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DAGUERREOTYPE CAMERA (The first commercially successful camera) VS CANON EOS 90D (A digital single-lens reflex camera)

The daguerreotype camera was named after Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, the inventor. On August 19, 1839, at a meeting of the French
Academy of Sciences in Paris, the invention was made public. The modern version of the camera, on the other hand, was introduced on August 28,
2019. Canon Inc. created the Canon EOS 90D.
The Daguerreotype Camera is a box camera that uses a simple process to let light in through a small hole. On a polished sheet of silver-plated
copper sensitive with vaporized iodine, the camera could produce highly detailed images. The plate is put into the camera's back and exposed to
light for a few minutes. They used mercury fumes to create the image, which they then "fixed" or made permanent with sodium thiosulphate.
Because it is a box-shaped camera, the daguerreotype camera is not flexible and is heavy to carry. It has legs that can be used to hold the camera.
The Canon EOS 90D is a multifunctional camera. The modern camera is far smaller than the old version of camera. It has a unique shape that
makes it incredibly handy. It is less heavy on the hand but you can carry it with your hands because of its size unlike the traditional camera. The
process of capturing is very fast. It does not require any additional materials for preservation because it may be stored in a memory card placed into
a DSLR camera. Furthermore, the modern camera produces a highly detailed photo with vibrant colors, exactly like the real-life setting. It is far more
advanced than earlier cameras since you can edit and change the lens for a much clearer image on the latest version camera. It's more versatile
than a daguerreotype camera. In terms of physical features, the Canon EOS 90D DSLR camera is small and has a lot of buttons for customizing the
camera to your liking. The daguerreotype camera is a box-typed with a lens on the center and a stand.
Positive And Negative Impact
The invention of the daguerreotype camera had a great impact because it gave a new opportunity for other inventors to create a more
advanced camera. Because Daguerre's camera and process were adopted all over the world, the creation of the first commercially successful
camera had a positive impact on society. The Daguerreotype camera became a class equalizer. It was no longer produced solely for the rich. An
ordinary individual may walk into a portrait studio, sit for a photograph, and have the same experience as someone from the upper-class. Picture
factories arose as a result of the popularity. As an outcome, more studios opened and businesses grew in popularity. Overall, the daguerreotype
camera's development had a huge impact on people. They could visit photo galleries to see real photographs of politicians, officials, and
celebrities. It is a significant step forward for the people and society.
On the other hand, as technology advanced and society's demand for more developed, modern cameras such as the Canon EOS 90D DSLR
were developed. The digital camera has a beneficial impact because of how it produces higher-quality images. It is close to the actual landscape.
People will be able to see high-quality photographs that they will admire. It's more of a feeling of being near to reality. People nowadays want their
photos to be high-quality and even have high resolutions since they like capturing each event of their lives and sharing them on social media. Those
who enjoy photography are delighted at the development of DSLR cameras. They can express their passion for photography even more with the
digital camera, which has several powerful functions. Modern cameras now play a major part in film production, capturing detailed images of
planets, stars, and the moon, along with many other things. However, the most major drawback is the higher costs. Because the market price is
expensive, not everyone can afford to have it. People who are rich or have the financial means to do buy are the only ones who can afford to
explore it. Moreover, another downside is, DSLR cameras use electricity as its source of power because to be able to use it, it requires sufficient
battery life.

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