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//Client File

Isaac Bernal
Fundamentals of Programming 2
Professor Lara
This program demonstrates the use of linear search on a list of faculty members' first name, last
name, and I.D.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "Faculty.h"
using namespace std;

//Function Prototypes
void welcome();
int LinearSearch(Faculty[], int, string);
int getData(Faculty[], const int );
void getKey(string&);
void printData(Faculty[], int);

int main() {
const int SIZE = 50;
Faculty instructorArray[SIZE];//Class Array
ifstream inputfile;//to access files
string searchKey;//user's search
int lcount;//total members in array
int keyCount;//location of last name


lcount = getData(instructorArray, SIZE);


keyCount = LinearSearch(instructorArray, lcount, searchKey);//counter/location that is

returned is stored in keyCount
if (keyCount == -1)//validation
cout << "\n**oopsie daisy, Try again!**\n";

}while(keyCount < 0);

printData(instructorArray, keyCount);

return 0;

//Function Definitions

void welcome()
cout << "\t\t_-_Welcome To Faculty Member Search_-_\n\n";

//To Receive the last name and search through array to find the matching last name
// Returns the counter in which the last name sits on the array
int LinearSearch(Faculty listArray[], int size, string key)
int counter;

for (counter = 0; counter < size; ++counter) //loop to access each the objects in array
if (listArray[counter].getLastName() == key)//When name is found matching the array variable
return counter;
return -1;//if not found

//Reads the text file and store in array
//returns the counter of total members of the array
int getData(Faculty arrayN[], const int SIZE)
istringstream inSS;//each members data is in a single line
ifstream inputfile;// to access txt file"list.txt");
string lineString;

string fName , lName;//stores its own data from file

short iD;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < SIZE)
getline(inputfile, lineString);//stores each line of data in a string
inSS.str(lineString);//stores buffer in string
inSS >> fName >> lName >> iD;//assign to each variable

arrayN[counter].setFirstName(fName);//set to class to be stored



counter = counter +1;



return counter;

void printData(Faculty fArray[], int keyCount)
cout << "\tName: " << fArray[keyCount].getLastName() << ", " <<
fArray[keyCount].getFirstName() << "\n\tFaculty I.D.: " << fArray[keyCount].getID();

//Asks user for the last name
void getKey(string& sKey)
cout << "Enter Last Name of Faculty Member: ";
cin >> sKey;
//* --- This file is the IMPLEMENTATION FILE ---

#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "Faculty.h"

//Class Function Definitions

void Faculty::setFirstName(string f)
firstName = f;

void Faculty::setLastName(string l)
lastName = l;

void Faculty::setID(short i)
facultyID = i;

string Faculty::getFirstName()
return firstName;

string Faculty::getLastName()
return lastName;

short Faculty::getID()
return facultyID;
--- This file is the SPECIFICATION FILE ---

#include <string>
using namespace std;

#ifndef FACULTY_H
#define FACULTY_H

class Faculty
string lastName;
string firstName;
short facultyID;
void setFirstName(string f);
void setLastName(string l);
void setID(short i);
string getFirstName();
string getLastName();
short getID();


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