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20190905 ACTIVITY 1


The first service the client will receive from the hired architect is pre-design services. The

hired architect will first conceptualize, choose and analyze the site, prepare the design, do

architectural research, conduct feasibility studies, plan the space or zone it, and perform other

relevant tasks. The hired architect must present a proposal detailing the scope of work, method of

payment, owner's duties, and other terms of services following a meeting with the customer.

The compensation for the architect is based on the skills, knowledge, creativity, and level

of professional services provided by the architect or architectural firm. It may also be based on

multiple direct personnel expenses that apply to non-creative work such as accounting,

secretarial, research, data gathering, and report preparation. The calculation is done by

multiplying the total cost of technical services (man hours x rate) by a multiplier to account for

overhead and profit. The multiplier varies from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the difficulty of the

Project, the Architect's experience, overhead, and office setup.


Based on RA 9266, this document applies to individual architects, groups of architects,

and international architects. The project definition phase, the schematic design phase, the design

development phase, the contract document phase, the bid or negotiation phase, and finally the

construction phase make up the scope of services.

The owner will specify the project's needs during the project definition phase, and the

architect will compile all the data and information. The architect will create the design studies

that will result in conceptual plans during the schematic design phase and will show the client the

preliminary drawings. The architect will create all of the architectural drawings, including floor
plans, elevations, sections, and other pertinent drawings, throughout the design development

process. The architect will also specify the materials and other details. During the preparation of

the contract documents, the architect will put together all of the necessary technical

specifications, detailed designs, and construction drawings, and then present them to the owner

in seven sets in order to secure the necessary business permits. The architect or the architectural

firms will prepare the bid documents for contract letting and organize and conduct the pre-bid

meeting during the bidding or negotiation process. Finally, throughout the construction phase,

the architect undertakes regular site visits and renders judgments on all claims made by the

owner and contractor.

The Architect may engage into a contract with the Owner for services in one of two

methods. One is the solitary contract between the architect and the owner, which includes here

the sub-consultancy between the architect and other professionals working with the architect.

The second is that the Architect, the Engineer, and the related professionals are carrying out their

individual contracts with the Owner.

The complexity of the project needed to meet the client's criteria determines how projects

are categorized. To establish the Architect's fair compensation, the relevant scale of fees must be

specified in the Architect's standards. Armories, bakeries, industrial buildings, warehouses,

parking structures, public markets, and service garages are examples of buildings that fall within

the Group 1 category because of their simple character and usage. Buildings with intricate plans

and designs, such as art galleries, banks, call centers, places of worship, city halls, dorms, fire

stations, retail malls, supermarkets, police stations, mixed-use structures, and recreational

facilities, fall under Group 2. Group 3 includes exceptionally distinctive and meticulously

designed structures including airport terminals, aquariums, cold storage facilities, morgues,

mental health facilities, and gyms. Group 4 consists of single-detached homes, duplexes, row

homes, small apartment buildings, and townhouses. Group 5 consists of monumental structures

including museums, cemeteries, memorials, and monuments. Group 6 refers to the repetitive

construction of comparable buildings using the same project design and associated contract

agreements without changing the drawing and specifications. A housing project classified as
Group 7 involves building multiple homes on a single property while using a single set of plans,

specifications, and supporting paperwork. Projects in Group 8 involve fine details, like built-in

storage or design features, unique fixtures, countertops, architectural interiors, and development

planning. Group 9 consists of Group 1 through Group 5 existing building modifications,

renovations, rehabilitation, retrofits, and expansions. The Architect is also employed by Group

10 to provide opinion, advice, or clarifications on technical issues relating to architectural works.

Further sets of contract agreements, scale models, 3D models, and walk-through

presentations are additional terms of service that are charged separately.


Specialized Architectural Services deal with specialized knowledge for improving the

project's architectural interior and external elements. It is the job of the architect to closely

adhere to national and international standards with regard to public health, safety, and welfare in

order to ensure that the building and its surrounding physical environment improve people's

quality of life.

The Architect creates the plans and specifications for the acoustic design and treatment,

aids the client in requesting quotes, examines and approves material samples, and does the last

inspection of the completed work and machinery.

The Architect may enter into contract with the owner in 2 possible ways: 1. Working in a

dual capacity as Architect-of-record and as Consulting Architect. 2. Working as Consulting

Architect for Architectural light and layout.

The method of compensation for Specialized Architectural Services, all of which may be

categorized as supplemental or additional services, shall be in terms of man-months, 22 man-

days multiplied by 8 man-hours, and multiplied by a factor to cover other direct and indirect

costs, such as overhead, etc., or any other applicable method of determining the Architect's fee as

stated in Doc. 201, Doc. The Architect's Guidelines and Section 202.

Four (4) major members who worked on the design and construction of the building are

listed in this document: 1. The Owner who gives the project's implementation order, 2. All plan

and design services, as well as certain inspection work, are provided by the Architect and his

Specialist Consultants (SCs), 3. The construction company performing the work, and 4. The

individual or group of people who aid with the supervision and the work's completion.

The Architect-in-Charge of Construction (Aicc) is a directly and expert accountable and

liable for the project's construction oversight. The Architect was then helped when projects were

still reasonable in size by a building inspector, also known as a Clerk-of-Works as initiatives as

the project gets more complicated, construction monitoring is required. A team to conduct a

permanent inspection at the project site.


There is a significant growth in building costs as a result of the growing complexity of

the projects. Growing demand for cost-effectiveness in cost control and faster project delivery

reliable production of high caliber. Construction Management Services were which is also why, it

was established to meet this requirement in the building sector.

The Construction Manager (CM) could be either: a representative of the Owner's staff, an

independent person, or a company that the Owner employs to control the construction of a

certain project. The Construction Manager (CM) could be the Architect. His background in the

his ability to coordinate different expertise enables him to oversee and guarantee correct

monitoring of all construction operations for effectiveness and quality and price.

The tasks that the Construction Manager (CM) is responsible for the Construction

Supervision Group (CSG) which include the coordination and supervision, cost and time control,

quality control of work, and keeping of the records. (See Document 204-A and Architectural


Communication lines were maintained in Post-Construction Services. Architects,

Engineers, Builders, and building owners and operators, makers, building research organizations,

utility companies, furniture makers, and equipment suppliers, building managers, and property

managers must supply access to data on the operation and maintenance of buildings.

Beyond maintenance and repair, building administration and management includes

recreational activities. It necessitates a multidisciplinary professional's services. Who is capable

of performing a variety of tasks in an effective and inexpensive manner operation and upkeep of

a complex, facility, or building.

The building administrator and/or property manager roles could be assigned to the

architect. Management of a structure or facility that is used for commerce, industry, residences,

or institutions or complex to extend the building's useful life and generate the highest financial


The Manner of Providing Services, one or both of the following options are available for

the Architect to engage into a contract with the Owner: 1. Serving in both the capacities of

Architect-of-Record and Consulting Architect for post-construction services, 2. only performing

post-construction services as a Consulting Architect.


Comprehensive Architectural Services was a notion that evolved through the a result of

the demands of new, complicated building projects that have emerged in recent years. The shift

in the architecture profession from "basic" and given the broad scope of the offerings, "extra"

services are provided. Recognition of the importance of design and construction services

continuity to carry out a fully viable project, it is necessary.

The term "Comprehensive Architectural Services" describes the variety of expert services

that include Pre-Design Services, Regular Design, and Construction Services, Specialized
Architectural Services, and Post-Construction Services. The architect is the most important

profession in this expanded dimension. He serves as the building design's creator, author, and

organizer. He becomes the foundation upon which a project is built. He needs to be able to the

Architect must possess expertise in order to adequately aid and serve his client in addition to

architectural design, in other fields. Not all of the services are anticipated to be provided by the

Architect. Instead, he must act as the Client's agent in locating and organizing the required

services that a project needs.

The Project Management (PM) involves managerial tasks that go beyond the customary

architectural and engineering (A&E) services performed throughout the stages of pre-design,

design, and construction. The overall purpose is to control over the time, price, and quality of a

construction project. The existence of a project manager does not exempt designers and

contractors of their relevant regular responsibilities and tasks in the design and construction of

the endeavor. The Project Management enhances the work of the architects and engineers and

Contractors in addressing the varied and intricate project requirements. While the Project

Manager (PM)’s exercise of primary responsibility is comprehensive cost management. He will

coordinate, schedule, and oversee the numerous activities, and will serve as a consultant on

construction and material costs methods.


In order to complete projects in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of

money, and with acceptable quality and performance, the construction industry and the

architectural profession have developed a number of project delivery methodologies. Any

construction project must strike a balance between the factors of time and quality and expense,

which the Architect, in many circumstances, can achieve most effectively taking the utilization of

Design-Build Services.

An Architect who holds his level of education, training, and experience is eligible for a

direct role in the project from conception to completion. While offering innovative, cost-effective
solutions, Design-Build Services streamlines and accelerates the project delivery process. In

order to implement his design, the architect provides expert services. Under Design-Build

Services, he takes on professional responsibility and civil liability for both the project's design

and construction.


In this document, is to lay out the foundational ideas for competitions and provide owners

and promoters with guidelines for putting together Architectural Design Competitions. It was

created with both parties' interests in mind. Competitors as well as project proponents and

owners. The individuals and groups in this ADC are the Owner, Jury, Professional Advisor,

Technical Advisors, Competition Secretariat and etc.

A formal authorization of the Owner must be obtained before making any public

declaration. The proposed terms, which detail the schedule, the ADC registration fee (where

applicable, and necessary) and the Jury's membership must have been confirmed in writing by

through way of the ADC Committee, the Owner from the IAPOA. The ADC conditions are the

ADC's purpose, the Owner's objectives, the type of the problem that has to be fixed, and all the

standards that competitors must meet.

The Owner should appoint and compensate a professional advisor approved by the ADC

of the IAPOA National Board of Directors (NBD) committee. His responsibility is to monitor the

behavior of the ADC and the establishing the Criteria. He is responsible for making sure the

ADC timetable is followed, overseeing the collection of competitor questions, the receiving

entries for the competition, sending responses to each competitor, protecting competitors' privacy

at all times. He'll support the jury and will attend its meetings, but he won't participate in voting.

His responsibility will be restricted to the planning and execution of the competition.

A separate majority vote is required for each of the jury's decisions. Rank each entry's

strategy or design for the competition. List of ADC honors all jurors must affix their signatures

before the jury can submit its report to the owner. The Jury is discharged, and a copy of this
document will be delivered to the IAPOA. No Jury member may directly or indirectly participate

in the competition or receive a direct or indirect commission for activities associated with the

prize-winning design. The amount and number of awards must be specified in the Conditions.

The benefits, the amount paid must take into account the project's size and complexity, as well as

of labor necessary and the expenses paid by competitors. The copyright to any plan or design

must remain with the designer; not it is permissible to make changes without his written consent.



Through its numerous departments, the Philippine government departments, agencies,

instrumentalities, institutions, and entities frequently choose, commission, or engage the services

of professional consultants in order to maximize efficiency, economy, and expediency in the

preparation of program/project concepts, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, project

evaluations, design a project, and other tasks. Moreover, a crucial tactic for enhancing national

competence in using the local knowledge to the fullest extent possible across a range of advisory

services. This creates the foundations for more advanced national scientific and technical

expertise. Considering the pressing necessity to establish the broad principles for professional

consulting or advisory services in the nation to increase involvement participation of Filipino

professionals in national development, as well as to uphold their rights in following current laws,

policies, guidelines, and regulations, the CBNE and the PTC was instrumental in developing the

industry's normative guidelines for state-regulated professions of professional consulting services

by the aforementioned organizations. The full use of Filipino Professional Consultants' services

(FPCs) can reduce the procurement of foreign expertise, which involves significant costs

expenditure of hard-earned foreign exchange. Such importation also erodes the essence of

maintaining an educational system geared towards the expansion of the country’s professional

capability. For this reason, the displacement of FPCs by foreign consultants is irrational.

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