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(Article XII: Disciplinary Actions

Section 1. Any violation of any provision of this code shall be sufficient ground for the
imposition against the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of his
Certification of Registration and License as a Professional Teacher, suspension from the
practice of teaching profession, or reprimand or cancellation of his temporary/special permit
under causes specified in Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No. 7836, and under Rule 31, Article VIII,
of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836. )

for teachers to follow Article XII of professional teachers' code of ethics:

1. Familiarize yourself with the full version of the code of ethics: Read and understand the entire code
of ethics to ensure you are aware of all the ethical standards and expectations outlined in Article XII.

2. Adhere to academic integrity: Maintain honesty and integrity in all aspects of teaching and avoid
any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism or cheating.

3. Create a safe and inclusive learning environment: Foster a classroom environment that respects
and values the diversity of students, promotes inclusivity, and provides equal opportunities for

4. Maintain professional boundaries: Set and maintain appropriate boundaries with students to
ensure that your interactions are professional and in line with ethical guidelines. Avoid engaging in
personal relationships with students that may compromise your professionalism.

5. Respect confidentiality and privacy: Safeguard students' personal information and maintain their
privacy. Only share information within legal and ethical boundaries, and observe confidentiality when
it comes to sensitive student issues.

6. Report and address ethical violations: If you become aware of any ethical violations


A teacher named Mr. Smith was found guilty of violating the provision of the code of conduct for
teachers. It was proven that he engaged in fraudulent activities regarding the grading of students'
papers. As a result, the disciplinary action of revocation of his Certification of Registration and License
as a Professional Teacher was imposed. Additionally, he was suspended from the practice of teaching
profession for a period of one year.

Example scenario for number 1: Lack of specificity

The Article XII of the professional teachers' code of ethics mentions the importance of academic
integrity but does not provide specific guidelines on plagiarism. In this scenario, a teacher takes
advantage of this gap and engages in unethical behavior by plagiarizing content for their lesson plans
or research papers.

For instance, a teacher is tasked with creating a curriculum for a new course in their school. Feeling
overwhelmed and lacking the time or resources to develop original content, the teacher decides to
copy entire sections from existing textbooks, websites, or other teachers' materials without proper
citation or acknowledging the original sources.

By exploiting the lack of specificity in the code, the teacher engages in plagiarism, taking credit for
others' work and presenting it as their own. This unethical behavior not only violates the principles of
academia and intellectual honesty but also undermines the code of ethics that emphasizes academic

Since the code does not explicitly address the issue of plagiarism or provide guidelines on proper
citation and use of external sources, the teacher may try to justify their actions or avoid
accountability. This highlights the need for clear and specific guidelines within the code of ethics to
prevent and discourage such unethical practices.

Example scenario for number 2: Inadequate enforcement mechanisms

The code of ethics for professional teachers includes provisions against harassment and unethical
behavior towards students. However, the code fails to establish clear mechanisms for reporting
violations or consequences for breaching the code. In this scenario, a teacher engages in persistent
verbal harassment of a student, exploiting the inadequate enforcement mechanisms.

For example, a teacher continuously humiliates and belittles a student in front of their peers, using
derogatory language and making demeaning comments. The student finds themselves in a difficult
position, feeling helpless and unable to report the teacher's behavior due to fear of retaliation or not
knowing how to navigate the reporting process.

Without an effective reporting system or consequences outlined in the code, there is a loophole that
allows the teacher to continue their inappropriate and harmful behavior towards the student without
being held accountable. The lack of oversight and enforcement mechanisms creates a power
imbalance that jeopardizes the well-being and academic progress of the student.

To address this, it is crucial to establish clear procedures for reporting and investigating breaches of
the code, as well as implementing appropriate consequences for teachers found guilty of misconduct.
Creating a safe and supportive reporting environment is essential to protect students from
harassment and ensure that teachers adhere to the highest standards of conduct.

Example scenario for number 3: Limited coverage

The code of ethics for professional teachers focuses primarily on professional behavior within the
classroom, but does not explicitly address teachers forming personal relationships with students
outside of school. In this scenario, a teacher takes advantage of this gap and engages in an
inappropriate relationship with a student outside of school hours.

For instance, a teacher develops a close, personal relationship with a student by regularly meeting up
with them outside of school, texting them frequently, and crossing boundaries typically expected
between a teacher and student. These interactions may escalate over time and become increasingly
inappropriate, potentially leading to emotional manipulation or even physical misconduct.
Because the code of ethics does not specifically address or provide guidelines for navigating personal
relationships between teachers and students outside of school, there is a loophole that allows this
misconduct to occur. The lack of coverage in the code creates ambiguity and uncertainty about the
professional boundaries that teachers should maintain.

To prevent such situations, it is essential to include clear guidelines in the code of ethics regarding
appropriate relationships with students, both inside and outside of the classroom. This can help
establish boundaries and discourage personal connections that may lead to unethical behavior,
ensuring the safety and well-being of students. Additionally, schools should implement policies that
provide support and guidance for teachers to navigate potential conflicts of interest

Example scenario for number 4: Ambiguous relationships

The code of ethics for professional teachers does not explicitly outline guidelines on accepting gifts
from parents. In this scenario, a teacher takes advantage of this ambiguity and engages in favoritism
towards a student whose parent frequently gives them expensive presents.

For instance, a teacher receives lavish gifts such as expensive gadgets, jewelry, or vacations from a
student's parent. The teacher, consciously or unconsciously influenced by the gifts, starts showing
favoritism towards the student in terms of grades, opportunities, and treatment in the classroom. This
not only compromises the fairness and equality in education but also undermines the trust and
professionalism expected from a teacher.

Since the code of ethics does not provide specific guidelines or restrictions on accepting gifts from
parents, the teacher exploits this loophole by accepting extravagant gifts and using them as a basis for
preferential treatment. Other students may perceive this preferential treatment and feel
disadvantaged or undervalued, resulting in an unhealthy and unfair learning environment.

To mitigate such situations, the code of ethics should explicitly address the issue of accepting gifts
from parents, setting clear limits and guidelines to prevent bias, favoritism, and the potential for
unethical behavior. Teachers should be made aware of the potential impact of accepting gifts and
encouraged to maintain professionalism,

Example scenario for number 5: Insufficient training and awareness

A new teacher is hired at a school without receiving comprehensive training on the code of ethics and
guidelines for appropriate social media use. Unaware of the boundaries, the teacher unintentionally
violates the code by engaging in inappropriate online behavior.

For example, the teacher creates a personal social media account and adds some of their students as
friends without considering the potential implications. They then start posting inappropriate or
unprofessional content on their social media, such as partying, using offensive language, or sharing
confidential information about students or the school.

Since the teacher was not given proper training or guidance on the code of ethics and social media
use, they unintentionally breach professional boundaries and compromise their professionalism. The
lack of awareness and understanding of the implications of their actions result in potentially harmful
consequences for both the teacher and the students.

To address this loophole, schools should ensure that all teachers receive comprehensive training on
the code of ethics, including specific guidelines for appropriate online behavior and social media use.
This training can help teachers understand the potential risks, consequences, and legal implications of
their online actions. It is essential to emphasize responsible social media use and privacy protection to
ensure that teachers maintain professional conduct online and avoid any unintended ethical

Certainly! Here are some possible solutions to address the identified loopholes in Article XII of
professional teachers' code of ethics:

1. Lack of specificity:
- Revise the code to include specific guidelines on key ethical issues, such as plagiarism, conflicts of
interest, and ethical use of technology.
- Provide training and educational resources to teachers to ensure they understand the specific
ethical expectations and standards.

2. Inadequate enforcement mechanisms:

- Establish a clear reporting process for teachers, students, and other stakeholders to report ethical
violations confidentially and without fear of retribution.
- Implement a disciplinary process that ensures swift and appropriate action against teachers found
guilty of misconduct.
- Provide support and counseling services for victims of ethical violations.

3. Limited coverage:
- Expand the code to include guidelines for maintaining professional boundaries and appropriate
behavior in all aspects of teachers' interactions with students, both inside and outside of the
- Offer training and guidance on maintaining appropriate relationships with students and their

4. Ambiguous relationships:
- Establish clear guidelines regarding the acceptance of gifts or favors from students, parents, or other
- Encourage transparency and disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest or inappropriate
- Provide guidance to teachers on how to handle situations where personal relationships with
students may arise.

5.Insufficient training and awareness:

- Develop and implement a comprehensive orientation program for new teachers that includes
thorough training on the code of ethics and guidelines for professional conduct.
- Offer ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure teachers stay updated on ethical
standards and best practices.
- Provide resources and workshops specifically focused on responsible social media use and the
potential impacts of online behavior.

It is important to remember that solutions should be tailored to the specific context and needs of the
educational institution, and should involve collaboration among stakeholders such as teachers,
administrators, and professional organizations. Regular reviews and updates of the code of ethics
should also be conducted to address emerging ethical challenges and ensure its effectiveness in
promoting professional standards and ethical behavior among teachers.

Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No. 7836

SEC. 23. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration, Suspension from the Practice of the
Teaching Profession, and Cancellation of Temporary or Special Permit. - The Board shall
have the power, after due notice and hearing, to suspend or revoke the certificate of
registration of any registrant, to reprimand or to cancel the temporary/special permit of a
holder thereof who is exempt from registration, for any of the following causes:
1. Conviction for any criminal offense by a court of competent jurisdiction;
2. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct;
3. Declaration by a court of competent jurisdiction for being mentally unsound or insane;
4. Malpractice, gross incompetence, gross negligence or serious ignorance of the practice of
the teaching profession;
5. The use of or perpetration of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration,
professional license or special/temporary permit;
6. Chronic insobriety or habitual use of drugs;
7. Violation of any of the provisions of this Act, the rules and regulations and other policies
of the Board and the Commission, and the code of ethical and professional standards for
professional teachers; and
8. Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and the like or the
continuing education program prescribed by the Board and the Commission.

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