Hirac and Jha

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: HRC-HLS-SAF-2021-01
Superseded: N/A
Revision No.: 00
Date Revised -
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Occupational Safety and Health Risk Identification Risk Assessment Risk Evaluation Additional Control

Legal Comp. Determination of Heirarcy Control
Applicable Legal and Hazard Risk Risk
No Main Activity Sub-Activity Identified Hazards Risk/s Existing Control Measures L S 1. Elimination 3. Engineering 5. PPE
Other Compliance Rating Category
2. Substitution 4. Administrative

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Assessor/s Name Position Title Signature Prepared By: Reviewed By Approved By


Area of Assessment:

Date and Time:

Type Hazard description Consequences
chemical splash onto skin, eye skin or eye iritation
chemical (high concentration) splash onto skin skin burnt
chemical (high concentration) splash onto eyes blindness
explosion Fatality
acute inhalation of vapor (short period of exposure to high concentration narcosis (unconsciousness), due to a repressive
of chemical vapour) - e.g. n-hexane effect on the central nervous system.
chronic inhalation of vapor (repeated or prolonged exposure to relatively Chronic effect - e.g. cause peripheral neuropathy
low concentration of chemical vapour) - e.g. n-hexane (disease of the peripheral nerves), an irreversible
Chemical effect
chronic inhalation of fume (repeated or prolonged exposure to relatively anaemia, a reduced ability of the blood to distribute
low levels of substance) - e.g. lead oxygen throughout the body
inhalation of toxic substance refer to CSDS
swallow (ingestion) of chemical refer to CSDS
fire Fatality
exposed to carcinogens - e.g. benzene leukaemia - cancer of blood-forming tissues
inhalation of smoke asphyxiation (acute lack of oxygen that can cause
exposed to X-ray cancer
exposed to excessive noise hearing impairment
exposed to high/low temperature hyperthermia / hypothermia
exposed to laser damage to the eyes, skin
exposed to microwave frequency (e.g. cellular tower), > permissible limit DNA damage
exposed to low frequency (1 to 300 Hz) no potential health effect as to date
exposed to infrared (gas cutting, welding, brazing, laser or furnace impaired vision or blindness
exposed to ultra violet (from welding) photoconjunctivitis (snow blindness)
exposed to ultra violet (from sun ray) sunburn / swelling (skin)
exposed to pathogenic virus (e.g. hepatitis virus) acquired hepatitis A / B / C
exposed to pathogenic virus (e.g. pricked with HIV contaminated syringe) AIDS

exposed to toxic plant (e.g. aconite, wolfbane, monkshood in contact with numbness, tingling, cardiac irregularity
Biological exposed to fungi (inhale fungal spore) allergy and asthma
exposed to pathogenic bacteria (e.g. e. coli (O157:H7) from water diarrhea, vomitting, stomach cramp
treatment activity)
exposed to pathogenic bacteria (e.g. typhoid fever bacteria from canteen typhoid fever
exposed to allergen rashes
repetitive motion cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) - tendonitis
awkward posture (e.g. twisting while lifting, bending over to lift, lateral or Physical injury
side bending)
wrong sitting posture back injury
vibration impact (e.g. pneumatic hammers, chain saws) CTD - Reynaud's Syndrome or white finger,
intermittent numbness and tingling, and eventual
loss of sensation and control in the fingers and
Ergonomics hands.
long hours on computer red eyes
forcefull hand exertion (handling tools that have handles with hard or CTD - Trigger finger, finger snapping and jerking
sharp edges) from carpentry or construction works movements
forceful hand exertion (twisting and forceful gripping motions with hands) CTD - De Quervin's Disease, pain, tenderness, and
swelling over the thumb side of the wrist, and
difficulty gripping
sexual harrasment mental stress
verbal harrassment mental stress
exposed to noisy / crowded workplace mental stress
having excessive load mental stress
exposed to conductive material electric shock
exposed to high static voltage electric shock
exposed to high voltage electrocuted
hit/poked by object/mass bodily injury
cut/poked by sharp object/edges bodily injury
hand drawn into rotating gears hand injury
finger drawn into rotating gears finger injury
finger caught in between moving shaft and stopper finger injury
Snake bite Fatality
lack of oxygen asphyxiation (acute lack of oxygen that can cause
fall from height bodily injury
fall on same level bodily injury
hit by falling object head injury
hit by vehicle bodily injury
stab/puncture by flying object bodily injury
stab/puncture by moving parts of machinery bodily injury
hand sheared between two machines hand injury
finger sheared between a machinery part and workpiece finger injury
finger drawn in between counter-rotating parts finger injury
finger caught in between rotating and fixed-parts finger injury
body caught in between materials in motion bodily injury
contact against hot surface skin burn
contact against abrasive material skin abrasion
finger crushed by moving parts finger injury
finger crushed by stamping machine finger injury
Likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s)
Likelihood (L) Percentage basis (estimation) Number of occurrence (actual)
1 Very unlikely The probability to happen is extremely small ( < 1% ) No case so far
2 Unlikely Could happen, however very rare ( 1 to 9% ) One case in 5 to 10 years
3 Likely Chances to happen is relatively high ( 10 to 59% ) One case in 1 to 5 year

One case within 6 months to 1 year

4 Most likely Can happen frequently ( 60 to 94% )
5 Certain Expected to happen ( 95 to 100% ) Once case in less than 6 months

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