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Module 1: Activity 1

Response to Short Film Viewing: Science behind the Myth

Adventures of Odyssey

Name: _____________________________________________Course: ___________

Instructions: After viewing the video clip, answer the following questions briefly using a
word document, afterwards, save the file into pdf form.
File Label: Surname_ Name_ Activity #1

1. Who is the author of Odysseus? ___________________________________

2. Who is Cyrce?___________________________________________________.
What happened to the guests after serving them a sumptuous

3. What is Jimson weed, and what were the after effects of taking this weed?

4. Who helped Odysseus in order to counter effect the potion that Cyrce, will give him?
What was the instruction of the messenger to him?
5. What is the snowdrop plant? What could be the relationship of this herb to that of
Cyrce’s potion and the present time?

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