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Most Essential Learning Competency:

- Explain the major events and its contribution that led to the emergence of the social science discipline.


Identify the name and place of the picture below.

1. 2. 3.

Disciplines and Ideas in

the Social Sciences (DISS)
4. 5.

There are
seen around us. Some
things, QUARTER 1 places, or events that are often only
objects are still preserved until now,
such as the bones that
believed to be the bone of a
MODULE 3 scientists have discovered and they
dinosaur. There are tools that
ancestors used in daily life. Those are just some of the findings
that are believed to have a great contribution to our society especially in the field of social science.

Some disciplines of the social sciences had their beginnings in the emergence of nation-states that had to categorize
and analyze people belonging to the colonies. The table below presents a brief summary on the nature of the emergence of
each discipline and some of the key personalities associated with the field.

Disciplines Nature of Emergence Key personalities

History The Greeks were the first writers of history and history is Herodotus, Thucydides, Leopold von
one of the oldest of the social sciences Ranke.

Anthropology The rise of western imperialism in the 18 th and 19th Franz Boas, Bronislaw Malinowski
centuries prompted interest in the study of the culture of
the colonies.

Economics Economics became a separate discipline with the Adam Smith, Karl Marx
publication of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations in

Geography Geography became an academic discipline in Europe Immanuel Kant, Alexander von
during the 18th and 19th centuries while many geographic Humboldt, Carl Ritter
societies were founded in the 19th century

Linguistics Modern linguistics started to develop in the 18 th century Ferdinand de Saussure, Jacques

with philology, reaching its zenith in the 19th century Derrida

Political science As an academic discipline, political science is a relatively Plato, Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo,
new field that was principally worked on by American Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes,
scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries. John Locke

psychology In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first Wilhelm Wundt, G. Stanley Hall, john
psychological laboratory in Leipzig (Germany) thereby Dewey, Sigmund Freud
effectively making psychology a forms field of study

Sociology Sociology is a formal academic field of study that was August Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert
founded by Emile Durkheim during the late 19 th century spencer, Emile Durkheim
with the establishment of the first sociology department
in Europe.

Demography The 19th century saw the emergence of demography when Thomas Malthus, Adolphe Quetelet,
it separated from statistics as a field of study. William Farr.

While the emergence of each discipline happened in different periods, most of them occurred between the periods of
the 18th to 19th centuries. While some fields of study are relatively new, others have long been established by the Greeks,
such as the discipline of history.

Let us recall:

Disciplines of Social Sciences

Anthropology - refers to the study of humans. As a social science discipline, it examines all aspects of human life
and culture. It seeks to understand human origins and adaptation, and the diversity of cultures and worldviews. In
Anthropology, there are two broad fields: Physical Anthropology which means sometimes called Biological Anthropology
mainly concerns about how humans emerged and evolved through time. Second, Cultural Anthropology, Concerns the
difference in cultures from time to time. Three main branches of Cultural Anthropology are Archeology which studies
past cultures through tangible or material remains. They help reconstruct the life and culture of humans in prehistoric
time, Anthropological Linguistics which is the anthropological study of languages. They explain the difference between
languages by culture and how it is constructed, and last is Ethnology which is the study of recent or present cultures.
Economics - studies the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. The term may
also refer to the financial aspects of something, as in “the economics of managing a business.

Geography - is the science of place. It is social science that studies the distribution and arrangement of all elements
of the earth’s surface. The Greeks were the first ones to measure the earth by using grids and meridians. Soon, nations try
to recreate what the Greeks have started.

History - is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans. It describes or narrates and analyzes human
activities in the past and the changes that these had undergone. In its broadest sense, history is the totality of all past
events. Every event has a historical context within which we commonly say the event must be studied. The subject matter
of history is everything that has already happened.

Linguistics - is the scientific study of language and its structure. It involves the description of languages, the
investigation of their origin, the inquiry of how children acquire language, and how individuals learn languages other than
their own. Linguistics also deals with the relationships between or among languages and with the manner languages
change over time. In language, it is composed by Phonetics which concerns the sound being used in language; Phonology
which concerns with the way sounds are used in individual languages; Morphology which concerns with the structure of
words; Syntax which concerns the structures of phrases and sentences; and Semantics which concerns in giving and
studying the meaning.

Political Science - is a social science discipline that studies systems of government, and the analysis of political
activity and behavior. It is the systematic study of politics. Power is defined to be as a source of influence. When a certain
person influences another person, it means that he or she has the capacity to gain power over a certain person. According
to Hunt 2002, politics is defined as the study of social arrangements to maintain peace and order within a given society.

Psychology - makes use of studying both social behavior and neurobiological processes. is the study of behavior and
mental processes. The term comes from the word psyche which means soul and logos which means study hence the
definition is ``study of soul”.

Sociology – is the scientific study of human social relations or group life. It primarily deals with social interaction or
the responses of persons to each other. Social interaction is arguably the basic sociological concept as it is the rudimentary
component of all relationships and groups that compose human society. It was coined by Auguste Comte which was
derived from the Greek word socius which means being with other people and logos meaning study hence the definition
“the study of society.

Demography – is basically the study of human population and dynamics which include components such as
population size (actual head count of people in a given place of location), Population composition (characteristics of the
people based on age, sex, marital status, religion, nationality etc.), population growth (how are people spatially distributed
in a place or location).

A.PICTURE ANALYSIS. Identify what discipline in social science is describe in the picture. Create your title of the
image and provide their greatest contribution that led to the emergence of disciplines in the social sciences. (5 points each)

1. TITLE:____________________________________
CONTRIBUTIONS: _______________________________________________________

2. TITLE:____________________________________

CONTRIBUTIONS: _______________________________________________________

3. TITLE:____________________________________
CONTRIBUTIONS: _______________________________________________________

4. TITLE:____________________________________
CONTRIBUTIONS: _______________________________________________________

B. Essay. As COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect us, which discipline should you pursue to improve the situation
in the communities and to support the frontlines? Explain in 2-3 paragraphs.
5. TITLE:____________________________________
CONTRIBUTIONS: _______________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ 3

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