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Data Governance Definitions Survey:

Try to collect the following information for each term.

Category Questions
● How is the data obtained?
o When do we collect it?
o Who is responsible for collection?
o Where is the data born?
o Who is responsible for putting it in the system?
o Where else have you seen the data being used?
● What business process supports the collection of this data?
● Is the data static or subject to be changed during its lifecycle?
● Is there an acronym for this term?
● Is the data collected under certain conditions?
● On a scale of 1-10 how important is this term?
● Are you aware of confusions related to this term? Describe it.
● Have you seen the term used differently or calculated differently?
● Is there an industry-standard definition for this term?
● Are there any issues or conflicts with the term appearing in multiple
● Does this term appear in more than one application?
● Where do you think is the best source for the term?

Metrics ● If the term is a metric, are you confident in the way it is being calculated?

● Note anomalies (understand and note the presence of anomalies, you

Anomalies don’t have to fix them)
and Synonyms
● Is there a synonym for the term?

Quality ● Are there any data quality issues around this term?

External ● Is this term related to sensitive information, like the recipe for Coca-
Source Cola?
Requirements ● Is the term proprietary to our organization?

● Are there terms you think are critical for us to address?

● What definitions would you like to see us add to the business glossary?

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