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Element Fact Sheet Name:Satvik Sriramagiri

Question Answer

1. Element Name Sodium

2. Chemical Symbol Na

3. Atomic Number

4. Avg. Atomic Mass 22.99

5. # of Protons 11

6. # of Neutrons 12

7. # of Electrons, if Neutral 11

8. # of Valence Electrons 1

9. Melting Point (°C) 97.720

10. Boiling Point (°C) 882.9

11. Normal Phase/Standard State Solid

12. Current Cost (___ for ____) 15 to 20 cents per pound

13. Classification: Metal, Metalloid, Non-Metal Metal

14. Family/Group Number & Name

Alkali metals, group 1A

odium comes from the English word soda and the Latin word so-
15. Origin of Element Name
danum which means headache remedy

16. Discovered By (Person)

Humphry Davy

17. Discovered when (Year) 1807,
tions/how-many-valence-electrons-does-sodium-have, https://
18. Source(s) of Element
%20of,tarnish%20when%20exposed%20to%20air., https://scien-

General Description of Element (1 Paragraph/5 Sentence Minimum)

Sodium is a soft, silvery, white metal with the symbol Na and atomic number 11. It is the most common alkali
metal and the sixth most abundant element on earth. It can be highly reactive and can be easily cut with a knife.It
can float on water, but it will react violently when it comes into contact with water. Sodium disappears as soon as
its exposed to air.

Other Facts to Know about your Element… (Include important uses, interesting facts, common compounds, etc.)

1. Sodium is used as a heat exchanger in some nuclear reactors

2. Sodium compounds include: Table salt, Baking Soda, Washing Soda, and Borax.

3.Sodium is mainly found in its cationic form Na+

4. Sodium metal reacts with water to produce hydrogen gas.

5.Sodium burns with a bright yellow light. Sodium is used in fireworks to produce a bright yellow sparks.

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