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1. How can you tell the difference between an animal and plant cell? What would you look for?
( section 2.1)

2. Label the following diagrams using the labels found in the chart below (as applicable) (2.1)



Structure Function
Cytoplasm jelly like fluid

Cell wall rigid provides the

structure of

the cell

Cell membrane phospholipid bilayer acts as a filter

and controls

what comes in

and what goes


Nucleus ball of dna ,contains

DNA,of the

cell and the



contains the


Endoplasmic reticulum has a lot of



proteins and


Golgi bodies prepares

portions and


Vacuoles the vacuole


vitamins and


Chloroplast is in

and helps

plants become


3. What are the 3 reasons why cells divide? Explain one in further detail. (2.3)

● reproduce,cells divide to create more cells through asexual reproduction

● repair damage
● make chromosomes

4. What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion? Where does diffusion occur within the cell?
(2.3) Where does diffusion occur within the body? (note)

diffusion occurs in

5. A) Put the phases in order by numbering each phase in the spaces provided. Identify the phases
and mitosis and write a description of the key events that occur during that phase. (2.5)

Picture Phase Description of events

prophase the long strands of DNA condense into compact form
because DNA was copied during interphase

metaphase all chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

all chromosomes must be in line for mitosis to continue

anaphase the centromere splits and the sister chromatids separate,

They are now called daughter chromosomes
that move to the opposite side of the cell

interphase growth of the cell in size and the second is the

duplication of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

_# 1

5 B) On one of the diagrams of the cell, label the centromere, spindle fibres and chromatids
6. What happens during interphase? (2.5)

it replicates chromosomes and prepares cell division

7. How is cytokinesis different in plants and animals? (2.5)

Cytokinesis is different in plants and animals

it started and Cytokinesis,and starts in the middle of the cell

8. List the causes of cancer and explain them in detail. (2.7)

causes of cancer are obesity,UV,Radiation,smokeing,ageing

9. List two ways that cancer cells are different from normal cells (note)

cancer cells don't want to die,ignore signals,invade the other parts of body and to spread

10. The structures of cells are often related to the function that they serve. Give 3 specific examples of
how the structure of specialized cells relates to the function they serve within the body. (2.9)

red blood cells, muscle cells, and skin cells.

11. What is the hierarchy of structures in animals? Give a specific example from one of the systems
studied this year. (3.1)

cell, tissue, organ,organ system, animal

12. Differentiate between embryonic stem cells and adult (or tissue) stem cells (3.2)

embryonic stem cells are able to change into any cell that is needed

adult stem cells

and are located in the byoplasts

13. Identify the four tissue types. Write their structure, function and examples in the chart. (3.1)

Picture Tissue type & example Structure Function

connective tissue Various types of supports and

fibers and cells help underlies other
bone together by solid tissue types
tendons liquid or a gel,known
blood as matrix

nervous tissue long thing, cells with sensory

fine brunches at the communication
the brain ends with the body
nervous/sensory organs
coordination of
the body
mussel bundles of long cells Movement
called mussel fibres
all the mussels and joints
and heart and surrounding
digestive tract
epithelial thin sheets of tightly protection from
packed cells dehydration
lining of digestive system lowfrction
1. Label the diagram below in the spaces provided. (3.3)

A mouth B esophagus

C stomach D small intestine

E large intestine

14. Explain how a piece of pizza is digested starting at the mouth and
finishing at the anus. Include role of accessory organs.

pizza is chopped by the teeth

travels down the trachea
stomach churns the pizza
liver releases bile,
pancreas creates enzymes
travels trough the small intestine
travels thru the large intestine
and exits the system
A) Label the diagram using the following terms: Red blood cell, alveoli, oxygen, carbon dioxide,
capillary. (3.6)

O2 co2
Red capalary

b) Explain what is happening in the diagram above and use the following terms in your explanation: Red
blood cell, bronchioles, alveoli, bronchi, mouth, trachea, oxygen, carbon dioxide, transportation.

air coming from the mouth and nose travels down the trachea wich separates into two branches,called bronchi.
Oxygen is inhaled in to the bloodstream in the lungs by diffusion,carbon dioxide leaves the blood in the same way
each of the bronchi branch,again and again ending in tiny air sacs called alveoli, each alveolus is surrounded by a
network of capillaries oxygen and co2 only have to diffuse trough 2 thin walls, walls of capillaries and walls of alveoli
15. Label the following diagram of the respiratory system


2.__nasel passage





7. _____diaphram

16. Explain how inhalation and exhalation work using words and diagrams

17. Label the following: aorta, left ventrical, right atrium, superior vena cava, pulmonary artery,
pulmonary vein on the diagram of the heart. Show the flow of blood and whether is it oxygenated or
de-oxygenated through the heart.

18. Explain the differences between veins, arteries, and capillaries

arteries carry blood away from the heart
veins carry blood to the heart
Capillaries connect veins and arteries

19. What are other important organs not directly found along the digestive tract, but provide assistance to the
digestive system? State their functions.


liver releases bile

pancreas creates enzymes that aid in digestion

20. Name and state the function of all of the organ systems in humans.
21. What is homeostasis and how does your body function to keep at a constant temperature?

22. How do the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems relate to each other? Describe as many
connections as you can think of and explain in great detail the nature of that connection.

23. How do some other organ systems interconnect to work together to perform a task. Explain as many
as you can think of
24. Label the systems and parts of each system of a plant

25. What are the two major differences between plant and animal organisms?

26. Write the word equation for photosynthesis and for respiration. How are these two equations related?

27. A common misconception is that plants only use carbon dioxide. Explain why this is untrue.
28. Discuss the different tissues found in a plant.

29. List the two types of tissue found in a plants vascular system and provide the function of each.

30. Discuss the two systems in a plant. How does each part in system allow it do all the things that a plant must do
to survive.

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