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Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the exploration of related literature

and studies, both foreign and local, and the synthesis of the

reviewed literature and studies to the present study.

Related Literature

Utilized Social media

According to Sreenivasan (2017), Social media was once

mostly just for fun, but not any more. Social media is now a

critical part of the way people in most walks of life

communicate and a key part of how work gets done — from

corporations to government. Social media allows you to do at

least four important things. It allows you to discover new ideas

and trends, connect with existing and new audiences in deeper

ways, bring attention and traffic to your work and build, craft

and enhance your brand.

Impact of social media on the academic performance of


Netsweeper(2021) states that students are more connected

than ever before through social media, especially during these

difficult times, when they are physically distanced from

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their family, friends, and peers. Social media provides many

benefits, such as giving students the chance to express

themselves creatively, learning opportunities, and the chance to

connect with others, social media can also have a negative impact

on students, both physically and mentally.

Social media and education can complement one another if used

effectively. Social media is continually developing new

educational possibilities for students. Social media has many

positive effects on education. Social Media has become a vital

part of a student’s social life. It is now regarded as a

learning platform that enhances student engagement and

capabilities in many schools. These platforms offer school

children the opportunity to connect, get in touch, access

information and research. Social media is the strongest medium

of communication which helps people to connect from far places.

Social media’s acceptance in daily life is one of the driving

forces behind these depending prospects and how social media is

changing education. (Singh 2023)

While social media provides many benefits, social media can

also have a negative impact on students, both physically and

mentally. It is easy to become addicted, and research shows

that students who spend too much time on social media can suffer
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from poor sleep, eye fatigue, negative body image, depression,

anxiety, cyberbullying, and more. Social media can be incredibly

addictive — we all know what it feels like to tell ourselves

we’ll only check our notifications, and before we know it, we’ve

been mindlessly scrolling for hours. Using devices can have an

especially detrimental effect if done near bedtime, as the blue

light emanating from our devices tricks our bodies into thinking

it’s still daylight outside, which upsets our natural rhythms. We

also blink less when looking at devices, which, in combination

with blue light, can lead to eye fatigue and strain. (Netsweeper,


Robinson et al., (2023) stated that, it’s important to

remember that social media can never be a replacement for real-

world human connection. It requires in-person contact with others

to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel

happier, healthier, and more positive. Ironically for a

technology that’s designed to bring people closer together,

spending too much time engaging with social media can actually

make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental

health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Related Studies
Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan

The result showed that students frequently engage in social

media in order to make new friends, research about their

assignments and source for other educational materials, stay up

to dates with latest trends and news. The finding also showed

that students spend an average, 2 to 4 hours daily on social

media. There was no significant influence of frequency of social

media use by students on their mean academic achievements in

Accounting; however, gender of students was found to have a

significant influence on students’ mean academic achievement in

Accounting. Students should be guided properly and informed on

the vulnerabilities likely to come their way if they fail to

appropriately utilize the opportunities that come with having

social media platforms. (Azubuike et al., 2020)

The findings of De Torres et al., (2021) reveal that

majority of the students used Facebook to communicate with their

friends and relatives followed by Instagram. The students were

using social media daily for 1-5 hours. The only variable that

affected the extent of utilization of social media was the

respondents’ gender. With 0.87, females were two times more

exposed to social media rather than males. The study concludes

that females are more exposed to social media rather than males.

The use of social media by females has to do with their desire to

communicate or share more personal information, revealing more

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about their personal lives. They use social networking sites to

make connections and stay in touch with family or friends. Men,

by contrast, use social media to gather the information they need

to build influence. Facebook is the most preferred social

networking site for students to connect with family and friends.

They are entertained by Facebook. They use a long time chatting

with friends rather than doing school works. Facebook becomes

their daily routine. The study recommends for other researchers

who wish to do a similar study, employ other variables which are

not tested in the study to find other factors that affect the

extent of social media usage of the students.

It was concluded on Benraghda et al., (2018) that in despite

of public views concerning the misuse of social media among

students in the society, most of the students were interested to

use social media positively for their educations. The positive

impacts of social media among the undergraduates appeared to be

higher as compared to negative impacts. However, results showed

that there are no statistically significant differences between

positive and negative impact of social media and students'

academic achievements. Educators and students can use social

media as informational and communicational tools to ease and

improve learning process.

Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan

According to Talaue et al., (2018), social networks becomes

an integral part of the students’ full life, took up most of

their free time. Undoubtedly, in social networks, there are also

things useful for the development of the students. In addition,

communication with peers through social networks can help a

student socialize, find new friends, discuss with them issues

related to studies. Thus, it can be concluded that social media

have a dual impact on student achievement, and it is necessary to

approach adolescents' use of social networks with ultimate



The different studies had cited the "Impact of social media

in the academic achievement of grade 10 "

The above-cited studies are included because of the

similarities and dissimilarities of the present study. The

article by Sreenivasan(2017) entitled, "How to use Social media

in your Career" was formulated to show you the purpose and

importance of using social media, which might help you with your

academic performance and future career.

The article by Netsweeper(2021) entitled, "The Positive and

Negative impact of Social media on Students", stated that despite

Ajat, Iguig, Cagayan

the many positive impacts of Social media on students, It also

gives negative effects to some users. The same goes with the

article by Singh(2023) entitled, "Positive and Negative effect of

social media on Education"

In the last article we cited entitled, "Social media and

Mental health " by Robinson et al., (2023), Social media being

one of the main causes of mental health problems, which also

belongs to the negative effects of social media, was included.

The review of related studies both shows and offer

information that is necessary for defining the impact of Social

media on the academic achievement of grade 10 students. The

related studies are all connected together as they are all about

the effects of social media on students. The reviewed studies

contribute and provide references that help the researcher

compare and discuss the concepts under study.

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