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PROJECT ; Chiller replacement 8000RT FLOOR / SLAB NO. LP+0.


CLIENT ; DCAP BUILDING NAME; Chiller Building ( East side )

Slab Thickness (cm) 30

Covering of concrete (cm) 4


fy ksc 4000

fc' ksc 204

β= ksc 0.85

k = β 6120/(6120 + fy) 0.514

m = fy / 0.85 fc' 23.07

ρ max = 0.75 k / m 0.017 SHORT LONG

ρ = 0.5 ρb 0.011 External(-Mdisc) Middle(+M) Continious(-Mcont External(-Mdisc) Middle(+M) Continious (-Mcont)

Bending Moment Mu (kg.m/m) 8100.0 2800.0 8100.0 3500.0 1500.0 3500.0

Effe deep (actual) (cm) 25 23

Effec Depth of Slab. (Req) (cm) 15.226 8.952 15.226 10.009 6.552 10.009

Check depth of Slab (O.K / No) O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K

Ru = Mu / Φbd² ,b = 1 m, Φ = 0.9 ksc / m 14.40 4.98 14.40 7.35 3.15 7.35

ρ require = (1- (1-2xRu/ 0.85 fc' ) )/m 1/m 0.0038 0.0013 0.0038 0.0019 0.0008 0.0019

Require As = ρbd cm²/m 9.41 3.16 9.41 4.32 1.83 4.32

Minimum Re-Bar As = cm²/m 5.4 5.4

Provide As cm²/m 10.47 10.47 10.47 10.47 10.47 10.47

Provide Dia of Re-Bar ( RB / DB) DB 20 20 20 20 20 20

Spacing Of Re-bar m 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30

Check As and spacing of Re-bar Pass/ No Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass


DB20@0.30 End L/4 L/4 DB20@0.300 Cont (add)

1.1875m 1.1875m


DB20@0.30 Mid span SHORT SPAN


DB20@0.30End L/4 L/4 DB20@0.300 Cont(add)

1.1875m 1.1875m

DB20@0.30 Mid-span LONG SPAN

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