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Colobong, Reynel John A.

Engish 17-18 Aug 28,2023

Activity : The Bedquilt Story

Literary Focus: Internal and External Conflict

I. Recalling

1. Describe aunt Mehetabel’s life before she begins working on the bedquilt.

Before she begins working on the bedquilt, aunt Mehetabel's life is described as monotonous and
filled with trivial tasks. She spends her days feeding chickens, peeling potatoes, and darning
socks. She is unable to express herself effectively through words and is often misunderstood by
her family.

2. Describe how Mehetabel creates the design for the bedquilt. Why is she reluctant to work on

Mehetabel creates the design for the bedquilt by using scraps of fabric from old clothes and
sewing them together. She is reluctant to work on it because she doubts her own creativity and
worries about what her family will think of her efforts.

3. How long does it take Mehetabel to finish the bedquilt? Find three (3) ways in which her
family changes its treatment of her during this time.

It takes Mehetabel several months to finish the bedquilt. During this time, her family starts
treating her differently. They are more patient with her and try to understand her better. They
also show appreciation for her work and make efforts to communicate with her through gestures
and actions.

4. What happens with Mehetabel and her bedquilt at the fair?

At the fair, Mehetabel's bedquilt wins first prize. She is overwhelmed with joy and satisfaction.
People start to recognize her talent and appreciate her work. This recognition boosts her self-
esteem and gives her a sense of worth and purpose.
II. Interpreting

5. Find two (2) examples of Mehetabel’s inability to express herself in words. How does she
express herself?

Two examples of Mehetabel's inability to express herself in words are when she struggles to
articulate her feelings about the bedquilt to her family and when she cannot find the right words
to describe how the quilt makes her feel. Instead of expressing herself with words, Mehetabel
expresses herself through her actions, by pouring all her love and devotion into creating the

6. In what ways does Mehetabel’s personality change because of her work on the bedquilt?
Explain how her work gives meaning to her life.

Mehetabel's personality changes because of her work on the bedquilt in several ways. She
becomes more focused, dedicated, and passionate about her craft. She gains a sense of purpose
and fulfillment from creating something beautiful and meaningful. Her work on the bedquilt
gives her a sense of identity and self-worth, which positively affects her overall personality and
outlook on life.

7.What does the last sentence of the story mean?

The last sentence of the story, "Then she went on, her lips a slave to habit, and told her daughter,
'Good morning! Your father's the first to wake today,'" means that despite the hardships and
struggles Mehetabel has endured in her life, she continues to find strength and carry on. It
represents her resilience and commitment to her role as a wife and mother, despite her own
unmet wishes and dreams. It also suggests the bittersweet nature of her existence, as she
suppresses her own desires for the sake of her family.

III. Extending

8. Mention examples of your own work that you found satisfying. Do you think such work can
change someone’s life? Why or why not?

Examples of satisfying work might include completing a challenging project, achieving a

personal goal, or creating something meaningful. Yes, such work can change someone's life as it
brings a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and accomplishment. It can boost self-confidence, provide
a sense of direction, and create a positive impact on one's overall well-being. By engaging in
satisfying work, individuals can find meaning and transform their lives for the better.


Dorothy Can field Fisher once gave her explanation of her own creative impulse to write:

"It is to try with all one’s might to understand that part of human life which does not lie visibly
on surface".

Q: How might Mehetabel’s life be described by someone who knows only its surface-her actions
and words? What hidden part of her life does this story enable us to see?

If someone were to describe Mehetabel's life based solely on her actions and words, they might
describe her as a strict and stern woman who values tradition and adheres to societal
expectations. They may see her as someone who is uncompromising and rigid in her beliefs.

However, this story enables us to see a hidden part of Mehetabel's life. Beneath her strict
exterior, we discover that she is actually a deeply compassionate and caring individual. She goes
against her own principles and risks her reputation to help her nephew and his wife when they
are in need. This shows us that there is more to Mehetabel than what meets the eye, and that her
actions are driven by love and a deep sense of familial responsibility.

V. Thinking about Internal and External Conflict

At the heart of o good plot lies a CONFLICT of some kind a struggle between two opposing

An external conflict occurs between a character and some outside force. That force may be

An Internal conflict on the other hand, occurs within a character’s own mind. A character may
experience conflicting emotions, -example being proud of a new job but frightened about his
new responsibilities.

Many stories involve both external and internal conflict. A man involved in an external conflict
against an unjust law may also experience an internal conflict over whether the struggle is worth
the effort. Whatever form it takes, the conflict is usually resolved at the end of the story.

Thinking about External and Internal conflict, answer briefly ;

1. What external conflicts does aunt Mehetabel experience with her family?

Aunt Mehetabel experiences external conflicts with her family in the form of disagreements,
arguments, and tension. They may have different opinions, values, or expectations, leading to

2. What conflicts occur within Aunt Mehetabel?

What causes them?

Conflicts within Aunt Mehetabel include her own feelings of frustration, resentment, and
disappointment. These conflicts are caused by the clash between her desires and the realities or
expectations placed upon her by her family.

3. How are the external and internal conflicts in the story resolved?

The external conflicts in the story are resolved through communication, compromise, and
understanding. Aunt Mehetabel and her family may reach a resolution, find common ground, or
learn to accept each other's differences. The internal conflicts are resolved as Aunt Mehetabel
comes to terms with her own emotions, either through self-reflection or through external events
that bring about a change in her perspective.

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