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1.1 Introduction

Civil engineering has played a vital role in shaping the modern world we
live in today. From towering skyscrapers to intricate transportation
systems and resilient infrastructure, the contributions of civil engineers
have left a lasting impact on society. To honor this legacy and preserve
the knowledge and expertise of civil engineering, the construction of a
legacy workshop specifically designed for this field holds great

A civil engineering legacy workshop serves as a dedicated space where

the rich history, achievements, and advancements of civil engineering
can be documented, showcased, and celebrated. It provides a platform
to recognize the contributions of civil.

Building a legacy workshop requires careful planning, consideration of

functional requirements, adherence to safety standards, and the
selection of appropriate materials and construction techniques. The
process involves several key stages, from initial conceptualization and
design to site preparation, construction, and eventual completion.
Throughout this journey, attention to detail, collaboration with
professionals, and an understanding of local regulations are paramount
to ensure a successful and enduring workshop space.[1]

1.1 Background of the study

Civil engineering workshops play a crucial role in the education and

training of aspiring civil engineers. These workshops provide hands-on
experience and practical knowledge that enhance students'
understanding of various civil engineering principles and construction
techniques. The construction of a dedicated civil engineering workshop
requires careful planning, design, and implementation to create a safe
and conducive learning environment. This background of the study
aims to provide an overview of the importance and considerations
involved in constructing a civil engineering workshop.

Civil engineering workshops serve as a platform for students to apply

theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms to real-world scenarios.
They provide opportunities for students to work with construction
tools, materials, and equipment, thereby developing essential practical
skills. Workshops facilitate experimentation, problem-solving, and
teamwork, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of
engineering concepts and hone their technical abilities. Moreover, also
serve as a space for research and innovation, allowing students to
explore new construction methods, materials, and

Constructing a civil engineering workshop involves careful

consideration of various factors to create a conducive environment for
practical learning and skill development. By providing students with
hands-on experience, these workshops contribute significantly to their
overall education and prepare them for the challenges of the civil
engineering profession. Implementing proper planning, design, and
compliance with safety standards are essential to ensure the success
and effectiveness of a civil engineering workshop.[2]

1.2 Aim and objectives of study

1.2.1 Aim
The aim of this project is to construct the walls for civil engineering
legacy workshop

1.2.2 Objectives

1 To provide students with enhanced practical learning opportunities.

2 To providing a dedicated space for experimentation and exploration

3 To provide a common space where students can work together on

projects, share knowledge, and exchange ideas

1.3 Significance of the study

Constructing a civil engineering legacy workshop holds significant value

in preserving knowledge, fostering professional growth, promoting
innovation, bridging the gap between academia and industry,
encouraging lifelong learning, facilitating collaboration, and enhancing
public awareness. It serves as a catalyst for the advancement and
sustainability of the civil engineering profession, ensuring a robust and
competent workforce for the future.

1.4 Scope and limitation of study

This project is limited to the reactivation and the laying of the building

1.5 Definition of terms

1.5.1 Civil engineering

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with

the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally
built environment, including public works such as roads, bridges, canals,
dams, airports, sewage systems, pipelines, structural components of
buildings, and


Civil engineering is traditionally broken into a number of sub-

disciplines. It is considered the second-oldest engineering discipline
after military engineering and it is defined to distinguish non-military
engineering from military engineering. [4]

1.5.2 Workshop

Workshop may be a room, rooms or building which provides both the

area and tools that may be required for the manufacture, repair or
carrying out of engineering work. [5]

1.5.3 Building

A building or edifice is a structure with a roof and walls standing more

or less permanently in one

place, such as a house or factory. Buildings come in a variety of sizes,

shapes and functions, and

have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors,

from building

materials available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground

conditions, specific uses and

aesthetic reasons.[6]

Literature review

2.1 Civil engineering

civil engineering, the profession of designing and executing structural

works that serve the general public, such as dams, bridges, aqueducts,
canals, highways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other
infrastructure. The term was first used in the 18th century to
distinguish the newly recognized profession from military engineering,
until then preeminent. From earliest times, however, engineers have
engaged in peaceful activities, and many of the civil engineering works
of ancient and medieval times—such as the Roman public baths, roads,
bridges, and aqueducts; the Flemish canals; the Dutch sea defenses; the
French Gothic cathedrals; and many other monuments—reveal a
history of inventive genius and persistent experimentation.[7]

2.2 History of Civil engineering

The beginnings of civil engineering as a separate discipline may be seen

in the foundation in France in 1716 of the Bridge and Highway Corps,
out of which in 1747 grew the École Nationale des Ponts et
Chaussées (“National School of Bridges and Highways”). Its teachers
wrote books that became standard works on the mechanics of
materials, machines, and hydraulics, and leading British engineers
learned French to read them. As design and calculation replaced rule of
thumb and empirical formulas, and as expert knowledge was codified
and formulated, the nonmilitary engineer moved to the front of the
stage. Talented, if often self-taught, craftsmen, stonemasons,
millwrights, toolmakers, and instrument makers became civil engineers.
In Britain, James Brindley began as a millwright and became the
foremost canal builder of the century; John Rennie was a millwright’s
apprentice who eventualy built the new London Bridge; Thomas
Telford, a stonemason, became Britain’s leading road builder.John
Smeaton, the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an
instrument maker. His design of Eddystone Lighthouse (1756–59), with
its interlocking masonry, was based on a craftsman’s experience.
Smeaton’s work was backed by thorough research, and his services
were much in demand. In 1771 he founded the Society of Civil
Engineers (now known as the Smeatonian Society). Its object was to
bring together experienced engineers, entrepreneurs, and lawyers to
promote the building of large public works, such as canals (and later
railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute
their schemes. Their meetings were held during parliamentary sessions;
the society follows this custom to this day. The École Polytechnique was
founded in Paris in 1794, and the Bauakademie was started in Berlin in
1799, but no such schools existed in Great Britain for another two
decades. It was this lack of opportunity for scientific study and for the
exchange of experiences that led a group of young men in 1818 to
found the Institution of Civil Engineers. The founders were keen to
learn from one another and from their elders, and in 1820 they invited
Thomas Telford, by then the dean of British civil engineers, to be their
first president. There were similar developments elsewhere. By the
mid-19th century there were civil engineering societies in many
European countries and the United States, and the following century
produced similar institutions in almost every country in the world.
Formal education in engineering science became widely available as
other countries followed the lead of France and Germany. In Great
Britain the universities, traditionally seats of classical learning, were
reluctant to embrace the new disciplines. University College, London,
founded in 1826, provided a broad range of academic studies and
offered a course in mechanical philosophy. King’s College, London, first
taught civil engineering in 1838, and in 1840 Queen Victoria founded
the first chair of civil engineering and mechanics at the University of
Glasgow, Scotland. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1824,
offered the first courses in civil engineering in the United States. The
number of universities throughout the world with engineering faculties,
including civil engineering, increased rapidly in the 19th and early 20th
centuries. Civil engineering today is taught in universities across the

2.3 Functions of Civil engineering

The functions of the civil engineer can be divided into three categories:
those performed before construction (feasibility studies, site
investigations, and design), those performed during construction
(dealing with clients, consulting engineers, and contractors), and those
performed after construction (maintenance and research).

2.3.1 Feasibilty Studies

No major project today is started without an extensive study of the

objective and without preliminary studies of possible plans leading to a
recommended scheme, perhaps with alternatives. Feasibility studies
may cover alternative methods—e.g., bridge versus tunnel, in the case
of a water crossing—or, once the method is decided, the choice of
route. Both economic and engineering problems must be considered.
2.3.2 Site Investigation

A preliminary site investigation is part of the feasibility study, but once

a plan has been adopted a more extensive investigation is
usually imperative. Money spent in a rigorous study of ground and
substructure may save large sums later in remedial works or in changes
made necessary in constructional methods.

Since the load-bearing qualities and stability of the ground are such
important factors in any large-scale construction, it is surprising that a
serious study of soil mechanics did not develop until the mid-
1930s. Karl von Terzaghi, the chief founder of the science, gives the
date of its birth as 1936, when the First International Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering was held at Harvard
University and an international society was formed. Today there are
specialist societies and journals in many countries, and most
universities that have a civil engineering faculty have courses in soil

2.3.3 Design

The design of engineering works may require the application of design

theory from many fields—e.g., hydraulics, thermodynamics, or
nuclear physics. Research in structural analysis and

the technology of materials has opened the way for more rational
designs, new design concepts, and greater economy of materials. The
theory of structures and the study of materials have advanced together
as more and more refined stress analysis of structures and systematic
testing has been done. Modern designers noty have advanced theories
and readily available design data, but structural designs can now be
rigorously analyzed by computers.[9]

2.4 Branches of civil engineering

2.4.1 Construction

Almost all civil engineering contracts include some element of

construction work. The development of steel and concrete as building
materials had the effect of placing design more in the hands of the civil
engineer than the architect. The engineer’s analysis of a building
problem, based on function and economics, determines the building’s
structural design.

2.4.2 Transportation

Roman roads and bridges were products of military engineering, but

the pavements of McAdam and the bridges of Perronet were the work
of the civil engineer. So were the canals of the 18th century and the
railways of the 19th, which, by providing bulk transport with speed and
economy, lent a powerful impetus to the Industrial Revolution. The civil
engineer today is concerned with an even larger transportation field—
e.g., traffic studies, design of systems for road, rail, and air, and
construction including pavements, embankments, bridges, and tunnels.

2.5 Building Construction

Building construction is a multifaceted and intricate process that

involves a series of well-coordinated activities, from conception to
completion, to create structures that serve as homes, workplaces, and
community spaces. This note provides an in-depth overview of building
construction, covering key stages, considerations, and trends in the

2.5.1 Stages of Building Construction

 Design and Planning: The construction journey begins with the

design and planning phase. Architects and engineers collaborate
to create detailed plans that encompass architectural aesthetics,
structural integrity, and functional aspects. This stage involves
conceptualizing the layout, dimensions, and features of the
 Site Preparation: Before construction can commence, the chosen
site must undergo thorough preparation. This includes clearing
the area of debris, vegetation, and any existing structures.
Excavation work may be necessary to create a level surface and
lay the groundwork for the foundation.
 Foundation Construction: The foundation is the building's base,
providing stability and support. Different types of foundations,
such as shallow foundations (e.g., slab-on-grade) and deep
foundations (e.g., pile foundations), are chosen based on soil
conditions and the intended use of the building.
 Structural Framework: With the foundation in place, the
structural framework is erected. Materials like steel, concrete,
and wood are used to create the building's skeleton. Various
construction methods, such as reinforced concrete, steel framing,
and timber framing, are employed to achieve the desired strength
and durability.
 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Systems: MEP systems
are integral to a building's functionality and occupant comfort.
Skilled professionals design and install systems for electrical
wiring, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and other
utilities. The integration of these systems requires careful
planning to optimize space and efficiency.
 Interior and Exterior Finishes: Interior finishes, such as flooring,
walls, ceilings, and fixtures, transform the building's interior into
usable spaces. Exterior finishes, such as siding, brickwork, stucco,
and paint, enhance the building's aesthetics and protect it from
 Final Inspections and Testing: Before occupancy, local authorities
conduct inspections to ensure compliance with building codes and
regulations. MEP systems are rigorously tested for functionality,
safety, and adherence to standards.[12]

2.6 Construction of Civil engineering workshop

A civil engineering workshop construction refers to the process of

designing, planning, and building a dedicated facility specifically
tailored for educational, research, and practical activities related to the
field of civil engineering. This workshop provides a space where
students, researchers, and professionals can engage in hands-on
learning, experimentation, and skill development related to various
aspects of civil engineering.
The construction of a civil engineering workshop involves creating a
physical infrastructure that accommodates classrooms, laboratories,
workstations, equipment, and tools necessary for teaching and
conducting experiments in areas such as structural engineering,
geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental
engineering, and more.[13]


3.1 Materials


Trowel is the name of a number of construction and garden tools.

Appearing in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, these tools usually
consist of a metal blade of any of various shapes attached to a short
handle. Some are flat, while others are curved, and they are variously
used to spread, dig, scoop, and place.

Fig. 1 Trowel

A hammer is a tool, most often a hand tool, consisting of a weighted
"head" fixed to a long handle that is swung to deliver an impact to a
small area of an object.

Fig.2 A set of Hammer


A chisel is a tool with a characteristically shaped cutting edge of blade

on its end; for carving or cutting a hard material such as wood, stone, or
metal by hand, struck with a mallet, or mechanical power.

Fig. 3 A Chisel
Spirit Level

A spirit level, bubble level, or simply a level, is an instrument designed

to indicate whether a surface is horizontal or vertical.

Fig.4 A spirit Level


A shovel is a tool used for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials,
such as soil, coal, gravel, snow, sand, or ore.
Fig.5 A Shovel


A wheelbarrow is a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with just one

wheel, designed to be pushed and guided by a single person using two
handles at the rear
Fig.6 A Wheelbarrow

Sandcrete Blocks

Sandcrete blocks are precast composite masonry units made of cement,

sand, and water and are moulded into various sizes.
Fig.7 Block site

String line

A string line is one of the oldest and most basic of hand tools, and it is
commonly used in masonry and carpentry to help the user create a
straight line between two reference points.

Fig.8 String line


A cement is a binder, a chemical substance used for construction that

sets, hardens, and adheres to other materials to bind them together.

Fig.10 Cement

Reinforced bar

is a steel bar used as a tension device in reinforced concrete and

reinforced masonry structures to strengthen and aid the concrete
under tension.

Fig.11 Reinforcement bar

Coarse Aggregate

Coarse Aggregate is a broad category of coarse- to medium-grained

particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel,
crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates.

Fig. 12 Coarse Aggregate

Wood is a structural tissue found in the stems and roots of trees and
other woody plants which we use for most construction work such as
formworks, doors, roofs etc.

Fig.13 Wood

Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregates are used in projects where a smooth yet highly

compacted surface is desired. Fine aggregates are ideal for use
underneath pavers, path fines, track fines, athletic infield material and
can even be used as a soil amendment.
Fig.14 Fine Aggregate

3.1.1 Concrete

Concrete is a versatile construction material composed of a mixture of

cement, water, aggregates (such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone), and
often admixtures. It's widely used for its strength, durability, and
adaptability in various construction projects.

Key characteristics of concrete include its compressive strength, which

makes it capable of supporting heavy loads; its ability to be molded into
various shapes and sizes; and its long lifespan when properly
maintained. The process of making concrete involves mixing the
ingredients, pouring the mixture into forms, and allowing it to cure and
harden over time.

Concrete has applications in structures ranging from buildings, bridges,

and roads to dams, pavements, and even decorative elements. Its
versatility allows it to be used for functional and aesthetic purposes.
However, it can be prone to cracking if not designed or installed
correctly, and its production can contribute to environmental concerns
due to cement production's carbon dioxide emissions.

In recent years, efforts have been made to develop more sustainable

and eco-friendly forms of concrete, such terial in the construction

Fig.15 Hand mixed Concrete

3.1.2 Wall

A wall is a continuous, usually vertical structure, thin in proportion to its

length and height, built to provide shelter as an external wall or divide
buildings into rooms or compartments as an internal wall.

Solid Wall.

A solid wall (sometimes called a masonry wall) is constructed of either

brick, or blocks of stone, or

concrete laid in mortar with the blocks laid to overlap in some form of
what is called bonding or as a monolith, that is, one solid uninterrupted
material such as concrete which is poured wet and hardens into a solid
monolith (one piece of stone). A solid wall of bricks or blocks may be
termed a block (or masonry) wall, and a continuous solid wall of
concrete, a monolithic wall.

Fig.16 Solid Wall

2.5.4 Frame wall

A frame wall is constructed from a frame of small sections of timber,

concrete or metal joined together to provide strength and rigidity, over
both faces of which, or between the members of the frame, are fixed
thin panels of some material to fulfil the functional requirements of the
particular wall.[15]

Fig.17 Frame Wall


3.2.1 Damp Proof Course (D.P.C)

Method of Damp Proof Course (D.P.C) Construction

DPC construction typically involves placing a damp-proof course (DPC)

layer within a building's structure to prevent moisture from rising
through walls and causing damage. The method includes:

Location: Determine where the DPC will be placed, usually at ground

level to prevent moisture from entering the structure.

Materials: Choose appropriate materials for the DPC layer, which can
include bitumen, plastic, or other water-resistant materials.

Installation: Depending on the construction method, the DPC can be

installed during the initial construction phase or retrofitted later. It's
commonly placed horizontally within walls above the ground level.
Integration: Ensure proper integration of the DPC with other building
elements, such as insulation and bricks, to maintain a continuous
barrier against moisture.

Sealing: Seal joints and connections properly to prevent any gaps that
could allow moisture to bypass the DPC.

Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the DPC to ensure its

effectiveness over time.[16]

Fig.18 D.P.C Construction

3.2.2 Wall Construction

• Calculate How Many Bricks You Need

The first step is to determine how many bricks you will need for your
project. Bricks come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, with the
standard UK brick measuring 215mm long x 102.5mm deep x 65mm
high. Don't forget to account for mortar, which is typically 10mm thick.

Before you do anything, you will need to measure the area you need. It
can be annoying to run out halfway through, and an expensive mistake
to over-order. As a rule of thumb, there are 60 bricks per square metre
for a single skin wall (half brick wall) and 120 bricks per square metre
for a one brick thick solid wall.

• Prepare Your Foundation

One of the most important parts of a brick wall is the foundation. This is
the support for your wall, and the trench size will depend on the width
and height of your masonry wall. For reference, you will need a half a
metre deep trench for a brick wall up to one metre in height. Make sure
you check the measurements before digging as a solid trench is
essential to prevent your wall from collapsing.

Drive wooden stakes to find the optimal height for your bricks in your
trench. Spread the stakes two to four feet apart (depending on the
length of your wall) and ensure they are completely level. The first row
of bricks should sit flush in the foundation. Fill the foundation with
concrete, making sure to keep it level and fill to the top of the stakes.
Leave it to dry for 2 - 3 days.[17]

• Mark Your Guideposts

Once you have your foundation, you need to set up gauging rods to
ensure your brickwork is consistently level. The easiest way to do this is
to get a piece of timber and cut it to the height of your finished wall.
Next, mark 65mm lines (if using standard sized bricks) to determine
where each row (also known as a course) should be. Make sure these
are freestanding and in the ground at either end of your masonry wall.
Set up a string line from one gauging rod to the other. This will be for
your second row of bricks, as the first string will be sitting in the trench.
Make sure the line is straight and level with no sag.

• Mix Your Mortar

Next, mix your mortar on an old damp board. Make sure you follow
manufacturer instructions, as the strength of your wall can depend on
your mortar mix. The mortar should slip easily from your shovel,
although the mixture should be firm enough to hold its shape. Only mix
what you need and don't let the mortar sit for more than an hour or
two.Soak the bricks in water and let them drip dry. This will ensure that
they bond correctly with the mortar. Although, make sure that there is
no water running off the bricks as it can make the mortar too wet.[18]

• Lay Your First Brick

Once the foundation is dry, it's time to get started! Place mortar on the
foundation and make a 'v' shape along the mortar with your trowel.
Creating a 'v' shaped trench spreads the mortar out and makes it easier
to lay the course. Place the brick in the mortar and press it firmly into
place, taking care to make it level.

Grab the next brick and add mortar to the short edge before placing it
down hard up against the first brick. Tap it into place and remove any
excess mortar with your trowel. The remaining mortar can be reused as
long as it is free from any dirt or debris. Repeat the process for the first
course. Check that the bricks are flush using the spirit level. Also,
ensure you consistently keep 10mm of mortar between the bricks.
Otherwise, the strength of your wall may be compromised. [19]

• Repeat the Process to Build Your Brick Wall

Now it's time for the second course! Start the row by placing the cut
brick down on a bed of mortar. Make sure your string line is in the right
place, and the brick meets the string. Place the next brick, and check
that it is flush and continue. Repeat the process until you have
completed the second course.

Continue working your way upward until you reach the desired height.
Move the string line with each row and continuously check that your
wall is level. Don't forget to include the 10mm for mortar!

• Finishing Your Wall

Once you have reached the final height, it's time to add the finishing
touches. Depending on the purpose of your masonry wall, you may
decide to use different joining patterns. One example could be a soldier
course, where bricks are turned vertically, with the ends facing out.
There are many different variations you can use to improve the visual
aesthetics of your wall. Once you have all bricks in place, do a quick
spot check and patch any gaps with mortar along the wall using the

Go over the brick wall using a soft brush to remove any excess mortar
before it dries. Make sure you clean up any mortar that has fallen on
the ground too. You will also need to cover your wall overnight with a
tarp or polythene sheet to protect it from the elements such as rain or
frost. This is temporary and should only be needed for the first night.
If you're matching the brick to existing brickwork, you may need to tint
and/or weather the brickwork. This will already be covered in our
matching process.[20]

Fig.19 Wall construction site

Fig.20 Wall construction in Progress

3.2.3 Reinforcement Construction

Reinforcement construction typically involves placing steel bars (rebars)
within concrete structures to enhance their strength and durability. The
process includes determining the required rebar size, spacing, and
layout based on structural design, followed by cutting and bending the
rebars to the specified shapes. These rebars are then positioned within
the formwork before concrete is poured. Once the concrete sets, the
rebars provide tensile strength to counteract forces that could cause
cracking or structural failure.

Reinforcement construction involves adding reinforcing materials to

enhance the strength and durability of concrete structures. The process
typically follows these steps:

• Design: Determine the structural requirements and load-bearing

capacity of the concrete element. This includes specifying the type,
quantity, and placement of reinforcement.

•Reinforcing Materials: Choose appropriate reinforcement materials,

such as steel bars (rebars) or mesh, that are corrosion-resistant and
have the required tensile strength.[21]

•Placement: Position the reinforcement within the concrete formwork,

ensuring proper spacing and alignment as per the design specifications.
Rebars can be tied together to create a framework.

•Formwork: Construct formwork to shape the concrete element. The

reinforcement should be positioned within the formwork before
concrete is poured.

•Pouring Concrete: Pour the concrete mix into the formwork, making
sure it flows evenly around the reinforcement. Consolidate the
concrete to remove air pockets and ensure proper bonding with the

•Curing: Allow the concrete to cure and harden. Proper curing helps
prevent cracks and ensures the concrete's strength development.

•Finishing: After the concrete has set, the surface can be finished as
required. This might involve smoothing, texturing, or applying coatings.

•Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the reinforced concrete

structure to prevent corrosion of the reinforcement and address any
potential issues.[22]

Fig.21 Reinforcement construction

3.2.4 Roof Construction

The roof construction process typically involves several steps, including;

Design and Planning: Determine the type of roof, materials, and

architectural details. Create a blueprint or plan.

Framing: Build the roof's underlying structure, which includes trusses,

rafters, and beams. This provides the framework for the roof.
Sheathing: Install a layer of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB)
onto the roof frame to create a stable surface.

Underlayment: Apply a weather-resistant barrier, such as felt paper or

synthetic materials, to protect against moisture.[23]

Roofing Material Installation: Depending on the chosen material

(shingles, tiles, metal, etc.), install the roofing material according to
manufacturer guidelines.

Flashing: Install metal or other materials at vulnerable points, such as

roof intersections, to prevent water leakage.

Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to prevent heat and moisture

buildup in the attic space.

Insulation: If needed, add insulation to the attic to improve energy

efficiency and temperature control.

Finishing Touches: Complete any additional features, like gutters,

downspouts, and decorative elements.

Inspection: Have the roof inspected to ensure it meets building codes

and quality standards.[24]
Fig.22 Roof Construction



The construction of the Legacy Workshop is still under construction, but

meeting the project's objectives and specifications. This workshop
represents a significant addition to our organization's infrastructure and
will play a crucial role in preserving and passing down traditional
craftsmanship and skills to future generations.

Key Achievements:

Quality Construction: The construction adhered to the highest quality

standards, ensuring the durability and longevity of the workshop.

Safety Compliance: Strict safety protocols were followed throughout

the construction process, resulting in an accident-free project.


The Legacy Workshop serves as a testament to our commitment to

preserving and promoting traditional craftsmanship. Its completion
brings several important considerations for discussion:

Skills Transfer: The Legacy Workshop provides a dedicated space for

experts to pass on their skills to apprentices and enthusiasts. This
transfer of knowledge ensures the continuation of traditional crafts.

Cultural Preservation: The workshop helps safeguard cultural

heritage by preserving techniques and artistry that are at risk of being

lost in the modern world.
Economic Opportunities: The workshop has the potential to generate
economic opportunities by enabling artisans to produce unique, high-
quality products with traditional methods, thus supporting local

Community Engagement: Engaging the local community in the Legacy

Workshop's activities can foster a sense of pride and belonging, as well
as encourage new generations to explore and appreciate traditional

Sustainability: The workshop should consider sustainable practices in its

operations, including responsible sourcing of materials and energy
efficiency, to minimize its environmental footprint.

Public Access: Consideration should be given to allowing the public to

visit and learn about traditional craftsmanship in action, which can
further enhance its cultural and economic impact.


5.1 Conclusion

The Legacy Workshop Construction Project represents a pivotal

moment in the growth and development of our organization. With
careful planning, effective management, and a commitment to our
goals, we are confident in our ability to create a cutting-edge facility
that will serve as a legacy for generations to come. It is essential that all
team members and stakeholders work together seamlessly to
overcome challenges and achieve success in this endeavor for the of
the Student, Civil Engineering Department and Kogi State Polytechnic as
a whole.

5.2 Recommendation

Key points of recommendation from our experience and research on

the project are:

This project work should be documented and preserve so that the

successive students can source for information similar to their project
or format of writing theirs from them.

Any set or session should be obliged to carry out technical exercise as


Safety and welfare should be provided and enforced during the

technical exercise.

Fig.23 Ground floor plan

Fig.24 Workshop Architectural Design

Fig.8 The Workshop Architectural Design

[1] J. Y Richard Liew, Civil Engineering Handbook, London; CRC press,

[2] R. K. Rajput, "civil engineering construction" in strength of materials,

Revised edition, Vol 1,s. Chand, Mumbai ; S. Chand & co LTD , 2007, PP.

[3] G. S. Williams, (1987,Oct)."civil engineering Blog" [online].38(1), pp.

208-301.Available :WWW. Civil engineering Blog/civil/fly. Com [Aug,

[5] J. K. Ascher, the work, New York city; penguin press Hc, 2005

[6] D. K Francis, Building construction illustrated, 3rd Ed, New York :

Wiley press, 2002.

[7] J. E. Gordon ,"civil engineering" in structures, 1st Ed, New York :Da
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