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Scientists have three ways to measure global warming. Since 1960, they’ve used
satellites. For data since 1880, they also have reliable weather monitoring

For data going back a million years, they drill ice cores from glaciers. These
cores reveal the amount of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes for each age.
Scientists can calculate the average temperatures from those samples.

Paleontologists can also roughly measure the earth’s temperature from fossil
records. The closest comparison is the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum.
It was the era between the end of dinosaurs and the rise of mammals. Over
5,000 years, between 4 trillion and 7 trillion tons of carbon were released. The
difference is that humans have released the same levels of carbon over
hundreds, not thousands, of years.

The temperature rose between 5 C and 8 C, but it took place over thousands of
years. At current rates, it will rise by 5 C in just 400 years.

As the planet warmed, it triggered a chain reaction. It released reservoirs of solid

methane buried in seafloor sediments. Wildfires released more carbon dioxide. It
increased global temperatures by at least 41 F. Large animals went extinct and
smaller ones thrived. For example, the horse survived because it evolved into a
smaller version of itself. It went from the size of a large dog to a small house cat.
It took more than 150,000 years for the carbon dioxide levels to recede to more
normal levels.

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs also triggered global warming. Its impact
vaporized limestone and incinerated forests. So much carbon dioxide was
released that it took 100,000 years for the Earth's climate to return to normal.

All these measurements tell the same story – the temperature is rising faster than
at any other time in the Earth's history.

Not only is the temperature rising quickly, but it’s accelerating. Two-thirds of the
increase happened after 1974. The 10 warmest years since 1880 have all
occurred since 1998, with nine occurring since 2009.

The colder zones are warming even faster than temperate or equatorial zones. In
the past 60 years, Alaska has warmed by 1.7 C or 3.06 F. That's twice as fast as
the rest of the United States.
Global warming causes climate change. That's created more extreme weather,
health risks, a rise in the sea level, and higher food costs. If global warming
exceeds 2 C, it will create climate destabilization. Melting icecaps and thawing
tundra will create a feedback loop that leads to a permanent hothouse Earth.

Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases trap the Sun's heat radiation and reflect it back to earth. In
April 2019, the C02 level was 411 parts per million.

In 1850, the CO2 level was 278 parts per million. Since then, humans have
burned colossal amounts of plant-based fuels such as gasoline, oil, and coal.
That releases the C02 the plants had absorbed during their lifetimes.

The amount of greenhouses gases already in the atmosphere means that

temperatures will keep rising even if we stop emitting today.

The last time CO2 levels were this high was in the Pliocene era. Sea levels were
66 feet higher, there were trees growing at the South Pole, and the temperature
was between 3 C and 4 C higher than today. It takes time for temperatures to
rise in response to greenhouse gases. It's like turning on the burner to heat the
coffee. Until greenhouse gases are reduced, the temperature will continue to
climb until it’s 4 C higher.

Despite what some say, sunspots do not cause global warming. Neither does El
Nino, which is instead worsening because of global warming. In past
millennia, warming was caused by shifts in the earth's orbit. That hasn’t
happened this time.

Effects of Current 1 C Warming

The last time the planet was this warm was 116,000 years ago, during the
Eemian Age. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were much smaller,
sending the sea level around 8 meters, or 26 feet, higher. That's enough to put
New Orleans, Miami, and Amsterdam underwater.

Why isn't the sea level that high now? Warming has happened so fast that the ice
hasn't had time to fully melt. It's like putting an ice cube in hot coffee, it doesn't
melt instantly. Over thousands of years, ice will continue to melt unless the
temperature is reduced.
Global warming is already having major effects in four main areas: extreme
weather, health risks, sea level rise, and food inflation. Between 2007 and 2017,
it’s cost the U.S. government $350 billion.

Extreme Weather

In July 2018, heat waves set new temperature records all over the world. Climate
scientists were shocked by their severity.

Droughts in North Africa and South America is killing crops and drying up water
sources. This is creating a global security threat, as people migrate to survive.
Disengaged youth are particularly vulnerable to radicalization. The California
drought raised nut and fruit prices. Midwest drought killed off corn crops, raising
the price of beef Pests have weakened forests, allowing more destructive

Since 2000, U.S. hurricane damage has exceeded $700 billion.

Ironically, rapid Arctic warming increases blizzard frequency in North America. It

splits the polar vortex, a zone of cold air that circles the Arctic. That sends cold
Arctic air upon New England and Europe. Warmer ocean temperatures add
moisture, creating bomb cyclones.

Health Risks

Global warming contributes to 150,000 deaths each year. It climbs to 12.6 million
deaths if you add the impact of pollution and extreme weather. By 2030, that
number will double.

One in every nine people faces hunger caused by crop failure. Heat-related
deaths alone kill 650 Americans each year.

Health care costs are higher for 50 million asthma and allergy sufferers. Plants
now produce more pollen, including larger and more allergenic "super pollen.”
Between 1995 and 2015, the pollen season has increased by 25 days in some
areas of the country. By 2040, pollen counts will double by 2040. Stanford
University professor Mark Jacobson estimated that 20,000 people die from air
pollution for every 1 C rise in global temperatures.

Disease-carrying pests are spreading, carrying West Nile virus, malaria, and
even bubonic plague. Over the past 12 years, mosquito, flea, and tick-borne
illnesses have tripled to 640,000. Lyme disease is now in all 50 states with a 20-
fold increase in Maine.
Flooded sewage systems have caused higher rates of hepatitis C, SARS, and
hantavirus. Research in Siberia discovered that some of the permafrost doesn't
refreeze in the winter. It could be a source of diseases that have been frozen for

Sea Level Rise

In 2016, winter sea ice fell to a record low. That has led to rising sea
levels and flooding of coastal cities.

In February 2017, North Pole temperatures rose 45 F above normal. The Bering
Strait was ice-free. The absence of sea ice contributes to "Arctic
Amplification." The dark water absorbs the sun's radiation and further heats the

In Antarctica, glaciers have been losing their mass at an "unusually rapid" rate.
Between 1992 and 1996, the Pine Island Glacier lost thickness at a rate of 1.6
meters per year. That’s 42 times faster than the rate for the last 4,700 years. In
2015, the continent lost 183 gigatons of ice. That's 36 gigatons more than it lost
in 2008.

Food Inflation

North American and European wheat, corn, and rice crops lose up to 25% for
each 1 C increase. Global warming increases damage to crops from insects,
drought, and heat.

As the oceans warm, they hold less oxygen. Since the 1950s, these "dead
zones" have expanded by 4.5 million square kilometers. As a result, many
popular species of fish stay near the oxygen-rich surface or head north. Shellfish
and coral reef inhabitants can’t move. Oceans are also absorbing carbon dioxide,
making them more acidic. That’s killed off half of the world’s coral reefs in the last
30 years.

Longer growing seasons seem to benefit farmers in Alaska, Scandinavia,

Canada, and Russia. But early springs are often accompanied by seasonal frost.
In addition, plants don’t benefit from the lower levels of winter sunshine. Some
also need a long winter to rest and restore their vitality. As a result, they have
lower nutritional value.

It’s also become more expensive to drill for oil in Alaska's North Slope. The
equipment, buildings, and pipelines are designed to operate on the frozen
ground. When it thaws, this equipment doesn’t work well.
Impact of 2 C Warming
If man doesn’t cut back on greenhouse gas emissions, the average temperature
will reach 2 C in 2037. Even if the world stopped emitting gases immediately, the
temperature will hit that level by 2100. There is already enough greenhouse gas
in the atmosphere to make that happen.

Temperature increases would not be spread evenly. The Arctic would warm by 6
C. Around 85% of the ground in Alaska is permanently frozen year-round. When
it thaws, the waterlogged ground becomes soft and collapses. By 2025,
the Arctic would be ice-free during the summer. Russia plans to use the faster
Arctic route to export liquefied natural gas from northwestern Siberia to
China. President Putin forecast that Russia plans to ship 80 million tons along
that route by 2025. But he, and others who think they will benefit from climate
change, are ignoring all the other perils they will face.

The U.S. Southwest would warm by 5.5 C, creating near-permanent

"superdroughts." Almost 40% of the world’s population would be pummeled by
extreme heat waves. More than 400 million people would suffer from severe
urban drought. Another 80 million people would be flooded from rising sea levels.
This would create 200 million climate refugees.

At that temperature, 98% of coral reefs would die off. That would cost the global
economy $1 trillion each year. The reefs support the livelihoods of 500 million
people in 50 nations. It also supports many other marine species. Without coral
reefs, most of them would go extinct.

In 1975, Professor William Nordhaus first warned about the economic impact of
global warming. He predicted that doubling carbon dioxide, as we have, would
increase temperatures by 2 C.

Hothouse Earth

A 2 C increase would risk hitting a tipping point that would trigger "hothouse
Earth". A large portion of the polar ice caps would melt, increasing sea levels.
Droughts, deforestation, and warming oceans would release massive amounts of
natural sources of greenhouse gases. This would create a feedback loop that
could raise the temperature by 5 C in the long-term

The thawing of the Arctic permafrost would accelerate, releasing centuries of

frozen greenhouse gases. The chain reaction of increased heating and thawing
that would be unstoppable. The thawing ground would also release twice as
much toxic mercury as the rest of all soils, atmosphere, and ocean combined.
Climate Destabilization

Warmer oceans could shift the North Atlantic current away from Europe. Most of
Europe is north of the U.S. state of Maine. Without the warm waters of the
current, Europe would become as cold as Newfoundland.

Impact of 2.5 C and 3 C Increase

If the global temperature rises by 2.5%, then the world’s gross domestic
product would fall 15% from 2010 levels. If it rises 3 C, global GDP would fall
25%. That’s the same as during the Great Depression, but it would be

Impact of a 4 C Increase
By 2100, the World Bank said the temperature will rise by 4 C if nothing is done.
Global GDP would decline by more than 30%.

The U.S. National Climate Assessment said the temperature would rise 5.5 C, or
10 F, by 2071. The Arctic temperature would rise by 10 C or 18 F. The sea level
would rise one foot per decade, too fast to allow humans to build anew. Once the
sea level rises 10 feet, it would flood 12.3 million people.

California and the Great Plains would experience a new, permanent Dust Bowl.
Some areas would experience 131 F heat waves. Wildfires would burn 64 times
as much as they did in 2018.

It will lead to the worst famine since World War II. At least 20 million people will
starve to death or die of dehydration.

A global investor's group warned it would cost it members $23 trillion in global
economic losses. The total damage would exceed $600 trillion, double the total
wealth of everyone on the planet. That would shrink the global economy by 20%
from what it is today. But GDP would be the least of everyone’s problems.

What You Can Do

Almost three-fourths of Americans believe global warming is real. Almost 65%
say it's affecting U.S. weather. Around 45% think it poses a severe threat in their
lifetime. More than one in five are very worried about global warming. Another
54% of Americans believe humans cause global warming. Only a third think it's
from natural causes.
In the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement, nations agreed to keep temperatures from
reaching an increase of 2 C. They would prefer to keep the increase below 1.5 C.
The Climate Clock shows that, at current rates, we will reach 1.5 C in 15 years.

If you want to support efforts to reduce global warming, there are some simple
steps you can take today. Cut your heating bill by living in a small house and
ensuring it has good insulation. Buy Energy Star home appliances. Eat less
meat. Purchase more local products to cut down on emissions from shipping.
Turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use.

The way you drive and maintain your car can significantly improve mileage. Keep
the tires inflated, change the air filter, accelerate slowly after a stop, and drive
under 60 miles per hour. That will reduce your emission of greenhouse gases.
The April 9, 2007, article in the economist, "Mean Machine," offers more great
tips for being an environmentally aware car owner.

You can also become carbon neutral. The United Nations program Climate
Neutral Now allows you to offset all the carbon you've emitted by purchasing
credits. It helps you calculate your specific carbon footprint. These credits fund
green initiatives throughout the world. You can select the specific project that
interests you. You can also plant trees. Donations to Eden Reforestation plants
trees in Madagascar. That gives the people income, rehabilitates the habitat, and
save lemurs and other species from extinction.

If you want to get more ambitious, you can sue the government. On April 9, 2018,
the Colombian Supreme Court ruled that the government must create a plan to
combat climate change. The plan must also address deforestation in the
Amazon. The Supreme Court referred to the Amazon as an “entity subject of
rights.” It gives the river the same rights as a human being. An international
human rights organization, Dejusticia, was responsible for the lawsuit creating
the ruling.

Global Warming: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Umair Shahzad, Riphah

College of Engineering & Technology, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
I. Introduction
The continuous rise in temperature of the planet is
really upsetting. The root cause for this is global
warming. Global warming begins when sunlight
reaches the Earth. The clouds, atmospheric particles,
reflective ground surfaces and surface of oceans then
sends back about 30 % of sunlight back into the space,
whilst the remaining is absorbed by oceans, air and
land. This consequently heats up the surface of the
planet and atmosphere, making life feasible. As the
Earth warms up, this solar energy is radiated by thermal
radiation and infrared rays, propagating directly out to
space thereby cooling the Earth. However, some of the
outgoing radiation is re-absorbed by carbon dioxide,
water vapours, ozone, methane and other gases in the
atmosphere and is radiated back to the surface of Earth.
These gases are commonly known as greenhouse gases
due to their heat-trapping capacity. It must be noted that
this re-absorption process is actually good as the Earth’s
average surface temperature would be very cold if there
was no existence of greenhouse gases. The dilemma
began when the concentration of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere was artificially increased by humankind
at an alarming rate since the past two centuries. As of
2004, over 8 billion tons of carbon dioxide was pumped
thermal radiation is further hindered by increased levels
of greenhouse gases resulting in a phenomenon known
as human enhanced global warming effect. Recent
observations regarding global warming have
substantiated the theory that it is indeed a human
enhanced greenhouse effect that is causing the planet to
heat up. The planet has experienced the largest increase
in surface temperature over the last 100 years. Between
1906 and 2006, the Earth’s average surface temperature
augmented between 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius, however
the last 50 years saw the rate of temperature increase
nearly doubling. Sea levels have shown a rise of about
0.17 meters during the 20 century. The extent of
Arctic sea ice has steadily reduced by 2.7 % per decade
since 1978 [1].

out per year. Millions of pounds of methane gas are

generated in landfills and agricultural decomposition of
biomass and animal manure. Nitrous oxide is released
into the atmosphere by various nitrogen-based
fertilizers including urea and diammonium phosphate
and other soil management utilizations. Once released,
these greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for
decades or even longer. According to
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
carbon dioxide and methane levels have increased by 35
% and 148 % since the industrial revolution of 1750.

II. Greenhouse Effect

While other planets in the solar system of the Earth
are either roasting hot or bitterly cold, Earth's surface
has relatively mild, steady temperatures. Earth enjoys
these temperatures because of its atmosphere, which is
the thin layer of gases that cover and protect the
planet. However, 97 % of climate scientists and
researchers agree that humans have changed the Earth's
atmosphere in dramatic ways over the past two
centuries, resulting in global warming. To understand
global warming, it is first necessary to become familiar
with the greenhouse effect. As Fig.1 depicts, the natural
greenhouse effect normally traps some portion of heat
in such a way that our planet is safe from reaching
freezing temperatures while human enhanced
greenhouse effect leads to global warming. This is due
to burning of fossil fuels which increase the amount of
greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and oxides
of nitrogen) present in the atmosphere [2].

Abstract-Many researchers, engineers and environmentalists are expressing deep concerns about
changes in the overall
climate of the planet. Fossil fuels are being continuously used to produce electricity. The burning
of these fuels produces
gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides which lead to global warming.
Deforestation is also leading to
warmer temperatures. The hazard of global warming is continuously causing major damage to
the Earth's environment.
Most people are still unaware of global warming and do not consider it to be a big problem in
years to come. What most
people do not understand is that global warming is currently happening, and we are already
experiencing some of its
withering effects. It is and will severely affect ecosystems and disturb ecological balance.
Because of the treacherous
effects of global warming, some solutions must be devised. The paper introduces global
warming, elaborates its causes and
hazards and presents some solutions to solve this hot issue. Above all, alternative energy
sources (solar, wind, hydro,
geothermal, bio mass) need to be seriously pursued. Finding and using renewable sources of
energy is one of the methods
to combat the ever increasing global warming effectively.

Keywords: Climate, fossil fuels, deforestation, global warming, alternative energy sources

Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)

August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

Fig.1 Types of greenhouse effects [2]

The trade of incoming and outgoing radiation that

heats up the Earth is often referred to as the greenhouse
effect because a greenhouse works in a similar way
(Fig.2). Incoming ultraviolet radiation easily passes
through the glass walls of a greenhouse and is absorbed
by the plants and hard surfaces inside. Weaker infrared
radiation, however, has difficulty passing through the
glass walls and is trapped inside, therefore, warming the
greenhouse. This effect lets tropical plants prosper
inside a greenhouse, even during a cold season [2].

Fig. 2 Plants embodied in a greenhouse [3]

A similar phenomenon takes place in a car which is

parked outside on a cold sunny day. Incoming solar
radiation warms the interior of the car but outgoing
thermal radiation is trapped inside the closed windows
of the cars. This entrapment basically warms up the car.
This trapping occurs in such a way that the hot air does
not rise and does not lose energy though convention
[2].This phenomenon is depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Greenhouse effect example [4]

In the words of Michael Daley, an Associate

Professor of Environmental Science at Lasell College:
"Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation,
and are in significant enough quantity, can force the
climate system. These types of gas molecules are called
greenhouse gases”. Carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases act like a mantle, absorbing infrared
radiation and preventing it from escaping into the outer
space. The net effect is the regular heating of the Earth's
atmosphere and surface.
The greenhouse effect, combined with increasing
levels of greenhouse gases and the resulting global
warming, is expected to have philosophical
implications. If global warming continues unrestrained
and nothing effective is done to limit this evil, it will
cause significant climate change, a rise in sea levels,
extreme weather events and other ruthless natural,
environmental and social impacts [2].
III. Greenhouse Gases: A Hazard
There are many greenhouse gases which are mainly
emitted by human activity. The first and foremost in the
list is carbon dioxide. Excessive burning of fossil fuels
like coal and oil is the major factor for producing this
gas. Moreover, deforestation i.e. removal of trees for
acquiring lands also causes large amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Cement manufacture also
contributes carbon dioxide to atmosphere when calcium
carbonate is heated generating lime and carbon dioxide.
The second culprit gas is methane, commonly known as
natural gas. It is produced as a result of agricultural
activities such as livestock digestion, paddy rice
farming and use of manure. Methane is also produced
due to improper management of waste. Nitrous oxides
are generated mainly by fertilizers. Moreover,
fluorinated gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
are chiefly a result of various industrial processes and
refrigeration [5], [6]. Fig.4 shows pictorially the
distribution of greenhouse gases. These gases are
playing their negative part in increasing the havoc of
global warming. They are continuously causing an
increase in the earth’s temperature.

Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)

August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

Fig.4 Distribution of greenhouse gases [7]

IV. Causes of Global warming

The major cause of global warming is the
greenhouse gases. They include carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxides and in some cases chlorine and
bromine containing compounds. The build-up of these
gases in the atmosphere changes the radiative
equilibrium in the atmosphere. Their overall effect is to
warm the Earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere
because greenhouse gases absorb some of the outgoing
radiation of Earth and re-radiate it back towards the
surface. The net warming from 1850 to the end of the
20th century was equivalent to nearly 2.5 W/m with
carbon dioxide contribution about 60 % to this figure,
methane about 25 per cent, with nitrous oxides and
halocarbons providing the remainder. In 1985, Joe
Farman, of the British Antarctic Survey, published an
article showing the decrease in ozone levels over
Antarctica during the early 1980s. The response was
striking: large scale international scientific programmes
were mounted to prove that CFCs (used as aerosol
propellants in industrial cleaning fluids and in
refrigeration tools) were the cause of the problem. Even
more important was abrupt international action to curb
the emissions of CFCs.The second major cause of
global warming is the depletion of ozone layer. This
happens mainly due to the presence of chlorine-
containing source gases. When ultraviolet light is
present, these gases dissociate releasing chlorine atoms
which then catalyses ozone destruction. Aerosols
present in the atmosphere are also causing global
warming by changing the climate in two different ways.
Firstly, they scatter and absorb solar and infrared
radiation and secondly, they may alter the
microphysical and chemical properties of clouds and
perhaps affect their lifetime and extent. The scattering
of solar radiation acts to cool the planet, while
absorption of solar radiation by aerosols warms the air
directly instead of permitting sunlight to be absorbed by
the surface of the Earth. The human contribution to the
amount of aerosols in the atmosphere is of various
forms. For instance, dust is a by-product of agriculture.
Biomass burning generates a mixture of organic
droplets and soot particles. Many industrial processes
produce a wide diversity of aerosols depending on what
is being burned or generated in the manufacturing
process. Moreover, exhaust emissions from various
sorts of transport produce a rich mixture of pollutants
that are either aerosols from the outset or are
transformed by chemical reactions in the atmosphere to
form aerosols [8].
V. Global Warming: The Effects
Predicting the consequences of global warming is
one of the most difficult tasks faced by the climate
researchers. This is due to the fact that natural processes
that cause rain, snowfall, hailstorms, rise in sea levels is
reliant on many diverse factors. Moreover, it is very
hard to predict the size of emissions of greenhouse
gases in the future years as this is determined majorly
through technological advancements and political
decisions. Global warming produces many negative
effects some of which are described here. Firstly, extra
water vapour which is present in the atmosphere falls
again as rain which leads to floods in various regions of
the world. When the weather turns warmer, evaporation
process from both land and sea rises. This leads to
drought in the regions where increased evaporation
process is not compensated by increased precipitation.
In some areas of the world, this will result in crop
failure and famine particularly in areas where the
temperatures are already high. The extra water vapour
content in the atmosphere will fall again as extra rain
hence causing flood. Towns and villages which are
dependent on the melting water from snowy mountains
may suffer drought and scarcity of water supply. It is
because the glaciers all over the world are shrinking at a
very rapid rate and melting of ice appears to be faster
than previously projected. According to
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
about one-sixth of the total population of the world
lives in the regions which shall be affected by a
decrease in melting water. The warmer climate will
likely cause more heat waves, more violent rainfall and
also amplification in the severity of hailstorms and
thunderstorms. Rising of sea levels is the most deadly
affect of global warming, the rise in temperature is
causing the ice and glaciers to melt rapidly. This will
lead to rise of water levels in oceans, rivers and lakes
that can pilot devastation in the form of floods [6].
As evident from Fig. 5, temperature anomalies are
projected to increase in coming years. Before, the 20
century, the situation was well under control but the
beginning of the current century, the situation started to
worsen .This was all due to increase in global warming
majorly due to the fact that new industries and power
houses started operation and emitted harmful gases
which cause the planet to heat up. This data is based on
Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)
August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

the research carried out by different climate and

environmental research agencies.

Fig. 5 Global warming projections by various

Science and Engineering research agencies [9]
Similarly, Fig.6 elaborates the risks and impacts of
global warming in years to come. As can be inferred
from figure, we are currently experiencing severity of
extreme climate events in the form of thunderstorms,
floods and earthquakes. This destruction will take a
sharp hike if nothing is done to stop this menace. Fig. 7
depicts global mean temperature in the recent years
according to National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). The trend clearly puts up a
serious question for us. How will we survive on earth
given the rise in temperature to prevail?

Fig. 6 An assessment of the relative impact and risks

connected with global warming. Five categories are
assessed. The bars are colour-coded to show level of
impact/concern for each factor as a function of
temperature increase [9]

Fig. 7 Recent global mean temperatures according

to NASA [10]
VI. Effects on Living Beings
Global warming can severely affect the health of
living beings. Excess heat can cause stress which may
lead to blood pressure and heart diseases. Crop failures
and famines, which are a direct consequence of heating
up of earth, can cause a decline in human body
resistance to viruses and infections. Global warming
may also transfer various diseases to other regions as
people will shift from regions of higher temperatures to
regions of comparatively lower temperatures. Warmer
oceans and other surface waters may lead to severe
cholera outbreaks and harmful infections in some types
of sea food [11].
Moreover, it is an established fact that warmer
temperatures lead to dehydration which is a major cause
of kidney stones. A medical team from
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia examined the
health proceedings of more than 60,000 Americans
alongside weather records. They discovered that
individuals were most likely to be hospitalized with
kidney stones three days after a temperature rise. Since
1994, kidney stone incidence has risen from about one
in 20 people to one in 11. This trend is likely to increase
as the globe gets hotter. According to Luis Ostrosky,
M.D. of the Division of Infectious Diseases at The
University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston
Medical School and medical director for epidemiology
at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Centre: “One
infection that is definitely making a weird pattern is
valley fever”. In his words, “This is a fungal infection
we used to see only in California, Arizona, New
Mexico and a little in Texas, but last year we found it
for the first time in Washington State.”This potentially
deadly condition caused apprehension in California
when the number of cases increased drastically during
2010 and 2011. Valley fever infections have been on
the rise, probably because of warming climates and
drought causing dust storms. Dry soil and wind can
carry spores that spread the virus. Hotter and drier
climates are projected to increase the amount of dusting
carrying this disease. Researchers have already noticed

Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)

August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

a rise in mosquito-borne disease like dengue fever and

malaria due to warmer and longer summers. Perhaps the
most prominent mosquito-borne disease, West Nile
Virus, has already experienced a sharp increase in
annual cases. According to the U.S. Centres for Disease
Control and Prevention, the summer of 2012 was the
nastiest West Nile season on record,. The likely reason
was that summer's scorching heat and drought. Lyme
disease is another dangerous disease which is
transmitted mainly through bites from certain tick
species [12].
Fig. 8 describes in the form of a block diagram that
how alterations in global climate can affect human
health. The bitterest fact is that it can cause various
diseases and deprive human beings of the food.

Fig.8 Potential impacts of global climate change on

human health [13]
Global warming is also affecting animals. They
need to move to cooler places in order to survive. This
process has been observed in various places, for
instance, in the Alps, in mountainous Queensland in
Australia, and in the misty forests of Costa Rica. Fish in
the North Sea have been reported to move northwards
too .The impacts on species are becoming noteworthy
to such an extent that their movements can be used as a
sign of a warming world. They are the silent witnesses
of the swift changes being inflicted on the Earth.
Scientists and researchers predict that global warming is
gradually damaging the ecosystems of various species
and is playing a very unconstructive role in making
them extinct. For instance Asia’s only ape – the orang-
utan – is in bottomless trouble. Its last remaining
strongholds in the rainforests of Indonesia are being
endangered by a range of pressures, including climate
change, putting the animal at the menace of extinction
within a few decades. With global warming continually
increasing the duration and frequency of droughts,
bushfires are occurring more often in these heavily
logged forests, further fragmenting the orang-utan’s
living domain. Similarly, in Africa, elephants face a
series of threats including shrinking living space, which
brings them more regularly into divergence with people.
With this reduced living space, elephants will be unable
to escape any changes to their natural habitat caused by
global warming, including more common and longer
dry periods, placing further pressure on their survival
VII. Alternative Energy Sources
The hazards caused by global warming are
tremendous. Excessive use of fossil fuels such as coal,
natural gas and oil play a part in it too. The usage of
fossil fuels should be discontinued immediately. The
most significant solution to put an end to this disaster is
the use of alternative energy sources. They include
wind, solar, bio mass, geothermal and hydro. The most
noteworthy point in using these sources is their clean
nature. They do not produce any sort of pollution or
toxic gases that can lead to global warming. They are
environmentally friendly and pose no threat to
ecological balance. However, their high installation
and setup costs may drive energy companies away from
them at first but in the long run they are surely
beneficial for everyone. Most importantly, fossil fuels
will deplete one day and sooner or later, we have to turn
to renewable energy sources for energy production.
Thus, the eventual solution to end global warming is to
use alternative energy sources. Fig. 9 depicts in a
pictorial way that earth can be saved from the hazards
of global warming if we utilise renewable energy

Fig. 9 Save earth from global warming by using

renewable energy sources [15]
To counteract the medical hazards of global
warming, it is essential to turn to renewable energy
sources. Public, in general, should be responsible about
their decisions on energy conservation methods. This
will ensure a healthy atmosphere and stable climate for
our future generations. Governments should devise and
pass policies which encourage the energy companies
and people, in general, to use renewable energy instead
of conventional energy, Nongovernmental organisations
(NGOs) should distribute pamphlets to people
motivating them to use alternative sources of energy
and discourage them from using fossil fuels. They
should also explain to them the hazards which the usage
of fossil fuels will cause. Many developed countries are
already generating huge amounts of power using
Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)
August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

renewables. These countries should extend their helping

hand to developing countries to combat the evil of
global warming collectively. Using renewable energy is
the most effective way to curtain the emission of gases
which play a major role in global warming.
Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show that the use of renewables
is gradually increasing. The figure should be much
more than present so that we can tackle the problem of
global warming timely and effectively.

Fig. 10 World fuel consumption in recent years [16]

Fig .11 Projected world energy mix in 2030 [17]

VIII. Other Solutions
As elaborated earlier, toxic emissions are a major
cause of global warming, A likely solution to reduce
harmful emissions is to cut the usage of vehicles which
produce them. This has not been met with much success
as many people refuse to cut down their practice of
using cars. No doubt, some people have started to use
bicycles and public transport, whereas some other
prefer to walk but these numbers are relatively small. It
should be noted that fuel economy and emission rates
are chief factors to consider regarding the car choice.
Hybrid cars have higher efficiency and lower emission
rates. Keeping the tires inflated will help improve
mileage and air filters should be frequently replaced to
cut down harmful emissions. People should share the
ride with friends or co-workers to reduce the total
number of vehicles on the road. Print and social media
can play an effective role in curbing the problem. It
should use the philosophy of automobile advertisements
to encourage drivers to conserve energy and reduce
pollution. Awareness campaigns can be started using
placards, posters and logos similar to shown in Figures
12-14. They are a very useful way to demonstrate that
global warming is not good for the planet. Recycling is
also a good way to reduce global warming. People
should use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable
ones. Quality products should be bought that have a
long life. Shopping should be done from local markets
which reduce transportation. Even small individual
efforts like lowering the thermostats in winter and using
compact fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent
lamps can aid to address the issue of global warming.
Reforestation schemes must be started to grow a large
number of trees. Forest degradation and deforestation
must be discouraged at government level. Nuclear
power is also a possible solution as this power results in
fewer emissions but this method should be used with
care as it can lead to severe accidents therefore, the
major hurdle is to overcome the security, propagation,
waste disposal and high costs of nuclear power if this
method has to be made practical [1].

Fig. 12 shows symbolically how global warming is

causing the earth to melt [18]

Fig. 13 showing a symbolic representation to stop

global warming [19]

Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)

August Vol 1 Issue 4, Year 2015

Fig. 14 depicting that how human beings are

destroying the earth for their own benefits [20]

IX. Conclusion
The scientific and environmental community is on
the same page regarding the bitter reality of global
warming and the involvement of human factor in it.
The paper discussed here has only dented the surface of
what is a very intricate line of scientific and engineering
exploration. Global warming is a big hazard and
appropriate measures must be taken to tackle this
serious problem. This problem is not only causing
trouble to the human beings but also to animals and
plants. Melting of polar ice caps will lead to floods
which can cause mayhem everywhere. Rise of sea
levels will devastate agricultural and fishing activities.
To embark upon these problems, some remedial steps
must be timely taken which include but are not limited
to the use of renewable sources of energy and stopping
deforestation. Innovative solutions must be brought
forward to end this hazard once and foreve

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