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1. Describe the setting. Provide as many details as possible.

The setting is in a city at 8 p.m. in November 2053.

2. Describe the society in which Leonard Mead lives.
In society, not many people are social as they barely interact with one another and they
mostly stay at home being isolated from others.

3. List as many literary devices as you can find. Use direct quotes.
Imagery, Simile, and Alliteration are a few of the literary devices I could find. This book
shows imagery since it states in the book “On his way walking, he would see the cottages and
homes with their dark windows, and it was not unequal to walking through a graveyard where
only the faintest glimmers of firefly light appeared in flickers behind the windows". This quote
tells us imagery is used since it is very descriptive to the point where the reader can visually
understand what happening.
Simile was used in this book as it states “he would stride off, sending patterns of frosty
air before him like the smoke of a cigar.” This is a simile because he is comparing sending
patterns of frosty air with the smoke of a cigar.
Alliteration was used in this book as it states “only the faintest glimmers of firefly light
appeared in flickers behind the window”. It is alliteration because it shows how little light there
is within people's houses.

4. Explain the possible reasons that Leonard Mead does not fit into this society.
He doesn't fit into society because he is an outgoing individual who enjoys face-to-face
communication while others around him use technology as a source of communication. He likes
spending most of his time outdoors while his neighbours stay inside.
5. Bradbury uses repetition of words and images to establish the tone or mood
of the story. What is the tone? What specific words or images does Bradbury
repeat to help establish the tone of the story? Identify at least three words or
The tone of this book is shown as being isolated. Bradbury described the streets as
deserted streets, telling us the mood is silent. Some other words he used in the book to set the
tone were grey, whispers, and more.
6. Mead is taken to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive
Tendencies. What does “ regressive” mean? Why would he be taken there
just for walking down the street?
The regressive tendency is when one's behaviour is out of date and they don’t behave in a
conventional manner. Leonardo chooses wisely what shoes to wear at night, he likes walking at
night and he doesn't own a television.

7. How does this short story fit into the sci-fi genre?
Sci-fi is a genre that talks about futuristic concepts such as advanced technology. This
book was written in 1951 but talks about how a man's life would be in 2053 based on the
changes they see right now.
8. Explain the following quotes
A) “The tombs, ill-lit by television light, where the people sat like the dead, the grey or
multicoloured lights touching their faces, but never really touching them”
This quote tells us how he compares everyone to the dead which means everyone behaves
the same. It also states how everyone stays in one spot for a long time watching television.
B) “They passed one house on one street a moment later, one house in an entire city of houses
that were dark, but this one particular house had all of its electric lights brightly lit, every
window a loud yellow illumination, square and warm in the cool darkness. That’s my house,”
said Leonard Mead.”
This quote states how Lenardo’s house has all its lights on, curtains up, and windows
open compared to his neighbours whose houses are dark. It tells us that every house in the city
was dark and looked the same except Lenardos.

9. Identify a possible theme for this story and support it with textual evidence in
a well-written paragraph. You will hand this paragraph in for evaluation.
In a dystopian society, “The Perdestrian” displays the advancement of technology and
how it has changed the general function of society. The theme of technology vs. human
individuality is explored by Leonardo, who is shown walking through the society describing
technological advancements. In this society, people have all their needs easily accessible within
their house and they do not feel the need to come out and socialise. In the book, Bradbury states
“The street was silent and long and empty, with only his shadow moving like the shadow of a
hawk in midcountry. If he closed his eyes and stood very still, frozen, he could imagine himself
upon the centre of a plain, a wintry, windless Arizona desert with no house in a thousand miles,
and only dry river beds, the streets, for the company” which tells the readers how technology has
consumed humans so much, to the point where they rarely come outside making Leonardo feel
as if he's in a desert with no one around him. The author is describing how, from his point of
view, he imagines society to be so controlled by technology that people refrain from
communicating with one another and instead stay isolated at home and spend all of their time
using their devices. As per the examples, it is evident that in this dystopian society, humans are
indulged with technology changing the norms of a society to where human induviduality lacks

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