05 FamAP-Lovelin Halinon Agreement

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Family Au Pair and Au Pair Agreement

1. I, Lovelin Halinon, born on the 3rd of June 1998, a Filipino national with passport number P6505830B, living in Purok Malinawon, Barangay
Conel, General Santos, South Cotabato, The Philippines 6000, confirm that I have read all written materials provided by Family aupair in my home
country/ host country and that I have fulfilled all criteria. I understand that the au pair program is a cultural exchange and not a contract of work. I
am aware that being an au pair requires a high degree of both responsibility, flexibility, creativity and that I must take my duties seriously.

2. I shall obtain NBI-clearance or certification of good conduct before I enter my host country.

3. I shall obtain a medical assessment to prove that I am in good health.

4. I shall familiarize myself with all visa requirements. I shall obtain necessary documents such as a valid passport, apostilled birth certificate and
apostilled CENOMAR prior to departure and shall not enter my host country without a proper visa.

5. I agree to abide to all program guidelines and conditions, in particular those regarding: the number and distribution of working hours, au pair
duties, pocket money, free time, holidays, language courses, transportation costs, insurance and the termination of an au pair agreement.

6. If I come straight from the Philippines, I agree to attend workshops provided by Family aupair or its representative, personally or online, so that I
may be fully aware of the au pair guidelines and conditions.

7. After confirmation of placement, I shall keep in touch with my Family aupair and my host family and inform them of my travel arrangements. I
agree not to travel to my host family until I have received an official confirmation of placement from the Family aupair.

8. Upon arrival in my host country, I shall again discuss in detail with my host family the weekly/daily schedule as well as what my and their
expectations of the au pair program is.

9. In the first month after my arrival, I shall weekly keep in touch with the Family aupair to discuss my adjustment period, progress and/or
difficulties I may encounter as an au pair.

10. In the first month I will at least have 1 face-to-face contact with Family aupair in the Netherlands.

11. After my arrival, in the first 2 months, I will have at least 2x a month contact with Family aupair for update, evaluation and when needed for
guidance. I will do this by calling Family au pair and/or sending text messages/email.

12. From the 3rd month until the end of my stay in the Netherlands, I will keep in touch monthly with Family Au Pair by phone, email, text
messaging or meet up with Family aupair personally.

13. I shall join workshops, au pair activities and/or meetings arranged by Family aupair as a part of cultural exchange program for au pairs.

14. I agree to join organized au pair trips and gatherings by Family aupair at least three times during the duration of my stay.

15. I shall carry out my childcare and light housekeeping duties with diligence (Supplement I).
In addition to my au pair duties, I agree to keep my room clean and neat and to make a fair contribution to the cleanliness of the "common areas"
of my host family's home.

16. I agree to abide by all house rules set by the host family (e.g. use of telephone, internet and facilities within the home, daytime and overnight
visitors, smoking, visitors, etc.). During my stay I shall behave in a manner, which does not reflect badly upon my host family and Family aupair.

17. I shall seek the advice of the host family before administering any form of discipline on the children. Under no circumstances shall I hit the
children. I shall under no circumstances leave them unattended or put the children’s safety at risk during my duty. Failure to do so may result to
termination of my contract.

18. I shall give the children and my duties my fullest attention as expected based on the daily/week schedule.

19. I shall only perform tasks related to the au pair program.

19. I agree not to use my mobile phone for personal use such as use of Instagram, Facebook and other social media during my working hours.

20. I agree to separate my personal problems and perform my duties as expected.

21. I shall discuss with my host family any arrangements for holidays well in advance.


family aupair - bringing cultures together 1

Family Au Pair and Au Pair Agreement

22. I shall not undertake any other paid employment as this is against the law in my host country and will perform only those tasks related to the au
pair program.

23. I am aware that I am not allowed to work elsewhere than the home address of my hostfamily where I am registered. Therefore, I agree not to
undertake any work elsewhere.

24. I shall make a concerted effort to experience the culture of my host country and to learn the language. I shall respect cultural differences and
display tolerance towards others.

25. I realize that the success of my au pair stay depends largely on my own initiative. I shall try to integrate myself into family life and, should any
problems arise, communicate openly with the hostfamily and actively seek a solution.

26. If I have any problems or questions, which cannot be discussed and resolved, with the host family, I shall contact the Family aupair in my host
country for assistance and to intervene if necessary.

27. I shall make every effort to resolve any differences with my host family. If no solution can be reached and I decide to leave the family, I agree to
give at least 4-weeks advanced notice in accordance with Family aupair’s terms & condition. During this time period, I shall perform my normal
duties and receive room, board and pocket money. If I request to be placed with a new family, I realize this might involve moving to a different city.

28. Should the host and/or au pair decide to terminate the contract, there is a 4-week period notice to be adhered. Only in case of gross misconduct
can the host family and/or au pair, after permission has been granted by Family aupair, can the hostfamily and/or au pair deviate from this term.

29. Should I not find a new hostfamily, I realize that I have to go back to the Philippines as required.

30. I understand that my participation of the au pair program and contract will be cancelled if:
- I fail to abide by this agreement and program guidelines
- I falsify any information in my application (passport, singleness, educational background, childcare experience, health, etc.)
- I disobey the laws of my host country such as stated by the IND (Dutch Immigration Services)
- I work extra hours for my host family
- I received more than the maximum amount of 340 euro a month
- I take any belongings of the family without permission such as jewelries, clothing, etc.
- I work extra outside the host family
- I work in another address than the address of the hostfamily where I am registered

31. Should my current situation change during the application I agree to inform Family aupair as soon as possible.

32. Should I plan to apply for another visa, regardless of where it may be, I agree to inform Family aupair ahead of time, before submitting any visa

33. I agree to inform Family aupair of any changes in the host family’s situation and week schedule during my stay in the Netherlands, I will inform
Family aupair as soon as the changes occurs. (Supplement II)

34. I agree to inform Family aupair if my situation changes (such as plan to apply for another visa, (regardless of what and where that might be), if I
am pregnant, I am in a relationship, etc. (Supplement II).

35. I agree to inform Family aupair the date of my departure, with at least 4 weeks-notice prior to my departure and before my visa expire.

36. I agree to leave my host country 1 day before my visa expires and shall provide Family aupair a copy of my plane-/bus ticket when asked to.

37. I agree that should I go to another country as au pair that I will inform Family aupair about my next destination as soon as possible and no later
than 2 weeks before my departure. I agree that I will provide Family aupair the contact details of my destination.

38. Should I apply for another visa regardless of what it may be, I agree to provide Family aupair the details regarding this application and shall
provide Family aupair all necessary information; such as address, instutution or name of sponsor.

39. I shall by all means provide Family aupair the information regarding my next destination, such as name of my (host) family, home address,
emails dress and phone number. I will also provide a copy of my visa to my next host country.

40. Before my departure from the Netherlands, I agree to deregister at the Municipal Hall (Gemeente). Should my host want to accompany me
when deregistrating, this will be welcomed.


family aupair - bringing cultures together 2

Family Au Pair and Au Pair Agreement

41. I am aware that Family aupair may terminate my contract/visa should I violate their trust in any way.

42. The TEV card is a property of the Dutch government. Therefore, the au pair must hand it over to Family aupair or surrender it to the IND before
my departure from the Netherlands. It must be returned to the IND at all times.

43. I confirm that I have answered all questions honestly and that all information in this application is true.

44. I shall notify Family aupair immediately if there are any changes that might compromise my application or visa, such as pregnancy.

45. Should I decide to cancel my application, I shall inform the Family aupair at once.

Place & date:

Name of the au pair:


Date and Place: 14-12-2022, Amsterdam

Signature: Patricia Protiar-Baart, Family aupair

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