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ring sb back

gọi lại
drop off something/someone
to take someone or something, esp. by car, to a particular place:
I dropped off the package at her house
be put out
be annoyed, often because of something that someone has done or said to you:
He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited.
give sth in
give my essay in
put sb onto sth
introduce a person to something or someone that could bring them an advantage:
Can you put me onto (= tell me where to find) a good dentist?
put sb on
= have sb on
put up sth
build sth
They're planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be.
put your watch forward
chỉnh đồng hồ chạy nhanh hơn
take off
to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going:
When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.
take sth back
trả lại
to return something you have bought to a shop:
Is it too small? Take it back and get a refund.
take in
1. to make clothes smaller
2. completely understand the meaning or importance of something:
I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.
sweep up
quét lại thành đống
She swept up the crumbs/mess.
clogged up (with sth)
bị bịt kín, tắc nghẽn
The drain is clogged (up) with hair.
sort out
dọn cái gì gọn gàng lại bằng cách sắp xếp những thứ không gọn
lose out
to not have an advantage that other people have:
The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out.
lift off
cất cánh ~ leave the ground
head off
lên đường
to start a journey or leave a place:
What time are you heading off?
sent off
gửi cái gì qua đường bưu điện
slip off
rời bỏ nơi đâu lẳng lặng, không ai biết
clear off
1. to leave a place quickly
They've all cleared off and left me to clean this mess up
2. used to tell someone to go away in a rude way:
"Clear off or I'll call the police!"
cho tui đả động tí vấn đề từ vựng
migrate: /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/
1. cho động vật di cư, khi giao mùa
2. cho con người chuyển đến nhiều nơi tạm thời
immigrate: /ˈɪm.ə.ɡreɪt/ chuyển sang 1 đất nước khác sống >< emigrate
it's on me
Tôi sẽ trả
= it's my treat
sell off
to exchange all or a large part of something for money:
Farmers have had to sell off cattle because of the drought.
run off sth
to write a speech, poem, piece of music etc quickly and easily
He could run off a five-page essay in an hour.
turn sb off
to stop someone feeling interested or excited, làm mất hứng
The downtown has outdated architecture that might turn off some people.
laugh it off
laugh about something unpleasant in order to make it seem less important or serious: cười
She tried to laugh off their remarks, but I could see she was hurt.
weigh on
makes you worried or unhappy:
He's under huge pressure at work and it's really weighing on him.
rub sth in
to talk to someone about something that you know they want to forget because they feel bad
about it:
OK, I made a mistake - you don't have to rub it in.
push in
chen lấn, xô đẩy
sink in
được hiểu, đc ghi nhận
How many times do I have to tell you something before it sinks in?
chop/cut down
đốn hạ
He chopped down the fir tree.
fir: cây thông
be loaded down with sth
to have too much to carry, or too much work to do:
I was loaded down with shopping.
shut down
closed and stop operating (factory)
read over
to read something quickly from the beginning to the end, especially to find mistakes
wait about/around
stay in a place and do nothing while you wait for someone to arrive or something to happen
sit about/around
to spend time sitting down and doing very little:
[ + doing sth ] He just sits around all day watching television.
lie about/around
chỉ nằm ườn ra
mess sb around/about
to treat someone badly:
I'm tired of being messed around by my bank.
stick around
to stay somewhere for a period of time:
You go - I'll stick around here a bit longer.
root for sb
to show support for someone who is doing something difficult:
Good luck! We're all rooting for you.
sent for sb
to send someone a message asking them to come to see you:
Do you think we should send for a doctor?
call for sb
đón ai
I'll call for you at eight.
deal with sth (book, film, article deals with sth)
chủ đề của book, film, article là về nó
Her new movie deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.
sleep through
If you sleep through a lot of noise or an activity, it does not wake you or keep you awake:
I never heard the storm last night - I must have slept through it.
live through sth
trải qua 1 giai đoạn khó khăn
take sb through sth
to explain something to someone:
I'll take you through it one more time, then you can try it yourself.
bite sth back
to stop yourself from saying what you think, kiềm chế bản thân không nói ra cái gì hoặc thể
hiện cảm xúc như thế nào
Paul bit back an angry reply.
read sth into sth
to think that a situation, action etc has a meaning or importance that it does not really have
It was only a casual remark. I think you're reading too much into it.
tidy away
to put things back in their correct place after you have been using them
The children were expected to tidy away their toys before bedtime.
tear sb away from sth
to make someone stop doing something that they enjoy, in order to do something else:
I'll bring Ian, if I can tear him away from his computer games.
send away for sth
to write to an organization or place to ask them to send you something:
I've sent away for details of their holiday packages.
start sb off
to help someone to start an activity, especially a piece of work:
I'll start her off on some fairly basic stuff and see how she gets on.
lock oneself away
Đi đến nơi nào đó cách xa mọi người để học tập, làm việc
I LOCK MYSELF AWAY for a few weeks before exams.
clock off
to record on a special card the time you stop or leave work
By 6 p.m. most workers have clocked off.
clock on
= clock in
put a special card into a device to show what time they arrived.
They arrived to clock on and found the factory gates locked.
press on
to continue traveling or doing something:
We didn't have time to stop, and pressed on into Arizona.
run out
come to an end (thời gian hợp đồng, a document or official agreement) -) hết hạn
My passport runs out next month - I must get it renewed.
knock around together
dành thời gian thư giãn bên cạnh nhau
while away
giết thời gian
spend time in a relaxed way because you have nothing to do
We whiled away the afternoon playing cards in front of the fire.
muck about
phí thời gian vào những điều vô bổ
We just mucked about all afternoon.
to lie to or cheat (someone)
I want them to stop mucking me around.
latch onto sth
to become connected to something:
The antibodies work by latching onto proteins on the surfaces of the viruses and bacteria.
run on
1. If an event runs on, it continues for longer than expected:
The game/speech/discussion ran on for hours.
2. If time runs on, it seems to pass quickly:
Time's running on - let's get this job finished soon!
lie ahead (of someone)
xảy ra trong tương lai
We don't know what lies ahead.
You graduate today, and an exciting future lies ahead of you.
be tucked away
to put something in a place where it is not easy to find or to see
The sugar is tucked away on the top shelf.
open onto/into something
if a room, door etc opens onto or into another place, you can enter that other place directly
through it
The door opens onto a long balcony.
stretch away
continued over a long distance
The river suddenly opened up as it joined the ocean and stretched away to the horizon.
stay on
ở lại lâu hơn dự định, nán lại chút nữa
Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.
leave sth behind
để lại cái gì ở đâu mà không mang theo
We left in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind.
call back
to return to a place in order to see someone or collect something:
She said she'd call back later to pick up that report.
susceptible of sth
if something is susceptible of an action, that action can be done to it
Working conditions are susceptible of improvement by legislation.
còn susceptible to sth là có thể bị mắc cái gì
set off
to make a bomb explode, or cause an explosion
Any movement could have set off the bomb.
lie behind sth
it is the hidden cause of it:
Do you know what lies behind their decision?
stir sth up
to cause an unpleasant emotion or problem to begin or grow:
The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble.
wake up to sth
to start to understand that a situation or problem exists:
Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.
pan out
to develop in a particular way or in a successful way:
Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.
blow over
trở nên kém quan trọng và bị quên lãng
I thought that after a few days the argument would blow over.
stick with
continue doing something and not stop or change to something ~ gắn bó với
He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.
walk into sth
to get a job very easily:
She walked straight into a well-paid job after graduating from university.
muddle through
to manage to do something although you are not organized or prepared to do it:
I don't know how to keep score - I'll just have to muddle through.
set about
bắt đầu làm gì
I have no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car.
start out
to begin your life, or the part of your life when you work, in a particular way:
My dad started out as a salesperson in a shop.
finish off
v. kết thúc
to complete the last part of something that you are doing:
I want to finish off this essay before I go to bed.
polish off
làm nhanh và dễ dàng
He polished off two burgers and a mountain of French fries.
pack up
1. If a machine packs up, it stops operating:
My camera has packed up.
2. to collect all your things together when you have finished doing something:
I'm about to pack up my things and go home.
đồ ăn đóng hộp ~ packed lunch
He's on a school trip today, so he's taken a pack-up.
fizzle out /ˈfɪz.əl/
to gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way:
They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.
The fire fizzled out.
reach sth down
lấy cái gì ở trên đầu bằng tay xuống
reach that book down for me, plz !
wrap up something
1. to complete or finish something:
She wrapped up a deal just before she left on vacation.
2. gói đồ (sinh nhật)
wrap up the present
tie up
buộc, cột
tie up that package
blow up
1. to increase the size of something:
I'm going to have this photo blown up and framed.
2. fill with air
Will you help me blow up these ballons for the party ?
move up
đứng dịch sang 1 chỗ để có chỗ cho người khác
move over
to change the place where you are sitting or standing so that there is space for someone else
to sit or stand
pop out
phọt ra
if words pop out, you say them suddenly without thinking about it first
I didn't mean to say that - it just popped out.
help sb on/off
giúp ai mặc/ cởi bỏ cái gì
can you help me off this boots ?
screw up
to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid SYN mess up
You'd better not screw up this time.
tear sth apart
xé nát, kéo rách
to pull something so violently that it breaks into two or more pieces:
A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds.
root out
1. to find and remove (something or someone): nhổ tận gốc
The mayor was determined to root out corruption in city government.
2. find (something or someone) after searching for a long time
He finally rooted out the cause of the problem.
stamp out
to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful:
The new legislation is intended to stamp out child prostitution.
turn on someone
to attack or criticize someone suddenly:
He suddenly turned on me and accused me of not supporting him when he needed it.
run through
chạy thử
to look at, examine, or deal with a set of things, especially quickly:
We ran through the list, but none of the machines seemed any good
spell out
giải thích rõ ràng
to explain something in a very clear way with details:
The government has so far refused to spell out its plans/policies.
keep to sth
to do what you have promised or planned to do:
I think we should keep to our original plan.
buble over
to be very excited and enthusiastic:
She was bubbling over with excitement/enthusiasm.
order sb about/around
to tell someone what they should do all the time:
You can't just come in here and start ordering people around.
pass sth on
to tell someone something that another person has told you:
If he provided us with any information, no one passed it on to me.
freshen up
make yourself cleaner or neater, esp. to wash your face and hands and arrange your hair:
Velma disappeared into the ladies' lounge, saying that she needed to freshen up before
be littered with sth
to contain a lot of something:
The whole book is littered with errors.
blend in
to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily
We tried to blend into the crowd.
tell sth from sth
phân biệt
It's very difficult to tell the real paintings from the counterfeits, but there are a few things we
can look for to be sure.
pour in
to arrive in overwhelming numbers or quantity
tourists fly in, drive in, pour in by train
be packed out
chật ních
The concert hall/meeting was packed (out).
stand in
do the job that another person was going to do or usually does, or to take that person's place
at an event, because they cannot be there:
Paula stood in for Jane, while Jane was on holiday.
send sb/sth up
chế nhạo ai (bằng cách bắt chước ai)
The show was very funny - they were sending up sports commentators.
cram in/into
1. to do a lot of activities in a short time
I wanted to cram in visits to a few more places before we left.
2. nhét, đẩy cái gì vào cái gì (trong khi đã rất chật rồi)
I tried to cram a jacket into my suitcase, but it just wouldn't fit.
We were thrilled to reach our destination after being crammed into a tiny car with each other
for hours.
come under
If you come under something, you suddenly experience or suffer it:
Our armies have come under heavy bombardment.
*/bɑːmˈbɑːrd.mənt/: sự bắn phá
slip out
1. lỡ miệng
I didn't mean to, it just slipped out
2. lẻn ra ngoài
to leave quietly or quickly so that no one will notice:
He slipped out to make a phone call.
track it down
find something/someone after looking for in a lot of different places:
He finally managed to track down the book he wanted.
check up on sth/sb
điều tra ai đó, cái gì
try to discover how something is progressing or whether someone is doing:
My boss is always checking up on me
match up
(two pieces of information) be the same:
Their accounts of what happened that evening don't match up.
sort oneself out
deal successfully with a problem, a situation, or a person who is having difficulties:
Most of the job involves sorting out customers who have queries.
bottle out
decide not to do something that you had intended to do because you feel frightened and lose
your confidence:
I was going to enter a belly-dancing contest, but I bottled out at the last minute.
lay in
dự trữ, để dành
We'd better lay in plenty of food for the winter months.
muddle sb/sth up
tưởng ai là ai (do giống nhau)
I often muddle up Richard with his brother.
revolve around sb/sth
*revolve: /rɪˈvɑːlv/ quay tròn
The earth revolves around the sun.
to have someone or something as the main or most important interest or subject:
The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
His whole life revolves around football.
crop up
xảy ra bất ngờ, đột nhiên xuất hiện
bank on sb/sth
to expect something or depend on something happening:
Can I bank on your support?
rise above
vượt lên số phận
to not allow something bad to affect your behaviour or upset you:
He rose above his pain/bad luck/difficulties.
back off
to stop being involved in a situation, usually in order to allow other people to deal with it
Just back off and let us do this on our own, will you?
throw together something/someone
to suddenly put people or things in one place without much planning:
We were thrown together at a conference.
come under sth
If a piece of information comes under a particular part of a list, book, or collection of things,
you can find it in that part:
Swimming pools usually come under "leisure centres" in the phone directory.
chicken out (of something)
yếu bóng vía, nổi da gà
to decide not to do something because you are too frightened:
I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.
have sth on
have planned to do it:
Do you have anything on this week?
stick together
gắn bó với nhau
They've stuck together all these years.
get to sb
make sb feel upset or angry, suffer
The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.
back out
nuốt lời
sự làm hỏng việc
There's been a screw-up with our hotel reservation.
measure up
to be good enough, hay tốt như những người khác:
She could never measure up to her mother's expectations.
screw sth up
to make a mistake, or to spoil something:
I totally screwed up the chemistry exam.
play at (dùng với continuous)
đang làm trò gì vậy: when you think that someone is behaving in a stupid or dishonest way
What does he think he's playing at, making the children lie for him?
run down sb/sth
to criticize someone or something, often unfairly
He's always running himself down.
fire away
used to tell someone they may begin asking questions:
So if anybody has any questions, please fire away.
spit it out
tell someone to start speaking or to speak more quickly, when they are unwilling to speak or
are speaking slowly: nói phọt ra đi
Come on, spit it out, who told you about this?
come off it
thôi đi, đừng có nói như vậy!
Ask Simon to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg!
step on it
lái nhanh hơn đi
belt up
used to tell someone to stop talking or making a noise:
Just belt up, would you? I'm trying to concentrate.
play up
1. behave badly:
The boys have been playing up at school again.
2. If a machine plays up, it does not work as it should:
The starter motor was playing up again.
write up something/someone
1. to record something completely on paper or on a computer
We have to write up the lab report for chemistry.
2. viết bản báo cáo, bài báo về ai
My sister was written up in the school newspaper.
mug up
to study a subject quickly before taking an exam:
I need to mug up (on) my history before tomorrow's exam.
polish up
to improve something:
I write a rough draft on the computer and then polish it up a bit.
read up on sth
to learn about something by reading:
I don't know much about Malawi - I'll go home and read up on it.
dip into sth
1. to read small parts of a book or magazine:
It's the sort of book you can dip into now and then.
2. to spend some of your money:
We had to dip into our savings to pay for the repairs.
write sth out
to write something on paper with all the necessary details:
Do your essay in rough first and then write it out.
scribble down
*scribble: viết chữ cẩu thả
If you scribble down something, you write it quickly or roughly.
I attempted to scribble down the names.
sửa lại
to make small changes to a picture, photograph, etc., especially in order to improve it:
We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day.
touch on
đề cập đến, bàn đến
Of course, we only touched on how much I would be paid.
fill sb in on sth
to give someone extra or missing information:
I filled her in on the latest gossip.
stand down
từ chức
He's decided to stand down after 15 years as managing director.
step down
từ chức để ai đó vào làm vị trí đó
fix up someone
to PROVIDE something that someone needs:
Before he left town Pat saw to it that I was fixed up with a job.
pencil sth in
sắp xếp tạm thời và sẽ thay đổi lại
We'll pencil in the dates for the next two meetings and confirm them later.
follow sth up
to find out more about something, or take more action connected with it:
The idea sounded interesting and I decided to follow it up.
pull together
~ join forces
We don't have much time but if we all pull together we should get the job done.
slave away
To work strenuously and continuously (doing something)
I've been slaving away at this report for the last three days. I'm just ready for it to be finished!
work towards /tɔːrdz/
(v) cố gắng theo đuổi
Both countries are working towards peace in the region.
keep at sth
to continue to do sth
I kept at it and finally finished at three this morning.
chase up
to ask someone to do something that they promised to do but that have not yet done:
I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them.
move along
keep moving
tiếp tục di chuyển
The police told the crowd to move along.
squeeze in
to be able to do something, even though you do not have much time
Nevin squeezed in a third goal just before the end of the game.
pay up sth
give someone the money that you owe them (khi bạn không muốn trả)
Eventually they paid up, but only after receiving several reminders.
rất rẻ
knockdown price
They're selling jeans for ridiculous knock-down prices.
beat sb down
to persuade someone to accept a lower amount of money for something:
He wanted £75 for the bike, but I managed to beat him down to £50.
knock sth off
1. cướp cái gì
He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.
2. produce sth quickly and easily
She can knock off (= write) a novel in a couple of weeks.
club together
If a group of people club together, they share the cost of something between them:
If we club together, we'll be able to get her the complete dinner set.
snap it up
mua cái gì nhanh vì giá quá tốt
During the Black Friday sales, customers rush through stores snapping merchandise up at
incredibly low prices.
fork over/up sth
to give something, especially money to someone, especially when you do not want to:
We had to fork over ten bucks to park near the stadium.
skimp on
To choose to consume or spend on something very sparingly or frugally as a way of
conserving one's money or resources.
I got so used to skimping on food when I was broke so that I could afford my rent. Now that I
have a decent salary, it's hard not to have the same mentality.
dressed or wearing clothes:
You can come in now, I'm decent.
sell up
sell your house or company in order to go somewhere else or do something else:
They sold up and retired to the West Country.
wind down
gradually ends:
They're winding down their overseas operation because it is losing money.
run to sth
to reach a particular amount, level, or size:
The new encyclopedia runs to several thousand pages.
put sth at sth
đoán qua số lượng, giá, tuổi, ...
The value of the painting has been put at £1 million.
I'd put her at (= guess that her age is) about 35.
listen in (on something)
to listen to someone's conversation when the person does not realize you are doing it:
She thinks her boss is listening in on her phone conversations.
phone round
to phone several people or companies in order to arrange something or to get information
It's normal for companies to phone round their big customers and try to persuade them to
phone up
gọi điện
Clients often phone me up at inconvenient times.
hang up
cúp máy
to end a phone conversation:
He started shouting so I hung up (on him).
ring off
cúp máy
He said goodbye and then rang off.
ring in
gọi điện đến 1 nơi nào đó (nơi làm việc, hay đài, TV,radio)
Hundreds of people rang in to complain about his remarks.
RING IN SICK: gọi đến công ti xin nghỉ ốm
John's rung in sick again.
be hung up on sth
be extremely interested in or worried by a particular subject and spend an unreasonably large
amount of time thinking about it:
Why are you so hung up on getting everything right?
warm to sth
(an idea) start to become interested in or enthusiastic about it:
Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.
warm to sb
to start to like someone:
I wasn't sure about Sarah at first, but I warmed to her after we'd been out together a few
pair off with sb
mai mối ai với ai, ghép cặp
I managed to pair my best friend Sue off with Mike.
drip apart
if people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends
Over the years my college friends and I have drifted apart.
keep on at sb
to keep complaining to someone or asking someone to do something, especially when this
annoys them
I've been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now.
wind sb up
to annoy or upset someone:
It really winds me up when he goes on about teachers having an easy life.
pin sb down
make someone provide details about something or make a decision about something:
I've tried asking Stephanie, but she's proving difficult to pin down to a particular date.
mouth off (to/at sb)
to speak in a rude or offensive way to someone:
She's a typical teenager, coming home late at night and mouthing off to her parents.
mouth off about sth
bày tỏ quan điểm quá to và thẳng thắn, như thể bạn biết nhiều hơn ai (disapproving)
I had to listen to Michael mouthing off about the government all through lunch.
fight off
trying hard to get rid of sth
Her body couldn't fight the infection off.
put sth out
to injure part of your body by causing it to be moved out of its correct position:
He put his knee out playing tennis.
shake off sth
to get rid of something bad: (bệnh, cảm xúc)
I had to shake off a bad case of nerves before taking the exam.
blocked-up (adj)
nghẹt thở
-) mũi bị nghẹt thở
kick-off (n)
sự bắt đầu (thể thao)
go for sth
to choose something:
Instead of butter, I always go for margarine or a low-fat spread.
to try to have or achieve something:
The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games.
work off sth
If you work off an unpleasant feeling, you get rid of it by doing something energetic:
She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day.
pull ahead
to start to do well or to do better than someone else:
It was slow at first, but we're starting to pull ahead.
a competition in which only the winners of each stage play in the next stage, until one
competitor or team is the final winner
live off sb/sth
ăn bám (người)
dựa vào (vật)
use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need to live:
All his life he had lived off his father.
They had learned to live off the land (= grow or find their own food).
sleep in
ngủ nướng
lie in
ngủ nướng
wait up
to not go to bed at night because you are expecting someone to arrive:
I'll be home after midnight, so don't wait up for me.
ask sb over/around
mời ai đến nhà mình chơi
pop in/into somewhere
to visit briefly:
Why don't you pop in and see us this afternoon?
have sb around/round
they come to your house (có khách đến chơi)
Cathy's parents are having us round for a meal tomorrow.
put sth on
thaw sth out
* thaw: (làm cái gì) tan chảy
The snow thawed quickly.
Frozen food must be thawed before cooking.
If you thaw out, you gradually get warm again after being very cold:
I'm just starting to thaw out after taking the dogs out this morning.
hand round
to pass or offer something to all the people in a group:
Adam, could you hand around the cookies?
top up
to completely fill a container that is already partly full (drink,...)
I'll just top up the teapot.
cloud over
it becomes covered with clouds
pick up
to increase or improve:
The wind always picks up in the evening.
flood out
if people are flooded out, their home becomes filled with water and they are forced to leave
be snowed in
không rời khỏi đâu được vì bị mắc bởi tuyết
stop off
đỗ lại, dừng lại (trong chuyến đi) (ghé vào đâu tạm thời trong lúc đang đi)
~ stop over
pull in
vào trạm -) arrive in a station
>< pull out: leave a station (of train)
(also standby ticket)
a cheap ticket sold just before a flight or a performance if there is a seat available
on standby
ready to be used or to do something if necessary:
Hospitals are on standby ready to deal with casualties from the crash.
touch down
hạ cánh
pull up
~ draw up
dừng lại
When a car or someone driving a car pulls up, the driver stops the car, often for a short time:
A car pulled up outside my house.
pull over
~ pull in/into
tấp vào lề
a traffic accident involving several vehicles that hit each other
dãy xe nối đuôi nhau (đi chậm because of an accident or other problem on the road)
Yesterday there was a four-mile tailback on the main road into the city after a crash.
pump up
bơm (xe đạp)
load up sth
to put things in or on a vehicle:
Let's load up the car and then we can go.
measure out
phân phố; chia ra
Measure out 250 grams of flour and sift it into a large mixing bowl.
*sift: sàng, giần
an extra copy for safety
type/key sth in
đánh máy
print sth out
to produce a printed copy of a document that has been written on a computer:
Could you print out a copy of that letter for me?
flare up
bùng nổ -) suddenly become more serious or worse
(violence, illnesses)
leak out
rò rỉ
hideaway /ˈhaɪd.əˌweɪ/
a place where someone goes when they want to relax away from other people
beat up (adj)
(of things) in bad condition:
[ before noun ] a beat-up old car
walk off with
to win something easily:
She walked off with the top prize.
tip sb off
to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or
prevent it from happening:
[ + that ] Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty.
lean on sb
to use someone or something to help you, especially in a difficult situation:
He's always had his big brother to lean on.
put sb up to sth
khuyến khích ai làm gì usually something wrong:
I think he was put up to it by his friends.
be/get mixed up in sth
bị dính líu đến những gì illegal
clamp down on
clampdown (n)
to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted activity:
The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.
carry out
complete a job or activity
bawl out
*bawl: oang oang (kêu, khóc)
The baby has been bawling all night.
chỉ trích, quở trách
Her boss bawled her out for forgetting the meeting.
goof off
waste time when you should be working
We GOOFED OFF for the afternoon to watch the match.
shoot through
to leave a place very quickly, especially in order to avoid having to do something -) anh úc
be partied out
ngán tiệc vì đã có quá nhiều tiệc
big up sth
ca ngợi cái gì quá cao
bliss out (on sth)
to become, or to make someone, completely happy and relaxed:
bliss out on music
I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened movie theater.
be stressed-out
mệt mỏi
cash which you can get from a shop when you pay for something with a debit card.
(v) mặc bớt trang trọng
wear informal clothes of the type that will not attract attention:
She always tried to dress down on her first date with a man.
bounce back
to return to your usual state or activities after having a problem:
I bounced back pretty quickly after my operation.
kiệt sức
veg out
relax by doing sth
I'm exhausted - I think I'll just go home and veg out in front of the TV tonight.
goings-on (N)
strange, unusual, humorous, or unsuitable events or activities:
There've been a lot of strange/odd goings-on in that house recently.
người bỏ học

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