Air Pollution

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Air pollution: 1.volatile organic matters 2.sulfur dioxides 3.

nitrogen oxides
Driven by industrial emissions, coal-fired power plant, heavy traffic emissions.
Burning fossil fuels led to increased particulate matter.

Water Scarcity&pollution: Rapid industrialization and population growth

have resulted in population of water bodies. Driven by industrial discharge and
agriculture runoff contaminating rivers and lakes. Water Scarcity – is a concern
in many regions particularly in the north region, since Overexploitation and
Inefficient Water Management Practices.

Deforestation and Biodiversity loss: Primarily contributed by

1. Urbanization 2. Infrastructure Development 3. Agriculture Expansion.
This has led to habitat loss and decline in biodiversity, threatening numerous
plant and animal species.

Land Degradation: 1. Desertification 2. Soil Erosion 3. Land Degradation –

particularly in north and western regions, * Unsustainable Farming Practices,
Overgrazing, Land Mismanagement contribute to the loss of fertile soil and
reduced agriculture productivity.

Climate Change: China is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases,

primarily due to its heavy reliance on coal and fossil fuels for energy production
and industrial activities. Although China has made efforts to transition to
cleaner energy sources, the scale of its energy demands still poses a significant
challenge in reducing carbon emissions.

Overfishing and Marine pollution

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