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Influence of Mother and Family Perception About Aefi Baby Basic Immunization

Sukmawati Anwara,*, Ema Alasiryb, Werna Nontjic, Elly Syattard,Farida Albugise, Andi Nilawati Usmana

Department of Midwifery, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Pediatrica, Faculty Child Health,Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, Faculty Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Pediatrica, Faculty Child Health,Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Pediatrica, Faculty Child Health,Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Department of Pathology Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

*Corresponding author.
E-mail Address:

Objective : This study aims to determine the application of a predictive model for the incidence
of anemia in preconceptional women.
Method: This literature review uses three data bases, namely Garuda, Google Scholar and
Pudmed, while the research design uses an Analytical Survey with a case control approach,
Cross Sectional, quantitative descriptive published in the last 10 years by analyzing 30 journals.
Results: This literature review uses 30 articles that have met the inclusion criteria, and it was
found that of the 30 journals analyzed regarding the administration of immunization, some
mothers have different perceptions, but it should be noted that the benefits of immunization
are numerous for health and developmental growth. our children in the future. This is because
when a newborn is born, it is necessary to get an immunization vaccination for this newborn.
For this reason, it is important for us to know the various types of vaccinations and also the
benefits of immunization vaccinations for each of our infants and toddlers.
Conclusion: The conclusion in this literature review from 30 journals analyzed on the Effect of
Maternal and Family Perceptions About AEFI on Immunization, it can be concluded that basic
immunization is useful in reducing the risk of developing these diseases. When the body has
received the vaccine, its resistance will be stronger when there are bacteria that cause
diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus that enter the body

Keyword : Perception, baby basic immunization

Immunization is an immune system given to humans with the aim of protecting the
individual from diseases that can endanger life. What must be known from immunization is
that immunization protects children against several dangerous diseases. Children who do not
receive immunizations are more likely to fall ill and become permanently disabled or
malnourished and then die
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, the number of
infants who had been vaccinated against immunization reached around 72.8%. Meanwhile, in
2016 the number of infants who had been vaccinated against immunization reached about
77.3% and in 2017 the number of infants who had been vaccinated against immunization
reached about 81.2%3
According to the Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (IDHS) in 2018, the number of
infants who had been vaccinated against immunization reached around 65.2%. Meanwhile, in
2019 the number of infants who had been vaccinated against immunization reached around
68.1% and in 2020 the number of infants who had been vaccinated against immunization
reached around 73.9%
Research conducted by Azizah, Suyati and Rahmawati in 2012 conducted at BPS Hj. Umi
Salmah in Kauman Village, Peterongan, Jombang showed that of 23 mothers, 17 mothers
(74%) had good knowledge, most of the 14 infants (60%) with immunization were obedient, so
it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the mother's level of knowledge about
the importance of immunization basic with adherence to immunization
The problem that occurs in society is that there are many perceptions of mothers in
giving immunizations, there are those who think that the content of one of the immunization
vaccines contains ingredients that are forbidden by their husbands, there are also those who
feel that one type of immunization has enough side effects for children to be fussy, namely
fever and there are also those who state that they are reluctant to immunize during the
pandemic for fear of transmission
Data obtained from the Tamalanrea Jaya Makassar Health Center in 2019 the number of
immunization coverage reached 11,668 people (99.28%). While in 2020 the total immunization
coverage reached 10,632 people (91.32%) and in 2021 the total immunization coverage
reached 10,632 people (79.59%). This means that there has been a significant decline at the
beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until now. Therefore, one of the reasons the researchers
raised this title is to find out the extent of the mother's perception of giving basic immunization
to infants
This research is also strengthened by research conducted by Yusnidar in 2012 in the
Kelurahan Sidorame Barat II Medan Perjuangan said that from 39 respondents, 20 people
(51.3%) had sufficient knowledge about basic immunization and the completeness of basic
immunization in infants. The large size is complete, namely 30 people (76.9%) so that there is a
relationship between mother's knowledge about basic immunization with completeness of
basic immunization for infants aged 0-12 months in the IX environment, Sidorame Barat II
Village, Medan
The research design used in this study is a Literature review using three data bases,
namely Garuda, Google Scholar and Pudmed while for the research design using an Analytical
Survey with a case control approach, Cross Sectional, quantitative descriptive published in the
last 10 years by analyzing 30 journals
Search literature or journals using keywords that are used to expand or specify the
search, making it easier to determine the articles or journals used. The keywords in this
literature review are The Influence of Mother and Family Perception About AEFI on
Literature review which is a comprehensive summary of several research studies that are
determined based on certain themes. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained
not from direct observation, but obtained from the results of research that has been carried out
by previous researchers. Sources of secondary data obtained in the form of reputable journal
articles both nationally and internationally with a predetermined theme. The literature search
in this literature review uses several databases with high, medium and low quality criteria,
namely, ProQuest, Pudmed, Garuda and Google Scholar.
Diagram Flow Literature Review

Identify articles by Identify articles by other

Database ProQuest (n=27) sources Google Scholar
Pudmed (=17 ) (n=81 ) and Garuda (n=28)

Number of journals obtained


Number of journals after

duplication is removed

Selected journals Journals issued according to the

(n=126) Exclusion Criteria
(n=85 )

The full article was issued with a

Full text articles are assessed for certain reason, the reason: does
eligibility not match the abstract and the
(n=41) results contained in the research
journal (n=11)

Articles/journals to be used

The results of this study describe 30 journals that are references for literature review and
these results are described in the form of a review analysis table

No Penulis Tahun Vol. No Judul Metode (Design, Populasi Variabel) Hasil Penelitian
1 Oluwole Victor 2020 Vol.3 Factors Influencing This study aimed at determining the Out of total 138 subjects This study
Oluwalomola Utilization of Child knowledge, attitude and practice of revealed that 93% have poor knowledge
Immunization Services in a mothers/guide towards while 7% have good knowledge about
Tertiary Health Institution immunization and the factors immunization. 57.97% have good
in Sokoto North-West affecting utilization of immunization attitudes and 42.03% have poor
Nigeria services in a tertiary institution in attitude towards immunization. 52.90%
North-West Nigeria. One hundred have good practices while 47.10% have
and thirty-eight mothers/guides poor practices towards immunization.
participated in this cross-sectional Level of education was revealed to have
study. statistical significant relationship with
mothers/guides knowledge, attitude
and practice towards immunization.
Factors such as lack of husbands’
consent, absence from town, sick child,
travel cost and travel distance were
reported to affect utilization of
immunization services.
2 Kalaiselvi 2015 Volume 4 Knowledge on routine Community-based cross-sectional Out of total 215 subjects. Mean age of
Selvaraj pentavalent vaccines and study was conducted in four areas of the 215 mothers interviewed was 27 ±
socioeconomic correlates urban field practice area of JIPMER, 3.7 yr and their children was 23.7 ± 16.7
among mothers of children Puducherry, during February to mo. Among these 215 mothers, 36.7%
aged younger than 5 years March 2013. By proportionate had knowledge about pentavalent
in Urban Puducherry stratified sampling, mothers of vaccine. Vaccine knowledge was higher
children aged younger than 5 yr were for polio (94.4%), followed by measles
selected from the records maintained (77–79%). Mothers of children who had
in the urban center. Mothers were received the pentavalent vaccine were
interviewed regarding knowledge significantly more aware of
and schedule for routine vaccines and this vaccine compared with mothers
sociodemographic details. Status of whose children did not receive it (P =
vaccine administration was cross- 0.0004). Multivariate logistic regression
checked with the immunization card analysis showed that mother’s
of the child education, occupation, and age of the
children to be the significant factors
favoring their knowledge
3 Choudhary 2017 Volume 9 Knowledge and Practices of It was a cross-sectional study Out of total 210 subjects, 111 (52.85%)
Bhagraj Caretakers About conducted from October 2016 to were males and rest 99 (47.15%)
Immunization Among December 2016, included 210 females. BCG was administered to 106
Children Aged 12 – 23 caretakers and 210 infants of 12-23 (95.49%) of males and 85 (85.85%) of
Months of Rural block months old selected by applying the females, III to 83 (74.77%) of males and
Gudamalani, District 30 × 7 cluster sampling method in 70 (70.70%) of females and Measles to
Barmer (Rajasthan) block Gudamalani of district Barmer. 149 (70.96%) of the total subjects. The
Only one infant was included from dropout rates in both the gender was
each caretaker. observed maximum in BCG to Measles
(23.58 in males and 20.00 in females)
followed by – I to – III (16.16 in males to
9.75 in females). Knowledge about the
correct age of vaccination for Measles,
BCG, , OPV were 26.67%, 21.43%,
18.57% and 12.85% of the study
subjects respectively. Fever (54.28%),
swelling (74.76%), redness (60.95%) on
thigh after emerged as main side effects
of vaccination. Measles (86.19%) and
Polio (65.24%) were the most
commonly heard diseases, among the
vaccine preventable diseases.
4 Naresh Gill 2016 Volume 3 Immunization coverage Immunization coverage was Out of total 210 subjects. 90%
and its associated assessed with the help of the children were completely
factors among children WHO’s 30cluster sampling immunized. The immunization
residing in project method with a coverage was highest for BCG
affected population’s sample size of 210 children in the (98.1%) and least for measles
resettlement colonies 12-23 months age group (90%). The most common reason for
in urban slum of noncompliance was child’s illness at
Mumbai, Maharashtra, the time of scheduled
India vaccine dose
5 Jolsna Joseph 2015 Volume 4 Parents’ knowledge, A cross-sectional survey was Out of total 200 subjects. Although
attitude, and practice on conducted in immunization clinic at childhood immunization practices and
childhood immunization Vanivilas hospital, a government attitudes are satisfactory, majority do
tertiary care center (G) attached to not have specific knowledge on vaccines
Bangalore Medical College and and the duration of protection they
Research Institute and a private offer. Socio-demographic factors had a
pediatric clinic (P) in Bengaluru. Data significant influence on the
were collected from 200 immunization status. Hence, efforts
parents/guardians (100 from each should be focused on improving them
set up) using structured also besides educating them about
questionnaire administered by the vaccines to improve their knowledge
6 Octavina 2017 volume 2 Effect of Parents' This type of research is descriptive Out of total 51 subjects. Data analysis
Susanti Characteristics and analytic with approach cross used Chi-square test and Fisher exact
Perceptions on Basic sectional using a questionnaire as a test. Based on the results of
Immunization in Children research instrument to the parents of the analysis of the relationship between
the patients in the wards and child parental perceptions and completeness
polyclinic period from June to July of basic
2020. A sample of 51 people with immunization, the results were
methods Consecutive obtained ( p > 0.05 ), for the assessment
sampling of the relationship between parental
characteristics in the form of age,
monthly income level and number of
children with completeness of basic
immunization in children, the results
were obtained ( p > 0.05). , while the
characteristics of the level of parental
education with completeness of basic
immunization in children obtained hacil
( p <0.05).
7 Adamu Kenea 2016 volume 2 Asessment of Protection at Community based cross-sectional Out of total 779 subjects. Of the total
Birth of Tetanus Toxoid study was conducted to assess 779 interviewed and 655 (85.4%) of
Immunization and Protection at Birth of tetanus toxoid them had history of health facility visits
associated Risk Factors in immunization and associated factors while they were pregnant. Protection-
Ilu Aba Bora Zone in Ilu Aba Bora Zone. Sample of 823 at-birth of tetanus toxoid immunization
Southwest, Ethiopia women of child bearing age with 0- significantly associated with
11 month old children was selected educational status of couples and
using multistage stratified random listening radio with (AOR/95%
sampling technique. Data was CI=0.25/0.16- 0.56/0.001) and
collected using structured and pre- (AOR/95% CI=0.30/0.09-0.72/0.11)
tested questionnaire and analysed respectively. Out of the total
using SPSS software version 20 respondents 310 (39.8%) protected at
birth among which about 36 (7.7%)
were from age group <30, 181 (38.7%)
31-40 years, 149 (31.8%) 41-49 years.
Out of these mothers 197 (65.9%)
delivered in hospitals and health
centers and 98 (32.8%) attended at
home. Concerning birth attendants, 196
(68.3%) of Protection-at-birth were
attended by health worker, 39 (13.6%)
attended by Health extension workers
8 Sanjay Anil 2020 volume 7 Immunization status of A prospective, cross sectional study Out of total 418 subjects , 70.3% were
Natu children admitted to a was carried out in which children completely immunized, 27.8%
tertiary hospital in India between 12-23 months age admitted incompletely immunized and 1.9%
to paediatric wards of a tertiary care unimmunized. Majority were
hospital were included. Immunization immunized in government centers.
history for Universal immunization 83.3% subjects were of 1st/2nd birth
program vaccines and socio- order, 90.4% were delivered
demographic information was institutionally and 76.1% were delivered
collected and analysed to find the vaginally. Around half of the children’s
immunization status and its fathers and mothers were illiterate.
correlation with various demographic Only father was employed in 75.4%
factors while both parents were employed in
23.4%. Birth order, place of delivery,
mode of delivery, father and mother’s
education and employment status were
statistically associated with
immunization while gender, presence of
immunization card, migrant status and
place of immunization were not
associated. Reasons for incomplete
immunization included lack of
knowledge about immunization and
‘child not well’ at time of immunization
9 Babitha Rexlin 2020 volume 7 Immunization status of Our aim was to determine Out of total 613 subjects. Of the 613
children aged 1-5 years immunization status and reasons for children 5 were excluded from the study
attending tertiary care partial or non-immunization of due to contraindications to
center and reasons for children aged 1 to 5 years in immunizations. Of the 608 children 529
partial or non- Kanyakumari district from April 2019 (87%) were fully immunized, 79(13%)
immunization to March 2020. It’s a prospective and were partially immunized and none
descriptive hospital-based study. were unimmunized. Among partially
Here 613 children were split-up in immunized, 2 parents lacked
three categories based on ministry of information (2.5%), 26 parents lacked
health and family welfare (MOHFW) motivation (32.9%), 45 parents faced
guidelines as fully, partially or obstacles (57%) and 6 parents had
unimmunized. The samples were other reasons (7.6%). 2 parents who
analysed with IBM. SPSS statistics lacked information were migrant
software 23.0 Version laborers, illiterates and the children
were home delivered. In the partial
immunization, chi-square and
regression analysis revealed that for
female gender the p-value was 0.001,
OR 2.084 with 95% confidence interval
(CI) (1.347 to 3.226), for parental
education the p-value was 0.0005, OR
1.561 with 95% CI (1.034 to 2.335) and
for home delivery the p value was
0.0005, OR 1.564 with 95% CI (1.006 to
10 Ayun Sriatmi 2019 Volume 2 Immunization Punctuality This research is an observational Out of total 689 subjects. The results
in The Achievement of study with cross sectional design. The show 98.25% of Baduta have received
Complete Basic population means all Baduta in basic immunization although not all yet
Immunization for Babies Semarang, with sample of 689 complete. Immunization of measles is
Age 12-22 Months Baduta from 37 Puskesmas (Society the most immunization which have not
Health Center) taken randomly. been received yet by Baduta (13.35%),
Baduta immunization status is followed by Polio-4 (8.27%) and / HB /
obtained from the KIA Book HiB-3 (7.4%). Sources of information on
immunization are generally obtained
from health workers and cadres
11 Mrs. Rimple 2014 Volume 6 A Randomized Control Trial A Quantitative research approach Out of total 90 subjects. The findings of
Sharma To Assess The Effect Of and Randomized Control Trial design the present study revealed that the
distraction technique on to assess the effect of distraction mean pain score of Control group was
Pain during immunization techniques on pain during 3.27) and Experimental group II ( 2.50).
among infants immunization among coming for Control and Experimental group I and
immunization in Guru Teg Bahadur also between Control and Experimental
Sahib (C) by simple random sampling Group II was
technique and randomized in ,
I and II. During immunization,
standard care was given to
as distraction to Experimental group I
and sound producing
assessed using Neonatal Infant Pain
Scale. Results were statistics.
12 Arvinder Pal 2020 volume 7 Assessment of This large multi-site study was Out of total 13 subjects. During study
Singh Narula immunization among conducted in Pune district having period 3,112 women were enrolled. The
newborns: comparison population of 9.43 million. A total of relative risk of not getting vaccine
between children delivered 13 hospitals were selected which Hepatitis B birth dose before 24 hours
vaginally and by cesarean included all government hospitals among cesarean delivered newoborns
section performing more than five cesarean was 1.08. The relative risk of not getting
sections per month, and one zero polio and BCG among cesarean
government and one private medical delivered newborns was 0.71 and 0.76
college hospital. Cesarean section respectively. All these differences were
and vaginally deliveries were enrolled significant. The coverage for all vaccines
in 1:1 ratio. Their children were was better in sub district hospitals than
followed till discharge. Data were others. Coverage of all vaccines in
collected by obstetrician or qualified government teaching hospital was
nurse. better than private.
13 Risna Nur 2020 Volume 8 Correlation Between This is a secondary data analysis with This research shows that there is a
Fajariyah Immunization Status And cross-sectional study design. The relationship between immunisation
Mother’s Height, And data used for this study were status (p = 0.01; OR =1.78; 95% CI =
Stunting In Children 2–5 obtained from Indonesia Family Live 1.26 < OR < 2.52), mother’s height (p =
years Survey wave 5 (IFLS-5). IFLS-5 was 0.00; OR = 1.41; 95% CI = 1.00 < OR <
conducted in 13 provinces from 1.98) and stunting in children aged 2–5
October 2014 until April 2015. The years. Conclusion: Immunisation status
data were collected from 1,048 and mother’s height are associated
respondents aged 2–5 years in the with stunting in children aged 2–5 years
IFLS-5 with completed age and height
data. The observed variables were
age, sex, immunisation status,
history of infection, mother’s height,
mother’s age during pregnancy,
living area, and region
14 Farid 2019 Volume 8 Description of complete The aim of this study was to The variables measured were basic
Agushybana basic immunization determine the coverage of complete immumination, punctuality of
coverage among infant basic immunization in infants in immumination, mothers’ knowledge
Temanggung regency. The design of and benefits of immumination,
this study was descriptive possessing and understanding of
observational with quantitative and manual about mother and children
qualitative approaches. The health. The instrument used was the
respondents of the research were Rapid Card Check Form recommended
498 parents having 12-23 months by UNICEF. The results showed that
infants dwelling within the there were still infants who had not
administration of community health been immunized (2-5%) with complete
center of Temanggung district basic immumination coverage >95%.
The reasons were that the infants had
low birth weight, sick children during
immunization, and no support from
15 Henry V Doctor 2011 Volume 4 Making Pictures Speak In December 2010, a total of 561 Half of the respondents during the pre-
Louder than Voice: Efforts parents with children under 5 years video-exposure period gave correct
to Improve Child Survival viewed a polio routine immunization polio decision-making knowledge and
through ‘Majigi’ in Jigawa (RI) sensitization video across eight this increased significantly to 89%
State, communities in Hadejia Local during the post-innovation period.
Nigeria Government Area. The ‘pre-’ and About 68% had positive attitudes
‘post-video-exposure’ periods were towards their responsibility for ending
defined as the period before and polio during the pre-assessment and
after the viewers were shown the increased significantly to 89% during
video, respectively. Pre- and post- the post-assessment. Pre-video-
assessment interviews were exposure knowledge
conducted using a structured of the RI schedule averaged 56% and
questionnaire administered to 96 increased to 88%.
randomly selected viewers
16 Esther 2020 Volume 4 Exploring Strategies to A cross-sectional mixed method study There was a significant relationship
Cheptanui Improve Adherence to involving caregivers (n = 214) of well between the level of education and
Muathe Immunization Schedule: A babies attending the Maternal and marital status of the caregivers and
Study among Children Child Health clinic. Data was adherence to immunization
Attending Maternal and collected using semistructured schedule. Barriers found that is related
Child Health Clinic at questionnaires, focus group to adherence to immunization schedule
Kenyatta National discussions, and key informant included far distance from health
Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya interviews and analyzed using SPSS facility, baby’s sickness, and vaccine
V.20 stock-outs while employment of a
caregiver was a constrainer factor.
Conclusion. The enabling factors to
current strategies of improving
adherence to immunization schedule
were having more health facilities near
residential areas, using text messages
reminders a day before the clinic date
to remind caregivers of the due date for
the clinic, and constant availability of
17 Asrat Meleko 2017 Volume 3 Assessment of Child Thus study was aimed to assess child Out of total 312 subjects /caretakers
Immunization Coverage immunization coverage and factors were interviewed. Based on vaccination
and Associated Factors associated with full vaccination card and mothers/caretakers’ recall,
with Full Vaccination among children aged 12–23 months 295 (91.6%) of the children took at least
among Children Aged 12– inMizan Aman town. The study a single dose of vaccine. From total
23 Months at Mizan Aman design was community-based children, 27 (8.4%) were not immunized
Town, Bench Maji Zone, cross-sectional survey. Data was at all, 159 (49.4%) were partially
Southwest Ethiopia collected by using pretested immunized, and 136 (42.2%) were
structured questionnaire fully immunized.Mothers/caretakers
educational level, fathers’ educational
level, place of delivery,maternal health
care utilization
18 Mesfin 2017 Volume 5 Assessment of Child The study design was community- Out of total 322 subjects. Based on
Geremew Immunization Coverage based cross-sectional survey. Data vaccination card and
and Associated Factors was collected by using pretested mothers/caretakers’ recall, 295 (91.6%)
with Full Vaccination structured questionnaire. A total of of the children took at least a single
among Children Aged 322 mothers/caretakers were dose of vaccine. From total children, 27
interviewed. (8.4%) were not immunized at all, 159
(49.4%) were partially immunized, and
136 (42.2%) were fully immunized.
Mothers/caretakers educational level,
fathers’ educational level, place of
delivery,maternal health care
utilization, and mothers/caretakers
knowledge about vaccine and vaccine-
preventable disease showed significant
association with full child

19 June Irianto 2015 Volume 20 Factors Affecting the The immunization coverage in the Out of total 264 subjects. This study is a
Compulsory Basic District East Sentani in 2014 were quantitative research that applied
Immunization Status of two villages that did not achieve the conducted by a cross sectional study. It
Children in Harapan Health target of universal child conducted in Harapan Health centre of
Centre of East Sentani immunization (UCI) is the Yokiwa East Sentani District in Jayapura
District village, the BCG immunization Regency from May to July 2015.
coverage was 13%, -HB3 was 17%, Bivariate Analysis show no influence
Polio 4 was 22% and coverage of the age of mother results obtained with
Asei village for dasar.-HB 3 was 70%, basic mandatory immunization status
and Measles was 4%. This research (p = 0.009 ), there is the effect of
aims analysis the factors that affect mother's education level with the status
the status of compulsory basic of basic immunization required (p =
immunization on infant. 0.012).
20 Tagbo Beckie 2013 volume 4 Mothers’ Knowledge and A structured interviewer Most mothers (50.1%) had tertiary
Nnenna Perception of Adverse administered questionnaire was education, 39.6% and 9.4% had
Events Following administered to 235 mothers with at secondary and primary education
Immunization in Enugu, least one child < 5 years attending respectively while 0.9% had no formal
South-East, Nigeria children outpatient clinics education. Five did not know why
children were immunized, 188 knew it
was to prevent major killer diseases, 33
believed it was to prevent all diseases
while 9 believed it was to treat diseases.
The knowledge of reason for
immunization was significantly
associated with maternal educational
(p=0.000). Most (89.8%) also knew that
the major content of vaccines were
chemicals/substances that could help
prevent killer diseases. While 1.3%
believed vaccines contained harmful
materials, 8.9% had no knowledge
about the content of vaccines. This was
significantly associated with maternal
education (p=0.001). Majority (34%)
were unable to mention any adverse
event, 31.6% mentioned only one
adverse event. While, 23.8% mentioned
two, 10.6% mentioned three or more
AEFI. Eighty percent would continue if
their children suffered adverse events,
6% would not continue, 13.6% were
undecided and 0.4% did not respond
21 Farid 2019 Volume 8 Description of complete The design of this study was The results showed that there were still
Agushybana basic immunization descriptive observational with infants who had not been immunized
coverage among infant quantitative and qualitative (2-5%) with complete basic
approaches. The respondents of the immumination coverage >95%. The
research were 498 parents having reasons were that the infants had low
12-23 months infants dwelling within birth weight, sick children during
the administration of community immunization, and no support from
health center of Temanggung parents. As the immunization program
district. The variables measured were aims to reduce infant and child
basic immumination, punctuality of mortality, parental awareness is
immumination, mothers’ knowledge important to increase immunization
and benefits of immumination, coverage in Temanggung regency
possessing and understanding of Deborah Lehmann
manual about mother and children
health. The instrument used was the
Rapid Card Check Form
recommended by UNICEF.
22 Deborah 2015 Volume 19 Benefits of routine Demographic events for children Out of total 6665 subjects. In all,
Lehmann immunizations on born in 1989–1994 who were under 101/3502 children (3%) who had at
childhood survival in Tari, monthly demographic surveillance in least one vaccine died between ages
Southern Highlands Tari were recorded from birth until 29 days and 24 months were compared
Province, Papua New age 2 years, outmigration, death, or to 112/546 (21%) who had none. BCG
Guinea the end of the study period. Data on was associated with lower mortality in
BCG, hepatitis B, DTP, measles and the 1–5 month age group (hazard ratio
pneumococcal polysaccharide [HR] = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.09, 0.34), measles
vaccination were collected monthly vaccine with lower mortality at age
from clinic records. To allow for 6–11 months (HR = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.17,
different characteristics of 1.01), and pneumococcal
immunized and nonimmunized polysaccharide vaccine with lower
children, analysis included mortality at age 12–23 months (HR =
conditioning on a propensity score 0.42, 95% CI: 0.19, 0.93). One or more
for vaccination, adjusting for doses of DTP was associated with lower
differences in children’s background overall mortality (HR = 0.27, 95% CI:
characteristics 0.16, 0.44), particularly in the 1–5
month age roup (HR = 0.19, 95% CI:
0.10, 0.34), and also in those who had
had prior BCG HR = 0.45, 95% CI: 0.22,
23 S.V. Savaskar 2017 Volume 3 Diphtheria in Children- Are A retrospective observational study Out of total 149 subjects. A total of 149
we even close to control conducted at a teaching hospital. cases were reviewed. Male to female
the menace Review of case notes of all children ratio was 1.26:1. Maximum (65.77%)
aged 1 month – 14 years cases were reported from regions of
Karnataka. Incidence of diphtheria was
0.4%. Highest incidence (46.98%) was
seen in children of 5-10 years age
group. Majority (69.80%) were
unimmunized. Difficulty swallowing
(89.93%) and bull neck (81.21%) were
common presentations. A total of 79
complications were seen of which
myocarditis was the commonest
(41.77%). Of 149, 98 (65.77%)
recovered and were successfully
discharged. CFR was 29.53%. Maximum
deaths (50%) were seen in 1-5 year age
group. Most children (88.63%) died
within 5 days of hospitalisation
24 Rahim Vakili 2015 volume 3 Immunization Coverage in Estimated global DTP3 coverage has Out of total 194 subjects. Results
WHO Regions: A Review remained at 83%- 84% since 2009, showed that more than 111 million
Article with estimated 2013 coverage at infants received vaccines in 2013 to
84%. Global coverage estimates for protect them from deadly diseases.
the second routine dose of Measles- These infants account for about 84
containing Vaccine (MCV2) are percent of the world’s children, but an
reported for the first time in 2013; estimated 21.8 million infants remained
global coverage was 35% by the end unvaccinated, according to new
of the second year of life and 53% estimates from WHO. Three of WHO’s
when including older age groups regions reported very high
immunization coverage: the Western
Pacific with 96 percent; the European
Region with 96 percent; and the Region
of the Americas with 90 percent.
Coverage was slightly lower in the:
Eastern Mediterranean Region at 82
percent; in the South-East Asia Region
at 77 percent; and in the African Region
at 75 percent
25 Mesay Tefera 2015 Volume 4 Determinants of Childhood immunization is Out of total 1882 subjects. The source
Immunization Among recognized as one of the most cost- of the data was the Ethiopian
Children Aged 12-23 effective public health interventions Demographic and Health Survey
Months in Ethiopia: A to prevent morbidity and mortality conducted in 2011 (EDHS) 2011. In
Proportional Odds Model caused by infectious diseases, order to meet our objectives descriptive,
Approach particularly in a high-endemic and ordinal logistic regression
setting. According to the 2011 (proportional odds model) statistical
EDHS report by the Central Statistical techniques were used for data analysis
Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia, nationally, using socioeconomic
only 24 percent of children age 12-23 and demographic variables as
months was fully immunized at the explanatory variables and immunization
time of the survey. The main status of children aged 12-23 months
objective of this study was to identify as the response variable. The results of
and describe the determinants of the analysis predicts that place of
immunization among children aged delivery, wealth index, possession of
12-23 months in Ethiopia radio and region were found to be
significant determinants for full
immunization among children aged 12-
23 months in
26 Samra Subhani 2015 Volume 3 Impact of Mother’s The dependent variable was in three Out of total 588 subjects. The highly
Employment on Child categories so the multinomial logistic educated fathers had more likelihood to
Vaccination (A Case Study regression was applied to explain vaccinate their children compared to
of Bangladesh) results. The results executed that the the uneducated fathers. Young mothers
mothers who were unemployed had had fewer chances to vaccinate their
less probability to immunize their children compared to the old mothers.
children. They had .588 less The 1st born children had more chances
probability to partially vaccinate their
to get vaccine compared to the children
children compared to the employed
who had more than 4th -5th birth order.
mothers of the country
It was suggested that the male and
female should give equal chances of
employment in country

27 Lois Downey 2016 volume 10 Pediatric Vaccination and Primary exposures were use of Out of total 30 subjects. Children who
Vaccine-Preventable chiropractic, naturopathy, saw chiropractors
Disease Acquisition: acupuncture, or massage practitioner were significantly less likely to receive
Associations with Care by services by pediatric enrollees or each of three of the recommended
Complementary and members of their immediate vaccinations. Children aged 1–17 years
Alternative Medicine families. Outcomes included receipt were significantly more likely to be
Providers by children aged 1–2 years of four diagnosed with a vaccine-preventable
vaccine combinations (or their disease if they received naturopathic
component vaccines) covering seven care. Use of provider-based
diseases, and acquisition of vaccine- complementary/alternative medicine by
preventable diseases other family members was not
by enrollees aged 1–17 years. independently associated with early
childhood vaccination status or
disease acquisition. Pediatric use of
complementary/alternative medicine in
Washington State was significantly
associated with reduced adherence to
recommended pediatric vaccination
schedules and with acquisition of
vaccine-preventable disease.
Interventions enlisting the participation
of complementary/alternative medicine
providers in immunization awareness
and promotional activities could
improve adherence rates and assist in
efforts to improve public health
28 Hasnanan 2017 Volume 2 The PPE Protein Rv1196 of Cytokine induction was measured by We demonstrate that the PPE protein,
Mycobacterium enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Rv1196 stimulates macrophages to
tuberculosis Exploits the Interacting receptor on macrophages secrete interleukin (IL)-10
TLR2 Signaling in were identified by flow cytometry cytokine, which favors a Th2 T-cell
Macrophages Eliciting an acoimmunoprecipitation assay using response congenial for mycobacterial
Anti-Inflammatory specific antibody. The p38 MAPK and survival. However, it does not
Response by Producing IL- ERK 1/2 and JNK signaling was significantly affect the production of
10 examined by Western blotting and inflammatory cytokines like IL-12,
flow cytometry TNF-_ as well as nitric oxide production.
IL-10 induction was found to be
dependent on specific interaction of
Rv1196 protein to the toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 on membrane. We found that
an early and sustained activation of p38
MAPK (but not ERK 1/2 and JNK)
downstream of TLR2 was critical for
triggering of IL-10 by Rv1196
29 Nurain 2018 volume 2 Systematic Review On The Electronic literature search by hand Out of total 9614 subjects. Systematic
Suleiman Relevancy Of Paracetamol searching six (6) databases which review of breastfeeding included three
And Breastfeeding Post include Ovid LWW Total Access (3) studies from 9614 of database
Infants Vaccination Collection and Medline, CINAHL searching. The reviews of all these three
(Cumulative Index to Nursing and (3) studies found significant benefit
Alled Health Literature) Plus with from breastfed in pain score and
Fulltext, Science Direct, Proquest duration of crying as well as behavioral
Dissertations and Theses, changes. None study stated the
unbeneficial of breastfeeding before,
during and after immunization.
30 M.K. Sharma 2018 volume 2 Determinants of The source of the in order to meet Out of total 4310 subjects. The results
Immunization Among our objectives descriptive, and of the analysis predicts that place of
Children Aged 12-23 ordinal logistic regression delivery, wealth index, possession of
Months in Ethiopia: (proportional odds model) statistical radio and region were found to be
techniques were used for data significant determinants for full
analysis using socio-economic and immunization among children aged 12-
demographic variables as 23 months in Ethiopia.
explanatory variables and
immunization status of children aged
12-23 months as the response
Based on the results of research conducted by previous researchers which showed
that the literature review studies were in accordance with the review of AEFI in
The results of the research above found facts that from 30 journals that were
analyzed and reviewed, the problem that occurred in the community was the many
perceptions of mothers in giving immunizations, there were those who thought that the
content of one of the immunization vaccines contained illegal ingredients so that it was
prohibited by their husbands. there are also those who feel that one type of
immunization has a side effect, namely bruising, and what is enough for children to be
fussy is fever and there are also those who state that they are reluctant to immunize
during a pandemic for fear of transmission.
A healthy child is a child who is physically, emotionally and socially healthy.
Healthy children usually have good immunity. However, in infancy, children are still
vulnerable to a disease. Children's immunity is still not as good as adults so they are
vulnerable to various dangerous diseases. Children who have good immunity will avoid
infectious diseases or diseases that are endemic, so that physical development and social
emotional development are not disturbed. Immunization vaccines can prevent several
diseases such as:
TB (tuberculosis), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Smallpox, Hepatitis B, Pertussis,Measles,
Polio, meningitis, and pneumonia. But one type of vaccine can only prevent the disease.
So that the body is immune to other diseases, several different vaccines are needed.
Mother has a rolevery important in caring for and educating children as well as
Mothers will take their children to posyandu, puskesmas, or clinics so that their
children get immunizations. Mothers who feel that their children are at risk for diseases
that can be prevented by immunization take preventive measures with vaccines. Building
a good perception of immunization has the opportunity to make decisions to immunize
children. Each immunization vaccine has a different function, number of administration
and time of administration. Lisnawati and Mulyana's book states that BCG (Bacillus
celmette-guerin) immunization is given once to children aged one or two months. BCG
immunization serves to provide immunity against TB (tubercolosis), meningitis and mylar
TB. DPT immunization (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) is given 3 times, namely when
the child is 3 months old while the next DPT immunization can be repeated at an interval
of 4 weeks. This immunization serves to prevent three diseases at once, namely
diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus.
Hepatitis B immunization is given 3 times. The first time is given after the child is
born until the age of 7 days, then when the child is 3 months and 4 months old. This
immunization serves to provide immunity against hepatitis B which can cause liver
cancer. Polio immunization is given 4 times, namely before the child is 2 months old,
once when the child is 3 months old, 4 months old and when the child is 5 months old.
This immunization serves to prevent the occurrence of polio or paralysis. Measles
immunization is given once when the child is 9 months old. Measles immunization
vaccine serves to prevent the occurrence of measles. So the research subjects submitted
to the midwife or health worker regarding the timing of immunization and the number of
times BCG, DPT, polio, hepatitis B and measles immunizations were given to their
children. Mothers must pay attention and understand the immunization schedule, how
many times each immunization is given and at what age the immunization is given
Therefore, the provision of partial basic immunization for each mother has different
perceptions, but it should be noted that the benefits of immunization are numerous for
the health and development of our children in the future. This is because when a
newborn is born, it is necessary to get an immunization vaccination for this newborn. For
this reason, it is important for us to know the various types of vaccinations and also the
benefits of immunization vaccinations for each of our infants and toddlers
The conclusion in this literature review from 30 journals analyzed regarding the effect of
maternal and family perceptions of AEFI on immunization, it can be concluded that basic
immunization is useful in reducing the risk of developing these diseases. When the body
has received the vaccine, its resistance will be stronger when there are bacteria that
cause diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus that enter the body
1. Oluwole Victor Oluwalomola, 2020. Factors Influencing Utilization of Child
Immunization Services in a Tertiary Health Institution in Sokoto North-West Nigeria.
2. Kalaiselvi Selvaraj. 2015. Knowledge on routine pentavalent vaccines and
socioeconomic correlates among mothers of children aged younger than 5 years in
Urban Puducherry. Volume 4
3. Choudhary Bhagraj. 2017. Knowledge and Practices of Caretakers About
Immunization Among Children Aged 12 – 23 Months of Rural block Gudamalani,
District Barmer (Rajasthan). Volume 9.
4. Naresh Gill. 2016. Immunization coverage and its associated factors among children
residing in project affected population’s resettlement colonies in urban slum of
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
5. Jolsna Joseph. 2015. Parents’ knowledge, attitude, and practice on childhood
immunization. Volume 4.
6. Octavina Susanti. 2017. Effect of Parents' Characteristics and Perceptions on Basic
Immunization in Children. volume 2
7. Adamu Kenea. 2016. Asessment of Protection at Birth of Tetanus Toxoid
Immunization and associated Risk Factors in Ilu Aba Bora Zone Southwest, Ethiopia
8. Sanjay Anil Natu. 2020. Immunization status of children admitted to a tertiary
hospital in India. Volume 7.
9. Babitha Rexlin. 2020. Immunization status of children aged 1-5 years attending
tertiary care center and reasons for partial or non-immunization. Volume 7
10. Ayun Sriatmi. 2019. Immunization Punctuality in The Achievement of Complete Basic
Immunization for Babies Age 12-22 Months. Volume 2
11. Rimple Sharma. 2014. A Randomized Control Trial To Assess The Effect Of
distraction technique on Pain during immunization among infants. Volume 6
12. Arvinder Pal Singh Narula. 2020. Assessment of immunization among newborns:
comparison between children delivered vaginally and by cesarean section. Volume 7
13. Risna Nur Fajariyah. 2020. Correlation Between Immunization Status And Mother’s
Height, And Stunting In Children 2–5 years. Volume 8
14. Farid Agushybana. 2019. Description of complete basic immunization coverage
among infant. Volume 8
15. Henry V Doctor. 2011. Making Pictures Speak Louder than Voice: Efforts to Improve
Child Survival through ‘Majigi’ in Jigawa State, Nigeria. Volume 4
16. Esther Cheptanui Muathe. 2020. Exploring Strategies to Improve Adherence to
Immunization Schedule: A Study among Children Attending Maternal and Child
Health Clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Volume 4
17. Asrat Meleko. 2017. Assessment of Child Immunization Coverage and Associated
Factors with Full Vaccination among Children Aged 12–23 Months at Mizan Aman
Town, Bench Maji Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Volume 3
18. Mesfin Geremew. 2017. Assessment of Child Immunization Coverage and Associated
Factors with Full Vaccination among Children Aged. Volume 5.
19. June Irianto. 2015. Factors Affecting the Compulsory Basic Immunization Status of
Children in Harapan Health Centre of East Sentani District. Volume 20
20. Tagbo Beckie Nnenna. 2013. Mothers’ Knowledge and Perception of Adverse Events
Following Immunization in Enugu, South-East, Nigeria. Volume 4
21. Farid Agushybana. 2019. Description of complete basic immunization coverage
among infant. Volume 8
22. Deborah Lehmann. 2015. Benefits of routine immunizations on childhood survival in
Tari, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
23. S.V. Savaskar. 2017. Diphtheria in Children- Are we even close to control the menace
24. Rahim Vakili. 2015. Immunization Coverage in WHO Regions: A Review Article.
Volume 3
25. Mesay Tefera. 2015. Determinants of Immunization Among Children Aged 12-23
Months in Ethiopia: A Proportional Odds Model Approach. Volume 4
26. Samra Subhani. 2015. Impact of Mother’s Employment on Child Vaccination (A Case
Study of Bangladesh) volume 10
27. Lois Downey. 2016. Pediatric Vaccination and Vaccine-Preventable Disease
Acquisition: Associations with Care by Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Providers. Volume 2
28. Hasnanan. 2017. The PPE Protein Rv1196 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Exploits
the TLR2 Signaling in Macrophages Eliciting an Anti-Inflammatory Response by
Producing IL-10. Volume 2
29. Nurain Suleiman. 2018. Systematic Review On The Relevancy Of Paracetamol And
Breastfeeding Post Infants Vaccination. Volume 2
30. M.K. Sharma. 2018. Determinants of Immunization Among Children Aged 12-23
Months in Ethiopia:. Volume 2

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