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Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who lived in a village near the forest. Her
grandmother made her a beautiful red cloak with a big red hood which she wore it every time
she went outside, and so people called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, her mother told her to take a basket full of bread and butter to her grandma’s
house because her grandma was ill. Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. Then she
started to walk to the forest to her grandma’s house.. “ La, la, la, la, la, la, la”
On her way, she saw a wolf. “ Where are you going little girl?” Ask the wolf. “ I’m going
to my grandma’s house over there!”.
The wolf run off and got to into her grandma’s house first before the little girl did. The
wolf knock at her grandma’s door and use a little Red Riding Hood’s voice. “ I am Little Red
Riding Hood and I am to see you”. Said the wolf. Grandma let the wolf in and swallowed her.
Then the wolf lay down on grandmas’ bed waiting for Little Red Riding Hood.
After a while, Little Red Riding Hood arrived and knocked on the door. “ Who is it? “. Ask
the wolf. “It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood”, and she went in. “Grandma why are your ears and
eyes so big?”. “ In order to hear you better and see you clearly my dear”. But Grandma why are
your teeth so sharp?”. So I can eat you my dear! Roarrrrrrr!!!”. And the wolf swallowed Little
Red Riding Hood.
The wolf was full, he fell asleep and snored loudly. A hunter pass by and he thought
something grandma’s house and he thought something strange why does grandma snored
loudly? So she feel something different. He saw the wolf sleeping at grandma’s bed and that
was the wolf the hunter had been searching for many days. So he cut open the wolf’s belly and
Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother came out. They put some stones at the wolf’s belly
and covered it up. The wolf woke up and went out for water but he fell into the well and
drowned. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother live happily ever after.


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