frK)U W'E~E (f ~ETl

b - DAY 2Q

Fig. 3-Slmulation results . Condensate saturation distribu­

tion In relr09",de-gas reseNo;r n~ar the wellbore during pro ­
duction. layered reservoir.


,., ~--~----~----~----~----~----~----~--~
~oo loa '00 0 , 24
Tl.'.tE. {DAYS} c: O.:Z'
~ ol. :::Z
S 0.20

§ O.'a
Fig. I-Simulation results: Well in center at layered 160-acre ;
retrograde-gas reservoir produced at 15% at capacity with :> D,ro(

rate reduction to SOfa or cap. city at Day 330 . 2 0 . 11


;;; 0.00

.­ ]0


Fig. -'I-Simulation results. CondensJt~ saturation profile In
retrograde·gas reservoir during production at 9as at 2S';i. or
capacity showing buildup or condensate ring. Homogen eo us

AAO A.l.. DsrA.'~E·~ .~L:.3C.Q€ ~F"!:=:TI

(i~ t~is CJS~. jus, r:l(>r~ tnJ.;l l ri~ ) aile :~iT:Ji :1s \'i;-;uJII1' cons,J.r.'.
2 - OAY I:
•.l,compJrison ot' Figs . 23 ane 2b shows t:t~t con:::1ucd production
CJu\es thc ring to grow into ;h~ r~s~;-:oi;.
The mH.i~um condcns::tl~ s::truratior. "Clr ;he "'dlborc is much
greJter than the equilibrium s::trJr~t ion :~diCJ,cd ~" lo~C lJ.oOr Jto<:i
; ... ;"'..Q.A;10-' I " PVT study (in this c::tsc. <: 1~ :'.( th~ ~.~~s'i"g ?,cs,ure). The quan­
tity of condcnsJ~e in (he ring J.rour.C t': ~ ·;.~It~ore cc~nds on thr~<.:
a Ld fact o rs: the pressure, t~e qU1<:tity or' ps ~~ss;r.g ,hrough th~ rin;.
• ,-11 Jrod .(hc rc\J(ive p<!fITabilit:: (Q (h~ I:~~id COil~~:lS:l.te .
l1li "." .-\( c.Jrly prc..:lucing tUncs . ~os( orth~ r~,;.::;,:oir 1= prcs ~ urc sligh·
M .,." I)' .1bov~ th:: d~v:?Oin( prc:s5ur~ oi (h~ ,J!":gi;12! g~s. Rtch g:15 v.:j( :'
origin:!1 composition Hows il1!O the 10';"cr-p,cssiJrc <::onc Jround the:
wcllbor~. Tnis g:'. s rclc.l5cs condenS.Jt~ :'.r::>u~G L';e wcUborc J1\d the n
ndw\ into the: v:eli. (<1ili:1.ll), L"is condc::sJ,C will n01 00'''''. so tn.:
quanti!): of condcnsJtc builds as acdili0nJI gJS OO'.Vs through (nc:
rone Jround (he wcll;x,rc. Th is crCJt~; :'. ,ing o( (ond~r.$:tl~ S:tlU '
Fig. <-Simulation result;;. Cond~nsate saturation distribu'
tion in re{rograde .gJ:s r ese rvo! ! nea"" the wellbore during pro­
duction. Homogeneous (cserJoir.· .
Th:.." s:::ur:,Hion of c ond~:1 s.:! ! ~ in {~is.i ; ;:~ vcr... q!Jickly ;nc;""~.lS~~
10 Ih~ point ,I "'hie:, ::j r~iJl;"c ~~rrr.o~;':i:r: :Jio,,- s it to flov... T ..... o-

~ n~[

lO u
to .-~

u.:: ; .... lJ
:3 ..
t ~

...:.:; w " 7.'..
"' ::

'0 c
~ T,o

~ "00
"OOt ~ A a
li0 :tu

-0 '2
":t -" c
~! 5.' 2 15600
0 2

~~ d .j
~ "00
0 10
- uO
tl )0 -,
T}.J...4E: (OAYSI "
~ 6.7
0 15
., ,0
- 5..(:)0 ,

~ ~ 60

Fig. S-Slmulation results . Well In center of homogeneous 160·acre retrograde·gas re se r­

voir producing at various gas ra t es. Letters Indicate corresponding production rates, hep­
tanes plus In samples, and GOR.

~h:J.Se flo\): occurs rrom L'lc ring into the weU. The condensate S:l(u­
a. 10
[:Juon adjusts so that the: volume o( condensate f10wing into the weU o. ~,
c:qu:us the volume of liquid condensed from the nowi ng g as . \Vhen
this occurs, the sarur:uion ne:tr the w c:llbore tends to stabiliz~. 0 ..,.

A nc.:u--stc:ldy·sute siruation exists In whidtthe mass of gas flow­ ~ 0.2:

ing (rom the reservoir into th e ring equals the mass of gas plus liq­ z
uid condensate f10wing into [he w el l. The composition of the
g3sJcondensatc mixrure flowing into the we ll is equal to the com­ "

position of the gas entering the ring. Thus, the. produci ng GOR wilt <
be const;1l1[;1l1d a recombined separator sample will h ave the com­ < "'0
position of the original reservoir gas. ;:; a.Od

This siw3tion is not c:<::'.clly s;eJ.dy-s;:lte beC:Juse B H FP and the a 0 .:14

pr::ssure grJ.dicnt around the well both dccreJ.se with time. Tilus. u o .o~

In:: ring slowly incrc:lses in size (Fig. 2b).
AI higher gas production rates, m o re gas passes through the ring.

'" "
.. " '" ..
!. ,. " ]0

Dusing more liquid 10 condense i~ the ring. Th is rcquircos 3 higher

liquid SJlurJ.lion ·fOf the rci3live pc:r.r.e3bilily (Q the condens:He to
be lJ.rge enough for (he ring to s;Jbiliz e. For instl.nc e. L'1e g:lS :lnd Fig. 6-Simulation results. Condensale saturation prolil e in
reiJtive p<crmcJ.bility combin3tio~ used [0 generJ.(C F ig . 2 r~quires retrograde ·gas reservoir procuced at capacity lor 3 days and
J s:~bi liz;cd liqu id sJrur:ltion or more (h:l.fl 25% when g:'.s produc­
then produced at 20% 01 capacity: A = profile aher J days;
B" prolile 1 hour after rate reducti on; C = prolile 1 day aher
lion is nC:lr C3p3ciry. Th~ st:lbilircd liquid sa(urJ.tion is only 16~
rate reduction.­
w~c" glS produc.ion ratc is 25 % of C:J~:lciry.
rig. ? iliuslrl.tcs th e sJ. lur3tion prordc in J homog::n~ous resa·
I"oir. :\ morc re.J.Jistic cJ.se is sho""" in the byered reservoir of fig. s:unpk qU31irf is r::?resentd by :hc rr.oi:: i[l("(ion 01 hcpl3ncs plus
J. The prcc=ss is identic:tl: the cond~nsJ.tc builds mor~ quickly in in thc n:co;ni:Jiild sampks .
the ;nor~ pc:rmc:lbk 13yers . hov;e\"~r. bccJ.use more gas is·f1owir.~ .-\11 s:unol::s in Fi~. 5 h3vc h:::Jl3ncs·cies corr.po>;,ions r!3S 0nJ'
(~rQugh them. The overJlJ pcrm.:.:Jbiliry·L'ick:n~ss products and g:lS bly close ;0 tn]( or ~he origi"2! 'rc seri~i; 52S. Thus. i( is {:vss iok
proGuction [:l(eS :lIe identic:u in Figs. :2 J.nd J. Fur:ha dis:::ussion to get ~ goc-d sa.r;-:pl~ whi::l BHF? is below tili: dc·...-poin( pr~ssurc
will deal wilh the: homog=n~ous reser-'oir. ;.io(c. hou.·=ve r, Ih 31 of thi: r"-Scrvoir g:l.S. Howev~r. lo .....er proc'Jc;ion r:J:::5 result in tx[\~;
\a\"c~cd r~s~rvoirs must be S3mpkd sooner :lnd at lo w~ r gas pro­ qu.:li ity s~Ir.;Jks .
duc:ion rJ.[~S bcClUSC. of (he mor:: f3pid grol)."1h or t~c condensl.tc . The: GOR is virtU:!lly constl.nl in e"c~; c~se. T~is indiCJt~s (h31
ring in the wn::s with highcr pe:-::-:e3bilities. ) Ii:"led-vut COR is nOI necess:u-iJ)" cc;uJI :J 1 5'-''C': cr ;.--~;-·"ec; 5::'T.?'~.
T~e buildup of thc con d::n sJ.tc ring is il!uSI[:lI::d in fig. ~ for J.
·.'d~ producing 3t J. COn;tJnt rl.t:: or 25 ~ o f c ap:!cit.,- . Tilt: cf1:Jn~C R:Jl': Reduclion Beror~ S:unpling ..-\ cOr."-'<1on pr3ctic! is 10 rcduc~
i:-: ;l.;:e 0: L'1e ring l.?pc.rs dnmJ.lic ~CJUS~ of the sc:ue of the gr:Jph. g~s produc;ion r21C belor~ sur-piing. T:-:::~ In ~[\c:~~t is r.1J.dc 10
Ho ....·c'."er. GlOSI 01 the neJriy 1,.5tXJ f; of r:ldi31 distJ r:c e Irom the SLJoiJiz:: tr.c gJS <!J1d cond~nS2l:: r2l~S rr0::: ~~:: SCp2r:JtOr belore S3..'n·
wc!'bor:: hJS preSSl!r~ slightly g.r~3ta [h~n d~wpoint 2:-:d n(l con· pl~s are t2k:::1. Fig. 6 i!lustrl,::S c.·r.)t h~::;ens in Ihe: r~serv oir duro
ee~S:J(~ s3C'J<.!tion. BHF? is JOoU[ 100 psi below tr.e de'.,"::x)i"t pr::s· ing this pr.xdur~ . [n this instJ.nce. cht "-':::\ is produc.:d 3l ooxily
su:~ (If thc res~(\"oir glS on Dl.,· I and is almost 20<) psi b,;!ov; ior J d:l),s 2"d (r..:n the rl.\:: is rduc~C :0 ~O% of cap:'.c"i[~· .
dC'.'"?oinl on 03:; 60. Line .-\ in Fi'!. 6 shows Ihe s:llur2(ion ::roiik of Ihe ring oi C0n·
\Ol~ l~3t the liqL!id s~"-.:rJ[ion n~r th e w~!Ib.:l r:: subi!:::::> 3t :IN,,1 d·~r.s:l(C aft~. :3- dJVS of DroCl:c (ion at Cl~JC:(\". Lin" B shows [h::
15;;' on OJ;' I ~nd Ihel slowlv inG:::lScs as th e B ri;::P slo·... I·,­ St\30C of th~ rino '1 hou~ afl:: r (lroductio'n rJ.t~ is r~duct:d 10 ::0 %
. " ,
d,c;~scs . The ring slowl;· incrc:!'sc> in si::: :JS ?roduction prc-ccd;. of c3pacit;·.
Th~ riog is ncver coc;l:- s13ok. 2nc Ihe 3mount oi liqu:d conden· When DroJuclior, r:lt~ is ~~duc::d . t~c ;:r=Ssur~ 3round t~e u.'~!!
IllC flowing into th~ ...;ellbore is alwJ)'s slightly kss thJ.n icr th,; incr~JScs: Thi s c:'.uscs SOIT'.e of the condc:<~3tc \0 re'''3?<)[iz~, gr~~tl!
Clse of corr.?kle s13bil iry. Thus. the cOr.1position of the prNUI:' enriching the g3S nowing inlO the weU . Also . some liquid is dl]m p<:d
tio;] Sircl.m will be 5lightly dcfic;~nt in (hc ho ... i::~ comp onolS. inlo the wcll bccJ.us,: liquid sl.turl.tion ;P.~\( adjusl to th:: r~duc~d
..\! higher produ((ion ~J{::$. l~c.: ~rC".vt!1 il' rir.g !;iz.c: is mor~ f3?ic r.!it! of cond~!ls:lIio;"l fr om gJs Ilou.'ing i;-.:o th~ (ing. Bo(h o{ lht:SL
)~J Ihc prcduction strCJm is morc dc:ficic:\( in conde"s:!le . Fi 6 · :; ~i:'ccts CJUS~ ~ brge inCrC31( in (he: hCJ'"'i componc:1[S of (hc pro·
S~O':\"S the d:uionship of sJ.!1lpk q"Jlity 10 production ;":):C • •-\";3i". c..!u([ion s;r::3m.
p.rotabiy ""L11 improve Ii:" ·~~wce.s of obu:;1ing J gcx:-<1 .s2..f;:?'e c The
glS lod coc:.densale rate s f.or:l [he sep2.r~tor. J: Oy·.-" v :: , • sh ould t:.e:
observed over a period of d ay s . not hours. before sa.'-'lp li ng to en­
No w at S.A. Hold· sur:: thll the he plancs-plus sp ike has subsidcd .
Itch 3. Assoes . lne.
[n either case, s:lr.1pjing should be done v e rj early in thc pro­
In C olleg e StatioR,
duc:ion or the w e ll. Onc~ the pressur:: in the bulk: of the: r~se:rloir
T X, William D.
McCaIn Jr. was be:comes les s than the dewpoint pressure or l!le gas, no sa:np[ing
professor ~nd he ad procedure will result in a goo<! sampk.
of the Dept. 0 1 Pe­
troleum Engineer. Con clusio ns
ing at Mi ssissippi l. [t is possible to get a r~prese:nlativ c (if nOl \Xrre:Ct) r~com­
S late U. He also
bin~ surface: s.:unple of a r~trograde:-gas .r:se:-voir Wr,Cil the BHFP
w o r ked for Esso
Alexander McCain Re se arch Labora­
Vis less th:tn the·dewpoint pressure of the reservoir gas if u'le: s;unplc
to rie s In Louisiana is taken early in the lif~ or the wel[ and :ll low production rate.
and ta ught petroleum engineering at Texas A&M U . He holds 2. Production rate rcduc,ion Ixfore: subilizing sc?arator r;>.tes for
a 8 S degree from Mississippi State U. and . MS and PhD sampling wiU cause the: sample: composition to be more ne:>.rlycor­
degree s from Georgia Tech. McCain is an SPE short course y·'·rcc.; however, e:ur:me car: must be: taken to e:1sur~ thal th~ we ll
instruc tor and ex-officio member of the Engineerin g Regis­ is m.bilize.d be:fore sampling. Slabili.z:llion r~quir:s days for rese r­
tration Co m mitt e e. He was a member of the 1986-89 Care e r voirs with good permeabi[iry and months for [ow-?Cr.T;cabilitj
Guidance, 1967 -71 E~ucation and Accred ita tio n, and the reservoirs.
1972-75 TeXlbook committees. Ric h a rd AI .. x .. nde~ [s a part­ 3. Samoles mUSl be obtaine:d in the first mo nth or so of proeuc­
ner at Cawley, Gillespie "- Assocs. Inc. His area s o f exper­
.! lion. Wh~n the: pressure in the bul:': oitr.e: rese:rvoir fJ.![s be:!ov; the:
:Vdev:ooiot pressure of the: originJ.! g:os, no ;:>JT',pli:1g .e:c~nict:~ will
tise include reservoir simulation, field studies, numerical
models. and lit[gation and regulato ry s upport. He has servee
as a technical hearings examiner for the Texas Railroad Com­ I resuit in a r:pr~ent:ltive: sa..'I1ple.
mission. He Is a member of the Editorial Revi ew Committee l
.!. GlS production rate odor: the: se:p.:'.~:!tor is st..:loiEz:d for sam­
for the SPE Computer ApplicJlions Newsletter_ Al exa nde r : piing do.:s not have to be (oosunt as [or.g th~ ~at~ chail5~s are a.,
holds BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering fro m U. . moderate: .
of Tex;]s. 5. Reservoirs with e)(trer.:e vertic:!..! h e:e ;ogc:1eiry m ust Ix s:!m­
p[e:d lS soon as possible 3.fld '-'lith production r:H;!'s as 10w :t5 pussibk.
aild the s p ike: in heyt..:lncs plus in lo'le recombined samples. The d.
iects :He not :IS a re:u fer (Jte C~l:lIloCS of [ower magnirudes.
v< O. Shutting in a g~ well ior :J paiod be:-ore s:!.~p[ing will not
Improve sampk qUJ.lry. .
" " 7. At high production rat;:s , the produc:ng GO:Z could ~~pe:lr
(Q be stabilized (conSll.nl) whe n the compos ilion of the precl:c;;or,
Shut-In Before S:unpling. W~Us sometirr.es are shut in ;'or a ·ixri~
~tr~am is not rCtJres.:nutilie of the origin.![ r::se:',oir gas.
cd tXfore lo'lC:J ar~ put on produc:ion at a (ow r~le: for s:unplir.g .
8. The fJC: th:ll lh.: d.:u:point pr~ssure ot" a sl..'1lp[e is less than
Fig. 3 sho\l,'s the r ~ su(ts or s~u;ting in the well for 10 days an~:
resavoir BHFP is not suff':c:enl prCQr tr.:H J gcxx! ;J.m~k ·.... ~s CD'
:> da;' s or c:!?Jcit ~' ;Jroduc:ion. Li::~ .-\ in rig. 3 is th:: sarr.:: as Lir;;:
lJine:d .
.-\ in f ig. 6. Lin~s Band Care ior I hour and [0 day~ after shut­
in. respectivdy.
Nom en cl a t ure
The differ:r.ccs in conCenSJI~ sarurJlion or Line: .-\ a nd Lines 9
Jnd C are c~used b:, th~ revapor.!ation or conde:nsa.lc as presslir= r.a.Q~ = constJnts in th~ SP'j( EOS
i:Kr~:!s.:s .. line D is lhe: saturation ?rofik ! day ancr the well ..... as
r~(1jned to ::)[{xhJClion <!t :W)'O C3.?o.c:ry. l'\0(~ th:: similarity of Liil~ Acknow le dgments
D in Fig. S J.I1d Lin~ C in Fig. O. :-'bn}, p~ofJk mad~ this st:.Jd:: p0ss;ok. Ja~.:s f'OG~ c r ;!('.d :'rJr.:,
T.,c pJ.rtic.!.i:, coU~psed ring :J.P.d o:'Iichcd glS re:min in place der· VrlJ of Core LabOralOries pro':idd th~ I~Jorat,)r:: P\'T s:udi::s.
ing ;:-:'.1t·in. The c"r.cn~d glS ar.G liquid ;:ondens;Jl~ ar~ dump-~c: and Don P:Jrk~r :lIla G~org~ Z::ito oi iOl~-:,at~J T ::c~nolog;::s ]s·
i:;to .~':~ ", clibor:: ""h;:n ~:oduc,ion o~gins again. The r~sulting sit· sistcd with the res.:noir si;;'ubcion. P~i[ :-'{os,;s. r~t:r::d [ro[:1 Cor::
uJI;on :It I~C sur;:lCC is \'irtu:llly iccntic~l to that of Fig. 7. Laboratori~s. provid~d ~ gr~t ~mou"t 0,' :Jd"ic~ ar.d insis~t inlC
The lc:1gt~ ot S~ut-;il period ':c<:s not ~'-fcci th:: sampling ou.­ s~~[ing procedures. \V:: :!r= grat:rJllO Cawk::. G!iksp!:::u;c! .-\s·
.: ();; : ~ . Th~ c~ric!1ed gJ; 2;-[d conc~~sal~ r::m~in arounc the: W~::. sec. Inc. i'or lSsis(:!nc~ ~:1d per.r.i s sion ;.:: OUJI:s~ L'lis ?~?"~,.
bor~. :::ady to be du~~c u;hc~c!':u proc:.Jction begins.
Production R~t, Gefore Sampling. The prcduction ~ate need r.ot I. ?,"~d<!huc-.,c. F.O.: "ScO:!~:l'O: S.lr.::Jlin'i or' GJs - Co~Censl:" ~";e,·
r::::'1:1i;1 e:uctly .::onsunt juring t:-:;: period c,cfon: sampling as !or.~ vO;"." Oil &: Cu.rJ. (J~r.~ ~I. 195-l) I~-$"":O.
J.:i t:-:c c~:lr-:; ~ in r:!t:: is :-.0t .::xo.:-:ss;'-'c. Fig. 9 ~hows ['h:: r'':$Uh3 2;" , .:::"':J.!-1, 2c:ccr.-_;..r:,...:!r:~ PrCC;:;:1./or s,.;..~-?t·:r.j' P:.·:.-\.-'i~:;::-..~~s:,:,-"c;:' ,=-;':.J;::_;,
r.lnC0r.1 cnJ.ng-:s iii gJ,s ?rcductio:1 ::ll~. Tr.~ ring ch2.:lg::s bur d0~:i A?1. DJIIJs (19C6) j.
not .:olt.1pse: and adjus.; .:.uicl!~· ~0 .:ac:-: ne ....· r.1te. Th~ hei:){a~~s J. :'(o:i~s. ?L.: ··Engi::-;::::~r.; ..J..9?I:c:!~ ; or.s 'J!' ?~.l)~ ?<::~.l'/i~:- .::' C;'""J(::!

?!l!S in thc r::;:omoind iUr~'J':c SJ:npl~s JOG the producing GO;l, 0:1 Jcd C\Jcde~~JI~ 5:.5t<::-,;." JPT (Juiy !';:30) 715-:~.
-', S0JV~. G.: .. cqL:i!i~r:u;., C':-;;5~.1~tS F~o:7:. J .\(oo..!: :::..! ?.~d::C:l· ;-':wor.f;
J,) not t.lc;~:lt~ gr~.lt~:: {:,Jm tb.~ ":.JiTCCl .... :!;u;:::;. At th::; ~int. ~ ~,~
E:uJlion of St:He." Ci:<.r.. E.c'!!. Sc'. (!97:1 ~ i . :-:oJ. o. 119::-:03.
r:lt~ (Ju!.:! be lined out ~; ;I)~O crcJuctio:1 ra~<: n~Jr av·~r.1gc. t~~
5. C;Jt=I, "-.:1. J.m! 5:11:1:-:. G.T. : ·· ..J..2oi:c:!t:oc. ~:'J :\C-':::':55:on·B.:lsc:~ E05
S~?.1~J.or fJ:~S ;t:!tJiliz~(' . .1nd J gC'C'd s2npk obtained. P'iT PCOSrJ;o1 to u;,o,,;o:-:. D~~:-- SP~.'~ (~IJ:.: 1"56) 27~-"9.

Recommended S amp lin g ProcAdu res SI Me tr ic Conversion Factors

Th~ S2:-nDh~£. DrvC~~l:rC ::'Jt "';iI: ~~,ul, in ~b: best c\)ssibk Ch2,,~~ :< ':.0.:6 513
acr~s E-·J!
or' g~:;::1g J r;~or.:oin~d luriace I~;)l:: rc::r~s;:ntJI'il:c ot':t::: or:~:­ :< 3 .(}.lS·
ft ::-0\ r.:
OJ[ reservoi: gas is as lollol).·s. . . ­ rr.J ... 9.S69 23] E - ().! ;..:.f:'!~

[. 9ring I~e w~!1 on i ~. iti)[ prc-:u(.ion 3( the' lowesl ,Jr(xJuc:;,:>;:

r2t ~ ;:;)nsis;~~( "'ith rC:7lJ ... ing li.:;uids from the production ;tri:!; .
~ \!air.t.:!~... L'nt rJIC r;:..u,) nablv ;:O~Sl.lr:t unlil thc w~u ck:!.m ',;;)
:: . Tne: s:..Joil i~ ~ S~;:>2;a!Or VS 2nd con~~~;atc Dtes Jr.d samoi~.
T~: ·; ? :-0.:~d~ :·-, i::; ;::i;-<,· ci:!.I1;· ::-:-:;:vrunt i:- (h~ r::scr:oi, is tig:--.t.
psi .' 6.S9.! 75-:
s~iiSTB x I. 7S 1 07J
E .;-C<J
s~j m ~ ::)~:x~.>{l~.~ rr. j

Gr ;<;.r.JI S?~ m.)('.u-;..;:~.:>l r·;~1. 'I',"'! :C( :-t " 'd- (:~::, 'J. :;c! '; . :::\ ' I'''~ '''''': .":":,)nu~~ ; :1 -, ,; ., •., ..-:
Uol'( J . 19S<J. ? .lv-'( <YXoY.)~M : (1 )v;)'<-.l:.-:-o 5-101, : 6. ::--;:. ?:J-,"'-I'" (S ? :, 19 7 :711 (:.-r. X .,.,Ar.:·
[i t ~e r~sc :-/ o i ~ has £"-"(! ?<:rrr.~2oility an.! if Ih.: prO<!uction D:~ .yj )t..,... 19W~ S?:: ,lnnual I+:.'1n.c'l; C..)nl,)ren.c9 .. nC £ C',:>.,.,:)n :-..,:c It'$ .. ;'1 A:'I:onuJ. 0::
l:JS bCCrl !1i;h. ) !"l{:: (t:..!·..:t.: : io~ ec:'orc s:Joili:::HtOn fo!" s.lmpti:l; 3-~ I

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