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Retelling by Arthur P. Casanova based on the story told by Datu Abdul Sampulna, a Maguindanaoan
from the City of Cotabato (1983)

Once upon a time, there was a man named Usman. He was believed to live in a distant sultanate and
was a slave. Usman is brave, strong, tall, and brown. Above all, he is honest.

One morning, Usman decided to visit the market near the palace of the ruling sultan named Zacaria.
Sultan Zacaria has a bad attitude. He is cruel and ugly looking. Unable to accept his form, he decreed
that all men who were superior to his physical form should be cut off and disappear.

In the market, Sultan Zacaria's men found Usman. The men quickly reported to the sultan about their
sighting of Usman who they thought was more handsome than the sultan. The sultan immediately
ordered to imprison Usman and then kill him. The men immediately obeyed the sultan's order.

When Potre Maasita saw Usman, the young daughter of the sultan, he immediately felt love the first
time he met the young man. He hurried to his father, the sultan, begging for forgiveness and to release

"Have mercy, Father, let Usman go. He is innocent," the girl begged her father.

But the sultan was cruel. He did not listen to his son's pleas. "Nobody can stop it to me," he said to
himself."Hu, hu, hu, maawa ka sana

to Usman, Father," the lament by Potre Maasita but it’s not

the sultan ignored him. It hardened against his will. Potre Maasita tried to think of a way to prevent the
death of the man she loved so much. He secretly sent messages to the guards but they conveyed all of
them to the sultan. As a result, the sultan was furious. Because he is truly cruel, he ordered that Potre
Maasita be imprisoned as well. In prison, Usman and Potre Maasita had a chance to become closer to
each other. Their love for each other intensified. At that time the final decree came out. Death thethe
sultan judged for them. While the sultan was on his way to the oom where the two were to be hanged,
suddenly shook violently. The palace shook and the place collapsed. The whole palace was pulverized.

A large rock fell on the sultan's head causing his sudden death. It was a cruel death for a cruel man.

Meanwhile, Usman and Potre Maasita try to break free from prison. When they got out, Usman didn't
hesitate. Fast as lightning, he helped the wounded and the dead. On the other hand, Potre Maasita also
helps the orphaned and those who need help and care.

When the situation returned to normal, the people cheered them. "Long live Usman! Long live. Potre
Maasita!" their praise and gratitude to Usman and Potre Maasita. Lavis their joy when they realized
Usman is a kind person and Potre Maasita has a good will. The next day, a wedding took place. Usman,
who was a slave, became sultan and Potre Maasita was appointed sultana.

Since then, the sultanate has been blessed with love along with prosperity throughout the kingdom. The
people found beauty and prosperity in contrast to the past where ugliness and cruelty prevailed.

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