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The Growth of Management Thought

Prepare for Matriculation Class

Definitions of Management

“Art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is

done the best and cheapest way” - F.W. Taylor
“To Manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to
co-ordinate and to control” - Henry Fayol
”Management is work and as such it has its own skills, its own
tools and its own techniques”.“
“The art of getting things done through others” - Mary Parker
Management is….

The process of using

resources to achieve the
organizational’s goal
The Fundamental Concept
of Management

Organization: People Working

together and coordinating their action
to achieve specific goals

Goal: a desired future condition that

organization seeks to achieve.
Types of Organization

Profit-Oriented Organization

Non Profit-oriented Organization


Characteristics of Management

Management is a managerial process

Management is social process

Management is action-based

Management involves achieving

results through the efforts of others

Management is a group activity

Characteristics of Management

Management is pervasive

Management is an art, science as well

as profession

Management aims at coordination of


Management is innovative
Characteristics of Management

Management is different from


Management is dynamic

Management aims to achieve

predetermined objective
Management Process
(4 Functions of Management)
• What to be done; How and Where is to be done
• Who is to do It
Planning • How the results are to be evaluated

• Arrangement of different aspects of business operation

Organizing to achieve planned objective

• Select the right man to right place

Leading • Appraise and develop the personnel

• Evaluate how well the organization is achieving its goal

Controlling • Takes corrective action to improve performance
Types of Management

Functional Based
The Role of Management

Interpersonal Informational Decisional

Coordinate & Obtain & Plan & Utilize

Interact Transmit Resources

Monitor, Entrepreneur,
Leader & Liaision Disseminator and Disturbance
Role Spoke person handler, Allocator
Role & Negotiator
Management Skills

Conceptual Skill

Technical Skill

Human Skill
Challenge for Management




Ethics & Social Responsibility

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