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How to do well in TV program planning

How to do well in TV program planning

Careful planning is the highlight of the program, it is an effective way to improve the
quality of the program, expand the influence and popularity of the program, and
correctly guide public opinion. Only by breathing with the times and beating with the
pulse of the audience can program planning maintain the vitality of TV programs and
programs for a long time. So how do you do a good job of TV program planning? Get
up and understand:

How to do a good job in TV program planning

1. In-depth analysis and positioning, scientific and reasonable planning

We can understand TV program planning in this way. It is an operational plan for TV

writers to use the information they have already mastered through systematic analysis
of the society and the public. It is not a specific reporting activity, but the process of 1
forming a reporting plan or mode setting decision. The planning can be divided into
two specific types: one is the micro-level, that is, the planning of reporting methods;
the other is the macro-level, that is, the planning of large-scale feature films or the
planning of column setting modes.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. To plan well, you must have
a strategic vision, aim at the goal, analyze the objective situation in depth, set the
program name, program category, program theme, and program goals correctly, and
set the program form, program style, program characteristics, and program appeal
objects. , Narrative methods, host style, program composition, program length,
program marketing, program publicity, broadcast time, as well as logistical support,
financial support, cooperation and coordination, etc., must be comprehensively
considered, rationally planned, and finally established Scientific operating
specifications and efficient operating mechanism.

2. Grasp the pulse of the times and adapt to the needs of the audience

Any piece of TV work or archive TV column is produced under a certain historical

How to do well in TV program planning

background, indirectly or directly reflecting the political, economic, cultural

background and natural and human environment of that era. Therefore, TV program
planning must clearly recognize the mainstream of the times and deeply grasp the
characteristics and requirements of the times. Only in this way can the program face
more audiences and have a broader spreading space.

As we all know, when designing a new product, the needs of consumers must be
considered. Disconnected from demand, it is bound to be unable to produce a best-
selling product. Planning a TV program is the same. The planner should first
understand and master the needs of the audience. It is necessary to conduct in-depth
analysis of the production and life, regional cultural characteristics, national
psychology, customs, aesthetic tastes, and value orientation of specific audiences in
the coverage of the broadcast media. Only in this way can it be marketable and
successful. For example, for many accomplished young people and white-collar
workers, their marriage has become a social problem due to their hard work in their
careers and the improvement of their own requirements. Many TV stations launched
blind date programs in due course and quickly became popular.

In recent years, the field of our lives has undergone tremendous changes, and people
have all kinds of confusions... If TV programs want to gain the support of the audience, 2
they must adjust their own direction and launch some in-depth report programs to
answer the audience's doubts. , Really came into people's hearts. With the increase of
TV channels, the enrichment of programs, and the intensification of competition.
Viewers have the right to choose channel programs anytime and anywhere. Once the
content of the program makes them lose interest, they will immediately switch
channels. As far as a program is concerned, in the past, directors and reporters often
conceived the report content according to the chronological order or the linear logic
of the development sequence of events. Now, we should first consider what kind of
exciting point to start with, and what kind of radical changes are embedded in each
paragraph. , Emotional points, trigger points. Through the dots to create ups and
downs and rhythms, let the concept experience pleasure and pleasure between the
low point and the ups and downs of the climax.

3. Highlight the individuality of the program and find the "selling point" in the

Specific process of TV program planning, The fundamental purpose of TV program

How to do well in TV program planning

A planner or a planning team should first keep in mind the fundamental purpose of
planning a TV program. There can be no slight changes in the purpose of the plan, and
the planning direction should not be biased. The planned TV program comes from the
planner and is used by the audience. From the beginning to the end, the road in the
middle must be a straight line, so as to be able to handle the connection between the
TV program and the audience. So, to do this well, we require our planners to have a
very clear understanding of the conditions and environment along the way during the
process of repairing this section of the road, and to have a good grasp of the situation
before the road can be repaired straight.

First, have individuality and lead the trend

Second, seeking truth and being pragmatic

Our goal is the general public. Only when we treat our audience with a sincere heart
can we get good support and good ratings. The aesthetic ability of the audience must
not be underestimated. There is a saying: the eyes of the masses are always discerning,
which tells us that no matter when, we must not deceive our audiences or deceive our
audiences, because of the essence of the existence of TV programs. It is to get the
support of the audience. Once the masses are lost, it means that this TV show, and 3
even this TV media, will face very big troubles, or even go to death. Therefore, it is very
important to be truth-seeking and pragmatic, and to treat the audience sincerely.

Third, learn to respond wisely

In today's complicated and changeable era, we must learn to deal with it wisely. In our
lives, it can be said that things that change are changing all the time. If our eyes are
not sharp enough, if our minds are not wise enough, as a person If the program planner
does not have this, his TV programs may not meet the development needs of the times,
and her programs will become extremely passive. Planners should have a keen mind
on the changes of the times, and have a good insight into the direction of the changes
and the trends in people's hearts. In the face of changing times, planners cannot lack
a keen mind. The planner must have a comprehensive grasp.

The specific process of TV program planning

If you want a TV station to gain a foothold in today's fiercely competitive era, the most
How to do well in TV program planning

important and essential thing to watch is whose TV shows have more audiences and
higher ratings. Since the development of TV programs and the development of TV
stations are inseparable from this step of planning. In this way, the plan is required to
have a scientific and reasonable process and orderly steps.

First, set planning goals

If you are planning a plan, you must have a clear goal. Only after you have a clear goal
can you have a direction for action, what kind of goal you want to accomplish, where
your goal is, and which direction you should go in. When formulating planning goals,
we should fully consider various factors. Your goal is to achieve what kind of social
effect you want to achieve, and what you want to express. Do you want people to have
an educational effect after watching it, or do you want to express a social phenomenon,
or express your own opinions or suggestions, or encourage or encourage people, or
just want people to enjoy entertainment after reading it Just relax.

Second, make a plan to implement the goal

After setting the goal, the next step is to figure out and make a specific plan for how
to achieve the goal. When formulating an action plan, at this time, we must fully 4
consider various realistic factors. After understanding the goal, the action plan also
requires an effective plan to achieve the goal. The action plan to be implemented
should take into account practical factors, and see if the plan you make is feasible in
reality, and whether your plan is too sloppy and unreasonable? Is it feasible to combine
multiple factors. The action plan should be formulated scientifically and reasonably.

Finally, ensure effective implementation

With a clear goal and a practical plan of action, the most important thing now is to
implement the plan. Once the plan is determined, we must carefully organize and
implement it. Whether we can achieve the final victory and the final success depends
on now. The intensity of implementation. It should be realized that if the
implementation is not good, all the efforts to establish goals and formulate plans will
be wasted. Implement the plan, to ensure that each plan is fully implemented. In the
process of implementation, some traditional laws should be followed. Of course, what
should be done is to dare to innovate boldly, only to combine some traditional
experience and modern culture. Only after a good combination will it be favored by
modern audiences.
How to do well in TV program planning

The planner must ensure that the subjective factors of the implementation process do
not affect the effect of the implementation, and do not determine and judge things
with their own subjective consciousness. This will form an egoism. They must analyze
and deal with problems calmly, calmly and wisely; planning The readers should try
their best to respect objective facts and objective laws, and remember to make
mistakes in Fan's subjective judgments. As long as the two aspects of interference are
dealt with properly, then the whole plan will be a satisfactory result.

Methods of TV program planning

1. Determine planning goals

The planning steps start with the hypothetical goals, then formulate strategies, policies,
and detailed internal operation plans to achieve the goals, and finally include the
evaluation and feedback of the effectiveness, and then return to the starting point and
start the first plan. Second cycle. The goal is to test the success of the plan. The process
of establishing goals is also the process of news planning. The plan must be formulated
after clarifying the goals of news planning. For example, if we develop a planning plan, 5
we must first clarify what the overall goal is, what the sub-objective is, what kind of
publicity effect is to be achieved, how to correctly guide public opinion, and what to
give to the audience. Feelings. The clearer the goal, the easier it is to operate and
execute, and the more it can ensure the correct orientation. Before formulating a plan,
we must have a unified understanding, and all participants must abide by the unified

Identifying the audience positioning is a prerequisite for determining the goal. In the
past, we hoped to make programs suitable for all ages and suit the tastes of all
audiences. Actually, this is impossible because the current society is advanced in
information and there are many kinds of communication methods. Entering the age of
focus, having a specific audience group should be the pursuit of TV people. To
determine the positioning of the program, we must consider the audience's viewing
habits, age, gender, and cultural level, as well as regional differences.

2. Develop a planning plan

The second step is to formulate a plan, that is, a planning plan. In addition to clarifying
How to do well in TV program planning

the guiding ideology and objectives, it also includes determining content requirements.
This is the core part of the planning plan; program style, including program style,
program genre, program duration, program structure, Program production, program
packaging techniques, and completion time limits, etc. These are the requirements of
the planning plan for the quality standards; the implementation of personnel, funds,
interview equipment and transportation, etc., which are the emphasis of the planning
plan on safeguard measures; organizational leadership, some plans It is proposed to
set up a leading group and set up an office under it, or set up a temporary editorial
board, program group, this is the organization and implementation of the planning

3. Seriously implement it

After the plan is determined, it must be carefully organized and implemented. The
starting point of our work is to make high-quality programs and maximize the
characteristics of TV. Follow the law of TV creation, do a good job of on-site interview
shooting, post-production packaging, and finally arrange the broadcast. In order to
better implement the plan, we need to operate from many aspects: it is the
implementer who has to make thoughtful and meticulous preparations. The more
detailed the preparation, the faster the implementation and the better results. The 6
second is to make gradual progress in the implementation process and avoid rush and
rashness. The third is to be able to comply with the plan in the implementation process,
but not completely adhere to the plan. The fourth is to pay attention to the publicity
effect, that is, in the interview, shooting, and production process, the TV means must
be fully utilized in order to obtain the best effect and benefit after the program is
broadcast, such as the picture, soundtrack, commentary, subtitles, and credits. The
application and combination of various TV creative elements such as, credits, etc.
should strive to be novel, unique, unconventional, and full of changes, which will
brighten people's eyes and bring strong visual impact.

Principles of TV program planning

1. Be new and different

The angle is peculiar. The angle should be novel and unique, and the planning should
consider the advantages and characteristics of one's own position, so as to choose the
best angle to cut in, especially good at creating unique ways, not picking up people's
How to do well in TV program planning

teeth, and not sticking to stereotypes and bad habits. Second, the content is fresh. It's
not enough to have unique perspectives and novel forms. Content is of the utmost
importance. Nowadays, TV is an era where “content is king”. The key to the success or
failure of a TV program is the content, the form and the way of expression serve the
content. This can be done. It is said that only by making great efforts to practice
"intention" to make our TV programs have new ideas in content and allow viewers to
have new discoveries, new enlightenments, and new gains in watching the programs,
can our programs win the audience. . The third is novel packaging. The prominent role
of packaging in commodity transactions is obvious. Television must also pay attention
to packaging. The overall packaging of the program is not ordinary, and the channel
publicity must be vivid, vivid, and in place.

2. Seek truth from facts

TV program planning, especially TV news program planning, must follow the laws of
news, proceed from reality, and seek truth from facts. News program planning is based
on the authenticity and accuracy of news. News is essentially an objective reflection
of news facts, and news planning cannot violate the basic laws of news. A "pragmatic"
attitude should become the basic quality of news planners. We say that good news is
planned. It is planned on the basis of facts and following the principle of authenticity. 7
If you do not follow the principle of authenticity, make assumptions, fabricate news
facts, and create false news, then your plan will be successful. It is also in vain. In order
to avoid news "distortion", we must grasp the "degree" of planning. The topic selection
must conform to the current relevant policies, and the reporting methods, editing
methods, and posting intensity of the editing and editing must be appropriate and
reasonable, so that news reports can achieve the best reporting effects without
violating the laws of news. Only by grasping the degree can the planning play its due
role, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

3. Be adaptable

After the planning scheme is formulated, in the implementation process, it can also be
adjusted in time according to the changed situation. Timely adaptation is something
that the planner needs to pay attention to in the process of planning news programs.
Because news is a report of facts that have just happened and is happening, it is
constantly changing, and new situations will appear anytime and anywhere. This
requires planners to make corresponding amendments and changes to the plan in time,
and implementers must also have contingency measures.
How to do well in TV program planning

"Bing is expensive." The law of news is to report in a timely and rapid manner. News
planning must also follow this iron law. Seizing the opportunity, generating wisdom in
an emergency, and responding quickly are also basic requirements for planners.
Regarding the report of Liu Xiang's participation in the Beijing Olympics, CCTV planned
carefully in advance. If it succeeds in defending the title, it will immediately take Liu
Xiang from the Bird's Nest to the CCTV News Studio by helicopter, but to everyone's
surprise, Liu Xiang started the preliminaries. At the moment, I retired due to injury, but
CCTV quickly adjusted accordingly. Future programs focused on tolerance and
understanding, which not only guided public opinion, but also made sports no longer
carry heavy politics, and returned the true colors of sports.

How to correctly plan TV programs

The meaning and function of TV program planning

The so-called TV program planning refers to the overall planning and demonstration
of the production and operation processes of TV programs, such as topic selection,
filming, production, and broadcasting and sales, by planners in accordance with the
laws of operation of TV programs, and finally form a kind of instructive copywriting. 8
TV behavior. The functions of TV program planning are summarized in the following

First, planning provides a new concept and management system for the production
and operation of TV programs. These concepts, such as the socialization of TV time
slots and the marketization of program operations, have impacted the concepts and
models of traditional TV program production and operation, while also providing new
ideas for TV programs. Let's take documentaries as an example. After the reform and
opening up, China's earliest "Documentary Editing Room" column opened up the
horizons of domestic TV people, and then various local TV stations began to launch a
series of programs. From "Eastern Time and Space" to "Looking at the Great Wall" to
today's "Hundred Schools Forum" and "Yizhongtianpin Three Kingdoms", the concept
of commemoration and common people's consciousness have become various trends
of thought, various forces and representative tendencies in TV program production.
Among them, the credit for the planning behavior is the most important.

Second, through TV program planning, a batch of Chinese famous brand programs and
high-quality programs have been created. These programs can be called the
How to do well in TV program planning

cornerstones of the Chinese TV program building, and some are even milestones, such
as "Tell the Truth", "Happy Dictionary", "Lucky 52", "Dialogue", "The Same Song" and
so on. These programs are for Chinese audiences. His spiritual and cultural life has had
an important impact.

Third, through TV program planning, the style of Chinese TV programs has been
enriched. Taking the "reality show" program as an example, if there is no planning, I
am afraid that the Chinese version of the "reality show" program is still out of reach of
Chinese TV audiences. It can be said that the top ratings of China's "Lu Yu You You" and
"Xiao Cui Talking about Things" can be said to rely entirely on high-quality planning to
attract the audience's attention. While another "reality show" show "Into the Shangri-
La" appeared to be thunderous and rainy in the end, the original intention of the plan
was still very good, and its various unsatisfactory aspects just contradict the
importance of planning.

In short, from the point of view of the entire process from the production of TV
programs to the distribution to the broadcast, planning is of irreplaceable and decisive

Status Quo of Research on TV Program Planning at Home and


1.Status Quo of Research on Foreign TV Program Planning

At present, foreign TV programs focus on the positioning and subdivision of the

audience's appreciation level of the program, and plan the core of the TV program
according to the simplification principle of art and visual perception, so that the
creator's intention is understood and accepted by the viewer to the greatest extent,
and makes The degree of interaction between the TV program and the viewer reaches
the best visual environment, and the visual effect of the TV program expected by the
producer of the TV program can be reflected most effectively.

It can be seen from the planning of foreign TV programs that producers have begun to
emphasize the elimination of viewers' preference for simplified TV program
heterogeneity, reduce the barriers to communication between viewers and program
materials, and enhance the homogeneity of the mutual promotion of viewers and TV
How to do well in TV program planning

programs. Simplify reading, so that the communication of programs can reach the best
perspective in the process of the established visual experience of TV programs. The
reason why "Six People", "Prison Break" and "Hero" are well-known and so successful
is that Chinese audiences are also very interested in them because of this reason.

2.Status Quo of Research on Chinese TV Program Planning

After years of development, a large number of high-quality programs have appeared

on Chinese TV. These programs are the result of careful planning. They are also a sign
of the maturity of Chinese TV program planning. They are mainly manifested in the
following two aspects: First, the column packaging is becoming more and more
exquisite. Chinese TV planners are taking full advantage of the convenience brought
about by technological progress to add more eye-catching external packaging to TV
content. The other is the diversification of communication forms. Continuous reports,
series reports, special interviews, follow-up documentaries, media comments and
other forms are constantly appearing. The enrichment of this form of communication
is based on the development of science and technology. From analog TV to digital TV
and even today's network TV, every innovation will bring new changes to the form of
TV communication.
From this time on, TV program planning as a business began to receive widespread
attention and recognition from people in the industry and outside the industry.

3. How to plan TV programs correctly

TV program planning is a means to improve program quality, but not all program
planning will have the dual effect of improving program quality. This requires an
understanding and discussion of the key points of program planning to clarify what
kind of TV program planning will cause a sensation. effect. This article believes that
the following points should be considered:

(1) Find the right entry point

TV programs must embody the spirit of advancing with the times. The program
planning is reflected in the content, and should take the opportunity to explore the
highlights of social concern to arouse the audience's enthusiasm and interest in the
program. Therefore, TV program planning should explore bright spots to improve the
inherent quality of the program. Correctly locating the entry point of program planning
will grasp the public psychology of TV viewers, and also tighten the most sensitive
How to do well in TV program planning

nerve of the society. The program dissemination will have attractiveness and charisma,
and it will inevitably lead to a general society. Concerned about the sensational effect.
For example, the Sichuan earthquake in May of this year in China is a good example.
The TV station reported the earthquake truthfully and quickly at the first time, which
shocked the people of the whole country and sighed with it, and made the cohesion
of the Chinese nation tight. Contact now.

(2) Do a good job in material selection

If a column is operated for a period of time, the selection of topics is easily exhausted.
If you have advanced and scientific topic selection planning, you can change the
stagnant state of column production. The most typical case is the commentary series.
First, the series of "The Appreciation of the Three Kingdoms in Yi Zhongtian", Yi
Zhongtian commented on the characters of the Three Kingdoms with his own unique
insights, which made readers who have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
responded. "The Appreciation of the Three Kingdoms in Yi Zhongtian" became popular.
With the great success of "Yi Zhong Tian Pin Three Kingdoms", Yu Dan started her
"Hundred Schools Forum", but the effect was not obvious, and the audience criticized
it more than praised it. The reason is that in addition to the academic flaws, the
materials were not selected and the program was not planned.
(3) Play the role of the host
The effect of the TV program depends on the host's understanding, play and creation
of the program. As the presenter of the program, the host should participate in the
whole process of festival planning, so that it is easy to understand and grasp the
essence of the program, understand its central idea as soon as possible, grasp the
appropriate point of "transmitting and receiving interaction", and also facilitate on-site
performance. In addition to the necessary clothing, you should also adapt to the
situation on the spot. For example, during the live broadcast of the European Cup this
year, when the Netherlands played against Italy, the host explained that the
goalkeeper of the Dutch team was called Buffon of Italy, but then corrected it with his
nickname on the court, making the audience feel that this is the host. This kind of
human interpretation rather than mistakes, more aroused the excitement of the fans.

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