H10 Q1 Week 7

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1|P age


Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City


Grade 10

Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health

Kagamitang Angkop sa Malikhain at Aktibong Pagsasanay sa Edukasyong Hahasa sa Mag-aaral
upang Isaalang-alang ang Lahat ng Yamang Angkin

Health 10- Quarter 1- Week 7-8


CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
2|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

Development Team of Health Learning Guide

Writer/ Author: Michael C. Subosa

School Quality Assurance Team: Joecil C. Espulgar

Dr. Charlie Coronado

Illustrator: Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Layout Artist: Lilibeth E. Larupay

Lydio P. Inayan Jr.
Michael C. Subosa

Division Quality Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay

Dr. Ma. Fe L. Brillantes
Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo

Dr. Nordy D. Siason
Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque
Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque
Lilibeth E. Larupay
Dr. Ma. Fe L. Brillantes

Lesson 6 (Programs for Consumer
Welfare and Protection)


Consumer health informs us to be wise consumers of products and services which

is important to our health and well-being. It is important to have the skills and knowledge
to choose the right products and services wisely. Consumers need to be able to analyze
advertising and understand the differences between legitimate products or services and

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
3|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection.


Consumer Welfare Month

Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1098 dated September 26, 1999, the
country will be celebrating the Consumer Welfare Month every October. This year’s
theme is “Sustainable Consumer in the New Normal”, which calls for a change in
consumer behaviour and for the adoption of responsible consumption practice by the
business sector.
Consumer representation is crucial, especially now that many of us are still finding our
way through this pandemic, lockdown and continuing quarantine. Thus, a National
Consumer Affairs Council (NCAC) will be beneficial to the government and will give
consumers a voice during these challenging times. It is unfortunate that the NCAC was
not constituted in this administration and the consumer group community is not aware of
the reasons why. The NCAC could have provided a big boost in empowering consumers
with information on consumer products and services, consumer rights and the
mechanisms available to enforce those rights, information on new concepts and
developments on consumer protection, and general knowledge and awareness
necessary for making an informed decision.

Created under Republic Act 7394 (the Consumer Act of the Philippines), the NCAC is
composed of representatives from the following government agencies: the Department of
Trade and Industry, the Department of Education, the Department of Health and the
Department of Agriculture. It will also include four representatives from consumer
organizations who are chosen by the President from among the nominees submitted by
the various consumer groups in the Philippines, and two representatives
from the business and industry sectors also chosen by the President from among the
nominees submitted by the various business organizations. The Council shall be headed
and presided by a Chairman who shall be elected by the members from among
themselves. He shall establish, with the concurrence of the Council, the
policies, procedures, and standards to be followed.
Based on the same RA 7394, which took effect on 15 July 1992, the government under
then President Fidel V. Ramos declared October of every year as Consumer Welfare
Month in Proclamation No.1098, Series of 1997. It tasked the NCAC to undertake
programs and activities to ensure the successful observance thereof.

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
4|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
The mission of the National Consumers Affairs Council is to improve the management,
coordination and effectiveness of consumer programs and policies of the different
government agencies and private organizations since the protection of the consuming
public against unreasonable price increases or fraudulent practices is a continuing
concern of the government.
The Council has several powers and functions. It has the power to rationalize and
coordinate the functions of the agencies charged with consumer programs and
enforcement of consumer- related laws to the end that an effective, coordinated and
integrated system of consumer protection, research and implementation and enforcement
of such laws shall be achieved.


ACTIVITY NO. 1- My Choice

Direction: You will produce an advocacy material on how to participate in programs for
consumer welfare and protection.

1. Create your choice of advocacy materials. Poster or Slogan

Wise and Intelligent Consumers
Consumer Protection
3. Pass your output to your teacher.
Example of finish output:

Uncontrolled Consumption
Consumes You.

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
5|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

Slogan Rubric

Category Excellent (5) Good (4) Almost (2) Not Yet (2)
Craftsmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy.
terms of neatness. though it may
neatness. Well- Good be a bit
constructed construction messy.
and not messy. and not very

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
6|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
Creativity The slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
distractingly creative and a creative and does not reflect
messy. good amount some thought any degree of
of thought was was put into creativity.
put into decorating it.
decorating it.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use of
use of new new ideas and new ideas and No use of new
ideas and originality to originality to ideas and
originality to create slogan. create slogan. originality to
create slogan. create slogan.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more
grammatical grammatical grammatical than 2
mistakes on mistake on the mistakes on grammatical
the slogan. slogan. the slogan. mistakes on
the slogan.

Poster Rubric

Category Excellent (5) Good(4) Almost(3) Not Yet(2)

Content Content is Content is Content is Content is

accurate and accurate but accurate but either
Poster contains
all required some required some questionable
information is information is required or
items and
presented in a missing and/or information is incomplete.
logical order. not presented missing Information
(information is
in a logical and/or not is not
appropriate to
order, but is presented in presented in
assigned topic).
still generally a logical a logical
easy to follow. order, making order,
it difficult to making it
follow. difficult to

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

is neat, clean, is mostly neat flows well. is
Poster is clean,
well- and clean. Some tools unorganized.
neat, and
organized and Information is are used to Tools are not
creative. The
presented in a organized in a show used in a
information is
creative way. logical manner acceptable relevant
well organized,
and shows understandin manner.
interesting, Presentation
some degree g. Lacking
accurate, and is colorful and
of creativity. some of the
reflects an creative. Each
The overall members’
understanding of Information is member’s
presentation is information/
the topic. interesting and information is
interesting. and or
accurate. represented
and identified
is not
with their

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
7|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
Pictures, Clip Images, Images, Most images Images are
Art and Artwork pictures, clip pictures, and and/or inappropriate
art and drawn clip art and artwork is are and artwork
Images, pictures,
artwork are drawn artwork colorful and shows little,
clip art and
colorful, and are mostly appropriate. if any,
drawn artwork
appropriate to colorful and The layout creativity.
are colorful and
the topic. appropriate. shows little The layout is
appropriate to
Layout flows Layout may creativity messy,
the assigned
well, shows show some and/or is not disorganized
topic. The layout
creativity, and degree of organized or cluttered.
flows well and
is pleasing to creativity but logically or
shows creativity.
the eye. is not cluttered.
The overall result
is pleasing to the
and/or is

Mechanics No spelling, A few (2-3) No more than No more

grammar, or errors in 5 spelling, than 7
punctuation spelling, grammar or spelling,
grammar, and
errors in the grammar or punctuation grammar or
punctuation in
text. Text is in punctuation. errors. punctuation
any text on the
the student’s Most text is in Several errors. Most
poster is
own words. student’s own instances of text is not
words. where the in authors’
text is not in own words
student’s own and/or no
words. text
Overall The poster The poster The poster The poster
Presentation fulfills all fulfills all but did not fulfill has no
requirements one of the the impact.
The poster fulfills
of the requirements requirements.
all requirements
assignment of the
of the
and assignment
assignment and
represents the and shows
shows the
student’s full that the
student’s full
potential. student put
forth an
honest effort
to complete

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
8|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City


I have learned that________________________________________.

I have realized that________________________________________.

I will apply_______________________________________________.



Directions: Read and understand each question. Write your answer in your MAPEH
1. When was the Consumer Act of the Philippines enacted?

A. April 13, 1992 C. July 15, 1992

B. April 2, 1990 D. July 21, 1990

2. Ana wants to know what is the goal of the Consumer Act of the Philippines.
Which of the following statement is correct?

A. It is the policy of the State to protect the interest of the consumer, promote his
general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry.

B. It is the policy of the State not to protect the interest of the consumer, promote
his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and

C. It is the policy of the State not to protect the interest of the consumer, do not
promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business
and industry.

D. Provision of information and education not to facilitate sound choice and the
proper exercise of rights by the consumer.

3. What is the mission of National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations?

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
9|P age
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
A. Pro long life C. Save life
B. Protect the consumers D. To give a safe drive

4. This refers to a person who is a purchaser, lessee, recipient or prospective

purchaser, lessor or recipient of consumer products, services or credit.

A. consumer C. encoder
B. commerce D. consumer credit

5. As a consumer how do you define “Food”?

A. Any substance, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, intended

for human consumption and includes chewing gum, drinks and beverages
and any substance which has been used as an ingredient or a component
in the manufacture, preparation or treatment of food.

B. The date stated on the label of food, drug, cosmetic, device or

hazardous substance after which they are not expected to retain their
claimed safety, efficacy and quality or potency and after which it is no
longer permissible to sell them.

C. Any substance, the intended use of which results or may reasonably be

expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its becoming a component or
otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food.

D. Substance or mixture of substances which is toxic.

6. Mary Ann acquired skin disease. Which of the following specialist will she go
for a check-up?

A. Psychologist C. Dermatologist
B. Cardiologist D. Neurologist

7. These are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biological, vaccines, in-vitro

diagnostic reagents, and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a
combination of and/or a derivative thereof (FDA Act, 2009).

A. Hospital C. Health
B. Health Services D. Health Products

8. Mitch desires to buy a facial wash. What will be her basis in selecting a
beauty product?

A. Packaging C. Content
B. Latest Product D. Quantity

9. Ramela orders her favorite pizza from Jed’s Pizza House. She is always
satisfied with the pizza. Thus, she recommends the place to Sir Charlie. What
kind of evaluation does the situation depict?

A. Credibility C. Disclosure
B. Content D. Interactivity

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
10 | P a g e
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
10. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.

A. Decision making C. Disclosure

B. Extended Healthcare Facility D. Content

11. Healthcare facilities are places or institutions that offer healthcare services to
people. What is the difference between Health Center and Extended Health
Care Facility?

A. They are both healthcare providers.

B. They both cater the medical needs of specific group of people.
C. Health Center is for various health needs while Health Care Facility
specializes in one medical need.
D. Health Care Facility’s main focus is on the elderly while Health Center is
for different age groups.

12. Sound decision-making is best reflected on the following scenarios EXCEPT


A. Mae reads a lot of consumers’ reviews before purchasing online products.

B. Prior to buying, Belle scrutinizes the cell phones’ specifications.
C. Doctor Licoto always checks the medical history of his patients before
prescribing medicines.
D. Even though the medicine never has therapeutic claims, Cris buys it
based on a friend’s recommendation.

13. Savior’s preparation to develop his skills and understanding of concepts that
are required for everyday living in order for him to achieve maximum
satisfaction and utilization of his resources refers to ___________.

A. Consumer Health Education C. Health Services

B. Consumer Health D. Health Product

14. Quackery is a health fraud. Which of the following does NOT describe the
dangers of quackery?

A. cure illness C. give threat to human health

B. give complications D. harm your health through
consuming something
15. Anna likes to drink a slimming tea because she believe it would help her to
lose weight instantly. What form of quackery is believed by Ana?

A. Device quackery C. Medical quackery

B. Information quackery D. Nutritional quackery

16. As a smart consumer how will you avoid fraudulent health products?
A. Purchased products with no labels
B. Accept recommendations from a friend
C. rely on good advertisements of health products
D. examine and evaluate the reliability of health products

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)
11 | P a g e
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
17. Which of the following is not an example of device quackery?

A. abs Stimulator C. acupuncture stimulator

B. muscle Electrotherapy D. healer (albularyo)

18. Being an intelligent consumer, how do you identify a medical quack?

A. they are well-known

B. they have many patients
C. they cure only serious cases
D. they do not demand a medical fee

19. It is any advertisement promotion or sale of products that is not scientifically

proven safe or effective. As a consumer, how can you avoid quackery?
A. view some testimonial sites
B. buy online products without label
C. accept recommendation from a friend
D. check or confirm his or her credentials

20. What leads a person fall into quackery?

A. they are most reliable doctors
B. it is less expensive and can cure someone easily
C. because of its false hope and also they can convinced people having
religious faith
D. All choices are correct


re Evaluation Criteria.pdf

CONSUMER HEALTH (Programs for Consumer Welfare and Protection)

Competency: Participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection. (H10-lg-h-28)

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