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CHAPTER 1. True or False

1. HRM should assume all countries have the same cultures.

2. Technology and information technology have little impact on HRM.

3. Today’s workforce is composed of diverse groups.

4. Rightsizing is a strategy companies use to balance their labor supply.

5. Continuous improvement programs eliminate change in an organization.

6. Employee empowerment increases worker involvement and productivity.

7. HRM is affected by the economy.

8. HRM can play a vital role in enforcing ethical codes of conduct.


1. What are the functions of HRM?

A. staffing, training, motivation, leading
B. staffing, training and development, motivation, maintenance
C. hiring, development, motivation, training
D. hiring, training and development, leading, maintenance

2. What is the "Staffing Function"?

A. seeking and hiring qualified employees

B. assisting employees to develop skills, knowledge, and abilities

C. helping employees exert at high energy levels

D. maintaining employees' commitment and loyalty to the organization

3. What are the major HR positions?

A. employees, employers, managers, director

B. CEO, leaders, professionals, assistants

C. CEO and CFO

D. assistants, generalists, specialists, executives

4. Which department is responsible for helping employees maximize their potential and enhancing their
personal qualities?
A. Employment

B. Compensation and Benefits

C. Training and Development

D. Employee Relations

5. The structure of the HR department consists of which parts?

A. Employment B. Labor Union C. A&D are correct D. Employee relations

6. Who acts on behalf of its members to secure wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of

7. "HRM must both assist the organization in its strategic direction and represent as well as advocate for
the employees. " ( True or False)


1. Which act is considered the beginning of equal employment opportunity (EEO)?

A. The Civil Right Act of 1964

B. The Civil Right Act of 1866

C. Both A and B

2. What is EEOA stand for in our presentation?

A. Equal Educational Opportunities Act

B. Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessor

C. Equal Employment Opportunity Act

3. What are the Structure of the HR Department?

4. What are the responsibilities of Employment?

5. . The 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII, protects individuals on the basis of ____, _____, ________,
___, and ________ ______.

race, color, religion, sex, national origin

6. 2. The Equal Opportunity Employment Act established the _________.


7. 3. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 included the _____ _______ Act.

Glass Ceiling
8. 4. The 4/5ths Rule: number of minority members hired must equal at least ___ percent of the
majority members in the population hired.


9. 5. With _______ _________, companies argue job relatedness in responding to accusations of

discrimination in hiring.

Business necessity

10. 6. The 1971 Supreme Court case _____v.________________ ruled that tests must fairly measure
the skills and knowledge required for a job.

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

11. 7. The EEOC defines sexual harassment as creating an ____________.

intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment


1. Who are the people participating in job analysis?

2. Which is the most effective method in 6 methods of job analysis?

3. Does HRIS have drawbacks? What are they?

4. What are the steps of job analysis implementing?

5. How to use job analysis methods to get the most out of them? How to apply O*Net in Vietnam


1. The ____ _____ _____ is the first step in the selection process.

initial screening interview

2. _____ _______ __ assign values to application information in order to determine job success.

Weighted application forms

3. _______ _____ ___require applicants to engage in job behaviors necessary for doing the job

Performance simulation tests

4. Three types of comprehensive interviews are _______, ______, and _____.

traditional, panel, and situational

5. In a ___________ ___ _____, HR manager makes an offer of employment, contingent upon

successful completion of background check, physical/medical exam, drug test, etc.

conditional job offer

6. _________ _________ means employers may discuss employees with prospective employers
without fear of reprisal as long as the discussion is about job-related, documented facts.

Qualified privilege

7. There three types of validity are _______, ________, and _________-_______.

Content, construct, criterion-related

8. On an employment test, the ___ _____ separates successful from unsuccessful performers.

cut score


1. The Purpose of an Employee Handbook

A. Introduce employees to the company information

B. Help new employees understand organizational cultures

C. Limit legal troubles

D. All of the above

2. Create an employee handbook for business:

A. Writing concise, coherent, understandable

B. Writing rambling, lengthy

C. Using confusing words

3. What is the off-training?

A. widely known as OJT B. take place at the workplace C. take place outside

4. Why employee training is important?

A. boost their employees ’ skills B. make customer happier C. Both A and B

5. What is not the role of the change agent in OD?

A. Consultant B. Trainer C. Reporter

6. How many stages of OD process?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7

7. How many disciplines of a learning organization?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6

8. How many purposes are there in making a NEO?

A. 5 B. 3 C. 4

9. Who is in charge of NEO in medium- and large-sized companies?

A. CEO B. Direct supervisor C. HRM

10. The key personnel of NEO in small- and medium-sized companies is:

A. CEO B. Direct Supervisor C. HRM


1. What should young people do to enhance your own career?

2. What is an external career measure by?

A. Promotion, income

B. Income, meaningful of work

C. meaningful of work, achievement of personal goals

D. Promotion, meaningful of work

3. How are many vocational themes of The Holland Vocational Model identified? What are they?

6 vocational themes

4. How many stages are there in the traditional career stage?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 3 D. 6

5. What is the typical age of the later career stage?

A. 35-40 B40-55 C. 50-65 D. 47-54


1. Giving average ratings to all employees irrespective of their performance

A. Leniency error B Similarity error C Central tendency D Low appraiser motivation

2. How many steps are there in the appraisal process?

A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8

3. The 2nd step in the appraisal process is

A. Communicate expectations B. Measure actual performance

C. Discuss the appraisal D. All are incorrect

4/what is known as " good Job" if there is no performance substitute then difficult to appraise
fairly and justifiably?

A. leniency error B. Central tendency

C. Low appraiser motivation D. inappropriate substitutes for performance

5. What is a legal purpose of a Performance Management System?

A. Feedback C. Documentation

B. Development D. Assistance

6/What difficulty may arise in evaluating performance when focusing on the individual?

A. Biases C. Expectation

B. Emotions D. Satisfaction

7/What is the most popular and oldest methods?

A. Graphic rating scale C. forced-choice B. checklist D. MBO

8. What dose "MBO" stand for?

A. Management by outcomes B. Management behavioral outcomes

C. Management by objectives D. Management based on objectives

9. What are important factors to create more effective Performance management systems?

A. Behavior-based measures, ongoing feedback, multiple raters

B. Ongoing feedback, traits-based measures, combine absolute and relative standards, multiple

10. The purpose of using multiple raters:

A. Employees want to be more professional

B. Increase the probability of achieving more valid and reliable evaluations


1. What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971?

2. What is the Employment-at-Will-Doctrine?
3. What are the four most common violations requiring disciplinary action?
4. What is the Hot-Stove Rule?
5. A situation in which employment decisions are not affected by discrimination.
A. Fair employment
B. Employment Discrimination
C. Favoritism
D. Affirmative action
6. The CEO has appointed Amjad to lead the current project as he has the talent to
handle critical situations with an ease which enhances the followers morale as well.
He is said to be a successful leader as per:
A. Leadership Theory
B. Trait Theory
C. Behavioral Theory
D. Motivational Theory

7. What is socialization/onboarding?

8. What is an assumption of employee socialization?

9. What is an employee handbook?

10. What are the employee development methods?

11. What are change agents?

12. What are performance-based evaluation methods?

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