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Expanded Pay for Doctors Amidst the Pandemic

Dear Mr. Nathan Lopez,

I'm composing this letter to draw out into the open something that I accept is unjustifiable and
requires consideration. Quezon City is confronting a wellbeing emergency of memorable
extents. It is the ideal opportunity for the public authority to stop it’s not well thought of and
destructive medical services changes. Inconvenience of doctor installment changes that have
been displayed to expand hospitalizations and crisis division visits during a pandemic is crazy
and reckless.

We are incredibly baffled with the public authority's choice to end exchanges and the doctor
administrations understanding, recognizing the interaction and for the calling. Besides, the way
the public authority has dealt with analysis of its activities is seriously debilitating.

We request you to stop end from the doctor pay contract and entreat you to reestablish it. This
call for activity comes during a worldwide pandemic. Likewise, we ask that you proceed with
exchange procedures, in sincerely, to guarantee that everything doctors can be on the forefront
knowing with conviction that their administration has both their government assistance and
patient consideration as a top priority.

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