Assignment I of SYDE211

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Assignment I of SYDE211

Deadline: 11:59pm, Feb. 25, 2023

Where to submit: Crowdmark


1. This is individual work, so you are not allowed to discuss with anyone.

2. The materials allowed to use include class notes, textbooks recom-

mended and the problems sets in Learn. Do not search the problems
on internet.

3. Please pay attention to the deadline. The late submissions will not be

4. After you finish it, you need to scan your work and transfer them into
PDF. All the files must be readable.

5. Your grade will be influenced by how clearly you express your ideas
and how well you organize your solutions. Show all details to get full
1. (10 pts) This is a review of first order DEs.

(a) Describe the general form of separable, linear and exact.

(b) Give the solutions to the above three DEs.

Hint: You follow our notes to give the general solution. For the linear
DEs, you need to give all the three methods.

2. (10 pts) Solving the following DEs:

(a) 3y 2 dy
dt + 2t = 1, y(−1) = −1.

(b) et y ′ + (cos y)2 = 0, y(0) = π/4.

(c) ln(y)y ′ + t = 1, y(3) = e.

3. (10 pts) Show that he following DEs are exact and solve them.

dy x+y
(a) =
dx y − x
(b) 2x + 1 − 2 dx + dy = 0
x x

4. (10 pts) Use three methods of linear DEs to solve the following equa-
y ′ + y = x.

5. (10 pts) Solve the DE

2y 2 (x + y 2 )dx + xy(x + 6y 2 )dy = 0.

6. (10 pts) Solve the DE

(xe + x ln y + y)dx + + x ln x + x sin y dy = 0.
7. (10 pts) (a) A solution of salt water sits in a well-stirred tank with
initial volume 100 L. Initially, there are 2 kg of salt in the tank. If the
volume inflow is 10 L/min of pure water, and the volume outflow is 5
L/min, show that the DE that governs the rate of change of mass of
salt, m(t), is
dm m
dt 20 + t
(b) Determine the solution to the DE with the given initial condition
above. At what time t does the salt reach 1 kg?

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