Offline Goe Notes 4 Test

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the 3 layers of the earth are the core the mantle and crust

the different types of rock are metamorpic, igneos, sedimatery rock, and magma

what is a region

alfrd weigners contintel drift theorys

covergent plant bounderys and what happens

three ways a tsunami can form

land slides

what is glaciation
is uniqe to cannada
the was a ice sheet that covered all off canada blaketed with ice as the earth
warmed the ice sheet melted and when the ice meltd it made a small coridor and as
the ice retreated they moved up north to create cannada

greenland and iceland are opasite of there name

greenland is iceland, iceland is greenland

ground snow changes into fern

when the bottom of the ice =needs to move it melts around it then refrezzes the s
peed that the glacier is forming is slower then it melts

40 millon people live in the great lakes region

only 3 percent of the earth water is fresh water and only 1 percent of that is

the ice metled and the river flowed to sea helping carve the missispi river

the ice hseet melted 10000 years ago

lake supior is the largest fresh water lake in the world

the water flowrs to sinclar river then to lake hire

then to niagra falls

landing in lake ontario

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