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System Process Document

Comparing Applicants

File Name 692482392.docx
Document Generation Date 1/22/2018 8:56:00 AM
Date Modified 1/22/2018 8:56:00 AM
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Comparing Applicants

You can use the Applicants Comparison Report to analyze the profiles of applicants. By default,
you can compare the profiles of two or three applicants. You can compare information such as
work preferences, skills matching the vacancy requirement, education qualifications, interview
details, offer details, and location preferences.

In this topic, you will compare applicants.

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System Process Document
Comparing Applicants


Step Action
1. Begin by navigating to the Recruitment Home page.

Click the iRecruitment Manager link.

2. Use the Recruitment Home page to manage vacancies, offers, search for
vacancies and candidates, and view notifications. You can track recruitment
progress using a summary of the recruitment transactions that the dashboards

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System Process Document
Comparing Applicants

Step Action
3. Click the Select to show information button.

4. Click the 3 link.

5. Use the View Applicants page to view details of applicants and application
progress for a vacancy.

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System Process Document
Comparing Applicants

Step Action
6. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

7. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

8. Click the Select Applicants: button.

9. Click the Applicant Name option.

10. Click the Compare Applicants button.

11. Use the Compare Applicant Profiles page to compare applicants for a vacancy
to analyze their skill sets, education
qualifications or application details.

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System Process Document
Comparing Applicants

Step Action
12. Click the vertical scrollbar.
13. You can choose to compare all the regions or select only the required regions.
14. Select the required template
and click Go. The File Download window appears. You can either save the PDF
to your local machine or view the report directly.
15. Click the Select a Template list.

16. Click the iRecruitment Comparison Report for 3 Applicants list item.

17. Click the Go button.

18. Click the Open button.

19. Use the Applicants Comparison Report to analyze the profiles of applicants.

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System Process Document
Comparing Applicants

Step Action
20. Click the vertical scrollbar.
21. You have successfully compared applicants.
End of Procedure.

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