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Pre-Wrath Rapture Defined In A Nutshell:

Pre-Wrath Rapture can also be described as the RAPTURE BEFORE THE DAY OF THE LORD,
the Day of the Lord is an event or a period that Bible refers to a time when it
shall come as a "thief in the night".
PAUL (1 Thes.2:1-9) AND OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Rev.6:12-16, and Rev.7:9-17). It
is what Jesus said as "after the tribulation of those days" but it does not mean
that it is after the 7 year tribulation period or considered as "Post-Tribulation".
But to be clear, the phrase "7 year tribulation period" is, quite frankly,
confusing and misleading, because it LUMPS every major event together into what we
all know is "70th week of Daniel" is, which is a indeed a seven year period. But
that week is clearly and generally divided into two halves. And Jesus Himself
further divided that 7 year period into another 2 distinct periods. 1) The Birth
Pangs or the Tribulation of Those Days", and 2) Great Tribulation. And it is clear
that both Daniel and Jesus put together makes it clear that the "gathering
together" is at the SECOND HALF of this 7 year period (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-
28)... and Paul confirms what Jesus said that the "Catching together" or the the
rapture is AFTER the Anti-Christ is revealed ( 2 Thes.2:3-4), which the Book of
Revelation cements this truth better that the appearance of multitudes in heaven
(see Rev.7:9-14) which perfectly fits what Paul said that we (the Christians are
"not appointed unto wrath" (1 Thes. 5:9) which happens BEFORE the wrath of God
comes upon the world (see Rev. 6:7). This period is also called the beginning of
the Day of the Lord or the Day of Christ. A period so horrible that the prophets of
old said that mens hearts will "fail" out of fear (Luke 21:26).

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