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Normal 28 day cycle  after ovulation if there is sexual activity and fertilization
First 14 days - 1st phase of menstruation it will become one (1) cell (sperm and egg cell) called
14th day - ovulation (release of the egg cell) zygote
If fertilization occurs it will stop here. If there is, it will  the conception/pregnancy will start and the
continue menstruation stop.


o first sign of pregnancy
3rd Day of Menstruation o absence of menstruation
the estrogen and progesterone level is very low It will Spotting
send signal to hypothalamus to stimulate Follicle Stimulating o (implantation bleeding) - small amount of
Hormone Releasing Factor that triggers the APG Anterior
Pituitary Gland to produce the first hormone the Follicle
Stimulating Hormone. FSH will activate the ovary to 1. mittelschmerz - sticky secretion. highly elastic. changing
produce estrogen (so that the level of estrogen will increase) the discharges or the mucus. tenderness in lower abdomen
2. spinnbarkeit - tenderness in lower abdomen. increasing
Why estrogen is needed? For the maturity of the egg cell. To temperature
promote the development of Graafian Follicle (where the egg
cell mature). Graafian follicle will rupture during the ovulation Natural method of planning
period.  mucus
 basal body temperature
 Ovum/ Oocyte - mature egg cell  mittelschmerz
 Nagrelease ng oxygen, the level will rise. And if the
estrogen is high, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) thick lining of endometrium
will thicken in preparation for implantation. - for preparation of pregnancy. abundant by blood
supply. rich in nutrients from blood supply
13th Day of Menstruation - to protect the sperm cell during for possible
the level of estrogen is high, progesterone is low fertilization
sends signal to hypothalamus it will trigger Luteinizing
Hormone Releasing Factor(LHRF) to active the APG to 2nd stage
produce the 2nd Hormone the Luteinizing hormone which  corpus luteum - graafian follicle raptured transformed to
promotes ovulation. yellowish body. process for 7 days after ovulation
 luteal phase (post ovulatory phase) - period after
14th Day of Menstruation ovulation
estrogen and progesterone are both high (level) the
new mature ovum will push into the surface of the ovary if there is no fertilization in corpus lutuem it will start again in
earlier stage. the progesterone and estrogen will rapture
then; Graafian Follicle ruptures thereby releasing the
again because of no fertilization. the progesterone and
mature ovum (oocytes) this process is called OVULATION /
estrogen will low again

the thick lining will generate to collapse because the vessel

will rapture because of the no blood supply and the tissue will
o if there’s sexual contract, fertilization, union of egg
die. it happens during the 24th and 25th day of pregnancy
cell and sperm cell it will become one (1) cell.
o the first human cell
 necrosis - dead tissue
o beginning of pregnancy/conception
 ischemic phase - the lining will fall and will start again in
cycle of menstruation
 if there is no sexual contact or fertilization the cycle will
continue in 2nd phase
APPEARS DURING MENSTRUATION (the first human cell ) and this zygote will undergo
 blood from raptured MITOSIS (into 2 daughter cells) and this will developed
 blood vessels into many more cells inside called BLASTOMERES
 mucus
(about 16-50)- kapag marami na syang na release
 fragments (endometrial tissue)
magiging MORULA na sya ( Stage of MORULA- (3rd – 4th
 in fertilized ovum
day this will travel towards uterus/ implantation
 many and big blood clots - not normal namagiging BLASTOCYST and later on will developed
 menstrual flow does not contain blood clot unless heavy into placenta and fetus.
Zygote – embryo – fetus – 280 days = birth/delivery
 during ejaculation millions sperm cells release
 deposited in female reproductive system during sexual  Ovulation on the 14th day of menstruation
activity o ovary will release mature cell called ovum/
 with the aid of semen travel to cervix or uterus. they oocytes
will penetrate the egg cell to fallopian tube and ampulla
o transfer/ catches by the fimbriae/ fallopian
 while on the way the other sperm cells decline or die.
only hundreds can make until fallopian tube to meet the
 Fertilization- is the union of the eggcell and spermcell.
egg cell 
Byproduct of fertilization is Zygote- (1 HUMAN CELL)
 Mitosis – is the process in which a cell will become 2 daughter
Capacitation cells
 during the process the head of sperm cell changes  Blastomeres – development of the multiplication of many more
 there’s oval shaped head and small head cells. Every 22 hours it multiplies into 16-50 cells
 1 sperm cell can enter egg cell. the tail of the sperm cell  Morula – travels to the uterus for implantation
th th
 8 – 9 day of fertilization = implantation
will be removed and only the head will remain
 Blastocyst
 in order to penetrate the sperm release chemical to
o EMBRYOBLAST DISK- inner cell mass
destroy the protective layer of egg cell called ZONA
PELLUCIDA (inner)/CORONA RADIATA (outer) o TROPHOBLAST CELL- an outer layer
o The trophoblast will later on develop the placenta and

After implantation, this will be secreted: When getting tested if

pregnant this hormone will be looked for: (HCG) Human Chorionic
 HCG signals the corpus luteum to continue producing
progesterone which helps to maintain pregnancy.

Implantation – occurs in the upper uterine segment (fundal portion)

- 2/3 cases implants are in the Posterior surface
- 1/3 cases at the Anterior surface

 Partial Placenta Previa = partially covers the cervix

 Complete Placenta Previa = completely covers the cervix
 Ovulation- fertilization-Zygote –Mitosis- Blastomeres-
Morula-Blastocytes Spermcell – determines the gender of the offspring
(XX) = Gynosperm – oval head (X chromosome = with FEMALE)
During ovulation on the 14th day of menstruation the (XY) = Androsperm – small head (Y chromosome = with MALE)

ovary will release mature cell called ovum/ oocytes and

this will be transfer/ catches by the fimbriae/ fallopian
tube. Once there’s FERTILIZATION (process of the union
of egg and sperm cell ), this cell now become ZYGOTE

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